
Taiwan and Thailand

Trying to take all the rubbish I wrote 'tother day in the previous blog-cum-email-blitz to my eighty-or-so recipients, titled "The Situation Surrounding Taiwan" the one which inspired this, it's kind'a-clear that the west has been longtime trying to "get-in" to Asia.

Whether for Virtuous reasons like to Bring Humanity Together, even through the medium of highly questionable religion - Christianity - or because they're just a rapacious-pack-o' dowgs, using religion as a 'shop-front' to fuck with the larger percentage of, in their limited opinion, useless, dispensable (non-white) Human Beings, the incursion out-of-Europe engulfing planet Earth is seen in places as mentioned - Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, The Philippines and Australia, but also is incaptured in the now-extremely-creole cultures of Thailand, Cambodia, Malaya, and others in the south and western Asian regions.

The 'west' came to Asia on two fronts, run by two powers. USA came througt the eastern-most as-mentioned islands, and the British through India, Thailand, Hong Kong etc.

The westernisation of Asia is regarded, especially by both the Occident and the Orient's most opulant ruling classes, as 'de riguore', and they are very active in protecting it.

Again, a couple of big bombs on Japan, and the following atmosphere, left Japan little choice, back in 1945.

But how long is it expected that de riguore will remain so? Are the wealthy so certain of having complete control of every dissenting group? A joke, to-be-sure.

Nevertheless, this blog-email is to look at Thailiand, in-the-main, but may perhaps expand on Hong Kong statements I threw in earlier.

It may be a strange irony that western methods of accountability have both exposed and brought with them enormous levels of corruption.

One wonders if, in Indigenous nations, uneffected by whitey, there existed, quite harmoniously with the environment, with the BIG Law, Lore, Etc, laws of trade and inter-relationship, which by western standards are corrupt, yet have existed for tens of thousands of years in Natural Balance, perhaps made more possible and Liberal for the lack of official laws restricting or penalising productivity or light-footprint-living.

But I'm probably dreaming, because war and feudal conflict has been the way for yonks, aye? Not to mention the abject poverty and inhumane treatment which has undoubtedly been common for ages, at times in all cultures.

But as one of the perceived enemies today is corruption, and the better states are trying to restrain that possibly natural phenomenon (trade-incites-corruption? Or, corruption is implicit in trade), we can see that all nations are in-it-pretty-deep, and that this is encouraged and bribed-for by the top what? 20%.

Well, there's a shitload of lower-class people who are also convinced the opulant materialistic way is the way. Totally, in other words, 'captured' by the magical hype of the TV adverts and billboards etc, etc, etc, McEtcetera.

Conscious of it or not, there's an whole-'nother world of corruption going on through-out the lower class - the lower 80%, once more, as de riguore, as accepted as the way things are, can't be changed, accept, accept.

Nevertheless, support has been given to the most corrupt power-brokers in each nation, with conditions of having to adopt the invader's system of accounting, and it's 'request' of claiming the majority of the most valuable mining or agri-rich territories, if not the sweat and labour of the masses of 'darkies' or niggers or hummmm.

This is no less the case in the Indo-Chinese, South East Asian countries, perhaps Thailand more than others.

1516: Portugese envoy to Thai Court. 1611: British factory established.

Longtime ago now.

So the western creep has sunk deep into the psyche of the Indo-Chinese Peoples WEST-SOU'-WEST of "Oh HELLO!" China.


The Best Way to appease the contentious forces within the whole Indo-Chinese continent, peninsula and islands, from East of Japan to west of Saudi Arabia, to end on a ludicrius note, is for all the Tribes, Peoples, Races and Nations on the same chunk of real estate - Asia - to form One Federation of Democratic Asian Republics, just to tickle the markets.........

So the whole of Asia, not just Taiwan, to avoid future inter-nation tension and conflict needs to re-evaluate their relationship with everything they have adopted from the principally American consumerist-materialist culture, and make some hard decisions about what they want to become culturally, in the coming decades, decades which will one way or the other set the direction for the next several centuries, I'd suggest.

Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Malaya.

India, Pakistan, Gulf Nations, Afghanistan, istan-istan-istan, Himalayan Nations, Mongolia, North Korea, South as well, of course, and the rest, Laos, China.........

Sorting the good aspects and legacies of the west from the bad bits, shouldn't break the stock markets too much, only so much as to make an honest bunch of the wholly unethical western pieces of shit, which might cause some significant parring of the wider economic 100 richest families rorts written into law in most done-over nations. In most Nations......

Any Shaman would look at the Asian (or any) westernisation as a case of western magi doin' their thing, and would also see most of it as utterly fuckin' evil, but would never say it so, like me. But I'm an uninitiated layman?

Technology has two purposes. One is to bring us all together.

But the dark side is that it makes us more materialistic, more addicted to technology itself, forgetting altogether it's real purpose - (but to give Humanity Victory over the forces of darkness............., Luke! Yep! the ones who're developing them!)), thus cannot so easily raise our selves beyond the lowliness of the materialistic, insane world.

It has become a cultural thing of huge proportions, and yet it'd be easy for the Eastern, Asian National leaders to wave away any concerns herein raised.

But those Leaders I have observed over the last thirty casual years, appear to me to be saying "there lives quite confident and deep, in all Asian People, upto the top, an awareness of the generic occidental approach to life and inter-relationship, and that while the west remains so invasive in it's want to conquere the infidel (ie., "US"), we remain ever-vigilant as to the underside of the beast".

Clearly the west has impinged tremendously over the last century, and now the upper echelons of all non-western nations are totally dependant on Microsoft, IBM, Westinghouse, GE, etcetera-and-on, OH! Not forgetting good-ol' Haliburton. Sssetera.

And the profit-centred, car and petro-fueled transport systems and economies the nations in question are forced - but also spellbound - into accepting.

One loose Prophet says that, if you confront the puppet-master face-on, you'll dispell their trickery.

A Collective of "One Asia", might on one hand have Israel push it's big red button, because "It wants to be the chosen tribe, poo-pooh!", and so if'n it can't be then no-one will.

Where the fuck's that 'good little Jewish boy', NOW, just when you need him? Him?

But a Collective........, including Islam, might, if Rising from within ALL Nations, have Ariel Sharon only too happy to drop-in for a chat.

Corr!@#$%^ it's hard doing this on a cafe laptop...........

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