
Cities are deadly heat banks, and gotto GO!

Just flung this one off to ABC Radio National's "Australia Talks Back" program.

Heat banks are what cities are in this regard.

Unsustainable. Untenable, Environmentally, Economicly, Socially and Culturally.

Supply of all consumables to cities depends on innefficient transportage, created by irregular, hmmm?, random population distribution, oriented around personal advantage, made manifest pruely through financial advantage to the few, with no Social Ethos applied to Regulate the economy, conflicting with Social, Cultural and thus overall Human Advantage.

Environmentally, cities are a terminal concept, in that they have passed their "use-by" date.

The Good Institutions the city concept have assisted into existence, combined with Democratic, decentralised populations and modern technology for to assist Social, Economic Accountability, are with us, enough to "move forward" with the dissolution of the untenable heat banks, cities are, to more Naturally distributed Peoples (Globally) according to Agrarian Socialism. Or Social Agrarianism.

The scientific evidence is "out-there"! Our western lifestyles, so oriented blindly around the consumer-city model, cars and all, is DEADLY to Life-on-Earth.

Tree-changers are in High Demand Globally, Truth be Known!


Max No Difference

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