Just started reading an eye-opening book called "Dope, Inc. Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars", printed by New Benjamin Franklin House in 1986, which refers to the shift in the USA, by that nation's, Britain's and indeed the planet's big-time, like BIG time drug mafiosososo, into casinos, a la "Las Vegas" for the explicit purpose of "laundering" the dirty drug profits. This was over the last one hundred years, and less.
As to the ultimate purpose and employment of that under-the-craptable-money?
Some was for the pockets of the greedy rich bastards, and some was for a rather large counter-drug war mafiosoes, who railed against the prohibitions in law against use and importing etc of some drugs, while others, in the control of the global cartellian elite (well-embedded in global governments) were legal.
Something like that?
Well, funny that James Packer, since the passing-over of his father Kerry, is what, mooted to want to dump his media interests in favour of MORE CASINOS?
One must ask oneself?
Jeeezuz James!?
How on Earth can someone as positioned as yourself, turn away from the media in the most important era of Human, Earth existence?
Agreed, the large body of media "Titles" in PBL's stable are absolute trash, in, in this day and age, quality and "Upliftment" if-I-may, of the People.
But as you're such a young and spritely lad, albeit that Dad called you something like a dumb-arse, can you not see any sort of "Mission" in Life for yourself to embrace, or, Embrace, with the extremely powerful tool the media is. The media you, with Good Guidance, could employ to stop the social, environmental, political and icebergal decline (plural)?
Let's face it, the majority of your media-spunges/readers/watchers are as dumb-as-dog-shit, when it comes to popular entertainment. They see very little of the actual intentions of adverts, programs, docos, music, etc. A result of our Christian Mammonic cult, ex-Judea, ex-Egypt (IT WUZ THE PAROAH'S FAULT), they're resigned to find succour in out-there material things, like the media-junket Daddio established (by-hook-or-by-crook).
Thus we consume about twenty-times tooo much of what we ought, and melt the ice-caps in the process.
Daddio, it must be said, James, was acutely aware of this market, and ruthlessly exploited it.
It may be that you James are so ashamed of your father's empire and it's dumb-'em-down legacy that you want nothing to do with the, that, extremely filthy side of life.
A side which has powerful and generally negative effects upon the greater culture and society, if improperly used.
Nevermind upon the bloody KIDS!
So, as you have the choice, of turning away from your "Fellow Humans", albeit that your elite position has inherant trouble regarding yourself(selves) as one of the six billion-plus race, are you, like a blinded majority, running away from the FACTS about where Humanity, Australia, and wherever you like is going, and that, with a bit of True Dedication, from the downtown drunks to the richest most influential media mogul, the Corrections necessary, and IN A HURRY, ARE possible.
Co-operation for starters.
Hark! Does he mean Cooperatives? Collectives? Communes again?
Fuckin' Right he does!
Who has explored the roots of Culture? Of Culture worth Keeping?
No matter what "objections" come from those born to be led?
Democracy is a farse. A criminal farce, employed as a foil upon the eyes and mind of the masses.
The media is fundamental and instrumental in shaping and controlling the progress or otherwise of People and whichever Culture, whichever cult, arises around them. From within them.
To throw out an idea, guaranteed never to be directly adopted, but with something of an Altruistic tone to it, and an act, by the target and subject of this e-bloggmissile, James Packer has the choice to make:
I've shaken the confidence and misbeliefs of many a wealthy redneck with the vibe "Why be an arsehole to the majority of your Brothers and Sisters of Earth by fighting to protect the corruption that puts so many in poverty and depravity?
Corruption that so 'spoils' the children of the elite to being the worst examples of our species ever?"
"Far better" I say, "surely, to Stand Tall for Justice in Land Reforms and Distribution Issues, Issues Fundamental to ANY move by Humanity toward Peace on Earth."
History will treat you in a far Greater Light, you can be sure. For even though the very same media consortia and social peerage your family is intwined with, the global Brettonwoods 'gaggle' et al, seem terminally welded to the belief that they and their psycho-materialistic buddies have fucked the planet, or that it is rooted beyond a million-year nuclear winter, from about 2012 and a severe little pole shift, and therefore we have but one choice: excess-excess-excessive partying.................,
They may be wrong................
What then?
Much recrimination, much Celebration, much Work to be done.
Work from sweeping the gutters to Properly Informing and Educating the Masses.
With the experience you have accrued, with some frivolous and therefore ultimately expensive lessons ("crims" know much more than the obedient operator!), and the established connections, so-to-say, not all irreparably corrupt, a network as large and 'deep' in the country's view, psyche, Hopes, as yours, YOURS is, could give the six year old kids here behind me in the mobile library, a Sound Reason to watch tele, read magazines, and "Listen", and to Grow-Up not with false hopes but with True Facts about Life-on-Earth and beyond, to the New-Found Spiritual Realms those Lucky-Lucky kiddies are Destined to Inherit.
An Inheritance, Jamey ma' boy, of the Wisdom of the Natural Bliss that Lives beyond, behind the material shroud the current media-pathologicals have dumped upon us. An Inheritance many, many kids are being taught to Embrace round-about-these-Nimbin-Hills, and other Alternative Centres globally now, which needs quickly to be disseminated through the whole Human population. James.
Unless of course, you're a bloody "Revelationist" of the "Illuminadi"-type and believe Armageddon is unavoidable?
Thoughts become Options. Beliefs become Blissful Reality or support destructive behaviour, delusion. Truth has little chance against repetative dogma, forced into our minds. Dogma blocks Truth, creates untruths, creates delusions about everything. Especially the intangible Truths, the Esoteric, the Magical Possibilities.
It is EXTREMELY dangerous to leave such important aspects of the "Spiritual All" of each of us, thus of the Cosmos, of the past, present and future, of the Astral, in the hands of such a closed institution as our churches and synagogues, especially while they present the only doctrine, the only teachings, the only guidance to the flockers. Utterly untrue dogma and bad guidance such as "Have Faith" while the priesthood and their elite masters increase their wealth, and behind the scenes in far-off lands, commit the greatest atrocities against the Word of Jesus and of God.
This is worse than giving your Landlord total control over what goes in and out through your email Internet Service Provider (ISP).
There are more Australians (and Human Beings) wanting the planet to exist-on for a few thousand more years, than there are Illuminadi-partygoers. Partygoers it MUST be said, who come so forcefully from the religious institutions, colleges and cults. Cults of the Judeo-Christian warp believing imposed beliefs (accompanied by serious doses of bad magical spells) designed strickly to sustain the elite minority. At no matter whose, or how many's cost!
Get over it Christian! And don't be too lazy about it.
James Packer, please don't be influenced by the tripper who remains, social mores and beliefs are extremely dangerous from her circles, in this time of serious reassessment and change across the world.
Hard though this may be, but many of Australia's fatalistic, and ignorance preferring public, are just so, because of Kerry's approach, to Life, to Media and to other Australians. Even though I'm sure there are thousands of stories of his beneficence.
Its imperative that you have the Right "Team" with and behind you, say what. And I can well imagine how hard to find they are?
Circles, James, Circles. So, without any delay, young fella, I say you should get-up right now and drive to Nimbin for an ounce of Supremo Buds, roll-up wherever you can fiond a seat, get utterly wasted, and have a chat with the locals about media dissemination nationally, United under one Banner of Media and Political, Religious and Falafel Reform, a la the Newly Released "Nimbin Model" (yet to be written, but precursors can be obtained at www.maxnodifference.blogspot.com. Read ANY article!), of Co-Operation and Collective Empowerment Through The Facts!
Circles..., Hmmm? Kerry didn't have to be down there with the masses to be able to read them, and cater to their parochial demands in the fields of entertainment. But perhaps he 'cut-his-teeth' in a day when we of the rest-of-us weren't all so pressured, so driven to impress and exhert influence on his top-floor ilk?
Today, the Wise run a marathon to avoid the purile and sychophantic utterances from the ever-ambitious, who are ju-ust beneath your level, for the Wise Know they are dangerous to be around. Very profitable often, in the short-run, but for the Greater Good, I guarantee you, they are none-but-a-curse.
Hard Love there James, unfortunately, for I suspect those I've just described and denigrated are very much a part of your current, wealth-related associates, peer group and dynastic family friendships. Indeed, how can it be otherwise?
You may be surprised James Packer, of just how many people feel sorry for you, for they know you are likely never to really have a deep and lasting friendship with any more than a couple of mates, filthy-fucking-rich-mates, and that the vast majority of your relationships, particularly in the fashion-fanatical media of Kerry's creation, but probably MORE SO in the casino industry you have been steered to prefer, are totally superficial, with either fear of offending you or psychotic lust for your wealth and power bringing them to lick-your-arse whenever they can.
So THAT'S why James is rumoured to be leaving the media industry?
Well, as the evil empire of Channel Nine morphs without Kerry, James has the option of bringing it back to Reality with a shift in programming to be Instructive, Educative, Informative, AND FACTUAL, for the Betterment of Humanity, NOT YET EXTINCT.
Such an Idea, James, might very well attract around your Better Self, a Collective (Oh NO!) of Truer Spirits, Wiser Spirits, Positive and Magicly Creative Spirits, with the Will enough to Empower a whole suffering population to dispell the deceptions a dark religious cult has caste over us for several centuries.
The Collective Will, is pretty Powerful.......
The world is in urgent need of Sound Economic, Political and Social (Customs) Education.
Ve haf zee technology! Ve haf zee medium! And ve haf zee fatalistic, narrow-minded elite, saying "Fuck every child of the future! we want our Jollies NOW!"
"Because we can afford them!!!!!"
Ant... ve haf a stinkink rich kid who don' know where to spend his squillions.
We cannay be sure, but there is always a possibility a pole shift CAN be avoided.
Its a Spiritual Thing, y'know?
Not much is said of the "Three Wise Men" who allegedly attended Jesus ben Joseph's birth in Bethlehem. Adds 'mystery' to the story doesn't it?
"Magi" as these three were, don't get too much mention in the Judeo-Christian texts. It's possibly closer to the truth that Jesus was a Highly evolved Magi, rather than any "Messiah". Whence He came therefore, in the Cosmic and Spiritual and Galactic senses, is beyond me.
But His Power to Lift People's, the Fallen's, Minds to the Spiritual Heights was/is through the ability to change people's beliefs, to extreme optimism.
His Power was such that it gave them an immediate dissintegration of the delusions of limited beliefs, transporting them Straight to GOD, if you like.
We may laugh at this now and holler about the fact that Christianity is predominantly to blame for the environmental destruction, which brings into question the veracity of Jesus' Teachings, and of any alleged Truth He spoke.
But there is no doubt, as you know, James, that there is much much more to Live for here and beyond, with Right Thoughts, Right Actions, than any short-term delusions which may be popular amongst those little in Knowledge of the Whole Picture.
Maybe your Dad would smile down, or...., upon you, were you to put all the Capital Dad accrued into such an Optimistic, possibly Scientificly supportable Notion.
For the Future.
For the Kids.
For the Good of All.
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