In the News! - W.A. Police kill suspect
Thursday 2 Feb '06 5:45PM
Nimbin NSW Australia
When I heard that the fella William John Watkins - shot dead in Western Australia yesterday by a policeman - was a suspect in the murder of two Melbourne girls living in his same Melbourne-suburban street, I hurt psycho-pathicly from a feeling that Watkins had set-up a situation, via doing-a-runner from a petrol station, for the W.A.coppers to kill him.
Why those two girls?
Who, what, possessed Watkins?
Was he seeking escape from the demonic spirits who possessed him to kill 2 women?
Were they possessing him?
Yes, he's reputed to have a terribly awry life of brutality, before this alleged double murder.
However, while the facts about occult possession and bad magic are not confronted in matters such as this one, poor corrupted, "captured" sods, like William John Watkins will continue to roam the Universe, uncontrollably inflicting some other sadistic puppet-master's will upon apparently innocent Human Beings.
May The Great God Rest William John Watkin's Soul.
May the Law Talk True about the occult, in these kind of occurances!
Australia's history is riddled with occultism. (Indeed, where in all the Universes is the occult NOT?)
One of the most ignored-yet-prime examples of the mis-use of occultism, or more specifically, black magic, was in 1808: the ill-reputed "Rum Rebellion", where the Good Governor William Bligh was overthrown by one John Macarthur, of "Merino-sheep" fame.
Reading history's records with an astute eye, it is blatantly obvious that Macarthur and therefore, we must assume an evergrowing contingent of his drones, were abusing the occult, no less, as I say, on the then Legitimate Governor of New South Wales, William Bligh.
Also, we must not hide the historical facts about, particularly NSW, that a large percentage of the people have direct "Convict" roots. Or, many today are descendants of the numerous and infamous "Rum Corps" who rose to significant levels of power in the late 1790s, and ended-up dominating the new country "post-Rum-Rebellion", made-up mainly at first by the oft'-unwillingly conscripted and oft' drunkard and corrupted officers of the English Armed Services, acting as the new colonies police force.
Alas! John Macarthur was indeed an ambitious Sergeant in the Army in the late 1790s.
Corruption, permeating as deeply as it has through New South Wales, tends to prefer to keep the masses materially content, and ignorant of the True Political, Economic and Socio-psychological Facts.
Religion has done a top job of hiding the other Knowledge People need - Spiritual FACTS - from us also, say what?
NSW was the perfect manifestation for that - low IQ soldiers and convict-slaves, ("keep 'em fightin' among 'emselves!"), a militarily weak Indigenous population, and HEAPS of Land!
So, much of it remains, today. No blame.
However, we have a Great Fight still ahead of us. But not against rednecks.
G.W. Bush may have sucked the wind from their techno-sails with his latest "Green" agenda, as spoken in yesterday's "State of the Union" address, even though he says he will "save the werle" with technology.
Since those "heady" days of the early 19th century, our Land has been terribly polluted with bad magic, most of it kept very secret from the majority by the sneaky devils possessed of it. Much of the bad magic has emanated from our fine religious houses, through their private schools, and children's homes etc.
Many a very sick clergymen has been brought to Justice of late for our Good Work against the church, and the Courage we have given those 'til now kept silent.
However, whether via the church or via the elites, or both (often the case), or one of the innumerable witch's covens, many of today's terribly corrupted Souls, not far-at-all from the likes of William John Watkins, are just "ridden" Souls at the bottom-end of a long and labrynthical world of spellbinding psychos.
Psychos, as it has just happened, who may be out-of-control teenage girls, made-insane by some secretive "puppet-master" black magician, or through their own dysfunctional occult-empowered psyche, chose to step over the line enough to kill a cabbie.
Or they may be a megalomaniac deviously, psychoticly and secretively "pulling the strings" of People up as high in global power as the G.W. Bush Administration?
But then there's the aliens.............?
If media AND OUR POLICE FORCES, JUDGES, COURTS AND INCARCERATORS, refuse to recognise these elements effecting Human behaviour, the decline of Humanity will keep-on unchecked.
Better than any "prison", is the Knowledge to release ourselves, our Souls, from the tyranny of the unloosed "astral" mind, from a mind controlled by other than our True Self.
It is clear to me-me-me that the "professional" institutions of medicine, psychology, psychiatry and psycho-analysis etc., have quite deliberate intentions of keeping this occult in their bag as a powerful tool to control patients, often incorrectly diagnosed and incarcerated in mental health clinics.
Though suspicious of it for decades, this I discerned beyond doubt in the three weeks holiday my Mummy gave me in "Richmond Clinic" Lismore last year.
The prescribed drug-of-preference in there was... surprise-surprise GW Bush-aka "Eli Lily" pharmaceuticals "Zyprexa", the "dumb-ya-downer-of-the-decade" and the largest imported-drug bill for Australian Health.
A drug employed, I was recently "told" by a witch, to close the slave-classes' "third eye(s)", the Ajna Chakra of the forehead.
I believe it!
Further sinister control games by the most corrupt - the G.W. Bush dynasty and their deeply-ill fundamentalist Christian church covenssssss.
These headshrinker "professionals" need we be reminded, have acquired all their secretive medical and psychic "knowledge" from the Christian church schools they were deeply and deviously indoctrinated in as children!?
The currently banned Herb "Marijuana" has been known for millennia for it's inherant properties condusive to awakening the Spiritual or Astral Eye. The Eye which gives the individual His Union with the Supreme Light of God etc.
Marijuana has been called, and perhaps rightly - "Jesus Weed".
This Eye, under Right Guidance, can empower each one of us to Live True to the Edicts of "Right Thought, Right Action", the Highest Call for Humanity, and all we need to overcome the feared "end-of-the-world".
Be sure! The fundamentalist Christians DON'T WANT THAT! For it will blow their delusions of "Biblical Revelation" and A(bigshitfightin)mageddon, where they believe they will FINALLY rid Earth of the devil!
However, all is not lost to the devil within 'em. Or to the demonic Judeo-Catholic church and it's branch-offices of "Protestant-ism"!
As they, the powers-that-be, realise the dogma they've been pull-pitting-on-about for around seventeen hundred years is hocus-pocus, full of BAD ju-ju, and adjust their nano-shrunk world-view to a few previously UNIMAGINABLE facts, even GW and ("Pull Dee Chainee") VP Cheney may be capable of awakening their Higher Soul and change.............. um........... the military?
At least he and his mobsters, with Good Guidance from the Mountain, are being seen to be waking-up in regard to several political "hot-potatoes".
Global warming for one! GEORGE GOES GREEN!
THEREFORE.... There's no reason to believe he and his mob cannot "Wake-up!" to other delusions long-fostered by the spellcasting devils of centralised religion, aka Judaism and........... Rome!
(That, and the voluntary "DISSOLUTION of the Nation of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA" might just save young-ol' GW's assss, from the "burning ring" awaitin’ him, down-below, where de demons go…….
If Society "Spoke Out" about the deadly effects the occult has and is having upon the People, in issues such as crime and power-abuse, the religions might find a legitimate place in society, and Potentially Good Men like Bill J Watkins, might live as The Greatest Will would've had them.
Peaceloving, Hardworking and Honest.
Linked to the above phenomena, I was alerted to a news report today on ABC Radio National's "World Today" about the leading crim to face court over the 2001 United States "ENRON" corporate scandle.
The report said that "nobody was prepared to say so in public or on the record, that the fella, "ex-chief executive Ken Lay" was a scumbag, but off-the-record, almost all said so.
I suggest that no-one wants him to know because the prick would've readily maliciously employed black magic upon them. The dangers, by all acounts, are frightening.
The sole reason penisheads like Ken Ley get to the top in the most rotten business environment on Earth, is their egomaniacal employment of their occult powers.
A "Natural Evolution for Humanity" it may well be, but unqualified use may well also destroy life on Earth. Perhaps more deadly than nuclear weapons.
I Call Australia's State Police Forces to consider these points in their prosecution of People charged with violent crimes etc.
And Legalise Marijuana!
Or....? How about reducing the global price of the Herb-Superb!?
The "Poverty-line" should be set, on when a person can no longer afford his medicine!
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