
"Three Rocks" and "Extra-Terrestrials"!

Diary Notes, written 10-51AM, Saturday 22nd April 2006., and expanded-upon Sunday 23rd April 2006.

At about 7-00PM on Thursday night 20th April 2006, for the first time in my life, I, that is "my eyes", perceived an "Airborne Higher-Intelligence Life Form", which may qualify as an "Alien spaceship".

I saw it for perhaps 3 to 4 seconds, in the sky above Canberra, but I saw no "ship" as-it-were, just a small as-if-distant cluster of "glows" of light.

Memory of the sight returns "3 circles" grouped, connecting, side-by-side, with the central one larger in diameter, travelling in direction perpendicular to their common axis. They were more "glows" than solid rings.

It's speed, decelleration, constancy of glow and controlled curve in it's path before it was hid by trees, make for serious reason to Accept, that there are Other Intelligent Lives being Lived, now here on and around Earth, but back "whence they came" also, in outer space.

I ruminate, that, on the "law of averages" 60% are of the Light, and at least 50% of the remainder would be of the Light also, and try to think Reasonably about such an Aim.

"Welcome, Lords from Afar!"

Praise Be!

Meditating upon this phenomenon, has me conclude that my Politics, which have evolved to become determinedly against the "dominant Christian materialist paradigm" (and world-reknown for that!), to the latest point of being determinedly FOR the Ways of Aborigine, are True, enough for at least one Mob of Extra-Terrestrial Beings, to themselves "Human Beings" I suspect, to show themselves at last, to my own eyes, mind and heart.

Smacks of egocentrism I concede, but it cannot be waved aside, as I, that same morning, performed a Most Revolutionary, Symbolic Act against the global "powers-that-be", by driving to the "British High Commission" in Commonwealth Ave, Canberra, parking opposite the guardhouse/entry (adjacent to the side of the "People's Republic of Communist China" Embassy), walking to the guard and told him I was going to go around the front of the British High Commission property and throw three rocks onto the roof.

After a five minute tirade to the guard, expressing in a very loud and angry voice, my utter disgust with the same powers, of Britain, China and Russia principly, for the way they are destroying billions of Human lives, and the whole planetary environment with their blackmarket of global drugs cartels etc, etc, etc.

I then drove back to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, where I'd been staying for two weeks or so, selected three "quarter-brick" sized rocks from the rubble, drove back, parked away from the High Commission, walked-then-I-did, all-by-myself, obeying the "WALK" signs at the traffic lights, back to the front of the High Commission buildings, and was about to start "firing", when I was spoken-to by the "Protective Services" guard on duty inside the Commission's three-metre high fence.

Thereafter ensued about an hour-and-a-half of lucid, concise rantings by myself, to firstly one Sergeant of the Protective Services guarding the Commission, then, after taking him and two other constables over the way to my van (to see my driver's licence) to two other, plain-clothed "officers".

After the chat, I gave them a copy of my recent article on Aborigine Sovereignty in Australia, and we went away quite happy about it all.


Obviously, such an action, clearly NOT that of a madman, demands some kind of follow-up, from myself.

My sword is my voice, be-it vocally or in writing.

I prefer the latter.

The British High Commissioner Knows very well that there is an ARREST WARRANT in the making for her, as Representative of Aunty HRH, and as representative of the apparent "Prime Minister" of Britain, Mr Tony Blair and his government, as does the Embassy of the U.S.A., know the same is coming for their President Mr George Bush, et al.

Superficial to a large degree, I am well aware. At least that is the way I expect them to regard these attempts at Justice.

But it does depend upon how I scribe the warrants.

If I lay the charges that no-one else (it seems) is able, against the offending parties of Britain, Russia, China, Australia, and others, and on the other side of the fence of offences, the United States of America, et al, of;

-"consorting to commit large-scale crimes against the well-being of one or a number of Peoples, Nations and their Lands....,"

-"by corrupting national laws and legal systems to suit their own 'agenda of global dominance' according in-part, to the delusional edicts of one Cecil Rhodes and his Secret (global) Society, out-of Oxford, England, amongst a labrynth of other, essentially British-run global cartels and their corporate officers",

-"by corrupting otherwise Sovereign national laws and legal systems to suit their own 'agenda of global dominance' over some seven-eighths of Humanity, with a firm agenda of destroying "Local Culture", to be replaced with delusional and dangerously flawed 'British, Judeo-Christian' ideology and culture, by maladaption and corruption of the Laws of all Sovereign Nations, namely-in-part; Britain, France, Germany, Italy, United States of America, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, et al.....,"

(a complete list would include most all Nations on Earth, and especially most-all so-called "third-world nations"),

"...detailing Scientific Research Data and Verified Evidence proving that, 'the imposed laws are based upon seriously flawed ideology and NOT upon Verifiable Scientific Evidence', nor upon any Divined Wisdom, detailing also 'the effects of the illegal laws upon the well-being of the society into which they have been drafted'....,"

....quoting also the various documented proofs of their crimes, a la the numerous references found in "Dope Inc., Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars" by the Editors of "Executive Intelligence Review", (published by New Benjamin Franklin House, 1986), the offending parties-er-governments-er-nasty-little-global corporations, might be induced to sit-up, as-it-were, and even to "Listen-Hard" to the charges,

AND, more importantly at this perilous point for the planet, to "LISTEN HARD" to the Option.... NOTE: 'OPTION' SINGULAR, which I Hope, in the coming period, to elucidate and invoke.

I accept, but will no longer tolerate, how hard it is for them to "LISTEN", what with all of old Cecil's bad magic spells-and-charisma bouncing around in their almost wholly hypnotised bodies, brains, minds, hearts and Souls.............! Something we have the seriously awry Judeo-Christian indoctrination schools and universities to thank for.....


I speak, it seems, for the well being of the Planet in general, and definitely NOT for Human Beings alone.

Time's a comin', to be sure, for the big change.

Democracy is so immature (or better; 'corrupted') in Australia and in the "west" generally, and yet is being instituted everywhere else on Earth, based upon ignorance and fraudulant underlying beliefs, by the institutors, the elite.

These are the so-called "Democrats" who are also right behind the push for a "Messiah" to appear.

It amazes me that no-one has spoken out, about the fundamental flaw in the Judeo-Christian belief that we, Human Beings, can have anything like "True Democracy" i.e., "Rule (or Power) by the People", while there is a totally antagonistic and contradictive "ideology" ridiculously asserting that we must await a "Spiritual Leader", the Messiah, to give us Peace..., to make us all gods, or such-like?

Truth be Known, the Messiah is Pure Knowledge, or Our True Self.

The Messiah is the Message, Folks. NOT the Patsy (Bless the poor bastard!)any church or occultist (false) lords can construct.

It is sublimely ironic that the character necessary to survive the enemies of Justice, enough to get the Knowledge on Perrenial Economics - Land Rent for Government Revenue - out to the Mass of Humanity, had to be as tough as a Hell's Angel, the same type of character most feared, despised and condemned by the so-called "Messiannist" Christians. Ain't 'ignorance' such a giggle?!

Christianity is a tomb for your Soul, so I suggest to any who want for a Better, that-is an "Enduring-and-Just Life on Earth", through which only, may we Attain to True Peace on Earth, that they abandon as many of their deeply indoctrinated Ju-Christ cult beliefs and dogma, for the "Minimalist Life", away from the current materialist (Mammom-ist) deathstyles of bank-debt and death-pledges, and promptly familiarise their Hearts, Minds and Souls with the Aborigine Way of "Treading Lightly on God's Earth".

"Three rocks" and a "spaceship" may be signs enough to accept that THE Change has Begun.

Symbolism, so often used to an aggressor's advantage in war, has been employed by the white (British) invaders to Australia in most every way possible.

Unfortunately one filthy-rich, thus quite deluded Cecil Rhodes of Oxford England, has used it and every other dubious means for instituting "British"-ness over the Australian Aborigine, and others, from the current "hotspots" of Papua New Guinea, Bougainville Islands and the Solomon Islands, to the slow genocide being played-out across Africa.

"Rhodesia" now "Zimbabwe" is a classic and hubristicly overt example of the delusions and disasters which Rhodes and his queer little English "secret occultist society" sought to afflict upon the whole, once Beautifully Natural Planet.

So, as the BIG FELLA in Australia, and as the BIG FELLA in the Isles of Britain, coming as I do from Ancient and True Stock (my Grandfather Australian Aborigine "Donald Sutherland Willis", Ruler of the Southern Lands, by name, and "Max Nichols Meredith", my name, Greatest Great Chief of the Victorious Peoples of Ancient Britain I Call Britain to Act Justly, by conceding Sovereignty to the Australian Aborigine.


In contemplation of the matter, amidst urgings by Christians to steal the symbols employed against Australians-black-and-white - the Sword in particular, adorning the statue of King George V on the front step of the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy - so-as to symbolically disempower the bastards, I came to the conclusion, not beyond adjustment, that I see no Good in stealing anything from the thieves, for there is bound to be an abreaction, just as there have been following most-every "Revolution" in history.

I have, for some reason, all my life very-much-liked "swords" and well-made knives etc., but I'm still inclined to the belief that the Best one could do, Symbolically and Ceremonially, is to have the Symbols of Power of the British Empire, i.e., King George's Sword, Mace and Orb, taken down Peaceably by BOTH Parties involved, ie., the British Regent, and the Australian Aborigine People's Most Regarded Representative, and transferred from Britain to Australia, for once, and for All.

I suggest that in the same ceremony the Sword, should be snapped-in-two, as a Symbol of the end to the division and thus any need for weapons of war, any more. But I am open to different opinions on the snapping-of-the-sword.

The Ceremony befitting such a Just Act, of Britain Acting as their Great Lord Wills it, is for their most senior Representative, be-it the High Commissioner, the Prime Minister or Aunty HRH Elizabeth Windsor Herself, to come to the Aborigine Tent Embassy in King George Terrace, Canberra, opposite the Old Parliament House, and in a Fitting and Proper Ceremony, hand to the Australian Aborigine, the "Orb, Mace and Sword" which now symbolicly adorn the Statue of King George V of England.

I, Max Nichols Meredith, on Behalf of All Aborigine of Australia and of the Earth, will accept these Symbols of British Rule, in a fitting and Proper, Peaceful Ceremony only, as a sign that We, as One Human Race, have Matured to the point where such symbols, such weapons, of authority and oppression, may be laid aside, so that we all may Speak, Clearly and True, and so that we may all Listen, Clearly and True, to the Word awaiting Humanity in the long-lost "Holy Grail" of the Two Path Knowledge of the "Great Ancestor True Fella Spirit", Father and Lord of all Life, and of the Knowledge of Land, Land Use, Land Distribution and Occupation.

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