Of the last weeks, I've been reviewing the global situation, in regards to the environment, the economy, the "Ethos", and the "unknown unknowns" (to myself) of possible alien invasion for-to plunder all earth's useful resources, perhaps like uranium, oil, gold, I dunno, but whatever, and worst-case-scenario, to massacre Humanity on the way.
Big issues, me thinks.....
Prior to the latest blast of information on such as the global drugs blackmarket and its ramifications, the threatened "pole shift" in six years maybeeee..., its ramifications being the END of all Human life, bar a few unlucky survivors, possibly forever......, and the apparent fascism which hubristically exherts it's brute power of belief over the majority of Humanity, occultism at it's most dangerous, perhaps, Christianity and Judaism aside, I wuz defining, perhaps as-in a dream, perhaps Idealistically, perhaps Scientifically..., the bare-essentials Humanity must have to survive perpetually, indefinitely, perrennially, on Earth, forward from here, 2006CE.
Deciding who was Credible as a global power to "side with" has been nye-on impossible, bloody hard at least, for getting the facts has been my hardest task these last two decades or so, on the above mentioned "crimes-and-crises".
It seems I have "sympathies" on all sides of the political football, and many want me to join them. So long as I become "the" advocate for their political agenda.....
Obviously I'm in a peculiar situation myself, what with being blind in my third eye, so I am not privy to some important and critical information, facts, truths, whatever.
The FACTS are that BOTH or ALL sides of the political, religio-ideological divide are as erring and as dangerous as each other. Neither are near being the "other-side" of the political debate, between "Community first" and "Individual first" (aside perhaps from a few Aborigine Organisations), yet both sides have Good, Sound belief-structures to their credit.
Both, to me however, are short-sighted in their contemplations of the "Ideal" per se "Political Society", neither having deconstructed all or any of the crucial, local, parochial, personal myths perpetuated by their own fantacism, if not by deliberate elitist perversion/subversion of the two most vital ingredients to a Sound Secure and perpetual-leaning Life - Self-Knowledge and Land Rent.)
I'm not refering to the Aborigine Mobs there.
Indeed, the Aborigine seem to me to have the Way, for Humanity to survive the coming days, and the longer the rest of us, mainly the dumb-flockers clinging to the shitty-city-gritty lifestyles, stay clinging to the city-read-death-cult, the harder and worse it is going to be, for everyone, once the environmental and thus economic walls are washed down.
The latest news broadcasts say that "global warming is accelerating!" etc?
Made by Mankind!
Some men are more powerful than others.....
Many people have their occult powers, or third eye open today. This introduces a "power" to effect the wind, the rain, and the heat of the day. A powerful enough person can effect major weather changes to climate.
Some people, and other "conscious" beings, can apply "psychic heat" to large areas, as large as the polar regions, such that the ice caps melt.
This is as it is today.
Some of these people are tyrants, bitter and twisted by a bitter and twisted Human world they have had to inhabit. Their aim in the abuse of these powers is to destroy life-on-earth, as a twisted revenge to the horrendously spiritually corrupt culture Human Beings tend usually to follow and make manifest.
Some would Work for the Greater Good. So would some of the tyrants, had they enough Faith that doing so was Genuinely Good.
Of the Good, or of the wannabe Goodies, some see that Human Beings are a "proud" and stubborn mob often, especially when there is bad magic at play, as it is across the capitalist, individualised "west" - the Judeo-Christian west".
The combination of pride, and any of the other so-called "sins", with the application of bad magic is deadly, and is what has been running the Judeo-Christian west for centuries. The ego, and the occult, don't mix!
Of the Good, many Philosophise about how Hard Governance might have to be, on a global scale, if there is to be any order in the years to come.
Some, even Genuine Fabianists, if there is such a model, wax-that no matter what transpires, millions, even billons will perish.
May be so.....
Were Humanity to Employ this strange beast we have been afflicted with - Intellect - to it's Fullest Potential, massive transmigrations would begin very soon, which I've referred to in recent emails and blogs, from the more energy-consumptive climate-zones, to warmer, or cooler regions. This idea too, might concur with finding argrarianable Land to redistribute the masses upon.
As far as climate change is concerned, there are those, who genuinely believe they are on the side of the Ultimate Good, and, blessed or cursed with strong occult powers, employ them to what they can Best perceive is for the Greater Good.
The north pole is melting precisely because this has been done by Human powers.
Not to underestimate the dangers of our "collective" abuse, by crude magic of polluting mechanical equipment etc., and that this collective ignorance as to "How to Live on a Natural Planet!", ie., Naturally! is having us pollute and desecrate Mother Earth to death, and the more news we hear on the effects of our excessive consumption, the more the rightwing politicians trumpet the importance of the consumer marketplace and to consume more, but there are those with so much occult power that they, on assessing the "ATTITUDE" generally running the Human Species, and the apparent reticence to voluntarily change, who deem it, Asserting their Hard Won Authority, necessary to force Humanity to Correct it's Attitude to Mother Earth, and to all the rest of the Magnificent Life upon Her.
To this end, it may well be expected, and this statement goes out to the whole of the Human Species, and to other Life Forms also, that the Earthly and Extra-Terrestrial Powers, who have the Greatest Power, probably deriving from an Higher Spiritual Attainment or Authority, deem it necessary that the increasing disruptions to the global weather patterns will persist and increase further still, by their projection, until Humanity, AS ONE, desist FORTHWITH from their current, seriously threatening lifestyles, western lifestyles, definitions of which you will be able to divine from my earlier weblogs.
Close down all new motor-vehicle industries. (80% of air pollution)
Re-employ and Redistribute People to suburban and/or rural Collective Farms. Local Self-Sufficiency.
Legalise Marijuana. Make multiple industries from Hemp, amongst mixed-crop food production. Localise government, under federal cross-information feeder.
Organic Lifestyles is THE Call.
Land Rent.
Army occupy and train, Uplift, broken Communities, white or black. The kids feel like they have to be like Warriors, like Soldiers, to survive the warzone of the streets, etc? So, let the army train them for a Greater Force of Justice, but with equal emphasis on Indigenous Ways, Culture etc., both in the "Arts" of War and in Family.
Same-same with the Australian Army in East Timor, the Solomons, Fiji.
Respect for the Local Traditions, with Education on the new world order, and on how they may Best Integrate.
Land Redistribution. Land Redistribution. Land Redistribution.
Legalise ALL Drugs. Prohibition kills.
This is the Ultimate Threat to Humanity!
Osama bin Laden, eat your heart out!
Omaxa bin Alladin, would be with YOU, if you were aware of the dangers of NOT being with Omaxa, and of the Potential, He, offers Humanity.
Positive, Enlightened Action by all Middle-Eastern governments and leaderships, toward bringing-down, "Berlin Wall-style" all so-called 'national borders' within and dividing your Peoples, Moslem, Zarathustrian, Christian and Jew alike, will be smiled-upon by the Greatest God, I'm sure.
But to be clear, the Work we must now begin is long-term, and may well have to become a very part of us, of our lifestyles, and of our Souls, if those who threaten us with weather wars are to be listened to, their words Meditated upon, and if we are to allow them to Guide Humanity AS ONE, through a highly testing era - 21C.
Mr President, George W Bush, I do believe the Great One wants all troops not employed in Remediation in the Middle East, redistributed to regions most in need of stabilising. "Out of Iraq" seems the Call, Good Sir......
As far as "Alien" or "Extra-Terrestrial" Life is concerned, in regard to being threatened by them, I can only, in my blindness, put it that there may well be a superior alien force in our spacial region, watching how we progress in terms of weaponry, in terms specifically of nuclear weapons, and possibly in terms of plundering our planet of it's resources.
I suggest that those or most of those Aliens "watching" may wander-on, if they can rest assured that Humanity has harnessed for ever it's tendencies to abuse it's powers, be they occult, or nuclear.
Thus, I have no doubt, that the larger percentage of visiting aliens are also "Green" in terms of how Intelligent Life relates to the Natural Universe, and are Fully Cognisant of the Imperative of Living Totally in Harmony with the Natural Environment. This would call for NO NUKES, as well, I reckon....
Therefore, if the likes of the U.S. Administration, as I've heard one conspiracy theory suggests, are frightened of "Aliens building their strength behind the Moon, on the dark side ("Spooookeeee"), readying for an invasion of Earth", thus is the REAL reason why the yanks are so military mad (and the Jews, I suggest), my Inner Sense seems to divine that those up there, might be NICE to us down here, if we fuck-off the nuclear party-family-weaponry, etcetera..., ETCETERA, as well as turn 100% GREEN, GEORGE, 100% GREEN, TONY, 100%GREEN JOHN!
And Hu, Jintao, Vlad, and............. ETCETERA, ETCETERA, ETCETERA!
I assume Henry Keswick and Cartel are Listening.
May the Only Existence be your Inspiration
Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max Nichols Cook
aka Max No Difference
Citizen/Police Discussion Papers
The following "Citizen/Police Discussion Paper", I intend in the next day or so, to deliver to the Local Jacks, at Nimbin Cop Shop..........
Citizen/Police Discussion Papers
For years I’ve been writing dissenting articles addressing topics from religious perversion to police and prison “attitudes”. Sometimes it’s obvious those I aim at with words are listening, in religion, politics, law, policing and Mother’s Clubs etc.
Maybe I’m on the money once in a while?
Acting in words, as I do, on the above assumption, this “Discussion Paper” is “me” Citizen Meredith talking to the coppers about the “issues” at hand which effect our Local Community, by addressing the root causes of the “issues” which, evidence confirms, are seated afar, in the exotic corporate high-rises of Hong Kong, London, Zurich, Montreal, etc.
I will address any issue which concerns Law, and Human Justice, Custom, Culture, etc., but hopefully by first addressing those issues which I perceive as in most need of deconstructing, until we get back to the Truths and Origins.
Only then, as I perceive it, will we settle down to a Progressive Earthly and Spiritual Existence.
“Drug laws”, as I perceive it, are paramount in need of attention. We hear much “ballyhoo” about the negatives of “marijuana” particularly, as per the effects on a person’s health. I don’t deny these exist, and are important, but there is a world of issues which needs-must come first;
-“psychological causes of addiction or need for relief from present situations”,
-“inherent personal and group insecurity fostered by upside-down Human social, legal, economic, business, religious, lifestyle, Community models,
-“illegality of ‘pain-relievers’ introduces exacerbating paranoias in acquisition process which reflect right across user’s life and group”,
-“Paranoia increases complexity of thinking processes in most all the acquirer/user does, which increase anxiety, which in turn, have very detrimental effects on many parts of the body. The lungs and brain in the case of smoking, those and the other organs with most drugs consumed, are effected in some way also, just by the unnatural stresses, the illegality of these drugs exert on the involved person(s),”
-"Nothing is said about the sum-total negative effects "legal" drugs like, fatty foods, high-cholesterol, high-sugar, high-toxin foods which daily are killing masses of junk-food eaters, and the greater danger to society from the "health bills" and dysfunctional social structures, traditions, customs, thus accrued. Accrued and promoted by the utterly psychotic health industry, medicine industry, pharmaceutical industry?"
These issues have to be included in consideration with my main Proposal, of activating warrants, or more to my style “the Peaceable Apprehension” of those I am prepared to believe and commit to, are at the head of the flood of "illegal" drugs ruining Life-on-Earth, before LAW gets swamped with trivial, global corporate medical and pharmaceutical self-interested lobbying.
“…. those I am prepared to believe and commit to, are at the head of the flood of illegal drugs ruining Life-on-Earth…”, also, I’m prepared to believe, are amenable to sorting this global mess out. I even go so far to say that they are also prepared to convert their power into Progressive Human Endeavour, by first legalizing their trade, and legalizing Land-based, Progressive Socio-Economic Law Reforms.
Full o’ Faith, aye
So, along this vein of thinking, I take it upon myself to offer this and any following “Discussion Papers” to the Local Nimbin Police Station, for discussion.
And, also, most importantly, for being “NIMBIN” cops, on this level Co-operation would apply, working on the pretext that a Good Local Community is inclusive of Local policing Representatives who are agreeable to the Progressive “Cultural” drift of the Community, thus, are Progressive Legal Officers, for the Overall Best Community Potential.
Need it be said/written that the current political, economic, cultural situation is in deep-crisis, and to the Wise, MUST change.
“DEMOCRACY” demands that “The Will of the People” is paramount.
I Assert that this can only work, if the People are Fully Educated on Law, firstly, in the Community, and concomitantly are Fully Educated on their own Mind, Heart Soul Combination, to be able to Divine True thoughts from untrue.
This, is the Long-term Mission, I dare to say, I Assert even, of Nimbin and surrounds, world-renowned for it, too. Aye!
As Nimbin is perhaps the Global Leader in “Popular” Villages-of-Progressive-Alternatives, so-to-say, and as Australia’s three-tiers of government, Australian and overseas government and policing Authorities, and the tourist industry etc, now Accept Nimbin’s Stance, to the point of seeing Nimbin’s Potential in Teaching Great Things to Humanity generally (in these times of energy, climate, economic and Spiritual crises), it is a Wise and Potentially Popularly Accepted Police Service, who, starting Locally, give all Legal, Positive Assistance to the above chartered course of action I intend following, in regard to the “Peaceable Apprehension” information I am making public, as well to the other to topics I seem afflicted with the ability to address.
Aborigine Sovereignty, is Equal in Priority, as is Aborigine Law.
Max Nichols Meredithaka Max N Cook
aka Max No Difference
Citizen/Police Discussion Papers
For years I’ve been writing dissenting articles addressing topics from religious perversion to police and prison “attitudes”. Sometimes it’s obvious those I aim at with words are listening, in religion, politics, law, policing and Mother’s Clubs etc.
Maybe I’m on the money once in a while?
Acting in words, as I do, on the above assumption, this “Discussion Paper” is “me” Citizen Meredith talking to the coppers about the “issues” at hand which effect our Local Community, by addressing the root causes of the “issues” which, evidence confirms, are seated afar, in the exotic corporate high-rises of Hong Kong, London, Zurich, Montreal, etc.
I will address any issue which concerns Law, and Human Justice, Custom, Culture, etc., but hopefully by first addressing those issues which I perceive as in most need of deconstructing, until we get back to the Truths and Origins.
Only then, as I perceive it, will we settle down to a Progressive Earthly and Spiritual Existence.
“Drug laws”, as I perceive it, are paramount in need of attention. We hear much “ballyhoo” about the negatives of “marijuana” particularly, as per the effects on a person’s health. I don’t deny these exist, and are important, but there is a world of issues which needs-must come first;
-“psychological causes of addiction or need for relief from present situations”,
-“inherent personal and group insecurity fostered by upside-down Human social, legal, economic, business, religious, lifestyle, Community models,
-“illegality of ‘pain-relievers’ introduces exacerbating paranoias in acquisition process which reflect right across user’s life and group”,
-“Paranoia increases complexity of thinking processes in most all the acquirer/user does, which increase anxiety, which in turn, have very detrimental effects on many parts of the body. The lungs and brain in the case of smoking, those and the other organs with most drugs consumed, are effected in some way also, just by the unnatural stresses, the illegality of these drugs exert on the involved person(s),”
-"Nothing is said about the sum-total negative effects "legal" drugs like, fatty foods, high-cholesterol, high-sugar, high-toxin foods which daily are killing masses of junk-food eaters, and the greater danger to society from the "health bills" and dysfunctional social structures, traditions, customs, thus accrued. Accrued and promoted by the utterly psychotic health industry, medicine industry, pharmaceutical industry?"
These issues have to be included in consideration with my main Proposal, of activating warrants, or more to my style “the Peaceable Apprehension” of those I am prepared to believe and commit to, are at the head of the flood of "illegal" drugs ruining Life-on-Earth, before LAW gets swamped with trivial, global corporate medical and pharmaceutical self-interested lobbying.
“…. those I am prepared to believe and commit to, are at the head of the flood of illegal drugs ruining Life-on-Earth…”, also, I’m prepared to believe, are amenable to sorting this global mess out. I even go so far to say that they are also prepared to convert their power into Progressive Human Endeavour, by first legalizing their trade, and legalizing Land-based, Progressive Socio-Economic Law Reforms.
Full o’ Faith, aye
So, along this vein of thinking, I take it upon myself to offer this and any following “Discussion Papers” to the Local Nimbin Police Station, for discussion.
And, also, most importantly, for being “NIMBIN” cops, on this level Co-operation would apply, working on the pretext that a Good Local Community is inclusive of Local policing Representatives who are agreeable to the Progressive “Cultural” drift of the Community, thus, are Progressive Legal Officers, for the Overall Best Community Potential.
Need it be said/written that the current political, economic, cultural situation is in deep-crisis, and to the Wise, MUST change.
“DEMOCRACY” demands that “The Will of the People” is paramount.
I Assert that this can only work, if the People are Fully Educated on Law, firstly, in the Community, and concomitantly are Fully Educated on their own Mind, Heart Soul Combination, to be able to Divine True thoughts from untrue.
This, is the Long-term Mission, I dare to say, I Assert even, of Nimbin and surrounds, world-renowned for it, too. Aye!
As Nimbin is perhaps the Global Leader in “Popular” Villages-of-Progressive-Alternatives, so-to-say, and as Australia’s three-tiers of government, Australian and overseas government and policing Authorities, and the tourist industry etc, now Accept Nimbin’s Stance, to the point of seeing Nimbin’s Potential in Teaching Great Things to Humanity generally (in these times of energy, climate, economic and Spiritual crises), it is a Wise and Potentially Popularly Accepted Police Service, who, starting Locally, give all Legal, Positive Assistance to the above chartered course of action I intend following, in regard to the “Peaceable Apprehension” information I am making public, as well to the other to topics I seem afflicted with the ability to address.
Aborigine Sovereignty, is Equal in Priority, as is Aborigine Law.
Max Nichols Meredithaka Max N Cook
aka Max No Difference
Brazil: Prison riots and bad laws
The Article commented upon below, is at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1774800,00.html
Dozens of police shot dead in Brazil as drug gang goes on rampage The Guardian UK.
Brazil has always had a problem with crime, especially Sao Paolo, but what distinguishes Brazil from the rest of the world, in the way they treat their "Felons"?
Not much, by the look of the situation......
I'm saying that Brazil, like the U.S.A. Britain and Australia etc., etc., is running totally, the WRONG MODEL of "crime and punishment" etc.
The path of crime begins when a person is deprived the right to securely access arable Land for to produce a "Life" upon.
Cities are the worst-case scenario of this cause of crime. Cities, that is, which are operated upon the accepted western models, principles of trade, location, personal profit and Land speculation, etc.
Sao Paolo has an huge population, virtually ungoverned, unmanaged to the degree a concentration of People that size needs-must be.
But what caused the huge numbers of Humans to gravitate to centres like Sao Paolo, but that their previous generations, mostly rural or agrarian farmers were forced off their previously perennially-owned lands, by ruthless foreign invader landgrabbers?
If all the Traditional land is "owned" or fenced, where can those victims of Land theft go?
What sort of "law" denies the People access to more than city footpaths, rubbish-dumps, drains, sewers and barren "scrub" country?
Brazil's whole system is like the rest, as alluded to in my last weblog (www.maxnodifference.blogspot.com) "Monopolies versus Huxley's Savage!", running upside-down to how a Balanced Human Community, Society, Planet would.
These prison riots are a classic expression of the wrong of these systems of imprisonment. Totally upside downnnn.
Don't lock these types of victims up! It is the government's Duty to provide for these fellow travellors, and I say that necessitates "COMMUNAL, CO-OPERATIVE FARMING.
Give them what they've never had - SECURITY OF TENURE, on a piece of Land, Educated in farming and allied industries, and Collectively Working themselves into a Right Royal Human Being.
Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Meditation, Health Food, Herbal Medicine, Food Medicine, Exercise, and Honourable Work.
These riots, allegedly caused by the powerful drug cartels in Brazil, are an example of the "cultures" I wrote on in the last blog, and in my last series on "global drugs blackmarket", which are totally controlled by wealthy rogues, foreign corporations mostly, and so disrupt the age-old Aboriginal "Common Laws" and concommitant ways of Living in Harmony with all things Natural, setting-up an unbalanced socio-environmental system, which after a few centuries unfolds in major, MAJOR ways like environmental collapse, social collapse, personal psychological collapse, and-on-and-on-and-onnnn......
No matter how many coppers Sao Paolo or Brazil sends against such utter anomolies (prisons) in Human behaviour and management, the situation will only worsen without decentralising the whole concept of incarceration into socialist agrarian models of recuperation and repatriation.
Brazil, along with other Latin Americans are waking-up to the corruption of western-style politics and development, and are apparently moving to the political "left", which may include toward the same models I Advocate of Agrarian Socialism, et al.
If this is so, then I challenge them and say that they can NOT be serious unless they address this and the related issue of Human Distribution on Land, Decentralisation from the terminal "City" models, no matter whence those model came, deconstructing of all current prison models, and medical and psychological support methods and mechanisms.
Brazil, similar to Australia, has plenty of Land. It is, as well, just in the WRONG hands!'
This is not mere "ideology".
If you own the Land, you own the future of and the future generations of the People.
It is therefore incumbant upon the National Government of Brazil (and ALL NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS) to reclaim or "resume" ownership of the Land, enough for the dispossessed to have a chance at a "Life", and thus Guarantee a future worth living for their Peoples. Living Life without "crime", and prison riots, etc.
As for the local drug cartels......
Get on the Train, Guys....!
Land Rent for Government Revenue
Please pass-on to your nearest Drug Lord!
Dozens of police shot dead in Brazil as drug gang goes on rampage The Guardian UK.
Brazil has always had a problem with crime, especially Sao Paolo, but what distinguishes Brazil from the rest of the world, in the way they treat their "Felons"?
Not much, by the look of the situation......
I'm saying that Brazil, like the U.S.A. Britain and Australia etc., etc., is running totally, the WRONG MODEL of "crime and punishment" etc.
The path of crime begins when a person is deprived the right to securely access arable Land for to produce a "Life" upon.
Cities are the worst-case scenario of this cause of crime. Cities, that is, which are operated upon the accepted western models, principles of trade, location, personal profit and Land speculation, etc.
Sao Paolo has an huge population, virtually ungoverned, unmanaged to the degree a concentration of People that size needs-must be.
But what caused the huge numbers of Humans to gravitate to centres like Sao Paolo, but that their previous generations, mostly rural or agrarian farmers were forced off their previously perennially-owned lands, by ruthless foreign invader landgrabbers?
If all the Traditional land is "owned" or fenced, where can those victims of Land theft go?
What sort of "law" denies the People access to more than city footpaths, rubbish-dumps, drains, sewers and barren "scrub" country?
Brazil's whole system is like the rest, as alluded to in my last weblog (www.maxnodifference.blogspot.com) "Monopolies versus Huxley's Savage!", running upside-down to how a Balanced Human Community, Society, Planet would.
These prison riots are a classic expression of the wrong of these systems of imprisonment. Totally upside downnnn.
Don't lock these types of victims up! It is the government's Duty to provide for these fellow travellors, and I say that necessitates "COMMUNAL, CO-OPERATIVE FARMING.
Give them what they've never had - SECURITY OF TENURE, on a piece of Land, Educated in farming and allied industries, and Collectively Working themselves into a Right Royal Human Being.
Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gung, Meditation, Health Food, Herbal Medicine, Food Medicine, Exercise, and Honourable Work.
These riots, allegedly caused by the powerful drug cartels in Brazil, are an example of the "cultures" I wrote on in the last blog, and in my last series on "global drugs blackmarket", which are totally controlled by wealthy rogues, foreign corporations mostly, and so disrupt the age-old Aboriginal "Common Laws" and concommitant ways of Living in Harmony with all things Natural, setting-up an unbalanced socio-environmental system, which after a few centuries unfolds in major, MAJOR ways like environmental collapse, social collapse, personal psychological collapse, and-on-and-on-and-onnnn......
No matter how many coppers Sao Paolo or Brazil sends against such utter anomolies (prisons) in Human behaviour and management, the situation will only worsen without decentralising the whole concept of incarceration into socialist agrarian models of recuperation and repatriation.
Brazil, along with other Latin Americans are waking-up to the corruption of western-style politics and development, and are apparently moving to the political "left", which may include toward the same models I Advocate of Agrarian Socialism, et al.
If this is so, then I challenge them and say that they can NOT be serious unless they address this and the related issue of Human Distribution on Land, Decentralisation from the terminal "City" models, no matter whence those model came, deconstructing of all current prison models, and medical and psychological support methods and mechanisms.
Brazil, similar to Australia, has plenty of Land. It is, as well, just in the WRONG hands!'
This is not mere "ideology".
If you own the Land, you own the future of and the future generations of the People.
It is therefore incumbant upon the National Government of Brazil (and ALL NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS) to reclaim or "resume" ownership of the Land, enough for the dispossessed to have a chance at a "Life", and thus Guarantee a future worth living for their Peoples. Living Life without "crime", and prison riots, etc.
As for the local drug cartels......
Get on the Train, Guys....!
Land Rent for Government Revenue
Please pass-on to your nearest Drug Lord!
Monopolies versus Huxley's Savage!
Europe seeks trade relations with the rising Latin America, because Europe cannot sustain itself.
Well, on the surface, fair enough. However, I suspect that it is in fact treating of the issue in an "upside-down" way....
All things considered, the "cost" in all terms; environmental, economic, social, criminal, and religious, cultural etc., of the current system of trade and relations, transport and satiation of desires, materialistic desires (frowned-upon by I, but accepted as part of the Human condition), is what "we" collectively, are paying, in the pending desecration of the planet, environment and a great deal of Life-on-Earth.
As there's no more real estate to grab and plunder, though the Aussie agents are still hard at it in Melanesia, Polynesia and all yet wholly colonised islands of the globe, and as the Human population is so BIG now, it is time we ALL got together and discussed now, the rather more glaring Issue of Human Distribution across not just a "greenbelt" suburb, but across a whole Planet.
Agrarian Socialism......
In "upside-UP" terms, contrary to what we have now, globally; rather than transport foodstuffs, commodities and other goods, repeatedly around the world to satisfy constant faraway demand, the REALPOLITIK Way to prevent the global enviro-social-et-al-et-al collapse, caused by this upside-down means of living, would be by migrating the necessary numbers of Human Beings out from regions, nations, islands etc., which are over-populated thus are not Self-Sustainable, to wherever they can sustain a life, a village, a Culture, without relying on transportation etc., beyond an allowable "Light Footprint" "weight" or level.
Emmigration from Europe, Britain, northern "Baltic"-type nations, regions, comes to mind.
U.S.A. Canada. Siberia?
"But ALAS? To where, Great Ancestor True Fella Spirit?"
Were we a Wise Human Mob?
For years I've wondered what makes people move to and settle in the most inhospitable climates. Social pressure seems to be one, in the form of already "appropriated" land. Usually appropriated by brutes with guns, and coppers and armies behind their big-money power. Brutes who somewhere realised the inestimable Value in the very dirt we walk on. Rah-rah-rah and Henry George.
That so many, and we may use Europe and much of north America as examples, have enhabited pretty-damn cold, inhospitable climates for centuries and longer, means, one), that the current descendants have acclimatised, genetically as much. However acclimatisation NOT in Sustainable ways, but by using Nature, as She has provided, to a now-deadly level of overuse.
I suggest no wrong in Europe's and America's (and Australia's for that matter)history - that's the way it seems to have to have gone.
But can Humanity LEARN from it?
The other aspect to Europe's long established inhabitants (whom I reckon we can call Aborigines of Europe), which is perhaps the greatest factor arguing against continued same-density of population, is that the cold climate means most inhabitants have to consume too-much energy to stay warm-enough to function etc. Totally-commercially-constructed, and totally unsustainable, is the "nuclear family" model, for it is the opposite to "economies of scale" by dividing-up all the necessities, etc. Nuclear families also make for the greatest consumption of energy, as Community Social models go.
Global warming is the point addressed here...
Same-same with Britain, Scandinavia etc.
This is said without considering the long-strides taken by those nations and located industries in Environment/Human Sustainability in such climes, but once more I suggest this may (at this important phase in Human-Eartha Relations), be addressing Sustainability upside-downly....
So, without radical REALPOLITIK REFORMS across the globe, a PRIORITY being legalisation of Cannabis and Industrial Hemp, the latter for it being a "prolific" renewable resource to replace petro-chemical oil-based, high pollutant products, from food to fuel, which will make Local regions surprisingly quickly, Self-Sufficient and Sustainable, I seriously doubt any other "Reform" will be worth it's salt, or worth even thinking about when it comes to the belated call to "SAVE THE WORLD"?
("Prolific" Hemp strikes me as in need of questioning, for I don't recall talk about the "weed" potential of legalised Hemp out-growing native and other vegetaions, etc? Jus' t' keep a Balance, y' unnerstand...?)
Another PRIORITY, as discussed above, I suspect, is the redistribution of the Human Global population to climates where we need to consume less energy to "function" and to Grow Sustainably in all the Best Senses.
Another PRIORITY is addressing "monopolies". Without going into it, as big an issue as monopolies are/is, Henry George wrote that monopolies really belong to the People, and so should be Nationalised.
I see the sense in this, but, as today's planet is so cartelised in more than just the global drugs blackmarket and thus everything else-sense, "Duopolies", Triopolies and up are as often monopolies of likeminded rogues, splitting the rude profits amongst their elite dynastic brotherhoods. ETCETERA.....
Coles versus Woolworths? Fair competition?? Faaaaarrrrrk-offfffffF!
Shell versus B.P.? Fair competition? Fair prices?
Surely all motor vehicle industries or major manufacturers; Mercedes Benz, Ford, GM, etc, are sucking the same savaloy when it comes to maintaining the worst polluting market on Earth, and in Earth's history.......?
Surely at this level, the profits have long-out-weighed the, ANY Ethical, that-is SUSTAINABLE Limits?
I suspect many "in-the-know" believe the same-same ever-improving hi-tech lifestyle CAN be Sustained, through "technology". I'll take a shot and say that maybe, perhaps with a Hemp-plasticised commodity production-base, it is possible.
I take the approach that we don't need too much technology etc., to be Truly Satisfied and Communally Happy.
Agrarian Socialism....
With all this, one would expect I was down on Howard/Costello's "sell-off" of what should remain public assetts/property, Telstra, Medicare, etc.
20 years or more ago, some wise monkey channelled through me, (I was chatting with my brother Don on ALP politics and the future of big money etc.,) that the day would come where all the BIG corporations, say the top 20%, would collapse, as unsustainable monoliths, whereupon government would be obliged to step in and buy the fucking lot at bargain-basement prices.
Back into the Public's Hands.
This may be what is deliberately happening across the planet in ownership of water resources, minerals and others, and is quite possibly part of the "Rhodes-ian" plan I've been scolding lately?
However, I feel sure they have been lacking a bit of Wisdom here-and-there, dare-I-say-that, myself being as much a product, patsy of their making, as I am....
So if world leaders of the latest "G-8" had their pennies invested Wisely, they'd negotiate "People Trade Relations" on an Open Global Market, based upon Scientific and Spiritual Evidence as to the "Best Spread" of the whole Human population across all current agriculturally employed and employable Land.
You wanna "Save the World"? For your Grandkids?
You wanna be a Human Being?
Who has the monopoly on global real estate?
Nationalise it, along with Cannabis and Heroin, et el!
Henry Keswick! Tony Blair! Hu Jintao! Condy Rice!
Without the Great Lord (The Greatest, no-less!) Standing-Up and drawing his Sword of Righteousness, bringing it down on pretty-much all sinners, there is a Powerful "feeling" that it is time such moves were mooted, discussed and processed, a.s.a.p.
NOT...., as frightening as the mind would have us believe......
Banks...? Arrest them, by making them take the monkey off our, everyone's back...
Local Councils under regional umbrella governments, under global Committee(s). Councils run on Land Rent, and pay the upper houses according to performance..........
Drop all borders......... Pull-down neighbourhood house fences......... Groups of ten.........
Agrarian Socialism...........
Economies of Scale.........
The internet literate Green Man of Yore Myth.
Huxley's "Savage"!
Touch me in any Forest......
Well, on the surface, fair enough. However, I suspect that it is in fact treating of the issue in an "upside-down" way....
All things considered, the "cost" in all terms; environmental, economic, social, criminal, and religious, cultural etc., of the current system of trade and relations, transport and satiation of desires, materialistic desires (frowned-upon by I, but accepted as part of the Human condition), is what "we" collectively, are paying, in the pending desecration of the planet, environment and a great deal of Life-on-Earth.
As there's no more real estate to grab and plunder, though the Aussie agents are still hard at it in Melanesia, Polynesia and all yet wholly colonised islands of the globe, and as the Human population is so BIG now, it is time we ALL got together and discussed now, the rather more glaring Issue of Human Distribution across not just a "greenbelt" suburb, but across a whole Planet.
Agrarian Socialism......
In "upside-UP" terms, contrary to what we have now, globally; rather than transport foodstuffs, commodities and other goods, repeatedly around the world to satisfy constant faraway demand, the REALPOLITIK Way to prevent the global enviro-social-et-al-et-al collapse, caused by this upside-down means of living, would be by migrating the necessary numbers of Human Beings out from regions, nations, islands etc., which are over-populated thus are not Self-Sustainable, to wherever they can sustain a life, a village, a Culture, without relying on transportation etc., beyond an allowable "Light Footprint" "weight" or level.
Emmigration from Europe, Britain, northern "Baltic"-type nations, regions, comes to mind.
U.S.A. Canada. Siberia?
"But ALAS? To where, Great Ancestor True Fella Spirit?"
Were we a Wise Human Mob?
For years I've wondered what makes people move to and settle in the most inhospitable climates. Social pressure seems to be one, in the form of already "appropriated" land. Usually appropriated by brutes with guns, and coppers and armies behind their big-money power. Brutes who somewhere realised the inestimable Value in the very dirt we walk on. Rah-rah-rah and Henry George.
That so many, and we may use Europe and much of north America as examples, have enhabited pretty-damn cold, inhospitable climates for centuries and longer, means, one), that the current descendants have acclimatised, genetically as much. However acclimatisation NOT in Sustainable ways, but by using Nature, as She has provided, to a now-deadly level of overuse.
I suggest no wrong in Europe's and America's (and Australia's for that matter)history - that's the way it seems to have to have gone.
But can Humanity LEARN from it?
The other aspect to Europe's long established inhabitants (whom I reckon we can call Aborigines of Europe), which is perhaps the greatest factor arguing against continued same-density of population, is that the cold climate means most inhabitants have to consume too-much energy to stay warm-enough to function etc. Totally-commercially-constructed, and totally unsustainable, is the "nuclear family" model, for it is the opposite to "economies of scale" by dividing-up all the necessities, etc. Nuclear families also make for the greatest consumption of energy, as Community Social models go.
Global warming is the point addressed here...
Same-same with Britain, Scandinavia etc.
This is said without considering the long-strides taken by those nations and located industries in Environment/Human Sustainability in such climes, but once more I suggest this may (at this important phase in Human-Eartha Relations), be addressing Sustainability upside-downly....
So, without radical REALPOLITIK REFORMS across the globe, a PRIORITY being legalisation of Cannabis and Industrial Hemp, the latter for it being a "prolific" renewable resource to replace petro-chemical oil-based, high pollutant products, from food to fuel, which will make Local regions surprisingly quickly, Self-Sufficient and Sustainable, I seriously doubt any other "Reform" will be worth it's salt, or worth even thinking about when it comes to the belated call to "SAVE THE WORLD"?
("Prolific" Hemp strikes me as in need of questioning, for I don't recall talk about the "weed" potential of legalised Hemp out-growing native and other vegetaions, etc? Jus' t' keep a Balance, y' unnerstand...?)
Another PRIORITY, as discussed above, I suspect, is the redistribution of the Human Global population to climates where we need to consume less energy to "function" and to Grow Sustainably in all the Best Senses.
Another PRIORITY is addressing "monopolies". Without going into it, as big an issue as monopolies are/is, Henry George wrote that monopolies really belong to the People, and so should be Nationalised.
I see the sense in this, but, as today's planet is so cartelised in more than just the global drugs blackmarket and thus everything else-sense, "Duopolies", Triopolies and up are as often monopolies of likeminded rogues, splitting the rude profits amongst their elite dynastic brotherhoods. ETCETERA.....
Coles versus Woolworths? Fair competition?? Faaaaarrrrrk-offfffffF!
Shell versus B.P.? Fair competition? Fair prices?
Surely all motor vehicle industries or major manufacturers; Mercedes Benz, Ford, GM, etc, are sucking the same savaloy when it comes to maintaining the worst polluting market on Earth, and in Earth's history.......?
Surely at this level, the profits have long-out-weighed the, ANY Ethical, that-is SUSTAINABLE Limits?
I suspect many "in-the-know" believe the same-same ever-improving hi-tech lifestyle CAN be Sustained, through "technology". I'll take a shot and say that maybe, perhaps with a Hemp-plasticised commodity production-base, it is possible.
I take the approach that we don't need too much technology etc., to be Truly Satisfied and Communally Happy.
Agrarian Socialism....
With all this, one would expect I was down on Howard/Costello's "sell-off" of what should remain public assetts/property, Telstra, Medicare, etc.
20 years or more ago, some wise monkey channelled through me, (I was chatting with my brother Don on ALP politics and the future of big money etc.,) that the day would come where all the BIG corporations, say the top 20%, would collapse, as unsustainable monoliths, whereupon government would be obliged to step in and buy the fucking lot at bargain-basement prices.
Back into the Public's Hands.
This may be what is deliberately happening across the planet in ownership of water resources, minerals and others, and is quite possibly part of the "Rhodes-ian" plan I've been scolding lately?
However, I feel sure they have been lacking a bit of Wisdom here-and-there, dare-I-say-that, myself being as much a product, patsy of their making, as I am....
So if world leaders of the latest "G-8" had their pennies invested Wisely, they'd negotiate "People Trade Relations" on an Open Global Market, based upon Scientific and Spiritual Evidence as to the "Best Spread" of the whole Human population across all current agriculturally employed and employable Land.
You wanna "Save the World"? For your Grandkids?
You wanna be a Human Being?
Who has the monopoly on global real estate?
Nationalise it, along with Cannabis and Heroin, et el!
Henry Keswick! Tony Blair! Hu Jintao! Condy Rice!
Without the Great Lord (The Greatest, no-less!) Standing-Up and drawing his Sword of Righteousness, bringing it down on pretty-much all sinners, there is a Powerful "feeling" that it is time such moves were mooted, discussed and processed, a.s.a.p.
NOT...., as frightening as the mind would have us believe......
Banks...? Arrest them, by making them take the monkey off our, everyone's back...
Local Councils under regional umbrella governments, under global Committee(s). Councils run on Land Rent, and pay the upper houses according to performance..........
Drop all borders......... Pull-down neighbourhood house fences......... Groups of ten.........
Agrarian Socialism...........
Economies of Scale.........
The internet literate Green Man of Yore Myth.
Huxley's "Savage"!
Touch me in any Forest......
Opium’s “Secret Societies”?
Opium’s “Secret Societies”by Max Nichols Meredith
Nimbin 11-04-06
The disparate distribution of People over the Lands of the planet, may, in the "third world" (a dubious term, I feel), be in the main due to foreign mal-appropriation of same Lands, for the foreigner's nationalist self interest, especially in the growing and manufacture of misnomered "illegal drugs".
Particularly Opium. It has always been very profitable.
The clandestine activities of the longtime (300 years) and current heads of the mob, the British (and later Russian, Chinese, et al) "gang", involved the darkest of arts, the occult, and that has been employed, while hard to see for ANY Noble Purpose, upon the mostly more Peaceful Minds of the invaded Peoples, Aborigine mostly, again, for centuries.
With greater guns-type firepower, the occult doubled the effect, I suspect, but also entrenched bad beliefs, powerless beliefs in the "Natives", "Trust" in the new gods - whitey.
Today, the planet has endured one hundred and twenty years or so of "Cecil Rhodes" type supremacy delusions-with-lots-of-money, a carcenigen of secret societies spreading-out to far-flung places to "capture" the hearts of the trusting, Noble, Virtuous Indigenies, Aborigines, and the tough Americans, Australians, and whoever else they can, for to re-establish the fantastical "British Empire"........... Hmmmm........
The massive global networks which seem to have arisen from Rhodes delusions of granduer, in the late 1800s, were all run on the secret occult levels of players, if-not puppets, and seem also to have permeated most all quarters.... [a few years ago, a news report came from Papua New Guinea about a breakdown in "Peace Talks" of some kind, involving the PNG mob, and others including the Bouganville Islanders, et al. The breakdown was due in part because the Islanders accused the Australian mob, including Downer I think, of using "black magic"!]
Who would deny that the Australian Anglophiles are right-in-there, and have been since at least...... 1808CE.
Rum Rebellion! Hmmmm......?
Since 1996, say what John Howard?
Today, my estimates tell me that about four BILLION, FOUR-AND-A-HALF-BILLION even People including morons, zombies, clones, puppets and ghosts (ghosts not included in the census. Sorry guys!) have their third eye open.
About 70 percent of the Human population (bad maths I know) and it's growing so fast THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN' IT, have the ability to, or the knowledge on occult powers, and on how they can and have been malemployed on us for ever.
"Secret Societies" are forming so fast, no..., are so plentiful, me thinks, that the planet has turned into an Astral game for the majority, captured by the "power" they find, and it sounds (?) pretty wicked visuals and sensations etc., but it might be taking our eye off the Ball. The Big Ball....... Mother Earth.
Also, about the same number of Human Beings are aware that the massive drugs trade EXISTS, runs all economies and habits (through advertising and marketing magic), and that the whole, once highly regarded "Empire", "Monarchy", "Westminster Parliamentary System" Ho-bankrupt-Ho-bankrupt-Ho-Ho-Ho, the "Democratic government" which keeps out of Eurodollars (still?) of the gREAT bROKEN-ER-Britain, is an utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter faaaaarce!
Shit aye?
"OH NO Brave Galacticus Strappacarroticus! We'll indulge in nothing LESS, than a tinseltowntastylookingthrowawayrotyaliver tin of formaldahide!"
So, if Britain's got all viss power then, Den?, why ain't they invading everywhere with their smelly socks and hoovers? Then...? Why hain't they all moved house to their colonies for better weather, for one?
Well, Brave One, Let's take a look at........ "Queensland", shall we?
Well, they hain't got it ALL, yet, see....
Thing is, the last ten to fifteen years has seen an explosion in occult knowledge, breaking squillions of spells over minds of all of us, mostly.
Henry Keswick, no doubt a Knight of some disorerd, er, disorder, might well be a Knight in a Truly Beneficent Order, and by what I'ss been reading, much of what we identify with in terms of modern witchcraft, has it's anticedents in this same longtime bunch of terribly-wealthy, and terribly-terribly.....terribly clever Masters of the Occult Arts.
Pensively I suggest that the world may indeed be a far worse place for the majority to live in, if fate, had taken "history" down a different track, than the one where we have the powers-that-be performing as they have been.
120 years of occult energy, inspired by a delusion, of white superiority, amongst others, has served a strange a oft' twisted purpose, of spreading some Uniformity in global cross-cultural relations.
The Messages of Judeo-Christianity, about God, and about LEVITICUS 25!, have come through as well, for the benefit of all, seriously scrambled and misinterpreted as they have been. (for a Purpose also!)
But the "Economics" of accountability, and the systems invented in the industrialised west, muchly in Britain (prorbablee en Scootlund!) are as good as in place globally now, along with the technology to make your day go faster (?)
Very little else is necessary for Humanity to transcend most-ALL the chaos of today's awry world. Obviously "Education" is integral.
All it takes now, is a Common Consensus, from the Masses, from the Elite, from the Human Being-in-all-of-us-isn't-that-nice........ to recognise that the past delusions of Cecil Rhodes and Companieeees, were delusions and the danger of "placing your faith in the supernatural" is showing itself today with the threatened environmental collapse. The "Human Society" as-it-were, has collapsed already.
Go to Pheonix!
Because of the extreme and perfected deployment of these Rhodes-ian ideologies, an extreme proportion of (almost) everyone's ideals and beliefs are over generations distorted from a True and Natural Way, so we all have quite some work to do in our own heads, as to the accepted "lifestyle" we've essentially been conned to leading.
It is only through the personal re-evaluation of these aspects of our own lives, and the dispelling from mind the tricks, the deceptions, the fraudulances, that Humanity may save itself and it's Mother Earth.
Just remember, the "Pheonix" is down there, under all the materialistic crap!
Henry Keswick may be aware of this, hard to accept though it may be.
As "everyone" knows about Mr Keswick's abssolutely massive mathesson mafioso nowadays, and the web of tentacles grown from it, AND as today billions know about the naughty side of magic and secret societies, isn't it a bit-of-a-wank to keep ponsing around as if we're all full of "Secrets" about what sort of beast we bonk?
Sorry Henry!
Nimbin 11-04-06
The disparate distribution of People over the Lands of the planet, may, in the "third world" (a dubious term, I feel), be in the main due to foreign mal-appropriation of same Lands, for the foreigner's nationalist self interest, especially in the growing and manufacture of misnomered "illegal drugs".
Particularly Opium. It has always been very profitable.
The clandestine activities of the longtime (300 years) and current heads of the mob, the British (and later Russian, Chinese, et al) "gang", involved the darkest of arts, the occult, and that has been employed, while hard to see for ANY Noble Purpose, upon the mostly more Peaceful Minds of the invaded Peoples, Aborigine mostly, again, for centuries.
With greater guns-type firepower, the occult doubled the effect, I suspect, but also entrenched bad beliefs, powerless beliefs in the "Natives", "Trust" in the new gods - whitey.
Today, the planet has endured one hundred and twenty years or so of "Cecil Rhodes" type supremacy delusions-with-lots-of-money, a carcenigen of secret societies spreading-out to far-flung places to "capture" the hearts of the trusting, Noble, Virtuous Indigenies, Aborigines, and the tough Americans, Australians, and whoever else they can, for to re-establish the fantastical "British Empire"........... Hmmmm........
The massive global networks which seem to have arisen from Rhodes delusions of granduer, in the late 1800s, were all run on the secret occult levels of players, if-not puppets, and seem also to have permeated most all quarters.... [a few years ago, a news report came from Papua New Guinea about a breakdown in "Peace Talks" of some kind, involving the PNG mob, and others including the Bouganville Islanders, et al. The breakdown was due in part because the Islanders accused the Australian mob, including Downer I think, of using "black magic"!]
Who would deny that the Australian Anglophiles are right-in-there, and have been since at least...... 1808CE.
Rum Rebellion! Hmmmm......?
Since 1996, say what John Howard?
Today, my estimates tell me that about four BILLION, FOUR-AND-A-HALF-BILLION even People including morons, zombies, clones, puppets and ghosts (ghosts not included in the census. Sorry guys!) have their third eye open.
About 70 percent of the Human population (bad maths I know) and it's growing so fast THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN' IT, have the ability to, or the knowledge on occult powers, and on how they can and have been malemployed on us for ever.
"Secret Societies" are forming so fast, no..., are so plentiful, me thinks, that the planet has turned into an Astral game for the majority, captured by the "power" they find, and it sounds (?) pretty wicked visuals and sensations etc., but it might be taking our eye off the Ball. The Big Ball....... Mother Earth.
Also, about the same number of Human Beings are aware that the massive drugs trade EXISTS, runs all economies and habits (through advertising and marketing magic), and that the whole, once highly regarded "Empire", "Monarchy", "Westminster Parliamentary System" Ho-bankrupt-Ho-bankrupt-Ho-Ho-Ho, the "Democratic government" which keeps out of Eurodollars (still?) of the gREAT bROKEN-ER-Britain, is an utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter faaaaarce!
Shit aye?
"OH NO Brave Galacticus Strappacarroticus! We'll indulge in nothing LESS, than a tinseltowntastylookingthrowawayrotyaliver tin of formaldahide!"
So, if Britain's got all viss power then, Den?, why ain't they invading everywhere with their smelly socks and hoovers? Then...? Why hain't they all moved house to their colonies for better weather, for one?
Well, Brave One, Let's take a look at........ "Queensland", shall we?
Well, they hain't got it ALL, yet, see....
Thing is, the last ten to fifteen years has seen an explosion in occult knowledge, breaking squillions of spells over minds of all of us, mostly.
Henry Keswick, no doubt a Knight of some disorerd, er, disorder, might well be a Knight in a Truly Beneficent Order, and by what I'ss been reading, much of what we identify with in terms of modern witchcraft, has it's anticedents in this same longtime bunch of terribly-wealthy, and terribly-terribly.....terribly clever Masters of the Occult Arts.
Pensively I suggest that the world may indeed be a far worse place for the majority to live in, if fate, had taken "history" down a different track, than the one where we have the powers-that-be performing as they have been.
120 years of occult energy, inspired by a delusion, of white superiority, amongst others, has served a strange a oft' twisted purpose, of spreading some Uniformity in global cross-cultural relations.
The Messages of Judeo-Christianity, about God, and about LEVITICUS 25!, have come through as well, for the benefit of all, seriously scrambled and misinterpreted as they have been. (for a Purpose also!)
But the "Economics" of accountability, and the systems invented in the industrialised west, muchly in Britain (prorbablee en Scootlund!) are as good as in place globally now, along with the technology to make your day go faster (?)
Very little else is necessary for Humanity to transcend most-ALL the chaos of today's awry world. Obviously "Education" is integral.
All it takes now, is a Common Consensus, from the Masses, from the Elite, from the Human Being-in-all-of-us-isn't-that-nice........ to recognise that the past delusions of Cecil Rhodes and Companieeees, were delusions and the danger of "placing your faith in the supernatural" is showing itself today with the threatened environmental collapse. The "Human Society" as-it-were, has collapsed already.
Go to Pheonix!
Because of the extreme and perfected deployment of these Rhodes-ian ideologies, an extreme proportion of (almost) everyone's ideals and beliefs are over generations distorted from a True and Natural Way, so we all have quite some work to do in our own heads, as to the accepted "lifestyle" we've essentially been conned to leading.
It is only through the personal re-evaluation of these aspects of our own lives, and the dispelling from mind the tricks, the deceptions, the fraudulances, that Humanity may save itself and it's Mother Earth.
Just remember, the "Pheonix" is down there, under all the materialistic crap!
Henry Keswick may be aware of this, hard to accept though it may be.
As "everyone" knows about Mr Keswick's abssolutely massive mathesson mafioso nowadays, and the web of tentacles grown from it, AND as today billions know about the naughty side of magic and secret societies, isn't it a bit-of-a-wank to keep ponsing around as if we're all full of "Secrets" about what sort of beast we bonk?
Sorry Henry!
This blog is referred to in the previous blog "Global Pot?"
Effective from Monday 1st May 2006
Nimbin, N.S.W., Australia
Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Chairman; Jardine Matheson corporation; Mr. Henry Keswick
Chairman; Barclay's Bank corporation; Mr. Matthew W. Barrett,
Group Chairman; Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation;
Sir John Bond
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
And Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Prime Minister of Britain; Mr. Tony Blair,
Her Royal Highness; Queen Elizabeth (Windsor) II of England,
British High Commissioner to Australia; the Rt Hon Helen Liddell,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
And Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
President of the Federated Republic of Russia; Mr. Vladimir Putin
President of the People's Republic of Communist China; Mr. Hu Jintao
President of the United States of America; Mr. George W. Bush
Vice-President of the United States of America; Mr. Richard Cheney
U.S. Secretary of Defence; Mr. Donald Rumsfeld
United States Senator; Mr. Edward Kennedy
Chairman and C.E.O., News Corporation Limited; Mr. Rupert Murdoch
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
The Warrants to be issued are issued so-as the above-named and others, may answer questions in front of a Legal Court, and in public, in regard to the allegations made in the 1986 book "Dope Inc., Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars". (By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Published by “New Benjamin Franklin House”, New York, New York)
Allegations of involvement by the aforesaid Defendants, shall include issues as below, to whit the Defendants above-named shall be required to Speak Honestly on;
-Global control and corruption of the Highest Laws, to effect control of the GLOBAL BLACK-MARKET in production, distribution, sales and consumption of THE MEDICINAL HERB “MARIJUANA”, also known as “Cannabis”, “Ganga”, “Pot”, “Weed”, etcetera, etcetera, and,
-to effect control of the global BLACK-MARKET in production, refinement, distribution, sales and consumption OF THE MEDICINAL, "OPIUM", AND IT'S REFINED PRODUCT “HEROIN”.
-Manipulation of international and Sovereign national laws to introduce "prohibition" illegally, of important Medicinal Herbs and amphetamines, to, breakdown whole Cultures, etcetera,
-Deliberate denial of FACTS in Regard to Aborigine, and Aborigine Sovereignty, in; Australia, China, India, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, Africa.......,
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Charges will be laid against the afore-named Defendants alleging (amongst other charges): the irreverent behaviour of the institutes and organisations they head, has encouraged and increased worldwide social, personal abandonment of Ethical, Sustainable Values, leading to the environmental breakdown which now threatens the whole Planet.
This, fostering Familial, Social/Community breakdown, and near-general personal psychosis across whole Cultures, regions, continents and islands.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, it will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective until,
further investigations are carried-out by the Global Policing Authorities, including the New South Wales Police Service, and it's fellow-State, Federal and Territory Policing Services and Forces, intra-nationally in Australia and internationally, as to the Scientific, Political, Economic and Evidence-based INVALIDITY, thus ILLEGALITY, of all current "Drug Laws", structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting environmental, cultural, social and personal breakdown, on a global scale,
-structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting inherently corrupt, anachronistic and today, in 2006C.E., unsustainable religious, governmental and business institutions, and/or "institutional models".
Questions will also be asked regarding the Defendant’s knowledge of, and the defendant organisations' involvement in past wars, dating-back to the "Reformation" of the 16th Century, and further back if necessary, up-to this day,
Questions will also be asked regarding the defendant organisations’ involvement in the Cultural breakdown of the region of "The Middle East", over the past 120 years....,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that “black-market money” needs-must be “legalised”, retrospectively, that the “trade” in drugs be brought, with the huge profits, to “Above-The-Table Status”, to eliminate all “criminal” factors in the largest economy on Earth.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, is capable of Peaceably Addressing the “situation” as manifest in the allegations above.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, through such irascible corporate behaviour, has come near to it’s own destruction, thus the excesses appropriated by such misbehaviour, be appropriated by Humanity to balance Global Agrarian Redistribution, and other PRIORITIES.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and are prepared to Co-operate fully with following Inquiries, Investigations and Hearings.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and Know they are Duty-Bound to begin forthwith to turn the “profits and machinery” of their global organizations toward the Equitable redistribution of Wealth, GLOBALLY and ETHICALLY.
Members of all Police Services are asked to Respect and Honor this WANTEDposter, if held by, or found in the possession of, a User of Marijuana, pursuant to the above, ‘…Argued in the Affirmative, … the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, ….that - any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective…..’.
Until further Notice…
Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max No Difference, aka Max Nichols Cook
MAIL: C/- Post Office, Nimbin, N.S.W. 2480 Australia
PORTAL: 51 Cullen Street, Nimbin N.S.W. 2480 Australia
NOTE: As it is, we waste time attributing "blame" to one or another character, and today, unaccountably, as the whole planet is SERIOUSLY faced with annihilation.
So, “NO BLAME”, needs-must apply.
"Amnesty" seems the appropriate word, in regard to enabling those who currently feel most guilty, or with most to lose, or such, to let go of...., fears.
The "drugs trade" effects such bad attitudes (inherent in the "illegal Drugs" culture) right across the Earth, perhaps by the drugs being disrespected incorrectly, and by being illegal, that the rampant degrading effects are felt right-across atmospheres, and deep into the Soil!
With the threatened end of the planet, the "modern" western materialist culture cannot/will-not be maintainable, so, "drugs" per se, for many Sound Reasons, may well be the "Medicine" Humanity NEEDS to Sustainably keep-on growing, cheap, tax-free, Etcetera, with minimal ENVIRONMENTAL side-effects, ETCETERA........, to get through the psychological WAR we westerners have coming, inside our own minds, hearts and Souls........ or not.
But the Aim remains “Abstinence”.
Religion, Media, Unions of all persuasions are invited to contribute. Subpoenas or Arrest Warrants will be issued to those within such organizations, whom it is deemed, have something to add, to assist in resolving the abovementioned Political, Spiritual and Economic stalemate(s) on Earth.
Effective from Monday 1st May 2006
Nimbin, N.S.W., Australia
Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Chairman; Jardine Matheson corporation; Mr. Henry Keswick
Chairman; Barclay's Bank corporation; Mr. Matthew W. Barrett,
Group Chairman; Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation;
Sir John Bond
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
And Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Prime Minister of Britain; Mr. Tony Blair,
Her Royal Highness; Queen Elizabeth (Windsor) II of England,
British High Commissioner to Australia; the Rt Hon Helen Liddell,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
And Let it be Known, that this WANTED Poster
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
President of the Federated Republic of Russia; Mr. Vladimir Putin
President of the People's Republic of Communist China; Mr. Hu Jintao
President of the United States of America; Mr. George W. Bush
Vice-President of the United States of America; Mr. Richard Cheney
U.S. Secretary of Defence; Mr. Donald Rumsfeld
United States Senator; Mr. Edward Kennedy
Chairman and C.E.O., News Corporation Limited; Mr. Rupert Murdoch
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
The Warrants to be issued are issued so-as the above-named and others, may answer questions in front of a Legal Court, and in public, in regard to the allegations made in the 1986 book "Dope Inc., Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars". (By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Published by “New Benjamin Franklin House”, New York, New York)
Allegations of involvement by the aforesaid Defendants, shall include issues as below, to whit the Defendants above-named shall be required to Speak Honestly on;
-Global control and corruption of the Highest Laws, to effect control of the GLOBAL BLACK-MARKET in production, distribution, sales and consumption of THE MEDICINAL HERB “MARIJUANA”, also known as “Cannabis”, “Ganga”, “Pot”, “Weed”, etcetera, etcetera, and,
-to effect control of the global BLACK-MARKET in production, refinement, distribution, sales and consumption OF THE MEDICINAL, "OPIUM", AND IT'S REFINED PRODUCT “HEROIN”.
-Manipulation of international and Sovereign national laws to introduce "prohibition" illegally, of important Medicinal Herbs and amphetamines, to, breakdown whole Cultures, etcetera,
-Deliberate denial of FACTS in Regard to Aborigine, and Aborigine Sovereignty, in; Australia, China, India, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, Africa.......,
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Charges will be laid against the afore-named Defendants alleging (amongst other charges): the irreverent behaviour of the institutes and organisations they head, has encouraged and increased worldwide social, personal abandonment of Ethical, Sustainable Values, leading to the environmental breakdown which now threatens the whole Planet.
This, fostering Familial, Social/Community breakdown, and near-general personal psychosis across whole Cultures, regions, continents and islands.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, it will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective until,
further investigations are carried-out by the Global Policing Authorities, including the New South Wales Police Service, and it's fellow-State, Federal and Territory Policing Services and Forces, intra-nationally in Australia and internationally, as to the Scientific, Political, Economic and Evidence-based INVALIDITY, thus ILLEGALITY, of all current "Drug Laws", structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting environmental, cultural, social and personal breakdown, on a global scale,
-structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting inherently corrupt, anachronistic and today, in 2006C.E., unsustainable religious, governmental and business institutions, and/or "institutional models".
Questions will also be asked regarding the Defendant’s knowledge of, and the defendant organisations' involvement in past wars, dating-back to the "Reformation" of the 16th Century, and further back if necessary, up-to this day,
Questions will also be asked regarding the defendant organisations’ involvement in the Cultural breakdown of the region of "The Middle East", over the past 120 years....,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that “black-market money” needs-must be “legalised”, retrospectively, that the “trade” in drugs be brought, with the huge profits, to “Above-The-Table Status”, to eliminate all “criminal” factors in the largest economy on Earth.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, is capable of Peaceably Addressing the “situation” as manifest in the allegations above.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, through such irascible corporate behaviour, has come near to it’s own destruction, thus the excesses appropriated by such misbehaviour, be appropriated by Humanity to balance Global Agrarian Redistribution, and other PRIORITIES.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and are prepared to Co-operate fully with following Inquiries, Investigations and Hearings.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and Know they are Duty-Bound to begin forthwith to turn the “profits and machinery” of their global organizations toward the Equitable redistribution of Wealth, GLOBALLY and ETHICALLY.
Members of all Police Services are asked to Respect and Honor this WANTEDposter, if held by, or found in the possession of, a User of Marijuana, pursuant to the above, ‘…Argued in the Affirmative, … the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, ….that - any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective…..’.
Until further Notice…
Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max No Difference, aka Max Nichols Cook
MAIL: C/- Post Office, Nimbin, N.S.W. 2480 Australia
PORTAL: 51 Cullen Street, Nimbin N.S.W. 2480 Australia
NOTE: As it is, we waste time attributing "blame" to one or another character, and today, unaccountably, as the whole planet is SERIOUSLY faced with annihilation.
So, “NO BLAME”, needs-must apply.
"Amnesty" seems the appropriate word, in regard to enabling those who currently feel most guilty, or with most to lose, or such, to let go of...., fears.
The "drugs trade" effects such bad attitudes (inherent in the "illegal Drugs" culture) right across the Earth, perhaps by the drugs being disrespected incorrectly, and by being illegal, that the rampant degrading effects are felt right-across atmospheres, and deep into the Soil!
With the threatened end of the planet, the "modern" western materialist culture cannot/will-not be maintainable, so, "drugs" per se, for many Sound Reasons, may well be the "Medicine" Humanity NEEDS to Sustainably keep-on growing, cheap, tax-free, Etcetera, with minimal ENVIRONMENTAL side-effects, ETCETERA........, to get through the psychological WAR we westerners have coming, inside our own minds, hearts and Souls........ or not.
But the Aim remains “Abstinence”.
Religion, Media, Unions of all persuasions are invited to contribute. Subpoenas or Arrest Warrants will be issued to those within such organizations, whom it is deemed, have something to add, to assist in resolving the abovementioned Political, Spiritual and Economic stalemate(s) on Earth.
Global Pot?
After the quietest "Mardi Grass" in recent years, where the expectations were high, High even, the overt police presence and "press" I suppose, scared-off many "trippers".
Som say it's a plus for the "Activists", versus the trippers, for there was still a fair number of "Visitors" prepared to brave the blockages etc.
"THE" Issue, to activate the dismantling of the corrupt drug laws, is to address the "Heads" of the KNOWN Institutions, with the HARD FACTS.
HARD FACTS I have addressed in my ATTACHMENT "WANTEDposter.doc"., published here soon.
Before Mardi Grass, on May 1st, May Day, I released the first of these series of NOTICES addressing the path I intended to take.
Trying to "encapsulate" the many, many factors effecting the big picture I'm wanting to address, I have to step back further and further, I feel.
I, that is me-me-me, max no difference, aka max meredith, have been miserably fortunate for not having all the "guff" on the global drugs-shitfight, until I'd sorted-out a lot of personal but political and religious shite first.
Important political-READ-ECONOMICS, and religious shite, deceptions, delusions, psychological and Spiritual.
Perhaps ten years ago, I channeled a document on a (hypothetical) new political party "Demos Inspiritus", and in it I wrote about the Fundamental Importance for anyone taking an interest in politics, to understand all the influences and forces being applied upon us, effecting most every decision we make in daily life, and most heavily in electoral, political issues, before we get involved.
It seems to have worked, if we are to rely on broadcast surveys, about Australians, and, perhaps even Americans, in their "Wising-Up" on the big issues like the end of the planet, and other trivial environmental things....?
But am I being cynical of myself....? Yep.... On reflection...
A "Group Hugg" of Collective Forgiveness, Globally, comes to mind, in addressing the pit.....?
It must be obvious, to most, and especially to the legal fraternity, that I'd be washed-asunder before my first surf in the courts against, or, interviewing, the People I am calling for the Arrests of.
We're all criminals.
So, now that we have some Authority in the Air, and the Scientific Evidence, rah-rah-rah, the Wisdom of the Purer Philosophies, and the Protection of the Angels, PLUS, the Acceptance by the People heading these cultures, in corporate-disneyland, that following the same-same path of "PROHIBITION" has only one option, end, finale - the heaviest environmental upheaval known to Humanity, worst-case, I remain prepared to suggest, is a "pole shift" - we and they and about four billion-plus Human Beings are prepared to move through the "Process" of de-criminalising the law.
In the minimum, as I wrote in the WANTEDposter.doc, these corporate entities are at the pinnacle of fostering BAD ATTITUDES throughout cultures, BAD ATTITUDES which encourage and reward the degradation of most every aspect of "The" GLOBAL Environment.
"GET THE MONKEY OFF OUR BACK!" I've been saying, regarding the banking industry as it's own empire, and holding us all to ransom through UNSOUND Land ownership and theft - mortgages, interest rates, etc.?
Tonight, here in the HempbAAAAR, I smack myself in the ego for not already putting them in the same basket as the big-drug-muggs!
O.K. So, if my "feelings" are correct, I assert that the same-same aforementioned money bosses of the planet are Accepting of the threats I make in the aforementioned-and-released ARREST WARRANTS, and NOTICES, etc., realising as I've said, in innumerable previous weblogs etc., that they have the chance to do the desperate planet a favour, and turn the drugs blackmarket, white! (Damn!)
To "Above the Table Status"
Must I expand on the "Potential" of re-employing the "wealth" whether financial or dirty muddy LAND, currently malemployed sustaining the inequitable distribution of the People upon it, considering the recognised urgency of how Humans accentuate or not the adverse weather conditions?
I do not want to be the "painter of the picture", of how society could develop if given it's Full, Balanced, Spiritual-also, Potential!
Nothing more need be said than that the "THIRD WORLD" so-called, exists because of this historical gliche we now can call the "global drugs blackmarket". Innordinate appropriation of powerless peasant's Land in far-away-places, for massive opium crops, and no doubt marijuana crops, etc., has introduced the numerous examples of "settled" cultures, and variations to older ones, which are not sustainable, where locals are not allowed to grow their own staples, etc.
It's farcical to suggest eliminating drug-crops. If they are given the recognition they deserve, in all aspects, of Industrial, Medicinal and Recreational, and almost forgetting the Spiritual, and in Economic terms of how their production enhances economies and Communities, in "Above-the-table-status" (ATTS), they can be incorporated into the ATTS economy.
The VITAL difference, is that these "commodities" which they may be called if legal, may then, or NOW, be grown LOCALLY. At least in closer regions where suitable, etc.
Climate change, is being influenced by the need to ship so many things around the globe, and then transport them to the consumer, etc. If "drugs" so-called, are such a large factor in global shipments, be-it purely economic, or in mass, it seems we have the Authority to Adjust and decrease the demand on the earth's resources (70-to-80% of air pollution is from transport), by legalising drugs, and allowing local production EVERYWHERE. Same-same, of course, with foodstuffs etc. (Hemp!) One minor example.......
Also, if the drug lords of earth are also the bankers, then, it may be said "We Have it!", for Adjustments to the Distribution of Humanity upon the Arable faces of the Earth are within their control. If such Benificence were to be allowed to develop(?), distribution of sustainable populations would include Localised employment/endeavour, for more People evenly spread inherantly come with demands for food, clothing, housing, etc., thus Local industry and employment.
In provision of secure accommodation, employment and produce, it matters not whether it is private or government employment, so long as the needs are satisfied. With the monkey off the back, many, many psychological habits will manifest as incompatible, and time will be necessary for those suffering the aftershocks of "no monkey", as well as a smoke or cookie. Good, Ethical Employment helps.
"Hi-Tech" has it's Ethical limits guys, perhaps more so than economic, environmental or psychological limits.
I find it hard to trust any corporations, legal or otherwise, sorry guys. I know there's a bunch of you out there with the Balls and the Wisdom to pursue such cases, and I put it to you that we have surmounted the obstacle on our "Ongoing Call for Mankind - Human Justice" - 'Religious ignorance'.
But whether or not I paint the picture of how drug reform may unfold, a Peaceable Solution is now possible, and necessary. Any more blueing, fighting, on such scales is NOT recommended, especially as we've deciphered the texts of the Holy Grail, recently unearthed, and have some Major Opportunity awaiting us, in the resolution of the anachronistic "global drugs blackmarket", and the attached anachronismssss of inequitable distribution of Land.
Significant here also, is that, as I said, the Global Lords of most of the global capital (the aforementioned), I'd reckon see also "A Light" dare-I-put-it-thus, and that much of the business they've been involved in is really, "quite-beyond-the-pale" and unsustainable. Especially while Fate, or Fortune, or God, has shuffled the global and cosmic cards in such a way to offer us ALL, Henry Keswick and Peers, and Nimbin Revolutionary-alike, and Everyone in-between, the "Process" with which to set Aright, an otherwise decimated Earth, with minimal negative repurcussions.
There is no point putting anymore in jail. One part of the "Process" is reducing criminals, thus inmates of prisons. A major frightener to many middleclasses, understandably. This, as well as most all of any Reforms from here-on, has to be "managed" dare-I-say-it, from opening the cells to them growing old, the same way everyone will have to be "managed" in some way or another.
These are scarey words, but government is about managing Communities, and has been very much a part of our lives for generations, and for centuries.
So "cultures" are going to be effected, prison cultures and city-cultures, rural cultures and urban cultures, etcetera.
But the monkey will be off our back................
"Say what? Mr Keswick, Old Chum...?"
It really does come down to an offer of Meeting, to "Discuss" these issues.
I've penned a note in my diary to write a Proposal for "5,000 DELEGATES" to come together to "Talk True". Australian Aborigine Looms Large in my thoughts on this idea, but I have not asked them at all.
A "Fitting" place to Call-Up 5,000 Delegates of the many Cultures of Earth seems to be here in Australia, and perhaps the desert somewhere is Appropriate.
ULURU is most likely the Place the Aborigine Nations here would point to, so let's see what happens.....
But that may be for the future.
NOW, today, weekonepostmardigrass2006, the immediate annuling of all drug laws remains as the Best Step, Fathered by "Nods" perhaps from Rome, Washington, Israel, or should I say "Jerusalem", inclusive of Islam and others, but initiated by the Parties named in the WANTEDposter.doc from London, Hong Kong, Washington, Tel Aviv etc.
Without putting too much Pressure on their Royal Highnesseseses, Life-on-Earth is threatened by any further delays.
Fear not, I think you have at least 4,000,000,000 People ready to Salute you.......
As for the Mardi Grass..., we had one, and we are a Village who remember the Timelessness of Peace, and that the Best things needs-must Progress slowly-slowly, as much as we'd ALL like to see the wallstreet.babble melt...
Process, Mr Keswick.
You're the Boss..........
Greetings, Mrs Elizabeth Windsor.
Som say it's a plus for the "Activists", versus the trippers, for there was still a fair number of "Visitors" prepared to brave the blockages etc.
"THE" Issue, to activate the dismantling of the corrupt drug laws, is to address the "Heads" of the KNOWN Institutions, with the HARD FACTS.
HARD FACTS I have addressed in my ATTACHMENT "WANTEDposter.doc"., published here soon.
Before Mardi Grass, on May 1st, May Day, I released the first of these series of NOTICES addressing the path I intended to take.
Trying to "encapsulate" the many, many factors effecting the big picture I'm wanting to address, I have to step back further and further, I feel.
I, that is me-me-me, max no difference, aka max meredith, have been miserably fortunate for not having all the "guff" on the global drugs-shitfight, until I'd sorted-out a lot of personal but political and religious shite first.
Important political-READ-ECONOMICS, and religious shite, deceptions, delusions, psychological and Spiritual.
Perhaps ten years ago, I channeled a document on a (hypothetical) new political party "Demos Inspiritus", and in it I wrote about the Fundamental Importance for anyone taking an interest in politics, to understand all the influences and forces being applied upon us, effecting most every decision we make in daily life, and most heavily in electoral, political issues, before we get involved.
It seems to have worked, if we are to rely on broadcast surveys, about Australians, and, perhaps even Americans, in their "Wising-Up" on the big issues like the end of the planet, and other trivial environmental things....?
But am I being cynical of myself....? Yep.... On reflection...
A "Group Hugg" of Collective Forgiveness, Globally, comes to mind, in addressing the pit.....?
It must be obvious, to most, and especially to the legal fraternity, that I'd be washed-asunder before my first surf in the courts against, or, interviewing, the People I am calling for the Arrests of.
We're all criminals.
So, now that we have some Authority in the Air, and the Scientific Evidence, rah-rah-rah, the Wisdom of the Purer Philosophies, and the Protection of the Angels, PLUS, the Acceptance by the People heading these cultures, in corporate-disneyland, that following the same-same path of "PROHIBITION" has only one option, end, finale - the heaviest environmental upheaval known to Humanity, worst-case, I remain prepared to suggest, is a "pole shift" - we and they and about four billion-plus Human Beings are prepared to move through the "Process" of de-criminalising the law.
In the minimum, as I wrote in the WANTEDposter.doc, these corporate entities are at the pinnacle of fostering BAD ATTITUDES throughout cultures, BAD ATTITUDES which encourage and reward the degradation of most every aspect of "The" GLOBAL Environment.
"GET THE MONKEY OFF OUR BACK!" I've been saying, regarding the banking industry as it's own empire, and holding us all to ransom through UNSOUND Land ownership and theft - mortgages, interest rates, etc.?
Tonight, here in the HempbAAAAR, I smack myself in the ego for not already putting them in the same basket as the big-drug-muggs!
O.K. So, if my "feelings" are correct, I assert that the same-same aforementioned money bosses of the planet are Accepting of the threats I make in the aforementioned-and-released ARREST WARRANTS, and NOTICES, etc., realising as I've said, in innumerable previous weblogs etc., that they have the chance to do the desperate planet a favour, and turn the drugs blackmarket, white! (Damn!)
To "Above the Table Status"
Must I expand on the "Potential" of re-employing the "wealth" whether financial or dirty muddy LAND, currently malemployed sustaining the inequitable distribution of the People upon it, considering the recognised urgency of how Humans accentuate or not the adverse weather conditions?
I do not want to be the "painter of the picture", of how society could develop if given it's Full, Balanced, Spiritual-also, Potential!
Nothing more need be said than that the "THIRD WORLD" so-called, exists because of this historical gliche we now can call the "global drugs blackmarket". Innordinate appropriation of powerless peasant's Land in far-away-places, for massive opium crops, and no doubt marijuana crops, etc., has introduced the numerous examples of "settled" cultures, and variations to older ones, which are not sustainable, where locals are not allowed to grow their own staples, etc.
It's farcical to suggest eliminating drug-crops. If they are given the recognition they deserve, in all aspects, of Industrial, Medicinal and Recreational, and almost forgetting the Spiritual, and in Economic terms of how their production enhances economies and Communities, in "Above-the-table-status" (ATTS), they can be incorporated into the ATTS economy.
The VITAL difference, is that these "commodities" which they may be called if legal, may then, or NOW, be grown LOCALLY. At least in closer regions where suitable, etc.
Climate change, is being influenced by the need to ship so many things around the globe, and then transport them to the consumer, etc. If "drugs" so-called, are such a large factor in global shipments, be-it purely economic, or in mass, it seems we have the Authority to Adjust and decrease the demand on the earth's resources (70-to-80% of air pollution is from transport), by legalising drugs, and allowing local production EVERYWHERE. Same-same, of course, with foodstuffs etc. (Hemp!) One minor example.......
Also, if the drug lords of earth are also the bankers, then, it may be said "We Have it!", for Adjustments to the Distribution of Humanity upon the Arable faces of the Earth are within their control. If such Benificence were to be allowed to develop(?), distribution of sustainable populations would include Localised employment/endeavour, for more People evenly spread inherantly come with demands for food, clothing, housing, etc., thus Local industry and employment.
In provision of secure accommodation, employment and produce, it matters not whether it is private or government employment, so long as the needs are satisfied. With the monkey off the back, many, many psychological habits will manifest as incompatible, and time will be necessary for those suffering the aftershocks of "no monkey", as well as a smoke or cookie. Good, Ethical Employment helps.
"Hi-Tech" has it's Ethical limits guys, perhaps more so than economic, environmental or psychological limits.
I find it hard to trust any corporations, legal or otherwise, sorry guys. I know there's a bunch of you out there with the Balls and the Wisdom to pursue such cases, and I put it to you that we have surmounted the obstacle on our "Ongoing Call for Mankind - Human Justice" - 'Religious ignorance'.
But whether or not I paint the picture of how drug reform may unfold, a Peaceable Solution is now possible, and necessary. Any more blueing, fighting, on such scales is NOT recommended, especially as we've deciphered the texts of the Holy Grail, recently unearthed, and have some Major Opportunity awaiting us, in the resolution of the anachronistic "global drugs blackmarket", and the attached anachronismssss of inequitable distribution of Land.
Significant here also, is that, as I said, the Global Lords of most of the global capital (the aforementioned), I'd reckon see also "A Light" dare-I-put-it-thus, and that much of the business they've been involved in is really, "quite-beyond-the-pale" and unsustainable. Especially while Fate, or Fortune, or God, has shuffled the global and cosmic cards in such a way to offer us ALL, Henry Keswick and Peers, and Nimbin Revolutionary-alike, and Everyone in-between, the "Process" with which to set Aright, an otherwise decimated Earth, with minimal negative repurcussions.
There is no point putting anymore in jail. One part of the "Process" is reducing criminals, thus inmates of prisons. A major frightener to many middleclasses, understandably. This, as well as most all of any Reforms from here-on, has to be "managed" dare-I-say-it, from opening the cells to them growing old, the same way everyone will have to be "managed" in some way or another.
These are scarey words, but government is about managing Communities, and has been very much a part of our lives for generations, and for centuries.
So "cultures" are going to be effected, prison cultures and city-cultures, rural cultures and urban cultures, etcetera.
But the monkey will be off our back................
"Say what? Mr Keswick, Old Chum...?"
It really does come down to an offer of Meeting, to "Discuss" these issues.
I've penned a note in my diary to write a Proposal for "5,000 DELEGATES" to come together to "Talk True". Australian Aborigine Looms Large in my thoughts on this idea, but I have not asked them at all.
A "Fitting" place to Call-Up 5,000 Delegates of the many Cultures of Earth seems to be here in Australia, and perhaps the desert somewhere is Appropriate.
ULURU is most likely the Place the Aborigine Nations here would point to, so let's see what happens.....
But that may be for the future.
NOW, today, weekonepostmardigrass2006, the immediate annuling of all drug laws remains as the Best Step, Fathered by "Nods" perhaps from Rome, Washington, Israel, or should I say "Jerusalem", inclusive of Islam and others, but initiated by the Parties named in the WANTEDposter.doc from London, Hong Kong, Washington, Tel Aviv etc.
Without putting too much Pressure on their Royal Highnesseseses, Life-on-Earth is threatened by any further delays.
Fear not, I think you have at least 4,000,000,000 People ready to Salute you.......
As for the Mardi Grass..., we had one, and we are a Village who remember the Timelessness of Peace, and that the Best things needs-must Progress slowly-slowly, as much as we'd ALL like to see the wallstreet.babble melt...
Process, Mr Keswick.
You're the Boss..........
Greetings, Mrs Elizabeth Windsor.
Global Drug Law Reforms: ARREST WARRANTS
The following "blog" has just been sent to about 60 (sixty) email contacts globally, formatted in MS Word, 2-pages A4.
Be Inspired....
Effective from Monday 1st May 2006
Nimbin, N.S.W., 2480 Australia
Let it be Known, that this Arrest Warrant
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Chairman; Jardine Matheson corporation; Mr. Henry Keswick
Chairman; Barclay's Bank corporation; Mr. Matthew W. Barrett,
Group Chairman; Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation; Sir John Bond
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Prime Minister of Britain; Mr. Tony Blair,
Her Royal Highness; Queen Elizabeth (Windsor) II of England,
British High Commissioner to Australia; Mrs. Helen Liddell,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......,
President of the Federated Republic of Russia; Mr. Vladimir Putin,
President of the People's Republic of Communist China; Mr. Hu Jintao,
President of the United States of America; Mr. George W. Bush,
Vice-President of the United States of America; Mr. Richard Cheney,
U.S. Secretary of Defence; Mr. Donald Rumsfeld,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
United States Senator; Mr. Edward Kennedy,
Chairman and C.E.O., News Corporation Limited; Mr. Rupert Murdoch,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
These Warrants are issued so-as the above-named may answer questions in front of a Legal Court, and in public, in regard to the allegations made in the 1986 book "Dope Inc., Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars". (By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Published by “New Benjamin Franklin House”, New York, New York)
Allegations of involvement by the aforesaid Defendants, shall include issues as below, to whit the Defendants above-named shall be required to Speak Honestly on;
-Global control and corruption of the Highest Laws, to effect control of the GLOBAL BLACK-MARKET in production, distribution, sales and consumption of THE MEDICINAL HERB “MARIJUANA”, also known as “Cannabis”, “Ganga”, “Pot”, “Weed”, etcetera, etcetera, and,
-to effect control of the global BLACK-MARKET in production, refinement, distribution, sales and consumption OF THE MEDICINAL, "OPIUM", AND IT'S REFINED PRODUCT “HEROIN”.
-Manipulation of international and Sovereign national laws to introduce "prohibition" illegally, of important Medicinal Herbs and amphetamines, to, breakdown whole Cultures, etcetera,
-Deliberate denial of FACTS in Regard to Aborigine, and Aborigine Sovereignty, in; Australia, China, India, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, Africa.......,
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Charges will be laid against the afore-named Defendants alleging (amongst other charges): the irreverent behaviour of the institutes and organisations they head, has encouraged and increased worldwide social, personal abandonment of Ethical, Sustainable Values, leading to the environmental breakdown which now threatens the whole Planet.
This, fostering Familial, Social/Community breakdown, and near-general personal psychosis across whole Cultures, regions, continents and islands.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, it will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective until,
further investigations are carried-out by the Global Policing Authorities, including the New South Wales Police Service, and it's fellow-State, Federal and Territory Policing Services and Forces, intra-nationally in Australia and internationally, as to the Scientific, Political, Economic and Evidence-based INVALIDITY of all current "Drug Laws", structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting environmental, cultural, social and personal breakdown, on a global scale,
-structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting inherently corrupt, anachronistic and today, in 2006C.E., unsustainable religious, governmental and business institutions, and/or "institutional models".
Questions will also be asked regarding the Defendant’s knowledge of, and the defendant organisations' involvement in past wars, dating-back to the "Reformation" of the 16th Century, and further back if necessary, up-to this day,
Questions will also be asked regarding the defendant organisations’ involvement in the Cultural breakdown of the region of "The Middle East", over the past 120 years....,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that “black-market money” needs-must be “legalised”, retrospectively, that the “trade” in drugs be brought, with the huge profits, to “Above-The-Table Status”, to eliminate all “criminal” factors in the largest economy on Earth.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, is capable of Peaceably Addressing the “situation” as manifest in the allegations above.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, through such irascible corporate behaviour, has come near to it’s own destruction, thus the excesses appropriated by such misbehaviour, be appropriated by Humanity to balance Global Agrarian Redistribution, and other PRIORITIES.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and are prepared to Co-operate fully with following Inquiries, Investigations and Hearings.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and Know they are Duty-Bound to begin forthwith to turn the “profits and machinery” of their global organizations toward the Equitable redistribution of Wealth, GLOBALLY and ETHICALLY.
Members of all Police Services are asked to Respect and Honor this ARREST WARRANT, if held by, or found in the possession of, a User of Marijuana, pursuant to the above; ‘…Argued in the Affirmative, … the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, ….that - any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective…..’.
Until further notice…
Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max No Difference, aka Max Nichols Cook
NOTE, on Northern Rivers Autonomous Lands Authority’s (N.R.A.L.A.) 1st Edict, as above: As it is, we waste time attributing "blame" to one or another character, and today, unaccountably, as the whole planet is SERIOUSLY faced with annihilation.
So, “NO BLAME”, needs-must apply.
"Amnesty" seems the appropriate word, in regard to enabling those who currently feel most guilty, or with most to lose, or such, to let go of...., fears.
The "drugs trade" effects such bad attitudes (inherent in the "illegal” drugs culture) right across the Earth, perhaps by the drugs being disrespected incorrectly, and by being illegal, that the rampant degrading effects are felt right-across atmospheres, and deep into the Soil!
With the threatened end of the planet, the "modern" western materialist culture cannot/will-not be maintainable, so, "drugs" per se, for many Sound Reasons, may well be the "Medicine" Humanity NEEDS to Sustainably keep-on growing, cheap, tax-free, Etcetera, with minimal ENVIRONMENTAL side-effects, ETCETERA........, to get through the psychological WAR we westerners have coming, inside our own minds, hearts and Souls........ or not.
But the Advocated Aim remains “Abstinence”.
Religion, Media, Unions of all persuasions are invited to contribute. Subpoenas or Arrest Warrants will be issued to those within such organizations, whom it is deemed, have something to add, to assist in resolving the abovementioned Political, Spiritual and Economic stalemate(s) on Earth.
Be Inspired....
Effective from Monday 1st May 2006
Nimbin, N.S.W., 2480 Australia
Let it be Known, that this Arrest Warrant
initiates the process of the Peaceable Apprehension of the following Personages:
Chairman; Jardine Matheson corporation; Mr. Henry Keswick
Chairman; Barclay's Bank corporation; Mr. Matthew W. Barrett,
Group Chairman; Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation; Sir John Bond
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Prime Minister of Britain; Mr. Tony Blair,
Her Royal Highness; Queen Elizabeth (Windsor) II of England,
British High Commissioner to Australia; Mrs. Helen Liddell,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......,
President of the Federated Republic of Russia; Mr. Vladimir Putin,
President of the People's Republic of Communist China; Mr. Hu Jintao,
President of the United States of America; Mr. George W. Bush,
Vice-President of the United States of America; Mr. Richard Cheney,
U.S. Secretary of Defence; Mr. Donald Rumsfeld,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
United States Senator; Mr. Edward Kennedy,
Chairman and C.E.O., News Corporation Limited; Mr. Rupert Murdoch,
Etcetera, Etcetera.......
to answer Questions on THE GLOBAL “DRUGS” BLACKMARKET.
These Warrants are issued so-as the above-named may answer questions in front of a Legal Court, and in public, in regard to the allegations made in the 1986 book "Dope Inc., Boston Bankers and Soviet Commissars". (By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Published by “New Benjamin Franklin House”, New York, New York)
Allegations of involvement by the aforesaid Defendants, shall include issues as below, to whit the Defendants above-named shall be required to Speak Honestly on;
-Global control and corruption of the Highest Laws, to effect control of the GLOBAL BLACK-MARKET in production, distribution, sales and consumption of THE MEDICINAL HERB “MARIJUANA”, also known as “Cannabis”, “Ganga”, “Pot”, “Weed”, etcetera, etcetera, and,
-to effect control of the global BLACK-MARKET in production, refinement, distribution, sales and consumption OF THE MEDICINAL, "OPIUM", AND IT'S REFINED PRODUCT “HEROIN”.
-Manipulation of international and Sovereign national laws to introduce "prohibition" illegally, of important Medicinal Herbs and amphetamines, to, breakdown whole Cultures, etcetera,
-Deliberate denial of FACTS in Regard to Aborigine, and Aborigine Sovereignty, in; Australia, China, India, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iran, Africa.......,
Etcetera, Etcetera......,
Charges will be laid against the afore-named Defendants alleging (amongst other charges): the irreverent behaviour of the institutes and organisations they head, has encouraged and increased worldwide social, personal abandonment of Ethical, Sustainable Values, leading to the environmental breakdown which now threatens the whole Planet.
This, fostering Familial, Social/Community breakdown, and near-general personal psychosis across whole Cultures, regions, continents and islands.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, it will be Argued in the Affirmative that -
- any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective until,
further investigations are carried-out by the Global Policing Authorities, including the New South Wales Police Service, and it's fellow-State, Federal and Territory Policing Services and Forces, intra-nationally in Australia and internationally, as to the Scientific, Political, Economic and Evidence-based INVALIDITY of all current "Drug Laws", structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting environmental, cultural, social and personal breakdown, on a global scale,
-structured as all current "Drug Laws" are, supporting inherently corrupt, anachronistic and today, in 2006C.E., unsustainable religious, governmental and business institutions, and/or "institutional models".
Questions will also be asked regarding the Defendant’s knowledge of, and the defendant organisations' involvement in past wars, dating-back to the "Reformation" of the 16th Century, and further back if necessary, up-to this day,
Questions will also be asked regarding the defendant organisations’ involvement in the Cultural breakdown of the region of "The Middle East", over the past 120 years....,
Etcetera, Etcetera........,
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that “black-market money” needs-must be “legalised”, retrospectively, that the “trade” in drugs be brought, with the huge profits, to “Above-The-Table Status”, to eliminate all “criminal” factors in the largest economy on Earth.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, is capable of Peaceably Addressing the “situation” as manifest in the allegations above.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that Humanity, in 2006CE, through such irascible corporate behaviour, has come near to it’s own destruction, thus the excesses appropriated by such misbehaviour, be appropriated by Humanity to balance Global Agrarian Redistribution, and other PRIORITIES.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and are prepared to Co-operate fully with following Inquiries, Investigations and Hearings.
It will be Argued in the Affirmative, that the above-named, to whom this Warrant is addressed, are fully cognizant of the Whole situation, and Know they are Duty-Bound to begin forthwith to turn the “profits and machinery” of their global organizations toward the Equitable redistribution of Wealth, GLOBALLY and ETHICALLY.
Members of all Police Services are asked to Respect and Honor this ARREST WARRANT, if held by, or found in the possession of, a User of Marijuana, pursuant to the above; ‘…Argued in the Affirmative, … the “prohibition” of the Herb "Marijuana", or "Cannabis", is illegal,
and, ….that - any charges laid regarding the possession and/or consumption of ANY Cannabis product, are invalid and ineffective…..’.
Until further notice…
Max Nichols Meredith
aka Max No Difference, aka Max Nichols Cook
NOTE, on Northern Rivers Autonomous Lands Authority’s (N.R.A.L.A.) 1st Edict, as above: As it is, we waste time attributing "blame" to one or another character, and today, unaccountably, as the whole planet is SERIOUSLY faced with annihilation.
So, “NO BLAME”, needs-must apply.
"Amnesty" seems the appropriate word, in regard to enabling those who currently feel most guilty, or with most to lose, or such, to let go of...., fears.
The "drugs trade" effects such bad attitudes (inherent in the "illegal” drugs culture) right across the Earth, perhaps by the drugs being disrespected incorrectly, and by being illegal, that the rampant degrading effects are felt right-across atmospheres, and deep into the Soil!
With the threatened end of the planet, the "modern" western materialist culture cannot/will-not be maintainable, so, "drugs" per se, for many Sound Reasons, may well be the "Medicine" Humanity NEEDS to Sustainably keep-on growing, cheap, tax-free, Etcetera, with minimal ENVIRONMENTAL side-effects, ETCETERA........, to get through the psychological WAR we westerners have coming, inside our own minds, hearts and Souls........ or not.
But the Advocated Aim remains “Abstinence”.
Religion, Media, Unions of all persuasions are invited to contribute. Subpoenas or Arrest Warrants will be issued to those within such organizations, whom it is deemed, have something to add, to assist in resolving the abovementioned Political, Spiritual and Economic stalemate(s) on Earth.
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