
Opium’s “Secret Societies”?

Opium’s “Secret Societies”by Max Nichols Meredith
Nimbin 11-04-06
The disparate distribution of People over the Lands of the planet, may, in the "third world" (a dubious term, I feel), be in the main due to foreign mal-appropriation of same Lands, for the foreigner's nationalist self interest, especially in the growing and manufacture of misnomered "illegal drugs".
Particularly Opium. It has always been very profitable.
The clandestine activities of the longtime (300 years) and current heads of the mob, the British (and later Russian, Chinese, et al) "gang", involved the darkest of arts, the occult, and that has been employed, while hard to see for ANY Noble Purpose, upon the mostly more Peaceful Minds of the invaded Peoples, Aborigine mostly, again, for centuries.
With greater guns-type firepower, the occult doubled the effect, I suspect, but also entrenched bad beliefs, powerless beliefs in the "Natives", "Trust" in the new gods - whitey.
Today, the planet has endured one hundred and twenty years or so of "Cecil Rhodes" type supremacy delusions-with-lots-of-money, a carcenigen of secret societies spreading-out to far-flung places to "capture" the hearts of the trusting, Noble, Virtuous Indigenies, Aborigines, and the tough Americans, Australians, and whoever else they can, for to re-establish the fantastical "British Empire"........... Hmmmm........
The massive global networks which seem to have arisen from Rhodes delusions of granduer, in the late 1800s, were all run on the secret occult levels of players, if-not puppets, and seem also to have permeated most all quarters.... [a few years ago, a news report came from Papua New Guinea about a breakdown in "Peace Talks" of some kind, involving the PNG mob, and others including the Bouganville Islanders, et al. The breakdown was due in part because the Islanders accused the Australian mob, including Downer I think, of using "black magic"!]
Who would deny that the Australian Anglophiles are right-in-there, and have been since at least...... 1808CE.
Rum Rebellion! Hmmmm......?
Since 1996, say what John Howard?
Today, my estimates tell me that about four BILLION, FOUR-AND-A-HALF-BILLION even People including morons, zombies, clones, puppets and ghosts (ghosts not included in the census. Sorry guys!) have their third eye open.
About 70 percent of the Human population (bad maths I know) and it's growing so fast THERE AIN'T NO STOPPIN' IT, have the ability to, or the knowledge on occult powers, and on how they can and have been malemployed on us for ever.
"Secret Societies" are forming so fast, no..., are so plentiful, me thinks, that the planet has turned into an Astral game for the majority, captured by the "power" they find, and it sounds (?) pretty wicked visuals and sensations etc., but it might be taking our eye off the Ball. The Big Ball....... Mother Earth.
Also, about the same number of Human Beings are aware that the massive drugs trade EXISTS, runs all economies and habits (through advertising and marketing magic), and that the whole, once highly regarded "Empire", "Monarchy", "Westminster Parliamentary System" Ho-bankrupt-Ho-bankrupt-Ho-Ho-Ho, the "Democratic government" which keeps out of Eurodollars (still?) of the gREAT bROKEN-ER-Britain, is an utter, utter, utter, utter, utter, utter faaaaarce!
Shit aye?
"OH NO Brave Galacticus Strappacarroticus! We'll indulge in nothing LESS, than a tinseltowntastylookingthrowawayrotyaliver tin of formaldahide!"
So, if Britain's got all viss power then, Den?, why ain't they invading everywhere with their smelly socks and hoovers? Then...? Why hain't they all moved house to their colonies for better weather, for one?
Well, Brave One, Let's take a look at........ "Queensland", shall we?
Well, they hain't got it ALL, yet, see....
Thing is, the last ten to fifteen years has seen an explosion in occult knowledge, breaking squillions of spells over minds of all of us, mostly.
Henry Keswick, no doubt a Knight of some disorerd, er, disorder, might well be a Knight in a Truly Beneficent Order, and by what I'ss been reading, much of what we identify with in terms of modern witchcraft, has it's anticedents in this same longtime bunch of terribly-wealthy, and terribly-terribly.....terribly clever Masters of the Occult Arts.
Pensively I suggest that the world may indeed be a far worse place for the majority to live in, if fate, had taken "history" down a different track, than the one where we have the powers-that-be performing as they have been.
120 years of occult energy, inspired by a delusion, of white superiority, amongst others, has served a strange a oft' twisted purpose, of spreading some Uniformity in global cross-cultural relations.
The Messages of Judeo-Christianity, about God, and about LEVITICUS 25!, have come through as well, for the benefit of all, seriously scrambled and misinterpreted as they have been. (for a Purpose also!)
But the "Economics" of accountability, and the systems invented in the industrialised west, muchly in Britain (prorbablee en Scootlund!) are as good as in place globally now, along with the technology to make your day go faster (?)
Very little else is necessary for Humanity to transcend most-ALL the chaos of today's awry world. Obviously "Education" is integral.
All it takes now, is a Common Consensus, from the Masses, from the Elite, from the Human Being-in-all-of-us-isn't-that-nice........ to recognise that the past delusions of Cecil Rhodes and Companieeees, were delusions and the danger of "placing your faith in the supernatural" is showing itself today with the threatened environmental collapse. The "Human Society" as-it-were, has collapsed already.
Go to Pheonix!
Because of the extreme and perfected deployment of these Rhodes-ian ideologies, an extreme proportion of (almost) everyone's ideals and beliefs are over generations distorted from a True and Natural Way, so we all have quite some work to do in our own heads, as to the accepted "lifestyle" we've essentially been conned to leading.
It is only through the personal re-evaluation of these aspects of our own lives, and the dispelling from mind the tricks, the deceptions, the fraudulances, that Humanity may save itself and it's Mother Earth.
Just remember, the "Pheonix" is down there, under all the materialistic crap!
Henry Keswick may be aware of this, hard to accept though it may be.
As "everyone" knows about Mr Keswick's abssolutely massive mathesson mafioso nowadays, and the web of tentacles grown from it, AND as today billions know about the naughty side of magic and secret societies, isn't it a bit-of-a-wank to keep ponsing around as if we're all full of "Secrets" about what sort of beast we bonk?
Sorry Henry!

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