
Sue NSW Councils for fish-kills

Sue NSW Councils for fish-kills.

by Omaxa bin Eartha.

Last year there was a weather event in northern New South Wales in which the Richmond River flooded, causing a fish-kill of dramatic proportions.

In the days following it became apparent that the fish kill was caused because of the build-up of introduced weeds in the river catchment area, which had taken decades to accumulate. When uprooted by the flood & washed downstream, the decomposed weeds depleted the waters of oxygen, thus a tragic amount of the river organisms, including the fish, died.

What follows is my analysis of these events, written on the same day I heard the news report about the fish-kill.

“Police have a Duty to lay charges against Richmond River Councils for fish-kill.”
(written, early March 2008.)

So says Political Outlaw, Max Earth.
“Failure to ensure the Health of the Environment”, is Max's allegation.

While he admits “...such a crime may not be on-the-books, or coined in the same terms, the Impartial Science of a Proper Investigation would...,” he believes, “...establish a deadly-thus-criminal paucity of Environmental Responsibility displayed by (all) New South Wales' Councils”.

“As a Nomad, one becomes aware of the enviro-carnage throughout the Land. Lantana, capeweed, blackberries, scotch thistle, radiata pine, just five introduced plants classed as 'weeds', & the shiploads of other pestilences, from cane toads to cattle, have been left to grow wild in National & State forests, Council & privately-owned Land, thus causing events like the recent fish-kill.”

“While governments ignore the FACT that ALL Policies & Laws of social, cultural, demographic & economic development or 'improvement', are deadly, if not 100% cognizant of the Importance of underpinning all of them with the Prime Tenet of “Natural Ecology First”, mankind will be decimated.”

“Authorities, including the police, are all sitting in-potentia of being charged with committing the above crimes.”

Max thinks these charges extend to the class of “Crimes Against Humanity'.

This is simply “Asserting the Fullness of the Law”, says Earth.

If it is established that on such issues, such as fall within the Responsibility of Councils, (& up, to the National Parliament, & even Earth says, to the International Courts), the failure to maintain the Health of the Environment, short-or-longterm, threatens Human existence on Mutha Eartha, then the authorities are culpable.

Such an allegation places the spotlight on the law-enforcing, law-making & Judicial bodies & authorities, for allowing such erroneous mis-&-maltreatment of the Land to become Law.

Max says, “It's an open-&-shut case, & may set a Precedent for the much needed Reappraisal of “What the Hell Humans are doing to our One, True Mutha?”

Yours for EVERYONE'S Mutha,

Omaxa bin Eartha.
Outlaw for Global Land, Cult & Drug Law Reform.

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