Crisis! What Crisis?
11th July 2009.
So. Humanity finds itself in a crisis?
Indeed, in several crises happening at once.
As if all the worst things that could happen to this self-inflated species have all been brought to bear, in one single, small point in Earth time.
In perhaps 200 years, over the era called the “industrial revolution”, but closer to a period covering about 6000 earth years, since the lost tribes of Israel first began writing their opinions and records, in fact since that mob of Hebrew wanderers were first captured and hypnotised by some long-passed witch, shaman, “wicked priest”, perhaps Adam Kadman, perhaps his reputed wife Eve, perhaps a clever-fella they called “Yehovah”, a planet which has existed with innumerable Human and other Intelligent species relatively harmoniously, and survived all manner of climactic changes for some millions, if not billions of years, is now threatened with the most widespread extinction.
About the only event which apparently does not threaten Earth, is it's own explosion into space, into millions of rock and liquid asteroids, and clouds of cosmic dust. I expect the hynotised idiots of 'western' real estate would even at that prospect, try to figure out how to capitalize on flogging the bigger remaining pieces to those they hope might survive!
Certainly, we know they have plans for the moon!
And worse than the calamities we can expect in the coming decades, an whole majority of this most stupid species of hypnotised tall shadows, have been conned by that same endarkened Hebrew-cum-Roman-cum-British-Eurapean mob to look to one person – one fella – to save the lot of them?
It seems that they have been fooled to believe that he or she (as it happens, its a male), has to be lied to and maltreated all his life, and at the same time plied with massive amounts of occult power to bring him up to the level of super human status, so that he can stop all of the troubles Humanity faces?
Stop all of these coming troubles with a mere wave of his witch's wand, in order to save them?
The fella they choose, is expected to lay down his own Holy Spirit, as Jesus called it, and his own life, and forget all of the insults and damaging lies and maltreatment he has received, and forgive them, even to the point of respecting them and caring for their selfish lives enough to protect them from the things which they have fabricated, invented, cungered and dreamt-up?
It doesn't take much for any rational, reasonable, thinking Human Being, or even for any highly trained monkey, to process that expectation of billions of people, to realise and correctly conclude with astonishment, that of those who do such things and expect such things from any one such human or superhuman, so that he would save their smelly little arseholes from annihilation, that they are all utterly insane. Crazy. Absolutely ignorant fruitloops. Dangerous and totally braindead morons!
Also, anyone who was capable of thinking, which it is obvious those who expect one person to save billions are not capable of, would relatively quickly come to another correct conclusion, that that mass of selfish, cowardly and really stupid people, should themselves be exterminated as soon as possible!
This last conclusion would be arrived-at by considering all the evidence of the day, and, as the above scenario, this delusion of “billions wanting one fella to save them” is an actual reality, add to that body of evidence, the contributing facts of what is causing the “end-of-the-world” threats to the planet and to her multiple life forms.
The “contributing facts” being that in-the-main, the irrational excessive and uncontrolled behavior, expressed in so-called “traditions” and “customs” of the most powerful and thus influential mobs, the very same mobs who are waiting for a saviour to stop the world's climate going too hot or too cold, and to stop the world's totally corrupt economic regime and imagined “aliens” from outer space from destroying their selfish myopic nuclear family homelife, are what are together threatening all life on Earth!?
If, as rumors suggest, the fella writing this piece, the fella animating these thoughts, is the one chosen, by the above methods of lies and insult and a punishing life, then he has a message for Humanity.
As the saying goes “Be careful what you wish for!” Because if your wishes ask too much of the cosmos, of the Gods, and of the Powers that can be extruded from the Human Soul, and thus are NOT totally Perfect, thus, totally in Tune with the whole of existence, with the One Supreme Causation, they are as a “house of cards”, and, when the crunch comes, they will all come tumbling down upon your silly heads.
This, going by the sum-total of the Evidence, appears to be what those waiting for a single messiah have built around their shallow souls. For in their weakness and hypnotic trances, of giving that unfortunate “chosen one” such a bad time, they have totally failed to weigh-up or include what damage they have done to him, and thus what reaction he might well unavoidably have, in return.
If, as seems to be the case, he has been trained to consider everything important to sustaining the Highest, most Honorable life on Earth, the life which ensures the Perennial, ongoing existence of as many species as possible, for he has come to know that life for humans relies completely upon the protected and sustained life of almost every other life form on Earth, from the most basic, single-cell organisms, through the most simple bio-chemical structures, through viruses and bacteria, through all mineral, vegetable and animal life forms, through invertibrates, vertibrates and on up to this self-appointed supreme being self-titled “Homo Sapiens” “man, the Wise” then, on bringing all the evidence together, evidence which details that “man, the Wise” is now leading the charge of exterminating more species than have ever been driven to extinction on the planet, he, that poor unfortunate single person, who is ashamed to be a part of that mob “man, the Wise”, in being True, Honest and selflessly Honorable, Dutiful to the last, has NO CHOICE but to determine that “man, the Wise”, the species, needs-must itself, be exterminated!
Even of it means his own elimination.
All Things Considered, this is the sum-total conclusion, from the evidence.
To the depths of his heart and Soul he must travel, beyond all thought of his own existence. Beyond all motions of the cosmic influences, which come together in his singular physical, mental and psychic being, known as the “Greatest Great Lord of the Victorious Peoples”. Beyond any presumptions of the God within his own Soul, or Self. For even to those immaterial, immortal depths, clings this want to preserve one's own existence, one's own “Life”, and thus, to preserve all, as tallied above, as are necessary for that to be so.
Beyond the folly of prayer, beyond the delusion of talking with God, beyond even the most Divine form, Language, travels the Purity, Within, until It, neither male or female, is One with Everyness. One with nothing. One with All.
Once There, why return? For once There, all is Found, and One lacks Nothing, so why return to a world of loss, suffering, with-ever-less-than Completion?
Life, on this petty delusion called by some “Earth”, is experienced by that poor unfortunate chosen “fall guy” as none but loss, theft, deceit and ratlike struggle. With each day of seeming “joy”, three days of loss, maltreatment and further pain follow as sure as the sun rises each morning.
Not just threefold pain for his body and mind. For deeper than they, he still has a Soul, a Soul which wants, without greed, without irrational insatiable asking, just the most basic elements even the Devil himself recognises as right and necessary for existence to be sustainable, endurable, and in the last, somewhat enjoyable.
But alas! The Devil, Satan, is not idiotic down on this fallen earth. It is his minions who are. For he/she too sees the delusion and thus the discordance of what is asked for by the many on Earth, and as he/she is as well an angry spirit, he/she attacks the irrational calls of the many, and wills ceaseless suffering upon those who selfishly beggar the realm. Some say, “his realm”.
Therefore, those who foolishly demand, through either this utter falsity called “love” the word employed by an errant cult to lure the many to their own destruction, through avarice and insatiable desire, for the word “love” derives from the Sanskrit language, the ancient language from before today's era where dark minds have won the reins of social trends, unto utter corruption, and the word “love” in Sanskrit means “desire”. But “desire” of that language probably in fact meant “desire for Oneness” and not for “oneness” with a sports car or a sexy woman, but with the Oneness of Brahman.
Therefore, those who foolishly demand, through either this utter falsity called “love”, or from blind ignorance, often called “faith”, that one human, made by their evil into a superman, should save their little delusion-of-a-world, have received their reward.
And that reward is in their knowing that they even to this minute, are giving to their progeny, nothing but disease, suffering and a future of degradation and war.
So indeed large one, “Careful what you wish for....” For in this endarked age, the trend so boldly shouted from the rooftops, radios, film, TV, media and billboards, and even from inside those so-called “houses of god”, is for wishes unreasonable, thus, which are attained only with attachments we in the end will ALL terminally regret.
Of those who are born in 100, 200, 300, a 1000 years, beyond the tumult we are about to experience, there will be no “history” no “herstory” no academia, no advertising agencies, no feminine, or masculine religion, and because of the coming extermination of the billions of the now's errant minds, their Joy will be fuller and Truer than the craving masses of today will have ever known.
This, is what praying to the crucifix brings the Earth.
Any who believe and follow those who admit their ignorance by openly awaiting one who is supposed to know, is a fool, and should be either avoided, or exterminated.
“If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him!”
In consideration of the billions who do NOT prescribe to the cowardly, hypnotised and lazy mind's faith in a cult of death, the chosen one would Work to save them, by Working to expedite the destruction of the errant softheaded cults of “we are superior, for we are inferior, to the one who will save us”. Always, you will find they are to your face, selfless and peaceloving, but behind your back, the most selfish and warlike, thus are complete and dangerous hypocrits. Worst of all, most of them do not realise that of themselves.
“Only an Enlightened Person will recognise an Enlightened Person!”
Never trust a stupid person to point out an Intelligent person. So, never trust a Christian to know who the so-called Christ is!
Lastly, I know there are a plenitude of good folk who prescribe to the faiths of the cross, and who have placed their faith in the chosen bloke to save the world.
All I'm saying in the above article is, once more, be careful what you wish for.
Because these issues, about any saviour, are issues which MUST be gone-into, as I say, to the depths of our own Soul, and this is NOT possible while we do not take that Greatest of ALL Leaps, and surrender the activity of the mind to the Ultimate Silence of what we call God.
This, most-often, when coming from the Intellectual darkness of today's “fallen” materialistic western world, is NOT anymore a Natural thing or Process, although the fortunate few unadulterated children have this capacity in themselves, but it has to be “learnt”. Or, perhaps more specifically, it is not what we must learn, but what we must “unlearn”, to be able to find once more that Purity of Soul, where Silence is Natural, and Genuine Communion with the Supreme Inner Light is Ever Ours. Ever Us!
So “unlearn” what we have had pumped into our nubile, gullible, spellbound minds, and this itself is a Process we must “learn” to perform.
True Philosophy, still extant in some “Eastern Schools” of Asia, is the Teacher I found, which Guided me through the warzone in my own head, and helped me fight those very powerful and vicious spells from the “western” schools of thought. Indeed, after a while, with Dedication, one finds that the words “thought” and “thinking” are totally wrong when it comes to the way the western schools have us employ our mental faculties. Most all of what we westerners call thoughts, are but hypnotic “spells”, which is why we so often find we cannot stop doing the things we KNOW are either unsustainable, like maintaining an over-consumptive lifestyle, lusting after opulance, smoking, drinking alcohol, (they don't call the high-octane alcoholic drinks “spirits” for nothing!) stealing, or believing what is just total bullshit.
That “activity of mind” is what feeds false beliefs, sustains false beliefs and purpetuates longer term deterioration of Good Culture. If Christians cannot see that, and that it is their own blind faith in centralised authority, both religious and political, then, I am sorry for you, and more so for your progeny of the next century and-on.
On “religious and political authority”, it is essential that the People of Earth get thinking HARD about “politics” as we know it in the western, developed, essentially Christian (Judeo-Christian) first world, because one of the most trumpeted mantras from our political class, is that “religion and politics must be kept seperate”.
I fully agree with this, in our “scientific age”. For “religion” of the western schools, is primarily mythology and outright deceit, bad magic draped over the heads of the masses for the advantage of the elite upper-class, usually “white”, Brit-Eurapean few. Next-to-never, does Christianity Guide it's flockers through the mental miasma of “spells” the church itself has laid upon us, so that we may enter ourselves, in this life, in this world, into the Hallowed “Kingdom of God”.
That's why it's written that Jeshua ben Joseph said, of the Hebrews and others who opposed his Teachings “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!” That's old-times talk which translated into today's language means “Forgive them Lord, for the idiots have been hypnotised!”
While “politics”, also drowning us in bullshit, is but the shopfront of what is yet to become recognised and respected as “Economic Science”. A future “parliament”, in a Rightminded world, would have nothing of what we see today. Science determines the Facts, and Facts do not need to be debated ad nauseum, once they are established as Facts. Facts enable us to get to THE Issues, having moved beyond the theory, opinions and usually prejudicial, partial and self-interested “party” beliefs. Beliefs of an hypnotised mob of self-interested pratts. (I'll forgive them as they swing from the light-poles....)
“Politics”, even with what I have trumpeted as “the most Intelligent politicians Australia and the USA have seen”, is still very much a “con”. A “con” forced upon us to keep us all divided, for one thing. But “politics” of this era, is but the distraction from the hard economic facts everyone has to know, before they can be expected to vote in the Correct POLICIES. NOT the Correct POLITICIANS, but the Correct POLICIES. Economic Policies....
As ex-President Bill Clinton Rightly observed back whenever, “It's the ECONOMY, stupid!”
AND...., as I've been harping-on about since I was Guided to it in about 1988, Economics is about the Human-to-Human Relationship on a finite Earth, BUT UNDERNEATH ALL THAT, Economics is REALLY about the Human Relationship with THE LAND!
You don't find many LANDLESS politicians, do you? Just like, in the west, you don't find many senior religious clerics who are not very comfortably accommodated on a very comfortable piece of LAND.
So, “politics” is “economics-small-e”.
“Economics-big-E” is “Us and the Land”, which is why right-wing politicians, like one “Tony Abbott” of the federal Liberal party, prefer “politics” or the distractive (thus open to all manner of smooth-talking), 'debate' of “politics”, over “Economics”. Because Economics, Proper Economics, is very-much a Science. DO NOT BELIEVE those who tell you that our stock and shares markets rely on “confidence”. (Ask yourself where the word “con” comes from? Do your Maths, kiddies.....) Stock markets rely on deception, keeping us from going-to the hard Economic FACTS.
This line, that “religion and politics must be kept seperate”, as it comes at us from the political classes of such as Australia, Eurape, Britain and the USA, is yet another case of baldfaced hypocracy, because those who plug that line, in politics (and in the heirarchy of mainstream religions), are 99% of the time themselves totally immersed (read-”lost”) in the religious, cult dogma of the schools, colleges and universities they were indoctrinated at.
Next to none of the Judeo-Christian religions are Impartial, when it comes to retaining power over the chained masses. This is why I am an Outlaw, and a Motorcycle Outlaw.
It was not religion which brought “Freedom” and Peace to my Soul, but the Hard Roads of Deep, Inward-investigating Philosophy, and the Freedom, found in riding motorcycles.
True Philosophy is far removed from Religion as the west has come to know it, and is far-far above both Judaism and Catholo-Christianity, for Philosophy Inspires, Educes (“draws out from within”) and Awakens the Intellect, where-as the western religious cults rely totally on hypnotism to cement-over the Intellectual faculty, so-as to seduce and fool the recipient, the “follower”, that they are “saved”. And the priests are usually the most hypnotised. Sadly, even the so-called “Gnostic” cults of the western schools also rely on occult entrapment to lure and fool followers.
The Freemasons railed against the darkness of Catholic entrapment in the 13th, 14th centuries and on, but were brought by the war between catholic and freemason, or catholic and protestant, to fall to the same malpractices of building a flock by those same anti-Intellectual powers. I question if the Freemasons of the early days were quite near the “Enlightenment” it seems the old Yeshua ben Joseph had Attained-to. Clearly sex is not all one needs to awaken the Inner Powers, and those Inner Powers found through a lot of sex are not all we need to be Gods.
So, break those nasty hypnotic cult spells, stop waiting for a messiah, and by EarthRight Living YOURSELF, be your own Messiah, and be a part of the Solution.
And who's going to murmur “the “final” Solution?
Ooop? There's those nasty Catholic Theosophists again!
Theoretical sophistry, indeed!
Aum Rama Satanis Aum.
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