
Buswell and Carles Affair

Afternoon News-Chop.OM

“He has however, showed very poor judgment.”
Mr Barnett said the (Troy Buswell) affair with Greens MP Adele Carles was not a sackable offence but the misuse of public funds was the final straw.
...from “Barnett accepts Buswell's resignation over affair, misuse of funds”, at


Standing in the forest, dwelling on the ethos behind Australian politics, the above Western Australian political drama leaves me with some, 'misgivings'?

West Australian Treasurer, Troy Buswell, we might have expected, should have had more control over his lower mind.

Previous outings incriminate him, and show perhaps that he does not fit the role of treasurer, given that that position demands SERIOUS self-control.

Any differences between the desires and expenditures of the lower mind (the groinal mind) and of the higher mind, which exist to deal intelligently with such affairs as economics, and it's derivative, politics, especially when in public office, may be worth noting, but as we are generally a fallen tribe, the two cannot be separated.

So fall he must, further from the Garden of Western Eden.

No doubt one IMF corporation (Rio Tinto? HSBC? BHP Billiton? P&O?) or another will secure his future with handsome offers of employment elsewhere, as they did with Victoria's treasurer Allan Stockdale after he and Premier Kennet raped the state's populace clean of public education, public housing, government real estate, etc, etc, etc? And ex-NSW Premier Bob Carr fell in well with the upclub corporate crowd post-Premiering it in NSW.

Indeed, it is a right (wing) royal house of kiss-arse favours over there in the traitor-classes of uptop, upclub, upemselves finance, war, opium-dealing and anything-but-the-facts politrix!

So, the teary-eyes of Troy Buswell, we all know, are for the cameras, and he'll be over it by the last job-offer next Friday.


Greens MP Adele Carles is not sitting so Greeen now, is she?
Perhaps a clever little charade by her mob over there, in the land of little, or very few scruples?
Can't help but think a little bit that they plotted Buswell's demise.
Is Carles chummy with the women Troy plucked and pinched earlier?
Is it a feminist conspiracy?


Perhaps the ex-promising ALP PM “What's-Her-Name”, of Western Australia, drank lattes at the same cafe-bar? I'd be with them if there was a connivance of revenge after her cruel down-coming!


Ne'ertheless, my concern is for the propriety of the party Ms Carles represents. The Greens.

Whatever went before the “affair”, and whatever occurred in the steamy rooms, wherever, matter little to me. It seems to happen all the time, and all the time, and all the time.

I myself am the product of something very similar. YEP! A bastard!

So.... for me to deal with. As perhaps the W.A. Affair of the day's air is theirs.

But what are we to expect from the rising Greens Party, over there, and elsewhere?

Sexuality is fundamental to our personal esteem (not forgetting that 'esteem' is of the same root as 'estimation', which is not anything accurate, nor properly assessed. In a word, it's more of a guess!), and for our collective Bliss, it seems, but we all know there is a time and a place, at least outside opposing political parties parlaying.

It is for the better that Ms Carles came out and admitted to the affair before it went too far, Buswell's downfall or no.

But, or also, it adds to the public's opinion, lowering opinion, of politicians in general, and Adele Carles has therefore fallen into the same basket.

One wonders what will happen in attempts to lift the public's opinions of her, if they are lower than to be expected?

Being a Kingmaker (can't include Queenmaker!), I have to ponder this. I have no want, nor any sense of “duty” to offer advice, or reprimand.
But having pulled a few strings lately, in support of the Greens, and in the possible quadrupling-or-so of their supporter-base, it is important that I say something about this affair.

Being in a seriously fallen nation, albeit that the stats say we're on top of the world, it's stupid to expect the best from politicians, of “our side” or not.

I believe that when some situations manifest, it is impossible for those involved to say “no”, or even to graciously remove themself from what they see coming?

I'm a big fan of saying “NO!” which doesn't always do me much good. But things today are different, so “lee-way” must be allowed.

I hope Adele Carles puts a bit of thought and deep contemplation into the aftermath of this mis-step, and perhaps even changes a few things in her life, so she may, just to herself, redeem herself from the stains of being a little bit naughty, when in such an important position of public trust.

From the view-point of contemplation of our nation's future, she has to see her “...important position of public trust” clearly and fundamentally.

Because I doubt I will ever vary from my, and many thinkers' feelings, that the future, if we-collective (globally) are to have a future, will be a Green future.

If it is not, we have not.....

Being Green may be groovy enough to allow secretive romps in the grass, with youthful verve, amongst light-hearted well-knowns, and wiff-a-spiff or three, but even though I'm the original stick-in-the-mud, on issues Ethical, I cannot not see that being Green is also the Call to take the Highest Ethical position, passed youth, and into adulthood.

Again, I suggest that we all take a long and sincere look at how the Australian Aborigine Lived, for eon-on-eon-on-eon, and how they managed Supreme “Self-Control” and thus the perennial sustenance of the 520-plus nations, and of the Land, their Mother.

Wisdom can smile at the “affair”, but cannot condone.

She might add-vize we avoid that old curse of Catholic “guilt”, for the play is much larger than our own little egos, and sweeps us along no matter how many times we say “no”.

Maybe Adele can hear this, and perhaps she might take a month or so to camp and wander with, and listen to the Aborigine Women over there?

Maybe Troy Buswell can, and will too, listen, to the Aborigine Men?

It'd be nice to know the rest of the politrickilly performing pricks in WA politics could step off the ego-podium long enough to actually learn something Worthwhile, from the Bleck Fellas!

But I suspect they find it hard to believe that, like the Aborigine, somebody, as represented in the Greens, actually DOES care.........

A 'Deeeep-an'-meaningful' from
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