
Leadership versus Democracy?


Today's models cannot work.

There are limits to leadership. “Size matters!”

Today's attempts at finding the best possible national, political and cultural or religious leader, are based on political doctrine from 4th century Rome, however, the accepted culture of holding high one person, over many many millions, inherently is, or becomes flawed.

Such beliefs - the “old Kings” model - appoint “Sovereignty” upon that, we assume high-born, person, but at the same time take Sovereignty away from all other Souls, oaf or Enlightened.

Monarchs in early days were regarded as either Gods, descending from the Gods, or had attained godliness for their Benevolence or skills in war, leadership and care of their Clan, Tribe et al.

Once a person is hailed as godly, myths spring into existence, and grow, and grow. Some last for millennia, some for a few political electoral cycles, or decades.

Today's leadership models, and actors come down from that religious, theocratic and very politically orientated attempt at “building” the best leader.

The reality is that they are products of propaganda agencies, who specialize in making something out of nothing, so fooling the masses that one person is so close to god status that they deserve to be our leader, and MORE, that we need them to lead us.

Sovereignty seems to be an element necessary for personal ascension to a, the, any “Divine” state or level of being. If we, as Ethical Humans have the Right to possess anything, it is our own Sovereignty, for without it we cannot Attain to the Heavens.

Try telling that to a Christian missionary?

So government wants to give people their own Sovereignty, which challenges all leaders, themselves included.

As politics is a career, those established in that field will want to keep the security it gives them, and thus, unless they would prefer to be guided by Wisdom, and not by ruthlessness, desperation, cowardice, greed, or fear of having less tomorrow, efforts will be both to keep the dominant delusions about good government and the “Jesus” leadership model, and to discredit the most Honorable and thus Progressive political concepts, ideas, writings, groups, and doctrines.

This is done exceptionally effectively through the leadership model we currently, for 1,000s of years suffer.

The “Jesus” model.

Central leadership above levels, in factors of demographics, population, arability, food and water supplies, building materials etc, will fail.

Central leadership, be-it in one person, or in one location, again, beyond a certain demo-geographical dimension, can only work economically upto a certain size.

Beyond, the concentration, and the effort of managing and running it becomes unsustainable, if only for it's ever-rising complexities.

City vegie gardens foster the right idea, but should occupy closer to about 60% of the urban and city land.

As we are, in Australia, our towns and cities are over-dependent on the distant rural, agricultural sector, and therefore, all the negatives that come with our massively inefficient and destructive monocrop broadacre food production, pesticiding, fertilising, biosphere depletion, product enhancement, packaging, storage, transporting, storage, retailing, driving home and whacking it in the unsustainable fridge, freezer, or overdone kitchen. And the skyscrapers full of accountants accounting for it all?

These, this culture, foisted upon our dull minds by the advertising and marketing industry, allied to the global food owners, centrists in the extreme, is completely unsustainable.

The culture has however, had us invent some excellent equipment, but we err if we think we can replace Human talents with machinery.

The regimes of the last 500 years, 2,000 years and older, are outdated, and so are the models which their descendants war over, and take us all further down the path to destruction.

So now we all must update our perceptions of leadership, and Democracy, and move forward.

Australia. 500-plus “Local Nations”, run by democratically elected Economics and Culture Committees. Proportional Representation in all, with elected representatives for the new federal management “house”.

Modern fiscal, social and cultural affairs are too large for any relatively small central (federal or state) managerial parliament, and thus too complex for 1, one, person, leader to be “responsible” for.

It is criminal that a democratically-elected government should fall or be brought down for anyone's perceptions of any one person, as in a leader, or minister.

Not there, referring to PM Rudd's ousting. But it must be said that he has more to his credit than against him.

But again and again attempts to spread the power have failed, and centralisers once more win control of everything.

Well..., 99% of everything.

Such models have to be changed, but can only change at the Grassroots levels. Locally. Principally, through each individuals' “updating”. We all have the faculties of the majority of “leaders”, therefore we are fitted to Know, Respect and Lead ourselves.

But it only works when all Root Economic Laws are enacted by government on the vote of the people, thus the causes of the need to acquiesce to corruption are dispelled, so making each of us fit to lead ourselves.

“Communal Anarchy, perhaps?

But ALAS!? Those we vote for to lead us, are but the shopfront of the merchant bankers, and their doors to us, are ever closed?

To elect a Proper Leader, they must, at Gang level, Club level, civil and corporate management level, Local, state and federal government levels, demand the private banks' doors and books and safes are open to Local Public inspection, legal verification and 24/7 scrutiny.

But any leader is limited by how “on-the-money” the Countryzen are, for without Properly informed, educated, tutored, Philosophic - desiring Wisdom and basic Economic Truth - voters, and more - the culture - idiocy will elect idiots on an ever-downward trajectory.

It is for the global elites to face this, and accept, the “big game” of centralising power and god, is over.

Wisdom, and Law, are Local - and - only thus - are Green!

I reckon it's too close to the federal election now, but I'd hesitate-a-guess an' say that the party who puts “dissolution of the seven Australian states, ie., dissolution of the three-tier system of government” amongst their policies, with plans to Localise our economic management, would ramp-up their popularity significantly.

But they'd have to be well-prepared, for the “state-ists” would do everything to start a war, and a long war.

But......, with the states all we can look forward to is.... war?

And a war sponsored by the stubborn old crusties of British and Eurapean banking.

Zionist Jews and Christians, most of them?

So, until we break from the out-of-date “Christian” models of national leadership, and elect Committees based on Political Science, and not elite delusions, foreign elite delusions, all our energy will be expended on feeding the verbose mouths of the offshore political class, centrists to a tee.