Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon and Summer Solstice?
Q: Is the confluence of these events significant to the world of witches, to 'spiritual' folk, and for special occult ceremonies?
Is tonight, northern NSW time, a valuable time to seek to open one's 3rd or 'Spiritual' eye?
These questions I put to a website called “The Other Side”
An article from it, at
says the following:
Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse & Summer Solstice
(Posted on December 20, 2010 by Jenwytch)
Depending on where you live this December’s Solstice could share the same date as a lunar eclipse and the full moon, making it a very rare event. In fact, according to many reports this has not happened in 456 years (or 372 years, depending on which articles you happen to read). Most of these reports make reference to the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, which will occur at 11:38 PM UTC on December 21, 2010, with the full moon at 8:13 AM UTC and the eclipse mid-point at approximately 8:17 AM UTC. This means that many locations with UTC- (UTC ‘minus’) timezones will experience this rare event, but most locations with UTC+ timezones will miss out by a few hours.
In Australia our timezones range from UTC+7 hours to UTC+11 hours so the Summer Solstice (southern hemisphere seasons are opposite those on the northern hemisphere) will not fall on the same day as the full moon and the eclipse. Here in Sydney, for instance, on December 21 we will experience the full moon at 7:13 PM AEDT and the lunar eclipse at 7:17 PM AEDT but the Summer Solstice won’t occur until 10:38 AM AEDT on December 22, meaning we miss out on having this threesome all in the one day. :-( However, with the full moon/total lunar eclipse and the solstice merely a half day apart, it will still be a very special time. :-)
Thanks, Jenwytch!
Being regarded as a (quote:) “Spiritual person”, apparently of some repute, repute I regard as being more a mythologized victim of two or more powerful, yet rather mentally ill British and Eurapean Royal families, and having refused all attempts to now of opening my 3rd eye and assuming some global authority, I am, at 55.8 years old, out of energy and certainty in regard to going through the occult process as put in the above questions, I refuse to accept any of their Catholic assertions about my place and occult stature.
From here forward, it is either my death, or 'going-there' and playing superwitch, the consequences highly risky, for myself, where death comes from on high, but also for the rest of 'us', because I might not be the friendly witch the dumb-as Christians seem to be fooled to believe I, or my other side, am.
While I am slowly, and very cautiously coming to absorb the myth that I am a superwitch, I am constantly reminded, from my own seeking for the truth, or for the facts, by recalling words issued apparently by the Prophet Jeshua ben Joseph, when He said "He who comes after me, will bring not peace, but a sword!"
Frightening words, to any who understand!
Nevertheless....., Be nice to know someone (ANYONE!) and to be in good company for any such occasion?
Hard to find motivation, though, considering I have serious issues with anyone who is so stupid to think I am some kind of saviour or hero.
As with most everything the white western, Judeo-Christian world believes, the REALPolitik HARD FACTS turn things inside out and upside down.
So, if anyone expects the planet is about to find it's Wisdom and the end to war and general debauchery, think again.
An end to the massive and clearly insane march over Honor and Integrity, is going to leave extremely few survivors in the white, 1st, Christian, developed world, because in all western nations, the count of Honorable and Wise Folk is tiny.
So the vast majority are 'for-it' as-they-say.
Watch the little town of Mageddon, in the Levant, from here forward.......
Probably a LOT safer, to watch tele, than to play with your little fella, kiddies.
Not even the Roman Pope is Qualified to play with the occult realms, which is NOT to say I am.
The Dalai Lama, a very different story!
From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
Education and