All Praise to The Honorable who have fallen defending what they Know is Right!
All Praise the Immortals!
Fruitless Journeys to-and-fro?
Yesterday I braved the highways and drove north from a bush campsite north of Grafton, to an old campsite north of Brisbane.
As usual, after years since driving up the Pacific Hwy to Brisbane, then on to the Bruce Hwy, I was overcome by my own lostness.
The demographic along that route on each side is fullblown suburban materialist enterprise marketing and over-consumption, which to a Green Man's mind is a very VERY dangerous development.
Development copying the untenable spread seen (on TV etc) across the United States.
Almost 100% of the motor cars seemed less than a few years old, and huge numbers of them are in some way or another 'fancied-up' to look real groovy, sexy, hot, cool, etc.
Yet all the science about human culture tells us clearly that that type of materialism is deadly to the overall and long term health of the planet's environment.
I postulate that this culture of opulence, fostered and increased by the global oligarchs behind the IMF, is as well the most dangerous for the individual's psychology.
'Adults', an appropriate word describing grown-ups for it's second meaning suggesting they are in fact adulterated, in these super-modern western materialist societies, are undoubtedly twisted into mindstates antipathetic to our more important personal work 'of the Spirit' let's say.
If this is so, then the effects on children, being subjected 24/7 to the hyper-materialistic household and community can only be, for their future years, catastrophic.
So, what are we, or our so-called community leaders, 'building' for maturation in the future?
All Thinking People realise that such a culture makes shallow people, and in fact dangerous ones, prone to a very narrow, shallow, myopic and selfish perspectives.
This kind of person as we often see on TV from America, is zenophobic and ridiculously hostile to 'foreigners', especially from different cultures (Islamic. Asian, BLECK!) and also overly, irrationally protective of their own narrow, indefensible beliefs-systems and wealth-centred cultures.
It is a remarkable situation where we observe these radical xenophobic and often violent, warmongering comments from the ego-maniacal side of Americans coming from fanatical Christians!
What can possibly be the root cause of these deeply incorrect beliefs, attitudes and outbursts from as often, relatively highly respected and high-placed American citizens?
And, as inferred above, increasingly from white Australians?
If it is not the long abused powers of the mind, or witchcraft, deployed against the delicate and gullible minds of the youngest, through adolescents and into adults, by capitalist admen arseholes and religious opportunists alike, for purely selfish capitalistic dreams of acquiring as much wealth as any individual is able, as long as it 'appears' legal, through deceiving others of the worth of one material product or other, with absolutely no ethical and community-aware thinking, then surely it must be an increasingly widely-held belief that the future has already been trashed ahead of time, that therefore there is no future for the planet, as our ways, in our previous ignorance, have brought carnage to the future for the whole of life on Earth, therefore, in our tragic state, the best we can do for now is to abuse everything we can, in the singular and false pursuit of personal pleasure.
'In the moment', 'In the now', being adages thrown around in the hortiest cafes and fun parlors, ignoring whence this line comes completely.
This is just one example of the depth of the modern world's 'cultural mental illness' which threatens Wisdom, Intelligence and Honor, the 3 Essentials that have underpinned and upheld Wise and Happy Communities and Nations and 'Races' from way back when, when we, the Human Being, were still in touch with the Spirit inside of us, and knew full-well that in there, was the best and really the only 'place' or 'thing' we need to be in Communion with, moment-by-moment or, 'in-the-now..., Ma-an', to be Happy, Wise, Joyous, Just, and Guardians of a self-perpetuating, perennial culture.
As I endured the idiots of the massive highways to-and-fro on my little outing, I was reminded of the same 'explosion' of opulence and speculation which took-over in Ireland, after the early 1990s, and of the present situation now bashing the Irish, of horrible debts across the nation, collapsed confidence and the sudden loss of their new-found wealth and beloved expensive playthings and high-life.
Australia is receiving a large increase in Irish applications to immigrate (as well as from the other British and Euraqpean nations!) Do they apply intending to bring their FAILED ideologies and cultural habits with them?!
As all Brit/Eurapean countries are years ahead of trends in Astrayliar, and New Zealand I expect, the wider, 'global' perspective, ignored by these latest superheroes of the highways and 'burbs, shows us clearly, and more than a little threateningly, just what we down-here-down-under can expect in the next decade or so.
Eurape's and Britain's elites are doing everything their CEOs can to fend-off, for as long as possible, their own nations' financial and social implosions.
But all 'figures' and conclusions from all the more Respectable economics and social commentators say repeatedly that the inevitable collapse of the 'Eurozone' is..., inevitable.
It cannot be avoided, while the global, and continental government revenue and broader economic systems stay as self-orientated as they are.
Apart from the forecasts and mathematical, scientific determinations predicting the collapse of the modern world's engine room of the 1st world - Brit-Eurape - and it's dire consequences for the rest of the developed and developing world, one despairs at the blithe and blind it-has-to-be-said 'Christian' 'gizz-brained' attitudes prevailing in Astrayliar.
Doomed we are, to repeat the failings of those we have followed and adored, and indeed, 'honored' or placed on pedestals.
Yet the momentum of this utterly false, shallow, ignorance-breeding crapitalist me-first cultural trend just keeps-on-keeping the most of our 'white' Christian zombies consuming edible and digital garbage, and 'the future-be-damned!'
Oh the joys of being illegally, criminally trapped on this British prison-island which admires and rewards stupidity and ignorance of the hard facts, both about what we are doing to the future now, and about by which means, we can lessen the burden on future generations?
It is these overt, pride-centred displays, almost as if the masses here, and no doubt abroad in Britain, Eurape and the USA, et al et al, are proud to be the ones most able to 'fuck the world', that I, bred to be a major political and indeed royal personage, refuse to assume any authority or position of power anywhere.
Who, in their Right Mind, would want anything to do with such PEASANTS!?
Not me!
Basically, the oligarch-type opulence that is reaching 'trickling' more than ever down the economic social scale to the Common People, has done more than any other spell, hex, natural disaster or manmade creed or ideology to destroy everything that every Honorable and Intelligent predecessor has worked lifelong for, and as often have Most Righteously given their lives for.
And in that I most definitely include every Military Person who has died fighting for whatever they were conscripted to, or believed was worth defending to the death.
Further, I include the many many 'Outlaws' and underworld 'Gangsters' Et Al, who actually selflessly, therefore Honorably remained dedicated to their Club, Gang, Tribe or Nation, and for that, fell to early graves.
Weeks ago it came to me that it would be Proper, to begin all my blogposts with a few lines Honoring the Fallen. 'The Fallen' being any, ANY, who have as said, died fighting to defend their Wise, Intelligent and Honorable Cultures.
Maybe I will start this practice, and therein urge all Humans to 'take issue' with every trend and popular attraction or product, until they can see with scientific eyes and minds, that the product is Environmentally Sound, or, Environmentally LAWFUL.
If, with their own Wisdom, they conclude that a product, whether material, media, entertainment or even fanciful imagination, is detrimental to the Greater Whole Reality and to the Mutha Eartha Herself, then Fearless, they have a Duty to voice and even act-out their Righteous Objection.
If any of us fail in this, then we cannot expect any respect from our kids, nor from theirs.
Such dangers to life on Earth, must include the deadly and disgusting agricultural (and, Yes Bob Brown, 'mining') practices etc., which are behind the flooding that now is drowning so much of the world, and people.
For any 'adult' to ignore this type of Call, shows they in fact do not care about their children, and have been lying to them about how much they 'love' them!
Indeed, what is this thing called 'Love'?
From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
Education and