
No borders the only way, President Obama!


No borders the only way, President Obama!

Don't know how many times a bloke has to say it, but after the Noble try by US President Obama this week at settling the ancient troubles in the Middle-East, it's gotto be said again, it seems?

"Vass iss ziss tingk callt 'borders'???

Who vas zee banana-head who dreamed up ziss idea?

It certainly wuz nicht Santa Claus!

Maybe it wass his really-really stupid reindeer? You know, zee wun vith zee big red nosse?

NO-NO! Not WC Fields! Rupert? Nono..., Rudolf, YahYah!"

I mean....!

All credit to Obama for trying. But, come-orn! Who thinks anyone can dispel the hexes landed over the Levant by the psychotic elite British secret services and societies from the 19th century, such that any Egalitarian or Equitable or Just land re-distribution will prevail?

'It ain't gonna happen!'

As much as it should happen....., as much as major global reforms to all state borders should happen!

But HEY! We're all in the express lane to annihilation, and NO diplomatic chatter over coffee is gonna slow down or stop the doomsday expresso.

Netanyahu exuded over-confidence in front of Obama in front of the media when he said that there would never be a return to the 1967 map, clearly doing his artless best at 'putting-one-up-buddy-Barack'.

Barack who is looking for all the cred he can get, leading into the next phase of US presidential elections. Elections nobody wants to win, or even compete in, if the Republicans fruitless search for a contender is any sign, and, if the future pans-out as it's expected to, by all credible accounts, research, climate and fiscal scientists' reports.

And ve can all kiss our yoni's goodbye, if zee 'Tea Party' pulls a zinger!


'…..The war machine keeps churning
profits from our little yearnings.....
mad men with bombs,
lured-on by blue-eyed blondes,
a laminated kitchen
for hot sex and no bitchin'

and a B M double U!”

What I'm really sayin' is I don't give a fuck,
'bout your religious beliefs or your secretive cults.

But it seems to me, jus' gone 53,
From what I see, Humanity...,

Has arrived at a time, where we can ALL Divine...,
The transitory fat from the Spiritual Spine........

That if y' wanna survive,
We all gotto live Straight and True,

Back to school, "DO YER MATH!"
An' try to Learn -
"Earth's Enlightened Economic Rule!!!!"

(From a song I wrote about 3 years ago, called
Everyone is mentally ill, Phil!”)

Getting over the troubles everywhere, not just across the Middle-East, is at this late stage, an impossibility.

If there ain't no clever dick university grad, doing their master's thesis on “The Veracity of Borders in the 21st century and Beyond”, let me inspire someone to go there.

All 'borders' as we have come to know them, have been very specifically mapped-out, to divide the spoils of colonial monarchies of an era we are all trying and dying desperately, yet only half-heartedly, to progress beyond!

Whether we look into history, from all sides, not, as has been the way 'til just a couple of decades ago, from the 'winners' side only, we will see that there is more than enough evidence showing us that 'borders do more harm than good, and have always done so!'

In the past, I've been gentle on the 'Jews', whomever 'Jews' really are these days, other than the most cunning, savvy financial speculators on Earth.

But, HEY! Who's fooling who, when the current Zionist land-grabbers of Israel cry that they demand the right to live in their comfy little 'theocratic state'?

I mean, if they can assert their superior military will upon millions of Indigenous Palestinians, forcing them into horrendous conditions - generation after generation - such that the very existence of modern Israel has created more unrest across the region than any other tribe, nation or cabal of super-wealthy psychopaths-read 'witch-monarchs', and claim that the currently occupied territory they call 'Israel' belongs to them, because some elusive mystical witch - only known to the lost tribal leaders as “YHVH” - from their most ancient times, told them that they would be given the land there for all time, why therefore are their same Zionist modern-day Judeo-Christian overlords - the IMF - not conceding that Australian Aborigines own all the land here, and thus should be given all of it back?

Oh! The Zionists want Australia for their little escape after they've nuked the northern hemisphere in Armageddon!

If there was a grain of credibility in the Zionist theorem about Israel and Jews wanting their land and a theocratic state, one might be inclined to concede.

But it's pretty obvious that the whole concept has long passed it's workable use-by date, and that without fundamental land reforms, particularly in the Levant, thus feeding-out to all other IMF - ZIONIST IMF-controlled territories, no US President - nobody - from here forward, will be able to stop the upheavals and carnage raging out, all because the British and Eurapean adoptees (or victims of cabala magic) of the Jewish 'faith' were sick of being persecuted by those who saw and suspected them correctly as a deeply troubled fanatical cult of third-eye ideologues.

It's all very well to laud the Jewish Sigmund Freud as the first to set the psychology, psycho-analysis and psychiatry-balls rolling, but who dares, other perhaps, than the other leading Jewish thinker, Carl Jung, challenge the Jew, for their own, long-brewing psycho-pathology.

Sure, the world's leading thinkers/scientists etc were/are Jews. And to them I agree they deserve credit. Einstein, Oppenheimer, and every other Jew who put-in their six-penneth-worth toward building the deadliest weapon ever seen, were surely leading thinkers of their times.

And lordy-lordy! Look how they manage to make money!?

Surely the best at shaving-off 'usury' from other people's money, and accruing massive sums in their banks, even though their own Scripture condemns any who makes profit from buying and selling money, or something?
But really? They are clearly not the Enlightened Tribe! Rarely is a Jew so secure in themselves that they can sit in Meditation for hours, weeks, months, years, with nought more than a bowl of rice a day.

So, as said, no up-coming president of the US of A, or from any other leading nation, will ever settle the hypnotised psychopathy of Israel, no matter that the rest of the People across the Middle-East are of the same Abrahamic Family!

If anyone really wants to calm the Mid-East 'situation' they will have to have a global army of sturdy Warriors, who can rein-in the errant propagandist global Zionist media cabals, and then allow public and politicians an open and frank return to the initial motives and causes of the Zionist movement which began the fight to reclaim the Levant for the lost-and-pining Jewish friends of British and Eurapean elites.

Then, we all have to be released from those dark hexes which prevent us and politicians and academia from deconstructing the evolution of modern-day 'borders', so that we can all be honest about them and blow the concept back to Hell, whence it came.

Or, whence it came, from the 'corrupted-absolutely' minds of the olde-Britishenenen and Eurapeanenenenen elites who thought the whole globe was theirs henceforth, to partition, slice-up, as their peers and lords sought a new adventure-camping ground to plunder. Or frankincense route to divide, place a sentry-post-customs-station on and profit-from?

What, and how much influence the Jews had on creating 'the new world' of divided territories from around 1492-onward, is up for guessing.

But one thing should be very clear to everyone..., borders around Israel, and anywhere else, as we have come to know them, are terrible phenomena, and serve no more any good, whether for psychotic, selfish 'Jews', or any other hubristic, egomaniacal tribe, corporation or monarch who thinks they can wander around the planet and carve-out a fortune for themselves, at the expense of all life on earth, be-that 'life', Local or Global.

So, in the disputed territories of Israel and Palestine, Gaza and the West bank, Etcetera, it is clear that no borders, old or new, will stop the inequity, or the need for Israel to disproportionately arm - weaponize - itself.

No 'two states solution' is tenable, or in any time, a reality.

Israel has to take a long hard look at it's own psychopathy, and get over it!

(But so doth we all! Whiteface!)

You have your own state of land. But alas! The Land is not yours! It all belongs to the Supreme Being. We Humans, are all but tenants. And by the way we are mistreating His Property, ISRAEL included, He is about to evict us!

Read your Holy fucking BOOK, Israel!

If any solution for you is to be found, it is in DROPPING ALL BORDERS.

Not alone between these chimera, Israel and Palestine, but right across this tiny-tiny orb we call our Home Planet, the Sacred Mother Earth.

Proper occupation of all the Earth is in the 'most honest tax' where we all 'pay the rent'.

Now, back to my ruthless insults against the Vunderful Jewish Peoples....! O Viy!

Can we really believe, in this age of the third eye, that the paining 19th century Jews who convinced the likes of Cecil Rhodes, and his elite British and Eurapean filthy-rich corruptees to start the long-dreamed-of 'Return to Israel' movement, were not using kabbala witchcraft on them?

But please, don't get me wrong! No-one can blame them! Any tribal leaders, who were watching their people slowly being exiled, persecuted, ostracised and shunned, over centuries, would do exactly the same!

Bar, perhaps, our Noble, Honorable, Intelligent, Enlightened, Garden of Wisdom and Beautifully Humble Australian Aborigine Peoples?

But they, like all Indigenies, knew this three-dimensional thing the Jews concocted, called 'time' was a crock, a 'furphy', and that the Righteous always triumph.

'In this life or the next' as a Jesus-type Fella might say....

Oh! "Earth's Enlightened Economic Rule!!!!"?

Land Rent for Government Revenue!

As if ya' didn' know!

So, bad luck, Mr President! But the source of the blockage is beyond the thinking gears of prime minister Netanyahu, or his party-sponsors, and over in the HQ of the IMF, 'realty branch'. O' course you knew that the IMF is the rebranded name for that old whore, the British East India Company?

Oh, Whitehall has a few questions to answer also, therefore, methinks.....?

Then, of course, there's that Joseph Smith false-prophet mob up there in Salt Lake City...... Maybe have a chat with GW and Dick? They may be able to 'pull a few stringsssss....'​​?

Of course, Rupert Murdoch has his reasons to avoid THE FACTS, I'm sure.

But who can reach him, while he's so busy financing and spreading propaganda for the real terrorists..., of Zionism?

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!