
Outlaw Junction News-Chop "He Doesn't Lie Like She Does" Edition

111002 Outlaw Junction News-Chop 
He Doesn't Lie Like She Does Edition

And my reaction was “Oooow! How evil is that!?!”

This was after hearing a child, not more than 6 years old, standing next to the prime minister Julia Gillard, in a video-clip on this morning's ABC1 “Insiders” program, say, in answer to a question from a reporter, “…. but he doesn't lie like she does”.

So...., how evil is this nation, when it's so-called “adults” no doubt the boy's parents, firstly indoctrinate such a gullible mind with 1, false information about “Tony Abbott not lying like she does”, although he may have been talking about any other “he”, and 2, influence the child generally with untruths about our political leaders and the game they are engaged in. and two, when those parents have the essentially idiot child, in terms of his knowledge on politics, make such a statement in public about someone, Julia Gillard, who is clearly a dedicated, sincere and far more honest person?

This goes exactly to the headline of my previous web-log “Australian society has become criminally insane”.

If this is what our adults, parents are indoctrinating the youngest generation with, then we have good reason to be seriously concerned about what the future holds for Australia.

Yet more reason to exterminate the white, Catholic/Christian race, as I can guarantee that the child's parents were indoctrinated in a church school, before these juvenile idiots with witchcraft grow in body to being that-much-more dangerous to life on Earth, and, as some of them will vote for and happily contribute to man's venture into outer space, it's far better for life elsewhere that this evil species is eradicated before they can get “off-the-planet”.

Indeed, while I am perhaps the Australian person most against government or authorities intervening in affairs which go-to “free-speech” etc., in such a blatantly evil case of malicious mis-information and indoctrination of a child, I would feel completely comfortable if the government were to investigate the credibility of that particular child's parents, as parents, and see that they have their children removed from their influence and care. In the very least, the parents should be forced to attend “Re-Education” to straighten-out their clearly warped and as-said “evil” beliefs.

As I assert that there's no doubt they are themselves indoctrinated in private “church” schools, whose overall political bias is “right wing” which is clearly that of being selfish in the extreme, which can always be refined to show that they hold most viciously to the least Ethical political parties and policies, being particularly against policies which go to a fair an balanced economic structure for the nation/planet, and in that I refer to the “Most Honest Tax” as John Howard once called it, the National Land Tax, then we can easily deduce, and quite correctly, without ambiguity, that the schoolings that the right wing parents had, in private schools, is our biggest threat.

Therefore, this is more evidence to the case of closing-down all Christian and Catholic and Jewish schools, for they clearly do not provide information, knowledge and the stuff of and for a balanced mind, to ensure a stable and mentally healthy nation, culture, society or individual.

As a member of the ABC1 “Q&A” program audience quoted last week, “Suicide is the biggest killer of Australians under 30 years of age” (unverified), then we have to wake-up to who is leading the cultural imbalance and what they are indoctrinating those who become politically and financially so influential as to turn the nation into being the criminally insane country it has clearly become.

Parents and culture”, are what send people, children and adults off the rails, into clearly stupid, dangerous and evil conditions.

Of course, the “Childrens' Rights” activists will scream “blue-murder”.
Just like the anti-abortionists' rant about throwing another unwanted child into the world rather than being Wise about the overall welfare of the child and of the society.

There can be no doubt, that if a child is born, or while still in the womb, and is found to be a qualified “seriously deformed” human being, in body or in Soul (the “Soul” as far as the language and my thoughts on the matter go, is but the same as the mind. “Soul” I still use when alluding to the deeper, larger all-encompassing “orb” in which the more sentient side of us swims, but basically mean “the mind”), then contrary to the anti-abortionist idiots, I say that we should have no qualms about putting the nubile to sleep, to die peacefully.

 The idiotic, overly emotional Christians champ “all life is sacred!” so use that adage to support their childish soft-heartedness, and demand that even the most deformed child be made to live.

This is a warped and insane approach, fostered by the evils from within the agenda-ridden church cults, who ask that mutants mature so that they can offer then all manner of “opportunity” in life, if they support the cult later-on.

Opportunities not otherwise available to them, in “normal” communities.
Any arguments that deformed children be forced to live, are based on deeply idiotic emotional beliefs about “my child!” etc. of soft-headed mothers. Mothers who believe that they, they - mememe again - have had to carry that child in their womb for a whole nine months, so they want it to live.

That these type of mothers are so selfish and ignorant of the consequences rort upon the child and upon the supporting society years and decades down the track, goes once more to whether they qualify to be parents.

Right-to-Lifers”, tell us that it is evil to kill a human life, in the act of aborting an unwanted child.

Little do they understand the nature of a newborn. Again, they are soft-headed Catholic Christians with not a sceric of Intelligence.

A child newborn, is “neutral” in terms of fear of death, and of clinging to the life it is newborn into. So it has no preconceived emotions or thought on dying. It's “soul” as we're addressing the soft-cock flockers of the religious idiocy, has not been made to fear or cling, and at birth, is still free from all the notions adults build up and have implanted into their minds.

If the culture determines, with an Humane and thus Wise consideration, that the child is destined, if left or allowed or cared-for to live to adulthood, to live a life which demands more than it can earn and provide for itself, or if it is so deformed that it will suffer humiliation etc, thus will nurture jealousies and envious thoughts, thoughts which so-often grow into malicious and revengeful beliefs and actions, then a Wise Community, nation, culture, will have no doubts about ending the life before it becomes aware of itself.

The Soul, will travel on, to the next existence it is destined by the larger Cosmic hand to travel into. Such acts are far more beneficial for the Soul of that child, and for the world here and of that child's next life.

No negative “karma” will cling to it, or to those who terminate the life at that nubile, innocent stage.

And, while the soft-headed mother will use the “sympathy vote” to glean kindness from others, she will also be given a good lesson in life, and should, if the community is also Wise and knows how to educate such emotional, “Roman-tic” thoughts out of the immature women, or man, will harden her dangerously pliable heart.

This, goes to one of my long-considered thoughts on why and how we are breeding a race of psychopaths.

Firstly, there's no doubt that the western religious cults are responsible for the terrors being created in a species of mad selfish idiots. But, as said, “parents and culture” are primary and fundamental to breeding a Wise, sensible and Happy species.

If either are 1, untrue, that-is have the nubile minds of children believe falsities, then the result will be unbalanced and deceitful generations.

If they are 2, themselves psychopathic, then we have no hope.

Sadly, this is what we have to deal with today.

Therefore we must be considerate, VERY considerate as to who we install as guides and leaders, both in recognition of the horrible tasks they choose or are pushed to give time money emotion and often life to care over, and that they themselves are sound, balanced and Intelligent people.

This, of course, takes us into issues far more crucial than their abilities to handle media interviews, or shallow political debates, etc.

So.., society has an immense responsibility to ensure that children are taught Wisely, the FACTS about government, and economics, but primarily about what agenda and deceptions the dominant cults are trying to “sell” them/us-to-be.

ARREST THAT CHILD('s erroneous parents and thus his ignorant development)!

And I call for an inquiry into the religious veracity and the hidden agenda of the schools which indoctrinated whomever it was who encouraged, and staged things so that the child in question should say such a stupid thing on camera.

SHUT ALL RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, and let the lying evil bastards work an honest job for their keep!

(Rather extreme, say-what, after such an eloquent exposition on education and religion?)

NOT! For the millions raped by priests, indoctrinated to believe false and evil myths, forced to perform heinous acts, on other persons and on whole societies (think: corporate CEOs!), stolen by churches from Wise, Balance and Loving Aborigine Extended-Family Tribes, Nations and Cultures, deprived of a reasonable, respectable and honest life by evil and dangerously warped religious influences on national government and economics, on society and on their most precious minds!

Don't...... get me started......! It is, after all, Sun day morning. The Day for us to Revere our Great Father Sun!

Praise, the Great Fire in the sky! And in Mount Etna!

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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