
Wensdee's Global Economic Meltdown - GEM - Edition

111102 Outlaw Junction News-Chop Wensdee's Global Economic Meltdown - GEM - Edition

First in front of my head is the news that the world is threatened AGAIN with economic catastrophe because Greek PM, Geo Papandreou (?) indicates he and his cronies in the Greek Socialist Party government are about to reject the bail-out package the upclubsters of Eurape have put together and offer Greece's unemployed.

Today's New York Times article, by Steven Erlanger, makes me feel something nicer than I usually do, because he says pretty much what I think on this bollocks of the impending global financial crisis part 2, as I wrote below, before I hit the above NYT article.

Before going online, I heard a few Sky news items and commentators, basically, over-paid right-wing media pundits and news-writers saying this would be disastrous.

Geo the Greek (NOTE: “Geo”, as-in geology, geography, meaning the “earth”, so George Papandreou should be grounded in the most Earthy political economia) is offering Greeks a referendum on the bail-out affair.

Well, the real value of referenda is questionable, sure. From Astrayliar's position, most have failed to win support, whatever the issue. But that's more the result of subversive media and backroom political skulduggery than a majority rejection. Astrayliar's “Republic” referendummssss cases in point, though I'm not sure if we've had more than one?

But over in Greece, all things considered, it isn't hard to weigh-up that George is probably doing the best thing, merely by rejecting the Eurozone's bail-out package, even with the referendum said to be orientated around adjusting the already severe austerity measures.

And, it's possible that George is doing it much more to tell the arrogant northern Eurapeans to piss-off, than so he can do anything else to the austerities.

Someone, and it is a moderate surprise that a someone from within the upper political echelons, in the color of Greek PM Geo, has to put a stop to the outright fraud and farce which is this ongoing mountain-of-debt-building exercise, they call “bail-outs”.

It's not that the referendum would solve the problem, but it is something of a democratic way to tell the arrogant northern Eurapeans that their bullshit economics is fraught with danger, especially for the Greek people, and Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, et al, as long as they persist along this failing path.

It's a nice surprise, if we assume that a proposed referendum would achieve anything worthwhile, that Greece is taking a Stand against the north's push.

But whether the Protesting elements in Greece, who have been on the streets warring with the police over the imposed austerity programs, are expressing a majority Greek opinion to take the “economia” issue to it's Proper conclusion, or correction, thus whether the proposed referendum is successful and effects useful new policies, is another thing.

But, and I think this is why the Greek government stands ready to reject the IMF's bail-out, something has to happen, to change the direction of not just self-absorbed Eurape, but the whole world's economic course.

So....., while the mainstream media tends toward a negative appraisal of Papandreou's proposal, I tend to at least, at first glance, hold one finger up in favour of the choice, waiting of course, to see what else happens and changes.

What must happen from this, assuming Greece does end rejecting the IMF's offer, is that the Greek People get behind the referendum, and vote in favour of it's proposals.

However, if it is also used to increase the austerity measures, deepening the “pain” of the lower classes of Greece, then there is, and will be, a problem.

REALPolitikly, the game is up. These false economic systems of the golden calf tribes are doomed to fail, due to their false fundamentals.

Even the arrogant upclubsters know this. But their inheritances and after-politics pay-outs are far more important to every individual one of them than any Honorable governance of now, the world's economy, let alone the hardships these measures are bringing the lower classes and third worlders.

It's clear to those who watch from outside the walls of Babylonia, that the system cannot keep running on bullshit and blind confidence, and, that it, and even with the whole global economy, has to crash.

The walls have to fall, and the corrupt structures inside have also to collapse.

Otherwise, as with forgiving egomaniacs, all that will happen is that they will wander-off thinking they have gotten away with their selfishness, and after a time, they'll be at it again, doing over someone else, somewhere else.

Whatever happens, after the referendum, Greece has to hold themselves together, and that has to be in rejecting the demands and attempts at owning Greece and it's people by the northern arrogantistas.

The Euro zone is a failed experiment, albeit not having been an experiment, but a rude try by those same arrogantistas at shoring-up their long-weakening defences.

Defences their upclubsters have seen failing for several decades, and as likely were why they started the first and the second world wars.

In Greece, after the referendum, there will be an election, and the usual result is expected, like everywhere else, where the government is trounced, and replaced by the other side.

But it will be a more dangerous result in Greece, for the Working classes and unemployed, if the more right wing opposition take the helm. We all know how they use a victory as an excuse to stomp the lesser classes, disregarding totally the longer term future.

So..., there really is no alternative, for everyone, everywhere, but for the Eurozone to collapse, so that the world, akin to the current
!!!OCCUPY!!! Protests, can use the first and last vestiges of this chimera, this still nubile “Democracia”, to convince the upclubsters to institute Proper Economic Policies.

This unashamedly implies, a Hard Push to the Deep, and Deep Green, Political Left, to the Deep, Wise, Honorable, and Intelligent REALPolitikal Left.

It is only selfish egomaniacal bullshit which objects to such a direction, which as likely means that most white-skinned, whitefaced bipods of Earth will schitz-out and react violently. I use “bipods” because I can no longer regard them as Humans.

But this call, this prediction, is not based on church-type economics, false mythological and confidence-based economics, but is from the scientific summary.

Something which has puzzled me, over the time of our being made aware of the economics crises-plural, is that nobody has really put their finger on why we are where we are, and why Greece, and the rest of the failed states, are so failing?

Clearly, the private corporations have mastered the scary, and have been using it to stop political and media and economic voices from speaking out about it.

But, it's quite clear and simple.

Governments have been forced to contract-out the services they had under their care, such as local councils making the infrastructures of sewerage, roads, light and power, etc etc, etc, and probably like state and federal governments forced, or seduced, by multinational corporations to contract-out their accounting or large projects, to private industry.

It's the devil at work when we are incapable of seeing that this is fraught with danger to the polity, to the overall stability and “economy” of the state, thus of it's population(s).

Multinational, private corporations, and every lesser private business, are focused on making as big a profit as they can.

Being ruthless is not a new idea. Callous disregard for the Common Good has been the tenet of larger businesses forever. Well..., since Eve sold Adam the apple trick.

So, hungry and scared-competitive as growth-dependent businesses are, they put the security and durability of government last on their list of things to achieve, even while they tell prospective dupes they “really really care”.

So, when a duped government, large or small, a civil authority or department put out tenders for someone to do the work, the wheels of chicanery start turning in every prospective private business.

Quality just doesn't make it into the designs, because that implies they use more expensive materials and labour, and thus are likely to lose in their bid, against some other smooth talking contractor.

Other factors play their parts in fucking governments and coy over, so the contractors, whether big fuckers like Haliburton, or small, like the local bitumen-layer mob, can make the biggest margin of profit.

All of them, all of them, look at the chance of winning a contract with a government department as “GOLD GOLD GOLD!”, because they have, 'til now, seen such public purses as bottomless, and the government people as economic fools, with no expertise in the relevant field, so they are at the mercy of the business salespersons.

And we all know how honest they are!

So, referring back to the crisis/crises in Eurape, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the USA, and the rest of the future, crises which are called “public debt”, “sovereign debt” “government debt”, etc etc, there has to be a REALPolitik reappraisal and interpretation of what, why, how and WHO have brought them on.

NONE of these deep debts really have been caused by the governments.

It is always the greedy and callous private industries which bleed governments dry of their public funds, firstly, by convincing someone, some idiot in some government section or department, that the People need MORE TRAFFIC LIGHTS, or MORE STREET LIGHTS, or BIGGER ROADS AND HIGHWAYS,and, of course, the endless and endlessly in need of updating technology that comes with all the lighting and the signage and the traffic controls systems and the sewerage plants and the fire alarms, and the, and the, and the.....

Most of which, were we anywhere NEAR an Intelligent species, as opposed to a blind fucking STUPID Christian flock, we would see the non-necessity and uselessness of, and the inevitable complications which such reliance on technology will bring down the track.

And, we would see the deadly crises of the PUBLIC debt our parliamentary delegates approve if they think it will increase their after-politics pensions and super-duperannuations etc etc etc, and their present chances of becoming prime ministerial king of the shithole.

So..., BRAVO Geo Papandreou!

For now?

Whether he and his government can go the full length and turn the adverse into an advantage, depends pretty-much on the People fearlessly calling for REFORMS of the FUNDAMENTAL KIND, not, by voting the Socialists out, for a more ruthless bunch of mobsters.

But, clearly, with the rest of southern Eurape, and though it's not spoken of much, the lower classes elsewhere on the Euro-continent in France and Germany, and across Britain and Ireland, have to GET A GRIP on their insatiable desires, what the dark-age Romans call “love”, and get on the streets to demand their governments return Logic and Wisdom to their local and larger government business and systems of distribution, of the COMMON wealth.

In essence, these ravings are saying that the era of gross CRAPitalist corporate greed, at the public's expense, is over.

Unfortunately, we have all become so stuck in our self-confidence spells that we cannot change without being forced to.

So the Eurozone has to collapse, and we all have to brace ourselves for the inevitable fall-out.

The pricks in upclub Eurape et al, will stubbornly try to keep their heads at least above the flood-line, and will be also standing on everyone else's heads to help themselves keep breathing.

Of course, the longer they get away with that simpleton and outright evil tactic, the worse it will be for everyone and everything on Earth.

Perhaps George Papandreou can rescue the future, with his People seeing the time is ripe for them to shut-down the castles of doom we know as Eurape, or more definitively, the International Monetary Fund, the IMF, and it's rampaging PRIVATE corporations, and demand True Economia, nationally and globally, so that every household can manage their hearth, heart and health, most efficiently.

Exactly, perhaps as the
are bringing to the fore across the globe.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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