120727 Truelaw
Outlaw Junction Four Irish Republican Dissident Groups Form New IRA
Being a “keyboard Freedom Fighter” or whatever the Norwegian
Anders Breivik calls my kind, it ain't for me to use “warrior”
too often for myself, today's Guardian UK email tells that four
related republican groups in Northern Ireland have united to form
what they claim is the latest version of the IRA, the Irish
Republican Army.
I say what I think about this is testy, because on one hand I want to
see Justice wherever it is not, and as I know that people have to
take-up arms when tyranny dominates.
on the other hand, I'm tired of dickheads in power shitting on me
after I do speak, or write, I don't have a life outside of this web
log, my considerations on how Righteous Humans are duty-bound to act.
I compose this, I feel idiots incorporated warming up their psychic
genitalia ready for another assault on their favourite defenceless
taller poppy - moi.
But, reading this article off the Guardian
email/website, with the tales it told, and that one Dissident Outlaw
Irish Republican group, I don't have the article here now, but they
are distinct for calling themselves something like “Republicans
Against Drugs” or such, who fight and do damage to drug dealers and
coy, most all of whom make huge profits from, and, with their
“influence”, ensure their drugs of market choice remain illegal,
I'm brought to pen sommit 'bout this p'ticul'r point.
Down here down the shithole in Astrayliar, de
feckin' Catolics are deep in growing and selling marijuana, including
shipping it in large and small quantities overseas - ask one
Chappelle Corby - and as they are also deep inside the mechanisms of
this awry contry's political machinationery, control any and all
reforms around the most sensible, ethical, medical, practical,
revenue-al corrections to the deeply fucked laws making marijuana
As such, and as Astrayliar is steeped in
Catolic conacreta boots, Irish and Italian, and as we are longtime
Catolic educated, such that to get a job above sweeper, ya gotta be
schooled by them, or have a Catolic school name in ya CV.
with the utterly corrupt and utterly braindead, gutless
coppers protecting
most stupid, corrupting, self-serving, bribe-taking church-goers on
earth - Catolics -
the rurals, so-called “farmers” (HA!!!,) who sit pretty on
government subsidies flowing in every orifice, to sit on their
Toyotas while their cattle fuck the land prior to being trucked to
slaughter, making more than enough to send the kiddies to private
schools, they also thereby qualify and are given covert, criminal
licence by the church-run bureaucracy/police and private schools, to
grow the shit in their bush retreats, rural farms, with the usual few
acres of reforest (post-deforested) not cleared for the fucking
moooooz, to plant and grow out of sight in.
This is organised and run from the upper most
levels of CATHOLIC organisations, in rural Astrayliar, the CWA, the
Catholic Witches (Women's) Association.
the Traditional IRA, over there in Irishland, having grown out of the
Irish Catolics Dissent against the other side of the western
pseudo-religious Christian catastrophe, the English Angles, and their
colonialist BULLSHIT, were, as all outlaw mobs have seen legitimate
right to do, in-deep with de illegal drugs trades, to the point of
running massive businesses, sponsoring their war against the
Righteous Freemasons, and keeping the fucking stupid drugs laws
Roight-on New IRA! If
you are ready to go to war agin the whole of every branch of shitful
Christian sinners,
drug-runners, bible-bashers and/or land-grabbers, you get my support.
'Cause against my usual tirades, you mayhap
have the brains to figure that there'd be no drugs cartels and wars
like the CIA and covens orchestrate, and no abominable Mexican drug
wars, and no heroin wars like in Afghanistan, and no wasted police
raids and departments on otherwise peaceful citizens, IF THE FUCKING
But, erring on the side of my usual skepticism
about the subterranean levels of un-intelligence dominant in all
western, white-skinned AND CHRISTIAN nations, especially the really
really classed and rich ones, I have to expect that either 1, the
anti drugs front of the named Irish Republicans is - a front, and
factually they are as deep in the illegal trade as all major cults,
churches, parties, militia and social networks, and exist to play
false-front to protect the drug-running Catolics, and/or 2, they're
too fucking dumb to realise the gaps in their bitchings?
I reckon the 2nd ain't so, though.
it begs the question, even though the Guardian article did make two
points about these Republicans knocking off Catolics
dealing drugs, are they gonna get stuck into Catholics having
anything to do with any illegal drugs, which the bastard Jesuit
Brothers Catholics have been doing since 1601 (yeah, not illegal
then), when they started the opium trade out of India, and thus, is
there anything in their agenda toward lobbying, as legitimate
Human's-with-a-bitch, on the political warfront, against the stupid
drugs laws, and thus, for
couldn't I go ORRRN!!!?
'ere 'tiz!
the New IRA, has it's teeth, and has it's gears engaged, it has
matured out of the archaic and draconian religious mire the world's
been drowning in for.... oooh? 6,000
Therefore, they'se gonna be outgrowin' the
Righteous generations-passed of the venerable Gerry Adams, who seems,
from my distant portal-potty (a shithole with a window!), remains a
fairly committed Catolic??
Anyone else, an' I'd be shovelling shit on
their heads.
But, havin' watched, for whatever reason, the
Irish wars and “troubles” for most of my news-watchin' loife,
Gerry Adams Stands Tall, and Righteous for his stance against the
fuckin' poms.
With the facts uncovered over the last few
hundred years about Rome, and Israel, old and new, and about the
corruptions of all things Spiritual (oxymoron seen) spanning all
Christian beliefs, I will drop any Republican or Democratic
Republican Movement like a pox-ridden woman if it has not found
itself Wise enough to move beyond the darkness of western religious
ideologies, beliefs, and BUDDHA SAVE ME - “faith”.
People have “faith” because they haven't
got awake, engaged, their INTELLECT!
However, don't be thinkin' I'se more for any
other WESTERN pseudo-religious cult.
This point-cum-century in toime, is for moving
out of those dead beliefs relying on someone else doing the thinking.
Clearly, they have been genesis's of most wars
and most of the dumbing-down class-ifications of human societies
since Adam trusted Eve.
While any of the partial, self-important
heinously-divisive religious cults of distraction and insatiability
of the Brit-Eurapean type have any influence in the Economic debates
we call politics, the fight for any People's Democratic Republic is a
simply because “Democracy
is dangerous if the people are stupid!”
And the means Christianity has deployed for
1600 years to dominate, is to make the masses as stupid as possible,
which has been why the flockers have needed a saviour.
That person, Jesus and all other Wise People,
were simply Intelligent! Unfettered by the dark hexes laid over
their minds by the church.
So any New IRA has to move well beyond all
western levels of unthinking, which as is obvious, requires their
strong hand, where evil religious ignorance stubbornly dwells, but
also, a fearless, and impartial force with a voice, not one leader,
for that is but more of the same failed western Christian messiah
cult BULLSHIT, but which is nurtured in all Members, through study of
True Laws, such as legal drugs, but primarily, of the land.
I recall Gerry Adams reminiscing on the early
IRA's dreams, of an Agrarian Socialist Republic.
There it is, Lads!
War, for the Right Reasons, is the only war to
And for legal Natural drugs.
the honchos in power, the
church-indoctrinated honchos
in power, who keep the drug AND LAND laws as they are, “illegal”
a word, fail totally to “get it” about “drugs” et al, and
that while natural intoxicants like marijuana, cocaine and opium are
by their own corrupted perspectives and ignorance deemed illegal,
manufactured drugs, which always do much much more harm, will be
Praise the Immortals!
Praise the Warriors who have fallen
for a Just World!
the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
bin Eartha
Max Earth
Wise Tribes
- Green - Biker
Intelligence -