
Call to Media To Report True On Catholic The Abominable Church

130223 JUST DEFIANCE  Call to Media To Report True On Catholic The Abominable Church Edition

130223 My Comment I just sent to world mainstream media 20 email addresses

Will it ever be safe to speak the honest truth about the Vatican, and the world church?

The Catholic church, we all know, is an huge institution, which therefore makes it nigh-on impossible to reveal all the seamy shady sides and internals of it.

But it is disgustingly puerile and petty to say nothing merely so the top end can retain an apparent, but less and less so, “dignity”.

The pedophile scandals bringing it down off it's false loftiness, are the most serious “sins”, and are breaking it's wholly illegal bank.

Wholly illegal because it has traded for centuries, yes, long before the drug heroin was banned, in heroin's base, opium. But as much, in how they procured the territories and workforces to produce the stuff, in war.

And it still does to this day. Along, of course, with the other global organized criminal syndicates (“g.o.c.s.”) of the British, European, US and all world government and banking institutions.

But this latest attempt to appease the world's concerns about this heinous cult, of there existing a “gay prelate circle” within the Vatican is very very small beer!

No-one thus far, has dared go to the hugely larger issue of the church, in almost every country they have established themselves, running massive pedophile networks, and not alone amongst the priesthood.

There are long-standing connections and activities across the planet between the Catholics and no-one knows how many nations' military forces.

Child pornography, international child pornography and child trading networks operate totally behind the curtains of official customs and controls. Simply by buying off officials across the globe.

That can happen because the world is busted!

Ethics and morality over the levels of about child care centres, are non-existent anymore. If they ever actually did exist to any authoritative level of control?

That none can face the brutally raw facts, that, especially as, as I've been ranting on about for decades now, all government, customs, authorities, departments and offices etc., are run by loyal ex-students of the private, that-is the “secret agenda” religious schools, most having large domestic and global networks operating and exchanging graduates around the planet regularly, and that to work within their orb and regimens, ethics and upright behavior has to be surrendered, never gets a look in.

There's not a government department, agency, nor even embassy, let alone the large NGOs etc, who aren't aware of the depth and breadth of such networks.

So employees, all from those same upper-middle to upper-class schools long ago stopped weighing life with ethical and moral “compasses” er, “scales”, just to be able to accept the bribe, that is the top 50% of all salaries and incomes, basically to be paid and, or, to stay silent.

Spirituality has nothing whatsoever to do with the Catholic, or Protestant, or Jewish or Masonic cults.

So ethics and therefore the truth so-help-me-Buddha, are well down the list of any “revelations” of goings-in within the church.

And..., there's not one church school graduate who doesn't know it and agree, making the ethics-free life theirs, from about 7th or 8th grade in these private indoctrination fodder factories.

Size, like the US banks, realtors, and auto makers of the 2006-2007-to now financial crisis, does not automatically give legitimacy to any of them, nor therefore, any just reason to be allowed to survive, let alone the global institution purporting to be “god's representative” on Earth.

That the churches', and synagogues', and temples' education networks in-the-main pump-out workers for the high-end exclusive “professionals” and executive fields, gives them no credence at all, if they plead they support huge numbers of the workforces in employment.

In fact, the truth be, that pretty-much every one of them is, in the final and totally honest, if not scientific analysis (in their fields and industries being investigated with forensic detail), the majority of fields of employ filled by these over qualified aloof and arrogant brats, do far far more harm to the mass of the people and to the ecology of the planet.

But they make trillions!

Also, with it thinking for so long that it has had control of all arenas of government, thus inquiries or not, and of all other sections of media and policing, the lot of them have become so corrupted, and, perverted that climbing the career ladders, demands heinous acts of – homosexuality, or – pedophilia.

I bet anyone that there's not a senior member of the Catholic clergy, especially in the white, western hemisphere, who has not at some stage, sexually abused children.

Indeed, I'd wager that that is fundamental to being promoted.

Especially to the level of working as a cleric within the Vatican, or in any archbishopric.

So, being the kind of now evermore frantic propagandists they are, we will read an endless number of reasons and excuses as to “Why?” the Pope resigned, in the newspapers. Every seasoned journalist knows that this is how they dilute and distract the weight of the underlying crimes and allegations, until everyone becomes tired of it, bored and quite sick of it, and tune out.

So the culprits slowly drop out of the media's view and are forgotten.

As the mafia says “We can forget! But we will never forgive!”

This is how the people must look upon these false religions today, if Justice does matter to us.

Media making more and more and boring more headlines and stories, from “sources”, “leaks”, “unnamed insiders”, etc etc etc., expose themselves as complicit in the unforgivable crimes of these massive mass indoctrination institutions.

The gay issue is a non-issue, when judged next to the horror of all these western cults' global drugs crimes, manipulation of drug laws, manipulation of governments and multinational institutes and corporations, pedophilia networks in conjunction with military child sex and pornography, destruction of all honorable educational curriculum, and, the piece-de-resistance, the collective conspiracy to fool the world that “Jesus” has come back!

So media!? GET PASSED THIS “O the Pope's disgusted by the gays in the Vatican!” bullshit!

If you don't, it's safe for humans everywhere to assume you also, have been bought-off by your schools' priests and “high council” (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!), and-or your employers, and-or the upper class spy agencies, or, your local military gangstas, to betray the whole of the species.

But..., you already knew that, aye!

Damn you all if you do not move on from this pseudo-scandal about why Ratzinger done-a-runner!

Gunai Aborigine Outlaw

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


Education &

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


Education &