
Globalised Right Thought, Right Action

This is an e-ssay I first posted on the 27th Sept '04, or so, but realised it was a bit toooo inimitable Max No Difference "of old", that of wandering off into the deserts, and loosing the main point!

But due to running on a permanent deficit, homeless, and under the sway of religious fascists and irreligious fascists of this fine cuntry, and for lack of my own computer (LAPTOP!!), I hope, in the next nine or eight days to October 9th, to add the (so far) extra six foolscap handwritten pages....

If you have already read it, I urge you to have another look, closer to the election date (October 9th), soas to read some every interesting thoughts I've yet to transcribe onto "plasticitus boxuus with pictures" (the net), about the fraud put-upon us over the HOW LONG? by the 'establishment' powers-that-be, and their silent sidekick - the backroom shape-shifters of the Judaic and Christian religions.

In fact, if you don't click into it before 9/10/04, I'll post you all (on my email address list) an maxblogadvert reminder.

Thanks to Missuer "Sam" of the Nimbin HEMP bar, for donating "X" number of internet/computing hours for me to blog-on etc. I heartily recommend that other Concerned People follow the example of Sam's Good Community Conscience, in his donating his facilities to moi.

The next paragraph is an extract from "CIVILISING GLOBAL CAPITAL" by Mr Mark Latham, Leader of the federal Australian Labor Party, (ALP).
Ch 14, "Financing Government" pp 132 1st para, sentence 5:

"As even John Howard has admitted, all taxes, with the exception of those on economic rent and inherited wealth, have some [negative] employment and economic growth effects".

The only question I have on this, to begin with, is "Who put the [negative] in the sentence?" I assume it means Howard was implying "negative" effects on employment and economic growth, perhaps considering the context in which Howard surrounded and/or supported the statement.

But I'd feel better if I knew the rest of the statement, soas to contextualise it correctly.

Ne'ertheless, what follows is my hand-scribed e-ssay, which came through mind 'tother day.

So Howard states it and you (Mark Latham) acknowledge it. Well, that's pretty groovy, aye!

Therefore, we are to view the current political fight, as with those Fights for a more Common Justice System, since Plato's Republic, perhaps, as another step along the ageless Path to - Good Government.

At this stage, the preparatory step is Democracy.

Evidence exists to prove once and for all - there are Scientific Economic Laws which pertain directly to the Best method of Community Balance (Good Governance). Or, solid evidence exists to prove that the introduction and "Inculturation" if-I-may, of Sound Management Tenets and Principles which Benefit Most, is possible, by doubling in efficiency through debilitating least, Community Cohesiveness (perhaps called "Community Spirit") and Human Personal Growth and Liberty, and, if prefered, Spiritual Liberty.

Rid at last, of "want and poverty".

I also suggest more than enough evidence exists proving Socialism is Fundamental to Personal Liberty.

But clearly a new breed of "Socialism", which plainly recognises individual Rights as granted by simply "Doing One's Duty" to the Community which supports you in so many other aspects of Life. Naturally, this is recognisable as applicable on a Community wide scale, as well as Globally, ie., wherever Humans exist on Land.

If one is so Inclined, this is "Doing One's Duty" to the One Supreme AUM-Inner-AUM.

These Basic Tenets - applied Locally, Regionally, Globally, and in all 'levels' in-between - Righty Set, would not conflict with each other.

These Duties are, "Right Thought, Right Action".

However, in this Age, these Tenets, these Duties are able to be applied to that which so many of us see as the "demon" - "corporate globalisation.

Proper Authority, applied to all avenues of Human Endeavour, can now apply legal and scientific evidence reining-in those responsible for the dangers now manifest (eg: 'western life' effecting male Human 'sperm-counts') through "Group Claims" or "Class Actions" and the like.

I suspect the claims for compensation would scare them right-back-to-their-entrepreneurial drawing boards-of-erectors-er-directors.

Such Conscious Legal and Governmental Action, sets the scene, for the individual-we-all-are (here on Earth) to Most Advantagiously to Liberate Ourselves. Yourselves.

All the Way!

"Off you go then!?"

But as I go grey, I'm inclined to believe that Democracy, Properly Instituted a Fine Management System, is as I wrote, just a step to an even Higher, more Just and thus more Peaceful Way.

If one follows Plato's assessment, Democracy is number four (4) down the list of only FIVE!

Number 5, as it happens, is "tyranny", but number three is oligarchy - Rule by the rich??!

I suspect it's hard for layfolk like me to fully understand what was meant by "oligarch" back in the 4th Century BC., but I'm fucked if I'll ever put my Faith in today's spoiled rats to give any of us Genuine "Good Government".

So "my" idea of a Better Way stumbles today if following old Plato.

Hooooooooowever?! It's also said that Democracy is capable of AMAZING things!

One can be being beaten or slyly seduced to Nazi-style mismanagement - tyranny!

But the other BIG AMAZING thing is that Democracy can rocket the People straight-over "Oligarchal rule" (Oligarchy) to EITHER Number two or Number One of Plato's scribblings: Number Two, "Timiocracy": Rule by the Just, Warrior-King - a cunt - Wise, and Devout to AUM-Inner-AUM, who Rules the People Firmly, Justly to their Highest Ends.

And Numero Oooono (No 1) is - wait for it - careful, ARISTOCRACY - HAHAHAHAHAHHOHOHOHOHOHOOO - FAAARGLE!%$&^^%!

It's hard not to believe today's Highest dynastic-rollers are as rotten as a Kennett Liberal 'government', so an understanding of "Aristocrat" is valuable.

I think, from memory, She/He is a Fully-like-FULLY Enlightened Monarch!

Don' tell the Republicans though! Or the athiests!! Or the Christians!!!

You know they skitz-out at Philosophical Pathes to the Same - SAME - LORD!

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