
"White Goods" major contributor to unwell population

"Bend your back. Touch your toes. Ssstrretch those muscles gently.

Bending elbows, moving shoulders up and down, bounce your hands on/off the ground, moving "yogicly" from the hips; sstretch-release - sstretch-release.

Stand and wobble.

Repeat the above sequence until your hands have washed the big square bucket of clothes at your feet.

Hmmm? Good for body! Good for mind!

(My Mum has taught yoga for forty years, so forgive me for echoing her talents in teaching.)

The Best Moderated Lifestyles, between Ludite-ism and modern technology, tailor-back from the mal-promoted "Good Life" of being too comfortable (read-lazy) and relaxed (read-dumbed-down) to being Conscious of the enjoyment one gains from Knowing, of the physical, mental and Spiritual "Nourishment" we most economically gain from manual Work in each task.

That Knowledge is often, enough to have us really Enjoy the Work, which is how Work should be.

Don' NEED a job to afford a "lazybox" washing machine, or dryer, OR! a dishwasher.

NO! Not dishwashing at your feet.

I save money, "macro-time" (time units taken in the manufacturing chain of production of consumer-goods), keep exercised-thus-healthier, making me more active along the lines of "the more you do, the more you can do", saving time, energy and money NOT paying for transport to work and the supermarket and the pub to get over it alllllll!

Then there's the FRIDGE???

Yesss! The fridge............? is an mal-adaptation to not being able to grow your own food, and pick and eat it fresh.

To access food, urbanised people, and the vast majority in western capitalist culture, must pay an almost endless line of "middlemen" to acquire what they may be able to make or grow themselves, and in doing so, staying significantly healthier in the process.

The middlemen are: grocers/greengrocers, transporters, enhancers and packagers of produce, storage houses, bulk transporters from growers, 'capital equipment' manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials like mining companies, freight agents, land speculators, architects, surveyors, valuers, AND everyone and everything they employ and abuse in their lifestyles.

By the time the food is messed-around with, it has a time-gap from being fresh to being eaten which is far too long to honestly call any (of the supermarket food at least) "fresh". But food is not just vegies and fruit, say what.

The question of economies of scale in broadacre, monocropping and husbandry etc., for grains and (high protein) meats are practical, but also need moderation. And rotation, and a bit of time to renourish itself etc.

The grains and lentils thing on larger scales, is another aspect of food, which has a place for decades if-not centuries, if not perennially. But its another area to explore. If you want to ride my synapses there, you can search through this, my blogsite, (but you'll have to ARCHIVE and scroll) for "NATIONAL DROUGHT RELIEF PLAN, NOV 2003. Or was it 2002?

The dependance the 80% have on the system, against their Higher Will, supports such illogical and uneconomical systems.

Illogical because of the "tax" upon the environmental system it costs to extract, refine and produce all the capital equipment and the ancillary produce.

This tax eventually falls on our ability to sustain our untenable centralised western lifestyles, and indeed, any lifestyles at all!

Centralised away from grow-your-own.

Centralised away from "Life-big-L".

So if urbanised people, especially the poor, hypothetically, pulled-down your backyard's "divisive" fences, and each four, six or eight houses joined backyards to make a Group Garden (along the most efficient lines of the "Economies of Scale" model) as the Basis of your "Moderated" Lifestyle, you'd soon enough be working a few hours a day, in your own food-producing garden, alone or with the neighbours, instead of alotting the same time working in the 9 - to - 5, or partime "at the mill", to pay a bucket-load of detached people to supply what you could've grown yourself in the first place. If you could afford artificially inflated prices for the Land.

Out of eight male adult Australians, living next door or nearby, to each other, you'd reckon a couple of them could do the mechanical maintenance on the homes, shed, and jinkers, aye? And anyway, what sort of soft can't swing a hammer or a saw, dig a ditch (a moat?!) and push a plough, or fix the hoozumawotzit?

Jobs "in-the-mill", that some 80% of surveyed employees say they do not like.

A "Jobs-mill", that some 80% of employees work first and foremost to maintain.

It's slavery.

A system designed to keep you chained to it, by such enormous and limiting debts as the good ol' 'death pledge' (mort-gage), and "time-saving" items like dishwashers and washing machines.

Machines that you pay too much of your income for, but more importantly to afford and run.

The jobs of managers, middle-managers, bosses, company owners and share-holders/speculators on YOUR effort, are what the end-user, "we who eat the food" (and first in importance are water and food) uneconomically support.

Everyone eats. Different foods yes, but it mainly comes from agricultural (including fishery) regions.

It seems reasonable for everyone to make some contribution to the cost of not only that which we consume, but to the process of manufacture of those items. If this is fair, it may be a vital point economically, as well as Spiritually.

Vital in the sense that once a person is separated from the chain of production of what we use, we immediately depend upon other economic units;- other consumers and suppliers, something akin to the list I made above. The actual negative aspect of this is the material equipment, it's mineral resource depletion etc., and the environmentally unsound mechanical, material infrastructure needed to have this illogical and threatening system keep churning.

And that which it churns out most of, and who are 'curned' through the mill, to produce more fodder to churn, are the lowest 80% of Humanity. This 80% probably includes YOU the reader, unless your "ol' Rupie", "Kezzz" ("Jamie? Are you in the top 20% yet???") Kidman or sluch.

This illogical churning of Human lives is the result of the dispossession of Homelands, whether Black Australians or convicts transported, left to fight in overcrowded agri-barren groups.

We call them "cities". I call them shhhhh.....

"Time" has a lot to do with this "Postulation", in that the inefficiency of the western materislist centralised system, has us by the "short-and-curlies" by robbing us of the time to "do-it-ourself", chasing the hollow dollar to purchase things we need because we're off-at-bloody-mill-again.

Allah save me? Scribing this stuff in the Cafe-deluxe-de-Universe, the Nimbin HEMP Bar, is cool, but fucking noisy, making it hard to smoke and concentrate, on something of an elusive subject.

Time and labour. Is labour time? No, labour is energy. Effort.

I reckon it's better to take a little longer doing (productive) work, especially by doing more manual work, than with the last 30 or so years of modern technological tools, which speed-things-up, but cost the Earth to provide, turning-upsidedown the "Mission" the Judeo-Christian west was allegedly "Divinely Ispired" to take-on.

(OK, I admit to Luditism here, the more rudimentary the better I ASSERT!)

Time is a bit of a demon, I reckon.

I've heard it's healthy to "take time out of the equation of your life" occasionally.

As often as possible actually.

So if urbanised people, especially the poor, hypothetically, pulled-down your backyard's "divisive" fences, and each four, six or eight houses joined backyards to make a Group Garden (along the most efficient lines of the "Economies of Scale" model) as the Basis of your "Moderated" Lifestyle, you'd soon enough be done with the need for anymore than one commercial fridge, and a freezer perhaps, (but that irritates my argument) between eight families.

Very economical, and healthy, and relaaaaaaaxed, jammin' it all the way up the taxman.

But tax is a subject again, of its own, and very relevant to the above drivvle.

For the end-game of the time-out equation is based upon political decentralisation and LAND RENT for GOVERNMENT REVENUE.

Surprise, surprise..........

I apologise for any lack of syntax in the above, and for any unfinished or undeveloped arguments and points.

I'm nicely medicated...........


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