
Is Christianity contrary to Democracy?

Is there a fundamental contradiction between Christianity and Democracy?

First, an apology. How do I the writer ask you to forgive my slanderings etc, etc?

The best I can do is ask you to overlook the viciousness of my pentongue, and even the fervent arguments I put sometimes, and consider the possibility that there might be some Merit in these wild postulations.

Christianity upholds our western political system, which is being instituted wherever they can sell big macs, of centralised powers, in 'leaders incorporated'.

Christianity might really be called a branch of Judaism - "The Messiannic Branch" or such.

Thus the concept of leadership is fundamental to Christian culture, and runs right through it. NOT, I put it, how ben Joseph Taught.

Christianity grew, as most "worlds", in a time of war, with Rome, but other threats were ever-present. So whatever developed out of ben Joseph's Words came to be, if His weren't already, structured from hierarchical, leadership models of war.

Judaism and it's branches of Christianity and Islam, are all Messiannic Orders, which preach that a Messiah will come and free us from our ancient and current psychological prisons - from our "Fallen" state, back-up to our Heavenly State.

Messiannic Prophesy puts it that we will keep falling from Grace, until we unleash all our angst upon everyone else - Armageddon - thence He will appear and steer those who remain back to Heaven.

Would He come to Fight next to the Faithful and Fearless Warriors of the Light, against whatever perceived enemy the People had been conned or Educated to want to destroy? Like Bikers?



But who of us would he choose?

Upon whose values, expected standards of living would he evaluate our Worth?

Honesty, Truthfulness, which incorporates the perpetual determination to find the Factual Truth in the most important areas of life - Economy, Relationship, Self-Knowledge. And..., selflessness.

Or would any Messiah come not to lead us out of our stupper, torpor, but to Teach us how to lead ourselves (back) up to that Higher State?

He Educates us, if-you-must, Up to His Level.

So what does he educate us in, but Economics, Relationship and in the unabridged Knowledge of the Full Self, of, (in their language) the Holy Spirit. Gnosticism.

Would He, were He here to complete what the last one left unfinished - "Saving Humanity", issue a bunch of benevolent dictates on His, or, YehAllod's Laws on "HOW YOU WILL LIVE!"?

Or would He Teach us what the Laws are, why they Arise and why they are the very Fundament, the very Fermament of our Being, and of our being on Peaceful Ground?

Most Christians are unable to address questions such as "HOW WILL HE SAVE US?" and "what would he say and do?", etc.

Surely were He a Teacher (Der?), his powers might extend across oceans and continents, but surely also, only if His was Correct.

And that which is Correct is but what He might (or might not) say - a Method, a Means, confluent Instructions, in short a - or a series of Messages.

Prince Charles (Allah Love him!) recently knocked the western and probably global education systems for breeding masses of "I CAN DO ANYTHING!" young adults, and is getting flack from the liberalist media worldwide.

Well, contra-Max, I suggest he has something, albeit from the most-absorbed-point of the dated monarcho-landlordal economic system, so his comments are going to reek of "old" elitism.

Perhaps two decades ago I saw the importance of Properly Educating a Community-Tribe-Clan National leader as the monarchs had been, until subsumed, as much victims, by their peerage into power and social control - corruption of the Ideal of a Kingdom or the Monarch's Role as Wholistic Guardian - of the People. A Layman, usually, cannot be thrust straight into governing a Commonwealth.

But "Orders" come and "Orders" go.

The Fine Ideals of Monarchy become corrupted and a new order replaces it. Usually inspired by a leader, Yeshua ben Joseph (J.C.) perhaps, but as much by the Warriors, Wives, Politicians, Cabbies and Foot-Soldiers of all Ages in the Long Road Staggering -- SSSTRUGGLING back to the "Garden".

So Charlie is the last of an old era, and may be assuming elitism.

I feel the Philosophical Values may still be Extant in his and in his Mum's hearts, but expression of such Depth is untenable in their upper-echelonic-reaches.

But, sadly, it is lost in the 'noise' nevertheless.

How independently any of us would be able to think in such upper-class-castles, is in question, no doubt, and almost everything said is skeptically reviewed by self-interested media as biased in whatever circuitous way as back to keeping our 'peers' happy, thus ourselves in our castles.

But Charlie may have been alluding, in his self-abdicatory way (an Highly Intelligent Humility, I suggest), to a fact ignored in this rush to Superhuman status, by the 'status quo', that our talents vary - there are those better-fitted, in all ways, or in relevent ways to leadership, there are times for overt leadership, and times for quiet leadership. Leadership is an "Art", a Skill and a Talent - Naturally Endowed or honed to Qualification.

Rarely do those who 'say' they are capable of being leaders or are promoted as leaders, actually Qualify.

However, a long-gathering of knowledge brings the other aspect of the relevant global Natural Leader, and what-else, other than the tangible Economic and Self-Disciplinary Laws, HeShe is called forth to effect.

It is now obvious another level of control has become, over eons, psychopathic in how it influences our Human Earthly world.

Witchcraft is newly alight throughout the planet, and Battle Royale seems to have been running since the "Fall" for 'control' and "Control" of these Astral and Higher Energies, projections and Beings, and how they help or hinder Human Earthly Progress.

The intensity of 'belief' we see and hear expressed via the conflicts in the focal-points of factionalised, yet still highly concentrated Occult Power - Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Bagdad, Chicago, Rome, Paris, (the last 3 not in warzones, if the daily carnage of such citylife, and the reverberations throughout, from their Catholicism, doesn't count as 'a conflict'), are testimony to ancient and Ancient forces, Spiritual forces fighting it out for supremacy or domination. Other similar places are often large cities where millions of moronic-zombies mill together to feed and uphold ancient occult orders.

The most psychotic Jewish fundamentalists are 'convinced' they must be as they are, to defend the Temple or such - but let's hope it's for the Message contained within it, and NOT the religio-occult real estate values.

These wars are fed by corruption of the Spirit/Souls, (some of) who have lost the plot, but are in reach of occult power over others, and so-often cannot help but abuse it, only adding further to the chaos. NOTE: Almost all Christian and Jewish westerners have "lost the plot" as to how to Live the Divine Wholisitic Earthly Life.

Then there's the 'utter-evilists', utterly addicted to self-hate (under self-perpetuating and self-supporting malicious spells from other, earlier twisted Spirits, who take it out on heroes, prophets sages - everyone.

So any Messiah, if He's really gonna save the Pee-pull today, is not merely a Message-Bearer, with the "Code" by which to live, but a or THE Magician, The Wizard, who comes from the Higher, if-not-the-Highest Spiritual Realms, but through the ranks, to clean-up the seemingly insurmountable 'alien' occult forces, influences, energies and Astral Beings which have been dismembered from their Origins and set-loose on the world.

Those aliens or enemies of HARD and TRUE Justice and the Path to World Peace, are as much deep within the religious institutions, and over eons have spread their occult tenticles far, and wide.

So the Messgician, or the Magi-iah, comes for to release the dedicated from the fanatical lineage of centralised religio-occult powers -

------ by some powerful Magic.

Now importantly, this doesn't make HimHer a Leader.

"El Magi-Mess" is it seems, a Warrior of the Highest Order (though probably can't throw a punch) which fits with J.C. warning that the NEXT Fella will bring a sword - NOT Peace.

But eu contrare to the modern-day sword of the pocket-rocket-launcher and GPS Vodka-tracking devices, 'el Mess' comes fully equipped with a psychic sword, so THAT realm may find order again, and thus, enable Earthlings to once more plant our Collective feet on Solid Ground.

Solid Law. You are That! (Nachiketas)

In theory the positive repercussions of such Work, by a Globe-full of Warriors preferably (Dutifully, yet anxiously waiting for their Global Merlin, Rama, Quan Ti to Return) will Resound across Universes, making the Gods of All Heavens and Tribes, very Happy.

Now deconstructing El Warriorness further, we ask "How will SheHe employ heris Wizardry?"

The line of ben Joseph (J.C.) about El Ejaculato Secondo bringing not Peace but a sword seems pretty clear-cut (ho-ho!) -


There's a serious train of thought about the sword bits, meant as a warning not to outsiders, but to Christians who fail to be Honest-to-Fundamentally-Wholistic, according to what ben Joseph Actually Taught - Essenes! - Asceticism.

Unfortunately not like the "born-again" evangelists Et Al, who very often consume above the levels of the USA national average per capita. Victims of Mammon.

'According to what ben Joseph Actually Taught - Essenes! - Asceticism', Law, is remarkably similar to what our own Australian Aboriginals still hold in such frameworks as their eight-pointed family "Skin-Ties", etc., as Law.

But an Ingrained well-tried-and-tested Tradition of ways to Relate to each other, and to the Mother Earth - the Land.

Other Indigenous Peoples can Rightly claim to still have That Knowledge.

And elsewhere in the Black Book (The Bible) in "Revelation" for one, but I think in the Old Testament also, is talk about "and out of his mouth will come a sword!" Hmmm? Scarey!

(Regarding the "Black Book" term; The Holy Bible is in my opinion (and overtly a vicious heretic, if only to shatter the spells we've all had cast over our flocking minds), is a record of the travails of Judaism, and it's later branch, Christianity.

God's word or not, and that should not be an issue, for, if it is God's Word, It should be Self-Evident, and not need the plethora of colleges and monestaries and clergy-fests to tease-the-Simple-Truth-out-from-a-tome of nothing special, only to get lost in the sound of their own voices. The Bible becomes 'black' in my opinion, because it - the gallons of ink scribed on paper - is placed on a pedestal, for little more than it being the only records our wandering tribes have of our ancient history.

The same type of story could have been written about our more recent era, of the 2nd Millennium, with as many weighty characters, Wise Kings and Ascetic Prophets, and treacherous events, with the same conclusions as are reached in the events of the Old Testament.

Were there such a Book, which for some reason gained the same status as the ancient Bibles, we'd still have a hive of clerical 'scholars' (ALLAH SAVE US!) buzzing around the centres of availability and discourse, acheiving absolutely nothing but MORE divided opinions, more universities and more social discord, leading soon enough to civil and regional 'blow-'em-aways'.

I rage at the Bible for it failing in Teaching us HOW to Be In God, as a Hindu, Tao or Zen Buddhist Text does so Beautifully. I grant that those cultures were far less addicted to the mental noise as is dominant in the western Christian mind, therefore it was easier for the Peoples of those cultures to HEAR what was being said, than the constantly distracted Christian manacle.

I'd be foolish and wrong to ignore the Wisdom which is recorded, or supposed to be, in the Old and New Testaments. I daren't tackle deconstructing the New, in terms of deleted Gnostic Principles and Dictates, however.

Which brings me to ask, "What about the other 2000 years since Jeeeesus?" Why do we not have a more comprehensive Biblical Record of the church's doings, refered to in Bible classes, like they do of the Old Testament, but of the last 1900 years or so?

Why does the church not Teach about why the Catholics gained favour with the heathen Constandine, over the Gnostics and Machabaens during the Councils of Nicea?

In the opening Book of Genesis isn't it, but throughout the Old and New, are references to "The Word" as being God, and maybe infering when True are the most powerful weapon Human's possess.

And what are words, but the components of the most powerful Messages?

I'm aware of the possibility that this is one, sacreligious and two, simplistic reductionism.


1680 years of (Jewish and) Christian clerics have done what they must, if only to see 'how far' their interpretation of what "The Word" means, what a few well-chosen words can do, and what the ensuing myriad tomes of "Words" can fool us into believing. A shot at our universities and ponsy schools, perhaps. Certainly hacking at the delusion the Race is progressing technologically to a Better (materialistic) Age, and that more science will provide the answers. Suggesting also, that the "Light Footprint" Way, needs few words, and is Tha Bestttt!

1680 years since the Council's of Nicea outlawed Gnosticism, more or less, and the Judaic historical timeline from the "Fall" 4739.2 years ago, have taken them, and slowly-slowly the rest of Humanity far-indeed, to possessing the ability to "conquere" the darkness and Nature (seen by an whole era as 'evil') to the point of complete destruction of our Local and Global Habitat.

An Heretic might rightly, or Rightly, Advocate an Whole Opposite Direction to Life on Earth.

What follows is a later diarynote, from a light that came to mind stoned one arvo in the HEMP Bar, Nimbin.

Heirarchy - to the point of Leadership might be the most pragmatic way to run an army (and usually the People are in part, of that army) in times of war.

Thus we have leaders who take us to war.

Leadership per se, may be a result or product of warring times.

As Humanity generally professes to wanting World Peace, we remain, in warring times, in hunger for the "Leader" to bring the Peace.

We are not looking at what role leadership takes. It may be good for sports and armies, but is it applicable to "Civilian Communities"?

Or, is 'leadership' necessary in Civil Government?

If there were a Law, a Rock-Solid Law, known as the Key to Earthly Harmony, that existed, the most secure place to make Perennially Safe that Wise Law must surely be in the Hearts of the People - everyone. "You are That, Nachiketas!"

This, being upon which we Govern ourselves, through all levels of Work, upto Government Ministeries, is Democracy.

Honest Government would have a Duty to make such Wisdom available and Taught to the People.

How do I the writer ask you to forgive my slanderings etc, etc?

The best I can do is ask you to overlook the viciousness of my pentongue, and even the fervent arguments I put sometimes, and consider the possibility that there might be some Merit in these wild postulations.

Forget the Messiah idea, it's the Message, stupid.

And the Message is the Economy of Loving Mother Earth, Completely.

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