British Royal family seriously mentally ill!
17th May, 2008.
(Apologies for the gaping quality in this essay)
With relatives speculatively ensconced across the territories of the dying British "Commonwealth", (regal oxymoron No. 1!), & with so much (other People's) wealth & Land theirs to do with whatever greedy, unscrupled dream the top 5 or ten members of "the Royal family" ideate or dream, so above the throng of the lowly Rest-of-Us they is, the irrefutable evidence shows, ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, the royal family of Great Britain suffer the most serious mental illness known to Humanity;~ "Too much of too much".
Describing the extent of the mental illness of one of the planet's most wealthy, most corrupt families is made difficult for there being an autonomic mechanical spin media apparatis made specifically to counter & dissempower any exposure of the truths about-&-in-the-heads of the illegitimate royal scamily of "Windsor", U.K.
Pathologically, in such a supposed "role" (for 100 years at least, a scam!), which demands lies, lies, & more damn lies, usually employed as the very TRUTH in complicit Fleet Street, Canary Wharf etc., mainstream Murdochian media, "Y' get that!"
Mental illness is more than HUGE, in upclub Britain & Eurape, the harder to see, for the very culture itself, is so terribly corrupt, so unbalanced, so "lost", so in need of Guidance & Leadership, so "Christian", & for that, fully sychophantic, that ANYONE within it's thrall, especially the, THE top family, has really no choice but to be VE-ERY serious "candidates"-at-least, for that increasingly feigned "I'm bipolar!", "I've got Tur-fuckin-ret's Syndrome!" "No-one is going to decide how weweMEME ar/iz goingk to liff!" shreeked Lizzie, HRH.
No matter that it's killing the Mutha Earth, aye?
"HRH's a fuckin' genius?"
We've all had our doubts as to "Prince" Charles' health of mind, as he's stuck with being 'next in line'.
Seems he's won his stability back, from here in Nimrock, but I'd haz-a-guess & say he's not happy with the two-or-more faces, the multiple contradictions of the Job of King, in the 21ssst century.
Like, being embedded in making & profiting from most "illegal" merchandise, as well as being embedded in making & profiting from profit-oriented, biased, NON-Scientific, NON-Evidential & thoroughly British, NON-Principled laws. And weapons thus war etc!
With pressure being poured, as from a battalion of gaint cement-mixers, constantly down upon his/their heads to "enable" or "agree-to" or "comply", from fiends like the thoroughly rotten elites of Military Oxymorons Inc.,
who RUN most non-so-called "Islamic" Terrorist organs & larger-scale contraband operations on Mutha, & create & effect whole warzones & regions, to their own purpose & end, a retiring Prince Charlie, & I reckon any with half-a-brain, would be caught betwixt-&-betwain about being a figurehead to the entrapped entranced masses so that an whole upemselves, uptown upclub of shear-fucking-arseholes can, in an utterly-deluded & untrue lifestyle & state-of-mind, fopp around THEIR little Earth, not giving a flying fart about the Planet, or the "pretty-little sea-horses" dropping to extinction like brains-in-the-Australian Liberal Party?
There's also mounting evidence against single figureheads in politics & in arena bearing so much "cultural" influence.
But in this, adding to the case, today's monarchs do more as "others" say. Were ANY of the pricks on the "Board of Influence" of the REALPOLITIK BIG Issues, genuinely concerned about slowing the impending global implosionzzzzz....., even the most mammonic customs & social habits would be Corrected out of the Global Village in mere months.
But...? O-oh-noh-laddie!
we're MAMMONISTS son! We doon't-ava-brain foor dat!
Every bright, Noble, constructive, Honourable idea, HAS to be turned into a profitable one, & as it gooes, profitable to OOSS!
You cannot begin to appreciate what this entails! This is why we have control of the media, & the vast teams of spin-doctors necessary therein!
Then there's the gargantuan MAT of Intelligence networks & operations needed
to 2nd-guess the inevitable competition, ETCETERA, ETCETERA!
Would you like me to go ON???
Nooor! Me boy, foor th' apparatus this size to function, it becomes imperative we have DYSfunctional figureheads!
Hitler. Stalin. Roosevelt. Churchill. Nixon. LBJ. Reagan. Milosovic. Saddam. GW. ALL our men.
Every one of them, AND in the beomith underneath them?
Every one of them too. Tagged & trained-up for sometimes 2, 3 generations ahead!
Ones we build to die heroes, martyrs, villians, fools or failures.
Most, right up & down the social scale, are built as sleepers, to come online or alive years after moulding, & mostly where they can most destructively undermine someone else's work.
The bloody royals no-less!
About the ONLY difference 'atween ye & they, is that they are told from a young age what they are being indoctrinated & moulded to be.
To the rest of us, its designed to be a surprise all-the-way, but to them..., it's predictably dull & smilesville, all-the-way-down.
Blended with drops of invulnerability, the stupor of a pre-arranged life incites sporadic displays of daring-do or errant play from them & us.
Their advantage is being a part of Global Muthafuckas Incorporated, GMI, their errant behaviour is protected, supported AND encouraged by GMI, & by a lustuous, effectively out-of-control class-hungery mass of sychophantic arselickers.
As politidead J Howard wuz crucified, for being so far off Good Governance, that to the sincere Scientific Observer, he was actually making & effecting insane policy, thus rightly can be classed as him-them-selves insane, the veil will fall & Humanity will see the utter fraudulence of most all monarchy, ESPECIALLY in this age of awareness of the envirocarnage such bling-infested lives leave behind.
Nigh-on imposseebl it is for our royals to get the REAL! IN-YA-FACE or even polite untainted, Impartial opinions, advice, influence.
Attaining to That Pure Spiritual Throne will always be a more natural thing/nonthing preserve of the penniless. For all possessions also possess us.
Just like "beliefs" in monarchy, popes, presidents, +/or Horus, Hesus or Jee-suss to Protect or "save" us.
It's blatantly clear today, that the monpopepres consortia uptop-uptown-upclub-upemselves "CHOSEN ones" do NOT GIVE A DEMIGOGIC DAMN about the R.o.U., expecting our consumpollution or the axial wobble will wipe five-sixths, 7/8ths, 9/10ths, 99/100ths of humanity anyway anyday soon, THEY, the Knobs, will survive with technowealth.... + totalitarian replunder + recontrol of the recently (looking-back from post-apoc point) vacated ball-of-real-estate.
So why grieve for the inevitable?
A rude view I'm fast coming to agree with, going by the abject, absent-of-Intellect job their colonialist policies have left an Ethically bereft Australia.
The sooner the beast-homo-insipid is GAWN from Earth, the better.
The sooner the beast "homo-brit-eurapus" is GAWN from Earth, the better.
Sorry...., ya dogs!
Jus' a digger, spading up the REALPOLITYGRITTY, for the Edification of the monpopepres progeny, as they're tuned-in.....
Each time they DON'T listen..., ANOTHA bomb explodes, another tornado torns, another cyclone goes sick, another opportunity at getting it somewhere NEAR Right, slips away....
The Royales have taught us, its a cold world, + that "BACKLASH"-type Justice, with FACTS for Evidence, may be Best Served on ice.
Before the very-close ice-age steals 99.9% of the planet's human tenants + many big-+-small critters, Humanities last stand before the end of 25,000 years of human stumblings, might be to go hell-for-leather in bringing down the sicko-psycho's currently running the Mutha inta tha gutta!
"Coming soon to a lamp-post near YOU! THE SUPERIOR SWINGERS!!!"
"Always like 'Live, PUBLIC Entertainment'! Saves on street decorations too." said T.O.C. C.M.O.
"AND, for once THE PEOPLE win, from de regal 'pomp'!"
Just a cryin' shame it's ALL about to END....
Aumaxa bin Eartha.
Outlaw for Global Land & Drug Law Reform.
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