
TREASON in Australia

First, here's the brief note I just emailed to the Federal Australian Government's Minister of Immigration, Mr Chris Evans, about the article below on “TREASON in Australia”.

(Dear Mr Evans,)

Please note that I have emailed a five page expose on "Treason in Australia" to several ALP, ABC, and other foreign government email addresses, about illegal European immigration networks politicly active and dangerous in and around Nimbin NSW.

Those Australians who partake for monetary reward ("eligible" for arranged marriages) in illegal immigration, place extended stress on Australians, and are guilty of treason.

Please do something about these scams by the wealthy Europeans.

Please open an inquiry into the illegal networks operating in an around northern New South Wales.

For a copy of the article go to my blogsite at:

www.maxearth.blogspot.com, titled "Treason in Australia"


Max Earth

aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Nichols Cook-Meredith-O'Brien
aka Max No Difference
for Global Land, Tax, Cult & Drug Law Reform.

Now, the article:

"TREASON" in Australia!

A note about cases of TREASON as alleged committed by Australians and illegal immigrants against the Nation's Interests.

Begun: Friday 27th February '09. 08:12am

Treason is an old term, meaning “betrayal, treachery or breach of faith, especially by a subject against the sovereign, liege lord or chief authority of the state” (Annandale's Dictionary).

I even doubt treason is still in the law books of Australia, though I expect for some strange reason, treason is still on the lawbooks of Westminster England.

As humanity progresses and regresses in political oscilation up-through the early years of the 21st century since the fabled Jesus Christ was born, an inquiry into the veracity and rectitude of today's Australian laws is called for.

This it seems is necessary because it has become clear that the majority of Australians are guilty of treason.

How so?

Treason, as the introductory lines tell, is alleged when a person (or consortia of persons) acts against the well-being of the state. An impartial inquiry or court would find quickly that not only are most Australians guilty of treason, for their collective crimes against the State, albe-they in-the-main unwitting criminals, but that almost all our parliamentarians, government ministers, and every government official and employee, down to the police forces, are as well GUILTY of TREASON.

Unwitting because of Australia's dominant “anti-intelligent” culture. The roots of this culture are planted firmly in the houses of our religious masters, rabbis and priests of Judaism and Christianity, and can be traced back to the 4th centuryAD and the Councils of Nicea, when Emperor Constantine brought the hammer down on the side of Catholicism, which means “Universal”. I interpret Catholicism as meaning “materialism”. This act by the emperor demanded that those who argued against the “catholic” view of the World, and taught that Gnosis or Knowledge is the Path to God, “Who Art thine own Self”, should be banished, exiled from their Homelands and from the Roman Empire.

This was clearly a pernicious political decision, for catholicism takes power from the masses, from the flockers and the faithful, and centralizes it in Rome. If we direct our attention ever outwards, waiting for God to show Herimself in the Universe, in the realm of life on Earth in Human form, we are being deceived, for our Communion and Salvation of the Godly sense is only found by the Journey into our own Soul, and will never be found in the words or directorates of another, nor of any priest or bishop, whom we place on a pedestal, worship or Deify, as was done to the Man Joshua ben Joseph, or JC.

The worst effect such a dark doctrine has, is that it says that the layman is incapable of being possessed-themself, of the Intelligence to Define and Commune with God, in their own Heart. This, combined with the genocidal brutality of Rome has whittled the seconded followers of christianity down to being nought but brainless puppets, victims of whatever the clergy determined was their due. Consequently, over centuries, the average Intelligence of the mass of Christians has been reduced to the point where none of them have an operative Intellect at all, and rather, are but puppets to an higher order of powerful and utterly psychotic, unintelligent and therefore ANTI-Intelligent puppet masters. These are found within the christian and Jewish clergy. But puppet masterery has been integral with the evolution of the Human species since Eve hit-on Adam under the apple tree. Today, finding a puppet is part of the “game” of life, according to the amateur witchs who abound throughout Australian and western society now.

Intelligence, in it's Best sense, is that which Discriminates between Truth, and the other, Right, and the other, and Good and the other. The other being whatever enters the mind which is not expressing or reflecting the reality of any given situation. Intelligence is a Fundamental “part” of God. A saying from India's Hindu Philosophy, is that the Self of each of us, is “All Knowledge, All Consciousness, and All Bliss”.

To most christians, this would appear to be blasphemy, merely because their thinking is almost completely upside-down, and as the church has dominated and “silenced” their mental abilities to discern between True and false religion, between true and false actions, including the customs we keep, the “traditions” we keep, the work we do, the thirty-pieces-of-silver we take weekly for doing “unholy”” jobs, beit lying to people as a CEO, politician, copper, newsreader, or idiot on the street, or producing, selling or buying low quality, short-lifespan junk products, there is little to no chance that the average Christian has any Intellect operative at all. So, they react to “other” beliefs only as “enemy”, for they are totally under the spell of their christian cult masters, masters whose directive from Rome and Canterbury et al, is to interupt any talk of thinking outside the box of judeo-christian dogma.

This is precisely why True Meditation, the Art and Practice of bringing the mind into Absolute Silence at will, and for as long as possible, is unattainable by those “baptised” into christianity. For winning control of our own mind, so that we may silence it at will, and for as long as we want or need, is to win against the 'demons' who inhabit our mind, and make us, mostly unconsciously, do the illogical, nonsensical, immoral and collectively genocidal things christian humans do.

Things Christian Humans do, they do because they have a puppet master priest occupying their mind, and controlling their thoughts and actions. Silencing the mind, is the only way a human can be released from these mind-tyrants, for regular practice of Silent Meditation opens the Inner Door to the Light of the BIG HIM within. HE, is Who We Are. Anything or belief we “hear” or “see” within, which distracts us from Right Thought and Right Action, is not Herim, but comes from the puppet master who has captured our Soul, and thus our ability to Know what's Truth, what's Right, and what's Good.

When we find that we cannot control our thoughts or silence our own mind, we can be sure that there is “a spirit” in there, making Hell for us. Over thirty years, I've had cause to discuss “Meditation” with many people I've met, and find it conclusively regular, that to mention “Silencing the Mind” to a person who has been indoctrinated in a christian school, is to send them into ceaseless and frenzied excuses as to why they don't believe they need it, that it doesn't work, that they already meditate “...ALL THE TIME...!” etcetera. I recall people I met in Meditation courses, recounting the torment and even physical violence and uncontrollable fits they experienced and enacted after trying to meditate the way the “eastern” schools generally Taught.

Cases of insanity are not uncommon amongst novice meditators who come from the materialist, anti-Intelligent christian dogmatic cults. Again, this is their priest or member of the clergy active in their minds to stop them awakening their own Intelligence, thus determining that they are being “done-over” by their own priest, that Christianity is a criminal fraud and that they are Perfectly Right to take their Love, Soul, Heart, Mind and money elsewhere.

As we Commune more with the BIGHIM within, Herim shares Herim's Knowledge and Wisdom with our Soul. Knowledge and Wisdom NOT imparted to us by the clergy, A, because they themselves are but puppets on the end of an occult string which wends its way back forever, it may as well be said, to whichever originator (“Adam”? “Moses”? “Abraham”?) the Spells had, B, because they are not themselves trained in Attaining a fully Awake Intellect, thus in attaining to any Truth, but are 'captured' by the cult to be dumb puppets, so find and know it not, and C, the religious agenda of christianity and it's fabricator, Judaism, is one which cares nothing for the immediate wellbeing of any flocker, unless they can do something for the charlatan priest, but for a much larger agenda. That agenda is to win complete control of all the Earth's Land and Her resources, and control of all of Humanity, so that it may attain to it's ultimate goal of proving that they (and YHVH) were right, thus justification for the decimation if-not-total annihilation of the Human species, if they do not accede to the Christo-Jewish belief system. It matters zilch to the high priests that the judeo-christian beliefs must, in the end, destroy life on Earth. In fact, there are credible theories saying that this is exactly what the Jews want, for they are but puppet-agents to a mob of aliens from the Orion constellation, who want Humans as slaves and food (Yummy little boys!), and the mineral resources and whole planet for themselves.

This, attitude, of caring not a bit about the maintenance of Life on Earth, is where the vast majority of Australians are today. We can see the evidence of this as we drive anywhere – in the city – OBVIOUSLY not a lot of Intellect active there, or in the country, where we see thousands and thousands of kilometres of wire fencing Humans OFF the land they need to survive and prosper, off the Land they Rightfully OWN IN COMMON, whether the Person is Aborigine Australian or Native-born Australian, so that criminal malpractices of holding fewer than one-head-of-cattle-per-hectare can be maintained, to feed an insatiable, mindless judeo-christian cult who go insane if they can't have a seriously unhealthy, unsustainable, anti-environment meatburger AND A BEER NOW! (90-to-95% of our agricultural practices in Australia are treasonous, in that they have or are ruining the Land, rivers, and oceans around us, and will make life extremely difficult in the decades and generations to come.


Treason is the crime of the Judeo-Christian cults, for exacting the damage they have to the planet's environment, and to the Pristine Godly Cultures of the Indigenous Peoples wherever the rabbis or priest's have wandered. But, everclever, they have turned the guilt totally upside down, so that now everyone who accepts the globicidal daily practices as they have evolved out of the Judeo-Roman traditions and “customs”, have become guilty themselves of “sinning”, therefore are apparently justly jailed, tortured, executed or forced into penury, while the masters of the trade in Souls, get away with genocide, accolades and a promotion, just like the filth NSW coppers. Promotion is guaranteed if you can fuck-up a Wise or Intelligent POLITICAL person's Happiness or Peace or Rectitude, to the benefit of the corruption networks.

So, who is NOT guilty of Treason in Australia?

In the region I am forced to live, in northern New South Wales, there are next to none who do not commit treason daily.

Whether it be breaking the law in trivial ways, like by prescribing to the dominant corruption of growing marijuana and then selling it through the police networks, whether it be through the people's deliberate ignorance of the damage their lifestyles are doing to the Land through weed infestation, resultant destruction of the rest of the environment through setting-up microbiological imbalances from those foreign weeds, or from the destruction of forests for the timber, for the cleared lands (for cattle), and for whatever mindless other practices the white arses have ignorantly introduced and criminally stupidly maintained, the whole New South Wales society is very guilty of treason.

All levels of government here are also very guilty of treason. Councils and authorities across the land are in jeopardy of being hauled into court charged with deliberate neglect of the health of the Land, because there is not one council area in Australia which has not been and is not currently being dangerously degraded by mal-or-mis-practice in farming and residential ways.

State governments may well be the worst offenders in regard to treason, for they manage the police forces, and the laws which determine who is a criminal and for why. They are beholden to the higher powers of the federal government and their masters overseas, in particular the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the Vatican etc. But it appears that the massive profits the nation's Land and People have to offer, are most redirected to the endless lines of “cronies” arselickers, nepotists, fellow cultists, clubs and thugs controlled by the State government's IN-REALITY the whole State PARLIAMENT'S apparachiks, godfathers, war-and-landlords.

So, it pales into insignificance that I allege that the whole village of Nimbin is guilty of treason against the well-being of the People and of the Land of Australia.

Nevertheless, when I find (as I HAVE found) that my own Country, my Ancestor's Home Country for no less than 500 generations, is being terminally corrupted by British and Eurapeans, to their landed, legal and financial advantage over the majority of Native-born and Indigenous Australians, by the operation of an illegal immigration network for rich, young, dropout British and Eurapeans, I am obliged to speak-up.

Therefore I ask the Federal Australian Government to initiate an investigation into the illegal immigration network(s) that are being run by “Australians” to allow rich British and Europeans into the country by by-passing the legal route of qualification.

I have no doubt that Australia's “Department of Customs and Immigration” do know about this active scam, and that they, and the local police, clergy and highly regarded Locals profit from it.

It is unlikely that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Secret Intelligence Organization (ASIO) do not know about these. We fool ourselves if we believe they do not know, for as they are of the same breed of christian puppets, pro-Brit-Eurape and materialistic-as-Hell, they will be taking their slice as well, to-be-sure.

There is a large number of German immigrants in Nimbin, and I know that a number of them have paid Australian citizens to wed them, thus winning them cheap and quick Australian citizenship, or permanent residence.

In general, Australians accept corruption, prefering a slice of the profits to Honor and a Just Society. This is indicative of how rotten the nation has been for 201 years.

Of course, this would be far less were it not for the landowning agenda interests the Europeans have. Australia is “god's own” now, compared to the generally environmentally rooted northern hemisphere, what with our low population as well. Lots of them have migrated here and have illegal immigration networks running openly, bringing groups of young Germans, all kitted-out with dreadlocks and “feral” clothing and appendages, signs of daddy's wealth, and a smear to have us think they are pacifist. Racist, nasty, uncaring very wealthy and totally self-absorbed pacifists, who quickly assume their superiority complexes against left-wing, Indigenous, poor and thus powerless Australians, once they steal a piece of Land, build and have a “doof” in the paddock, inviting all the locals to make their bestest, bestest friends.

Locals who are themselves corrupt-rotten, gutless and unintelligent to the point of wantingly commiting treason against their own People and Nation.

The illegal immigration networks in Nimbin MUST have the police acceptance and collusion, because when there are police raids looking for marijuana, one never hears of any of these illegal invaders being arrested, and one never-never hears of any of these aliens going to jail.

In fact, on several occasions, I have observed that the coppers run away when certain hubristic Europeans march-in.

One might almost be brought to believe that the young nasty rich kids of Eurape cunger or bring extra-terrestrial aliens with them when they are here to force their way on us, for on a number of occasions, I have noticed a frightened village goes very strange when I percieve that a group of young Europeans are tampering with the occult, cosmic flow.

All this is a bit much to bear, when I am forced into exile and homelessness in my own country, because I challenge with the Proper Law, the endless corruption of Australia, as introduced and upheld by all the police and alien invader British and Europeans.

The Catholic church is deep in this type of racket, as they are in production and profiting from the illegal drugs trade, locally and globally. All part of their 1700 year-long plan of winning ownership of all the lands of the planet.

As I came to believe some years ago, at least 50% of young tourists to Australia from Britain and Europe come to check-out the real estate with a view to emigrating here and buying the relatively very cheap and very healthy land.

As they are of the “we rule the planet” cults of the “north”, they disregard local Australian laws wherever they can, for their connections across society are usually able to protect them from discovery, exposure and incarceration. So illegal immigration networks run by deeply corrupt Australians and Eurapeans, aplenty around the Nimbin region, are but a minor step readily embraced for the young nazis to slime their way onto MY LAND, and push me and my fellow Australians off.

If Australia's federal government is serious about cleaning Australia up in environment, law, culture and in social well being generally, it is their Duty to breakdown these pernicious foreign illegal immigration networks, because it is the likes of these exact schemes, which bring with them political power to stymie any GENUINE and Proper Legal, Land, Taxation and Cultural Reforms, Reforms which are imperative if Australia is to be a Healthy Culture, People and Nation in the decades and centuries to come.

Typically, when a scam is uncovered in Nimbin, the coppers negotiate with the criminal, turning them either into a snitch or police informer, or invite them into whichever network the coppers can appeal to their bottomless pockets with.

Martin Jansen is just one illegal German immigrant. His landlord “Greg” on the “Blue Springs” community, an Australian from Brisbane, has commited two counts of treason by taking money for a false marriage to “Sihem”, a German woman of Algerian extraction, who took-off asap from the “marriage”, and her son “Marius” or “Max”, then a teenager, has gone-off on his own in Brisbane.

These are just two examples. The Nimbin Cafe, called also the OASIS, has been the “hangout” for these illegal Europeans for decades, and on any day one can hear German accents aplenty in there, all full of hubris, mockery and criminal lives and intent.

But the now closed “HEMP Bar” was a virtual “check-in terminal' for rich young Europeans, intent on circumventing the immigration laws to take-up an easy life in an ideal climate growing marijuana for the huge local, national and overseas consumer markets.

In my considered opinion, the village of Nimbin and all the surrounding “multiple occupancy” communities should be gone through by federal police, ASIO and Immigration Department agents (NSW Police are totally corrupted and thus are totally untrustworthy), to weed-out these utterly uncaring illegal immigrants from Britain and Europe who do nothing for Australia or for Australians but increase the insane oppression the catholics and Eurapean colonialists want to impose upon the whole of Humanity.

This, is one large reason why Australia's political progress goes nowhere, why marijuana laws are as “down-on-the-poor” as they are and are prevented from being made right, why land prices are as over inflated as they are, why Australians feel helpless about blowing the whistles on the numerous corruption rackets which operate within and across our border.

So maybe it's necessary to march-out the old TREASON charge, if Australians, that-is those of us who would in our Hearts be Good Australians, do really want to live a Life which makes our own lives and consciences Better, and that of our grandchildren any real degree better.

I send this now as I live in danger of being bashed or abused (daily) by the locals here, by tourists, by illegal Eurapean immigrants, by the police and by snitches and undercovers.


For a Better Australia

Max Earth

aka Max N Cook

aka Omaxa bin Eartha.


for Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform.

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