
Email to Senator Bob "The Green" Brown

Helping Senator Bob Brown and the Greens Win Government in the next federal Australian election.
by Omaxa bin Eartha.
Outlaw for Global Everything Reforms.
SENT to Bob's Canberra office at 7.15pm 17th June 2009.

As was said on ABC Radio National's "Background Briefing" last Sunday, the Australian Labor government are not powerful enough to go the full distance in the changes we must undertake on “climate change”. (paraphrased)

I have lost faith in Australians to get it right politically, thus in how best to live on a changing planet, from here forward into the uncertain future.

But if Australians can prove me wrong it will be by their voting in Green governments right across the continent, from here forward. That means they are going to have to really HURRY and get really organized in local, state and federal arena, so that as soon as possible, the Greens will be able to stand candidates in every election until the next federal one in ? 2011.

Well, I'm applying a bit of pressure, yes...?

“Green for Go”, means we have to lift our currently silly and lazy minds above the familiar “traditional” concepts of how to live. This means going hard to be able to survive and develop personally, thus on a community level, in as small a group as is practicable.

This means that most all of our accepted models for behavour, in play, rest and WORK must come under review. Not a parliamentary review or in royal commission, but a review home-by-home, and by each and every one of us, who find that things they do and consume are unsustainable.

Work, as most Australians know, is in truth, a furphy. An obligation we have thrust upon us whether we like it or not, and most of us even know (and sadly accept) that our hours each day, week-on-week, year-on-year, do more for the boss and their bosses in the top floors of the major banks and real estate offices than they do for our own and the kid's betterment.

“Chained-to-the-mill” as the saying goes.

Forever, the masses have had to accept their lot, and go quietly when the bell rings, hoping that the pennies we get will be enough to salve our Souls until the next pay-cheque.

Probably a lot more Aussies than I would guess, are very savvy to the bottomline rort of our workaday lives. “But HEY? What can a bloke do? I gotta raise the kids, and make enough so the family can stay together and have a drink together afterwards?”

As we are apparently in “revolutionary times”, or that's how Rupert Murdoch would like us to think, and as the planet actually does seem to be melting away from beneath our selfish delusions, I say it is time we went the full monty and challenged these accepted dogmatists who ad-by-ad reinforce those old sterotypes of “bank loans”, credit cards, a NE-UEUEUEW CAR, and...., that old really new delusion that we have to BUY things if we want some semblance of comfort in our homes and lives.

Lately, I've been suaded to “go solar” and shopped around to buy a few solar panels. After over a $1000 I just got what I needed, which adds up to about 105 Watts, translated to half that in real terms.

But as with power we all WANT MORE!!! So, wiff my little laptop and a wireless stick, I surfed the 'net for “solar panels”. And lo-and-behold, I hit upon a website or two which tempted me into a bit of a frenzy, because they told me that I could actually make my own solar panels myself!

After throwing about $40 their way of course, they advertised that they'd sent me the book, and a kit to help me dig-up the silica-sand and turn it into FREE ENERGY!


Well..., not quite.

However, once I got a “taste” of the free energy between my teeth, I have been ruminating on the granules ever since.

In this ridiculous economy of having to spent-up big for the littlest things, mostly imported little beasties from some rich little third world country (That's OK. Good luck to the poor beggars, albeit that the enviro-cost of shipping, storing, marketing and selling is usually overboard?), it's always been a sticking-point for myself (yes a pensioner, thus a little bit of a tight-arse-self), that such things as we all need are capitalized upon to the maximum by the rich, when all-too-often the same concept, if-not the same end-product can be made in our kitchen, shed, garage or drugs laboratory?

(Umm, I don't have a drugs laboratory and advise others to not have one as well.)

As we are all getting paranoid about ENERGEEE??? and stuff, and as the debate doesn't get airtime about whether solar panels cost more energy to manufacture (and freight) than they will produce in their lifetime, as the question of whether there has come a time when the usual day at the mill is......... environmentally (EEEEK!?!?!) UNSUSTAINABLE......., doesn't it add-up, that we might be safer, better-off short-and-longterm if we can spend a bit more of our own time being productive in making the products which we otherwise must spend braindead hours-upon-decades and credit-card debts-upon-household bankruptcies to afford and to acquire?

It is as clear as buggery that the upsurge in “solar energy” stores is all about taking every advantage of us, in this NEW market of new products, and are fleecing the average Joe far too much for the things the average Joe wants to get, so they can actually DO something to help reduce the climatic dangers our eccessive energy consumption is bringing on.

With the federal government trumpeting new and massive projects of wind and solar energy mills, and that they are dedicating billions or our bucks toward large-scale developments to supply our average Joe with energy for his/her zappy gizmos, aren't they going about it the wrong way Bob, a little bit upside-down?

In these revolutionary times, I say “fuck MORE JOBS-JOBS-JOBS in such as 'the energy sector'!” when a safe and wonderful idea like making your own FREE ENERGY homemade solar panels and environmentally positive products in your own kitchen, shed, garage or local Community workshop (remembering the efficiencies of even smalltime, local “economies-of-scale”), is a REALISTIC and Ideologically Sound idea!

As I have yet to fork-out the $40 for the book and starter kit, wary of never getting quite what you paid for, I can't do more at the moment that put this question to our Federal, State and Local Council Energy Ministers:

Are you serious about saving what you can of the planet? If so, then I would appreciate, as would our average Joe I'm sure, opening an inquiry by all levels of our government, into making available to the public, FOR FREE, or for the cost of postage and government-developed compilations, instructions and where called for, lessons on MAKING YOUR OWN SOLAR PANELS for FREE ENERGY.

Thank-you Senator-cum-President Bob “The Green” Brown!

Or should that be Bob Brown “The Green”?

Or... Bob the Brown Green?

Now don't go yellow on us.

RED, is OK!

In fact “”RED should mean GO instead of Green, because Red's a Revolutionary Color!”

(Heard that one on 3RRR, in Melbourne about 20 years ago! Hyuk!)

Good On Yer Bob!

You're "The Man" I reckon! The Statesman!

I call up The Angels to Protect and Assist You.



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