Iran's election and protests?
by Omaxa bin Eartha
3.30pm AEST.
16th June 2009.
As I've grown in understanding of the world, I've come to rail against the classic “western” models of religion and politics, of “western” models of economics and finance, of western models of “consumer” markets and the so-called “free society”.
In learning the little I have about what are “alternative” social models, as in “Eastern” or Oriental, Middle-Eastern, that is, the Arabic and Islamic Cultures, African, and Australian Aborigine (and other) social structures, or social and cultural LAWS, and as well as learning the True Facts about what the “west” or perhaps more correctly, the “north” of Britain and Eurape have imposed upon the rest of the planet's Peoples, trying my best to employ Impartial Scientific Intelligence, I have most every time come to the conclusion that the models we here in blissfully lazy Australia regard as the “norm”, thus as “the best”, are indeed the most pernicious, most dangerous, most corrupted, and thus most mentally ill “traditions” any advanced culture could find.
Evidence abounds right here in the hills I hide-in, 140 kilometres west of the touro-centric Byron Bay, of how awry Australia's culture is. The forests are GAWN mayte! Replaced with carnage-ridden fields and hills of clay, making all downstream watercourses ruinous for the native marine life, and for all which depend upon clean and healthy river systems.
Our “northern” approach to the very Mother of our existence and sustenance is SO awry, that it has become doubtful that even two generations into the future will be able to sustain a life, let-alone a lifestyle of any relative comfort and food security. How much do Iran's pro-Mousavi voters realize or appreciate these deadly facts, when they come to vote for western changes???
So when I watch, as I'm want to do (because of a covert, agenda-ridden upbringing), the news of elections in Iran, I stand-up and raise a Fist of Righteousness to the announced winner President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Salute his “victory”.
This, because he appears to support a culture which basicly says “NO!” to the blind western incursions of capitalism, free markets, rampant consumer-egotism and generally “loose” moral behaviour, and instead, supports a yes, rather “strict” Islamic code of social and cultural conduct.
Over the years of my commenting on global politics, I've been known to severely curse the western or northern models and our general behaviour in politics, religion and culture, seeing, as is easy to see - SHOULD WE LOOK – how awry they have society end up becoming. (Sorry for badful grammar!)
Alas! Much of the USA, much of Eurape and Britain, most of Au-stray-lia!
I heard a bloke on the radio 'tother day, (yes, on the old catholic-run ABC Radio National's “Background Briefing”, 9.00am Sunday 14th June '09 program,) talk more clearly than I've heard any others about the limits to economic growth Humanity can be allowed, if we want to keep the species keeping-on. His general thrust was that we have almost ruined the planet with our “free market” type behaviour, and that if Humanity continues down this western consumption model, we WILL destroy most all life as we know it.
So, what choice does a thinking, moral person have, but to reject every-and-anything to do with the western social, political AND religious stereo-types.
Alas! Long Live the Iranian “Conservative” politicians, as represented by this week's “winner”, Ahmadinejad .
Well, I maybe wide of the mark there, because the real power in Iran is said to rest in the hands of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is the supreme leader in Iran.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is said to have the support of the rural poor, for his party's provision to them, of the necessities, while the challenger Mir-Hossein Mousavi is supported by the urban and thence more westernised Iranian folk.
In my own life, a right royal ructious rodeo as it has been, I've been entirely sincere in researching “religion” and Philosophy, for about three decades now, albeit under some serious hexes from mother's agenda-PSYCHOTIC catholic cult convent. Added to that influence, have been the Indian cult of Ananda Marga, which, I say reluctantly, saved my bacon from the deep ignorance as prevails in yes, again, the “western” cult of catholicism. But before the dada's and didi's of AM get too egomaniacal about this compliment, ALL Credit, as far as I am concerned, actually should go to my Hero, Allan Nichols Cook-Meredith, my Step-Dad, for his (probably under outside instruction) taking me to spend an hour with an AM monk, when I was a most suicidal 15 year-old.
Between my 15th year and now, I've tracked many an uncharted course, errant, yes, dishonorable, yes, but also, often deep and successful, gaining, it seems, quite some Merit in politics, religion and fixing things.
At 54-point-2 years of age, after sincerely giving my Soul to whatever that (Not-)Thing up There is, the Divine, I have next to no faith in any of the planet's religions, nor in any of their Ideations of Herim (God).
A few stand Head-and-Shoulders Above the rest. One being the “Oriental” Tao, which I spent some ten years coming to Appreciate. Another, which I believe will take another lifetime or forty to Attune my Soul to, is the Australian Aborigine “Dreaming”. I do not know much at all about their Beliefs, even though, at 52-point-4 years of age, I confirmed in my own mind and heart that I am descended from their Royal Mob, the Gurnai Peoples in eastern Victoria, but for the Australian Aborigine Culture's Depth, Wisdom and Longivity alone, I have no doubt they are, or were, before 26th January 1788, Fully In Tune with the Creater Spirit. Thus, were One with God.
Where however, therefore, do I stop attributing Credit to other Aborigine Cultures, such as the Africans, the American Indians, the Japanese, and ALAS! The Aborigine of Britain!?
In Truth we can never stop Attributing Credit to them, and to all the unmentioned ones.
So, getting back to the topic; the Iranian elections, and now, with today's reports of large-scale protests against the apparent victors, I have to say, that, while I DO support the Conservative Islamists, and do not support the protesters, regardless of whether, as one protester's A-4 lazer-printed placard stated 'this was not an election, but a “selection”', in light of all I've learnt about “G-o-d”, religion and all the hoopla-which pours-forth from the mouths of clerics, my feet stand firmly in the middle, between the two opposing political, economic, and cultural beliefs and desires in Iran, to the point of saying that, it is time the Stoics of Islam, AND the fanatics of 'western” techno-materialism, not only in Iran, but right across the planet, took a Holiday, a Holy Day, and Paused for a while, with the Sincere Aim of “Getting It Right!” in terms of how we, the Mass of Humanity, MUST face the future.
With 1600-plus years of deceptions oozing out of Rome, Edinburgh, Canterbury, Salt Lake City, and innumerable ashrams in and around India, etc., what we have to show for it is none-but the threatened AND REAL possibility of world-wide extermination, and not only of US, OH-SO-F---ING-PRECIOUS US, but of the silkworms and spiders and other lovelies of the Mother Earth.
The Hebrews, via their branch-offices in Christianity, have indeed led us out of a passed era of no shoe-phones, mood-lighting and portable in-yer-ear gigglemachinery.
Even the Wisest Aborigine today, whether Aussie or American, whether African or Chinese, will admit that we have done wonders on Earth, in regard to our so-called “developments” in technology, lifestyles and home delivery pizza, etc, and that where the best of our advances, of our Hebrew-led advances, are concerned, the world truly has become an amazing place, bringing yes, only thus far, some of us, enormous possibilities for some Utterly Divine Attainments.
So, it is futile and I dare to say “wrong” to try to reject those better aspects of western techno-culture, if only because as soon as it becomes known that one rejects them, Whitehall, MI-6 and the CIA switch into auto-subvert, and in no time ANOTHER WAR ensues.....
“BALANCE”. Balance is the Way of Heaven, and is what Heaven would ask of Humanity on Earth. Balance between Strict Religious Piety and “loose” ego-materialism.
It is time that the Strict and Sincere and Wise Religious Leaderships of Iran and of the Middle-East, began talking with the Loose (and Otherwise) “Leaders of Change” in places like Iran, and began meeting each other with open arms, in the Middle, on Neutral Ground, for the Common Good.
In my opinion, for what it's worth, “Religion” as we now know it, is passed it's “use-by date”, and if adhered-to much more, by any authorities who exhort power over other People, we lead ourselves ever-downward, to global decadence and destruction. Decadence being, I suggest, the irresistable reaction to severe, fanatical, unreasonable religious dogma and codes.
As well, it surely is clear that much of the “non-west's” religious fanaticism, or Stoic Fundamentalism, as displayed in the Righteous Taliban (manufactured by the unholy MI-6, CIA?), al Qieda, and other anti-western Sects, Cults and Creeds, have arisen as an absolutely necessary reaction to the blind and brutal colonialism, expansionism and outright plunderous “genetically PISSED” psychoses of our stuperior, white, bleach-brained, blimbo Judeo-Christian cults.
So, for Iran, and for the rest of us....., where-to, from here?
Well, as we non-whiteskins went all-out to “select” President Barack Obama in the United States, and as he and his Mob ran on the Mantras of “CHANGE” and “YES WE CAN”, and, as may be quite accurate, he and the US Democrats are but a change-of-guard under the powerful eye of the nasty Illuminadi, as thus-far sincere changes ARE occuring in the USA, ie., the “socialisation” of the US motor-vehicle industries, the US public health system, the US banking networks, and the expressed desire by the new Administration to REALLY-TRULY “GO GREEN” et al, it DOES seem that the “righteous” of the old models have finally sat-down together and had a toke of the Herb-Superb, the Herb which, I must plug, is the prefered social medicative in those “terrible Arabic and Islamic Scoundrel Cultures”, over brain-maggoting alcohol.
I smoked Marijuana once or twice! BUT, I didn't exhale! (HAHAHAHAHAHA-cough!)
Well, surely it's clear that it is time the whole lot of us – DOOMED or not – GREW UP?
Whether or not a galaxy-full of coldblooded aliens are taking-over the planet, bereft of that wondeful thing called Intellect, thus barred from Attaining to Wisdom, Humanity can only get through ALL the coming uncertainties by Working Together Intelligently.
As the western beliefs, technologies and language have taken most of us by the foreskins (sorry girls!), lots of us attribute advances in “Science” to the masters of propaganda ex-”the west”. But we are learning, even in the materialwest that indeed, many Brillianty and Beautiful “Scientific” Advances had their origins in Arabic and Chinese Cultures. No doubt many a buried Tribe of the pre-western colonialist world's Attained well-beyond our current understandings also.
However, as with “gunpowder”, the Wise Cultures of those Lands knew well that to play with old-growth forests (for the essential ingredient in gunpowder) for the “BANG” of it, was deadly,and ensured that such things were not advertised to the greedy. Oh Yay, maybe, even the “greedy” in places like Ancient China had a touch of Wisdom in their Ways, and understood to leave-it-alone?
Today, if we do not address our Collective future Scientifically, and instead remain hexed with errant, agenda-ridden “we are right and YOU are wrong!” essentially superstitious cult beliefs, the aliens WILL take-over, and what remains of Humanity will be nothing but a mash of stoned, drunk, mutant dickheads, slaves to doom.
Huh! Pretty-much like New South Fails.........
As the USA's ex-President Clinton said, about as clearly as one could, “It's the ECONOMY stupid!”
Materialism, and religion, to my way of seeing things, are both where we go while we have no choice but to live in corrupt, that-is “mentally ill” cultures and societies.
Today, the efforts of proponents of both, bring us to see that both have serious failings, and that both, stuck-to without inner and outer balance, that-is without taking the Ultimate and Most Profound Journey into our own Soul, whence we all may Commune with the Fella Up-Stairs, Our True Self, and without being thus-enabled to “see things as they actually are” out there around us, in that we are but One, and that it is imperative that we all put down our guns, and pick-up the tools for Common Unity, in Work, Rest and Play, materialism and religion are both destructive delusionary superstitions. Distractions from the Potential we all should have access to.
Finally, the west's objections to Iran going “nuclear” are based on the west's, perhaps read Israel's fascination with the stuff. The fascination with evermore powerful weaponry, arises out of a fundamental deprivation, of no Security of Tenure.
Hillary Clinton surely does not need me to remind her of husband Bill's Simple and True line.
I deeply believe that, in Iran, in North Korea, in Burma, and other defiant Nation's, their political and religious Leaders Know Perfectly Well, the Truth in what Bill uttered. They, and the Illuminadi, know also that Perfection of and for Humanity cannot be achieved, Attained in any one corner or “Main Street” of our Earth, while ignorance and imperfection prevail “up-there” elsewhere.
Thereaforerere...., let the “winners” in the Iranian election prevail, and let them Express their Wisdom, by climbing down a rung-or-two from their Fundamentalist Islamic Pulpits (?), and let the Protesters for western materialist crap put down their i-Pods, so they can walk together forward in equanimity, beyond all manner of fascination with western junk (OK! Laptops are Glorious!), and dated Fundamentalist Strictures.
That Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can wear a western suit comfortably, perhaps merely to be more acceptable in those diplomatic circles, nevertheless shows me that he and those who work with him inside Iran are prepared to step off the Fundamentalist Fortress, and be a little more “Middle Road” with a similarly Moderate western, US Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton. And hope-upon-Hope, perhaps with the “extreme” Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.......?
Oh Israel......?
But HEY!? This Work, is not something the rest of us can leave to Hillary, Mahmoud, Ben and Mr Iranian Opposition Leader. The same Essential Work remains for EVERY HUMAN BEING to perform. Rome must get-off it's faiiry-floss merry-go-down, as must London, Brussels, Zurich, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Sydney et al. (Well? Sydney is..... another story....?)
As must all of us on Earth, for our delusions of being able to leave it to someone else, aka a “messiah” (ho-yucking-ho), or to those up there in top-storey-diplomatics-ville, are shallow, escapist, delusionary and PATHETIC.
EVERYONE, has to stop gerking-off about their precious fingernails and prefered product brand, and be ready to get their hands real dirty, out in the Community Vegie Garden (Organic, of course!), out in the paddock and shed growing and refining bio-fuels, etcetera.
And, out of the cloisters of their precious little security blankets called religious dogma, materialism and essentially myopic group-therapy sessions.
Stock markets do not run on “confidence”. They run on economic deceptions.
In Iran, like in Wall Street, it is time to employ AND APPLY Economic Science, just the same as in errant places like Sydney, and Rangoon and Pyong Yang.
Every nation's “universities” have to embrace Obama's “CHANGE” Mantra, and get off the old mill wheel of “unsteady-(and-full-of-bullshit)-as-she-goes”.
Corporations must climb down form the ivory penthouses and start putting the PLANET before rude, unethical doomladen profit-first crap.
The International Monetary Fund has a lot of work to do, primarily of getting down off the feris-wheel of economic superiority and self-interest.
It takes the law courts AND the lawyers (oh the liars!) east-and-west, to bite the bullet and assert the Primary Principles of Human existence on a predominantly Earth-dependent species.
It's time to forget your selves, at least for a while. You are no good or use to yourself or to anyone else if you don't have a Healthy, Balanced planet to park your arse on! And besides, in the end, you ARE looking after yourself, by looking first to live Right on the Earth. With the Earth, and with those terribly nice Iranians, and Afghaniis, and utterly rotten coppers OOOP? Even Bikers......
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Sir! With All Respect for Allah, and for His Good Followers wherever they be, these models of “religion” as we know them, are no longer tenable, while they incite resistance from other quarters. Christianity has been abused for economic advantage for centuries, which, I put it, is why the Great Mohomed led His Peoples away from the Hebrew and Roman paths in the 7th century.
The world is to be enjoyed, with the Fullest Respect for it's Creator, not destroyed by fanaticism, whether it be religious or materialist.
It is a Universal Law, that wherever extremes arise in one direction, so an equal and opposite extreme will rise in-counter to it.
Enough. But, as you know, I COULD go-on. And on. And on.....
Almost. Democracy only Works if the People are Intelligent-Big-I. The west is testimony to errant religious stupidity.
If the People are stupid, Democracy is dangerous. If the People are dangerous, Democracy is stupid.
Your Culture was once a “Font” of Intelligence. Do not fear educating the People upto being Intelligent, because I presume, if-I-may, Allah (Praise Be His Name), is That Intelligence in Us All.
Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform.
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