
If Lib/Nats implode, what of parliament?

If Lib/Nats implode, what of parliament?
by Max Earth.

The political system we have, depends upon credible political debates from credible political “parties”, yes?
So what happens to our parliamentary system if the Liberal/National Party coalition falls apart?
Where does the so-called “government” go for a stoush?
OH! We become ruled by a one party state?
No, there's always the Greens, and the Bothersome Christians Parties, and the uncollective of Independents.
However, even though the Labor government lifted we pensioners out of deep poverty to mere shallow poverty recently with their increases to our Centrelink payments, they are still bound to the rather dark politrix of the IMF, displayed in their carbon trading fiasco and the ETS etc, not to mention the decidedly evil system of money-read-DEBT, work, slavery and forced public contribution to the most heinous socio-economic system the world has ever seen.
So what of the self-destructive Liberal National Parties? They are in decline because Australians now know where their allegiances lie - offshore in the bank vaults of Britain and Eurape.
While I have of late been assertive in promoting the Bob Brown-led Greens into, well..., ALL Australian Houses of Government, realistically, there is far too much anti-Green media extant who hunger for the moment to shit-on our Environmentalist's Hopes for a Balanced world, for the Greens to make it as our parliamentary Opposition, let alone into government.
Rupert and James Murdoch will make sure of that, to-be-sure!
Even while I'm the last to be told of what is really going on in this world, that in fact we are under assault by aliens, whether from Eurape and Britain or from an ancient clan of megalomaniacal Hebrews and their apparent antithesis the “Greys” from Orion, I stay stupid and plod along writing about terrestrial politics.
But with the phenomenal results I may be able to ascribe to my own political writings and one-liners of the last one or two decades, it is obvious that the psychoes in Murdoch's stables cannot stop themselves from controlling the global political agenda.
For example, I feel sure that most all of the public opposition to the US President Obama's urgently needed political reforms are fueled into existence by the likes of private media and corporate interests, such as Murdoch and coy.
Indeed, today we seem to be under such a weight of anti-socialist forces that we will never achieve what the so-called “True Believers” of Socialism have dreamed of for centuries.
I have no doubt that politics of our times is a total deception, and is controlled by the manipulative forces such as in Murdoch's media empire, who can, with a cutting headline, destroy all chances for Genuine political reform right around the world.
Words become superfluous and divisive, no matter which side they support or come from. When one voice is heard to speak to the REALPolitik fundamentals, a million others are paid by Murdoch et al to drown the first out.
So what is the point of any political debate, or indeed house of parliament?
Right On, Mr Brash!
I have lately been ruminating on the possible veracity of the “alien invasion”, trying to sum-up what course of action the leaders of the Earth's defenses should take.
The supposed factors involved are multifarious, and, individually and collectively, do not add-up, all be it that invading aliens is not an inconceivable occurrence.
Just where magic, and particularly black magic intersects with the actual existence of aliens remains a mystery to myself. However, both issues apparently being of the “fourth dimension”, and from the stuff I've been told over time about whence come all our visualizations, both seem thus far to have there root in our manipulating and manipulable minds.
If magic is real, then what is real about this supposedly “fixed” world of the three dimensions?
What then is real about all the political dramas and discourses and debates and divisions and wars we witness?
Surely enough to have one throw their hands up in the air and do as the Aborigine did, and get drunk, wait to die and “'ave another go, in the next life!”
But getting back to the title, “If Lib/Nats implode, what of parliament?”
What indeed of it? Do we remain fixed in this debacle called debate, and watch as the winners of the latest change of guard ponse around, while the losers of the Oppositions' seats swim into more whirlpools of disarray? Meanwhile, the flood is taking the rest of us under!
If, as I suspect, our Federal Labor government is but a change of the IMF guard, perhaps exactly like the Democrats in the USA are, after the Republicans of the GW Bush administration had their turn, a turn which enabled them to shave-off the gullible or frightened publics' taxes into their weapons cache, so building more of one side's armory in preparation for the H.G. Wells' “War of the Worlds”, which seems to be where the focus of all our politrix is, if the day's political Opposition drops out of the race, here, and perhaps elsewhere (Greece this week flipped the political power on it's head by electing the Socialists by a landslide, possibly furthering the decline of “right-wing” or self-interested socio-economics globally), what is left of the game of two-sided politics?
It may be, that the world is at last ready to move beyond this dated political model? But beyond is not necessarily the correct word.
In the west, we have been taught to believe that Athens was the first nation to introduce rule by the People, by the Demos, with it's version of Democracy.
This is typically white, western centrist opinionating. Wherever we look on Earth, before the modern methods of disorganization and subversion won the day, Democracy was the Order.
Australia's Aborigine being perhaps the last or most recent living example.
Even America's history recognizes that the Red Skins of that continent gave the Republic's Founders Superior Advice about how to institute Sound Democratic Policies in it's Constitution, Advice which the Aborigine of the Americas had employed for millennia before Columbus arrived and fucked things up.
So, rather than the world moving “beyond” this debacle we call “Westminster politics”, to an Intelligent method of Community and Land Management, after all the wars, perhaps we are ready to Progress backwards to where we were in the most ancient times. The Garden of Eden?
As said, any amount of inspired words can be reduced to a pile of dung with one clever-dicks' cutting headline, which brings into serious question the validity of our parliamentary system.
Like the self-contradictory Tony Abbott of the federal Liberal party, who prefers “politics” to “economics”, ie., prefers talking around the most vital issues with more global warming legal debate-speak, this “debate” idea is riddled with whiskers.
Today, it is clear to most, that the important issues of local, national, regional and global survival, survival enough to support a Perennially Peaceful-and-Happy-centric Community, are issues of how we manage ourselves on the Land.
The hyperbola out of the false economists of the day saying the economy depends on such variables as “confidence” and “consumer demand”, things which are not scientifically quantifiable, is evil bunkum!
Bunkum thrown into the political arena to keep us confused and so unable to define the issues and the statistics necessary to make solid cases for Sound, Stable political management.
So, I am certain that we in Australia and indeed, globally, are at the time when we can and must do away with this divisive concept of two-sided political houses.
If we are not at that stage, then everything we try from here forward, will only bring us faster and closer to environmental ruination.
To a point where we are unable to repatriate the habitat enough for Humans to live-on, sustainably and, Oh a false dream, Peacefully on Earth.
To some system which IS sustainable, perennial, and demands not the draconian heavy hand of brute police and military forces, I put the following:
Jump Ship!
Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull threatens his party with his resignation if they don't support him in his attempts to rewrite the government's ETS policies.
Good on him! The Liberals destroyed themselves and exposed their paucity of Intelligence by letting Johnette Howard and Peter Costalotto run things for as long as they did. Sure, they got enough of the Public's taxes to further their sides' militarist cause, and had, at the end of the debacle, to push their extreme anti-social policies enough so that the voters, even Australia's serious stupid voters, would vote them not just out, but down, down so far as to disintegrate, never to rise again. All part of the long-planned global socialist pusch toward one world government, or, the New World Order which was George Bush's, Dick Cheney's, and even the Bostonian Democrats' final goal, designed and directed by the Illuminati.
But, as with all manmade plans, things change. Far exceeding their original designs, things have altered so much that the big-boffins of the Illuminati et al, have had to change as well.
Recently we heard the likes of failed Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin tell the US (FOX) media viewers that Obama's Healthcare Reforms included “death camps”, ensuring significant numbers of US idiots would be out on the streets defying Obama's rather Intelligent and Sensible attempts at giving the poor a chance, with protests.
It's not surprising that none of the pro-Obama media, CNN, PBS et al, wanted to go near that, or what was in fact the facts of death camps in US politrix.
It's hardly surprizing that what was not aired, was that it was very much a part of the extreme right wing Illuminati agenda of GW Bush and VP Cheney et al, the same ones who fabricated a shitload evil events - 9/11 in-the-main - and false evidence to support an assault on President Saddam Hussien's Iraq, for thousands of rail freight carriages to be kept in waiting to carry the impoverished “losers” of the USA up to northern Canada in the depths of “fall” to freeze to death. Indeed, a chilling thought!
And the pundits tell us we have progressed beyond the “cold war”!?!?!
If yer av'rage American cannot see that President Obama's Administration is rather more Humane, Intelligent and Compassionate than the last GW Bush government of the USA, and thus even while Obama was the “choice” of the same global cabal of the Illuminati, he and their directorship have been Wisened-up enough to choose the Humane direction, rather than the insane, fucking insane agenda which was running the pea-brains prior to the recent Magical Revolution which woke up the many and perhaps saved us from the evil of the utterly deluded global powers, then perhaps death camps is the better option.
If Sarah Palin is so dark as to throw that utter lie into the debate, considering she is a patsy-of-power in Alaska, it's not impossible to twist things to have us see her as running the northern ice rail networks, especially were John McCain and she to have been selected to government!?!?
So! Jump Ship!
Humanity no longer needs this thing called politics. What we all need is Better, Intelligent, Scientific Community Management.
“Economic Science”! Simple. Clean. Unambiguous. Proof-laden.
The arguments out of the 5 hundred years old “enlightenment” where the individual matters more than the Community have done what they were (perhaps) designed to do, which is to bring our species up-to-speed in terms of technology and coping with any threats from unknown environmental dangers or more technologically advanced species. And, besides, further ruminations on the matter of an alien invasion seem to tell me that our warring ways or preferences, as have grown over the last two or so hundred years, are not of the Intelligent brand, but have been born of the hypnotized, brute, feared-laden defensive thinking processes.
If, even if Humanity is under threat from a mass of compassion-free “Greys”, advancing our weaponry to the degree where we can blow them away, will, in the long run, solve very little. I say this because, as with every battle won and lost in all our recorded histories, before long ANOTHER threat presents itself, and eventually, THEY will have bigger, better guns and or methods of subversion to overcome us.
It may well be a microscopic virus which displays greater Intelligence than we can counter, which wipes us out?
But, of a certainty, further two-sided bullshit in our houses of government will only serve the idiots of subvert-subvert-subvert, who, may be excellent in their parochial trades, but have not a clue when it comes to forming policy and plans encompassing the BIGGEST PICTURE, of Global Organization.
Aliens or no, we are all lost if we do nothing to COOPERATE toward Unified Planetary Organization.
So sayeth, The CMO, Omaxa bin Eartha, of The Organization Organization.
So, Oh Yaye! Malcolm Turnbull! For being one ahead of the Liberal National rabble.
Jump Ship, Sire! But make sure the Properly Outfitted Life Raft of Co-Operative Management (POLRCOM) is afloat and unsinkable!
First, the Australian Republic!
Second, Nationalized Land.
Third, sack the lot of them!
Fourth, pull down the fences!
Fifth, ummmm...... ummmmm.....,
Do the Sex Pistols thing and..... “FORM A COMMITTEE!!!”
Sixth, sack the CMO!
Seventh, with properly fitting life jackets, rope Barney Joyce, Julia Irwin, Greens Bob Brown, Lee Rhiannon & Kerri Nettles, ALP's Penny Wong, Peter Garrett, Maxine McCue (?), any Aborigine Parliamentarian, state or federal, in the country, north Queensland Renegade Nationals Bob Katter, and enlist a couple of Economist-Philosophers from the Henry George League to brief the lot of you on the Science of Land-based Economics.
Your Mission, Mr Turnbull, is not to become leader, but rather, to do away with it/him/her/.
Knowledge, Mr Turnbull, is your Leader.
Evidence-based, Scientific Knowledge on Economic Rent.
Beyond the seventh step..., disband the federal parliament and all State and Territory governments. Call an ALL parliaments meeting, distribute via all parliamentarians, to all Local Council Members, instructions on How To Assess Land Rent for Council Revenue.
Resume National Management of the Reserve Bank, the Commonwealth Bank, all “States” banks, and subsidiary loans management companies.

Sorry I haven't any more Intelligent things to say.....

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