
A Shot at the BBC

Making the most of modern technuttery, I occasionally do this, and scribe challenges to Babylon, then send it in-mass around the globular. I must expect some element of being sent straight into the receivers' "spam mail" bin, but the few auto-responders I get tell me not everyone treats me as the global joke! (?) I include in this blogpost the email addresses, just to prove something....?

A late-in-the-day blast from
Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
in the chair at OpenSourceGovernmentPolicy.OM

TO: "BBC News haveyoursay"

CC: "7.30 Report ABC TV" <7.30syd@your.abc.net.au>, "ACTU Mailbox" , "Australian Conservation Foundation" , "CHINA Permanent Mission" , "CUBA Permanent Mission" , "Economist The" , editor@iran-bulletin.org, english@peopledaily.com.cn, "Executive Intelligence Review" , "Farrago Melb Uni Student Union" , "FRANCE Permanent Mission" , "Greenpeace Australia Sydney" , "Guardian Unlimited" , "Health Services Union" , "Il Manifesto Italian Newspaper" , "International Tenants Union" , "James Casbolt" , "LebanonDaily Star" , "Michael Finnegan" , "Moscow Times .com" , "New York Times Letters Editor" , "Omaxa bin Eartha" , "Peoples Daily Newspaper" , "Phil J Anderson" , "Radio Current Affairs" , "San Francisco Chronicle" , "Sunday Age" , "TheAge Newsdesk" , "TheIndependant UK Newspaper" , "Times Online" , "United Motorcycle Council" , "Unleashed ABC Online" , "US News" , "Whistleblowers Australia" , "Wilderness Society of Australia"

Subject: WHYS access ludicrous, and Comments on French elections


I just read the BBC article about France's President Sarkozy and the UMP suffering defeats across French regional elections, (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8579232.stm) and wanted to say something about what was relayed in the BBC report.

So I sought-out the BBC WHYS links (World Have Your Say), only to be unable to locate the comments section?

After several clicks and lookies, I gave up, and returned to my email and this address.  I hope it is still active?

Nevertheless..., regarding the French election results.....,

One line therein says that less than 50% of voters bothered to vote - "In the first round ballot less than half of France bothered to vote".

To this, I say, that if there is that low a turnout, then surely it is a sign that the system of "democratic voting" is broken, and either needs major reforms or complete replacement?

The 50% who did not "vote" did in fact vote, by not attending.  This indicates a serious failure in the system - and we are NOT talking only of France's electoral structure - a failure exposed by the voting "non-voters".

The same, but lesser "donkey votes" repeat themselves in Australia, where voting is compulsory.  So those who want to save themselves from being fined, go to the polling booth and make their vote void one way or another.

This is their only way of casting their opinion, and to those in the know, a Wise and accurate opinion, saying that the system is broken, and even pathetic.

It should be of major concern to all politicians that such numbers avoid the electoral process, and, that none of the world's so-called "democratic nations'" politicians make anything of this, is a sign that they in fact do not care about the results, nor about that "majority" of citizens, or subjects who reject the voting process and thus the mainstream political system.

Leaving the outcome to those minority of voters, who support one side or other of the mainstream political cabal, clearly "left and right" wing political parties are but the left and right arms of the same IMF global behemoth - "Babylon" to the Rastafarians, is, as we witness daily on the political, economic and environmental fronts, the good-intentioned road to Hell!

US President Obama won his Chair with slogans advocating Change, etc, and, having much faith in his Intellect and Wisdom and perceptions that it IS time we changed to a far more Balanced Global/Local political system/structure etc., I see nothing but a doomed future, especially while the likes of the Murdoch dynasties control BBC's news agenda, as well as leaving the banks of the "winners" clubs of Britain and Eurape to sustain the world's biggest crimes of Land speculation and degradation, all in the name of selfish "northern" profits!

To a Wise mind, anyone who simply keeps-on keeping-on working and playing within the mainstream economic, media, employment and social structures, remnants all from ancient Rome, is a traitor to the Planet, the ONLY Habitat we all have, and thus, is a traitor to Humanity, to their nation, to their children and to themselves.

It's stated that Jeshua ben Joseph said "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!"

Are the likes of Britain's IMF executives, media, bankers, politicians, MI5-&-6 agents, military commanders, ambassadors and consulates aware that He, was talking as well, about THEM?

Are they aware, and do they/you care, that he was saying, in 21C language, "Forgive them Lord, for they are all hypnotized idiots"?

For the record, I, the puppet cursed with the utterly unrealistic (and demonic) task of saving your lot, courtesy of Oxford, Dunrobin, Rome and Dublin (or is it Armargh?), seriously deluded elites all, say "YOU forgive them Lord, I'm buggered if I will!"

BBC has done well as it goes, in reporting and influencing public attitudes, but, it cannot be denied that there is a line over which NONE of you will cross, when something like your "nice-little-earners" are threatened.

Give it a few years, perhaps decades, and your "nle"'s will be seen as being the cause of the planet's collapse.

As BBC, is a leader in global media, it is the responsibility of BBC's team to advocate the most effective Reforms the world has seen.

It surely is time we and you forgot the psychoses carrying James Murdoch and cabal, and that the Masses, the Workers of every nation, Tribe and Gang of the world, must be brought into the effective political processes.

It is for the BBC to openly speak about the fundamental reforms the whole world needs.

Reforms to "Land Tenure", a la Ricardo's "Economic Rent". A la Henry George's "Land Rent for Government Revenue". A la Leviticus 25, etcetera, ETCETERA!

Clearly, to a majority of the world's voters, the "system", principly of IMF-models, is broken, and can be fixed with minimal fuss, a few upclub hangings aside, by media giving the public the FACTS about Economics.

ENOUGH of bankers' agenda.

Enough of putting economics first, while "economics" is the exact opposite to efficient and thus environmentally friendly and sustainable Human-Land interactivity.

There you GO, from Omaxa bin News-Chop.OM
at OpenSourceGovernmentPolicy.OM


Max Earth
aka Max N Cook

Outlaw,  for
Global Land, Tax, Cult, Drug, & Work Law Reform.