Vic ALP Unions Construction and Green politiks
And Kennett part 2.
Lately, bits and pieces about ex-PM Kevin Rudd have made the media, painting him in a less-favourable light.
Shame about that? Kinda liked the guy, seeing him as courageous enough to go where usual Aussie politicians dare not tread, and, were he not subverted, may well have put some genuine soul into Aussie politics, via an enabled follow-up to his Apology to the Bleck Fellas of Uluruba, etc.
Of less effect, the intended referendum on putting the Aborigine into the Constitution, follows his initial steps toward conciliating white invader culture with the Cultures of the Immortal Aborigine.
But while further invasive impositions like the remnants of John Howard's abortion of an intervention remain, no amount of written words will have the slightest upward effect for the general Bleck Fella in Australia.
Courageous or blind with faith, his heart was heading for the right place, and he had commandeered his phenomenal intellect for the fight.
That he might have been tyrannical, must depend on where each minister's allegiance is doomed to lie, and I'd put it that the International Labor Organisation wins hands-down whenever the questions are asked.
From here, it can't be said that they are a major enemy of the Australian Republic, but suspicions linger that they are stuck on one world plan or another, with roots over there in Britain and Eurape, probably Moscow also.
But today, we have China, India, Indonesia, Et Al, Et Al, and others who cannot help but look to the Aussie continent and dreammm...?
So any grounded suggestions from down here down under, with masses of evidence to support the Aussie Republic, a scenario the global bigboys, the IMF, the ILO, etc etc., and media have sought to subvert and take over for generations, are frowned upon by the ILO, IMF consortia.
Another indication of the Rectitude of Rudd's Reforms, was the little highlighted 'ban on overseas residents buying Aussie property'.
Added-up, this is a most Progressive step, which surely challenges those offshore landowners, thus their banks, and possibly the local economy, where the economy runs wholly on tourrorism, speculation and corruption.
His ETS, was ahead of it's time.
Surely, as the world panicked over global warming, as we were around 2007, as many scientists were diving into researching whether we WERE heading for an environmental catastrophe, and from amateur, profiteer, and clear-headed Observers the evidence gushed back at government - we have trashed the future! -
I say the sums were being done across Uni campuses and in large industry HQs, and in government departments, and a loose concordance was being seen, that the sustainability of our most popular community/cultural model, of yer av'rage 3-bedroom quarter-acre nuclear family suburban home, and every piece of infrastructure, facility and service to maintain it and it's inhabitants, was through the floor, and that without something not-all-that-far-from ripping up every suburban fence, clothes-line, shed, garage, outhouse, house, bitumen road, concrete footpath, gutter, sewer, water-pipe, rose garden, and the 'life' within it, and rebuilding in quite another fashion, we're fucked.
Short and long term.
From my wizard's chair, if-I-may, I could tell that the Team who were elected with Rudd in 2007, could see some of this, and they had the collective intelligence to be able to administer a way through whatever showed high likelihood of occurring.
Food supply? Water? Farming and irrigation? Gainful employment? Housing? LAND DISTRIBUTION?
With this, they could see the enormous merits on breaking-off from Britain. But some one or cabal over there deemed they could not ride the wave of popularity after the '07 victory, because it might win the Aussie Battler a chance at being an Honorable Aussie, by standing for making the nation Just, economically, and becoming a Republic.
So..., the ETS became a curse, because the unions, in construction, saw the threat to the whole materials, industry supply and jobs culture of nuclear family housing and every aspect of the western existence, and they are understandably, addicted to the fast cars and stuffffff.
Reading what they could bare to, they saw that basically to survive passed a few decades, means learning how to start a fire from a flint and tree branch.
So... fatalistic futility prevails, and we excess on what we can fool the credit card we can afford, and make no mention of this culture fast-tracking us to Hell?
Good try, Kev!
Maybe we should hope for that politician, that REALPolitician, who stands-up in parliament and makes the strong point, that we have trashed it, and that without immediate moves in the opposite cultural, economic, social and lifestyle directions, we are betraying everyone's future.
But try getting a collective of Lygon Street Unionists agreeing to march on every state and federal parliament simultaneously, with an OUT THERE shout to 'arrest the slide-masters', when the trades they endorse and protect, are farmed-off to private-schooled sub-contractors who don't care about the Workers, because they've got the church's brudderbond to keep them socialised, employed and housed, etc?
And who are buying the spec-houses?
OH! MORE church-educated K-mart employees with the confidence of a global cartel backing their every smile.
When the issue arises, a little short-circuit occurs in the subbies' or K-mart employees' head, and they find a reason to duck and weave away from the issues of REALPolitiks.
"NO-ONE'S gonna change my allegiance!"
So the planet keeps getting it in the neck.
What can a Labor party do?
A Liberal party?
Greens? No-one's tripping on the Greens wooping the ACTU into ripping-down the old, so the new world can grow.
And yer av'rage Unionist is getting a bit old now, to keep turning-up at Y-&-J's before the rally.
Besides, Victoria seems to be sitting sweet?
Is it better-off now, after 11 years of rebalancing the upsets imposed by the Liberal's Kennett regime?
The trouble with government of our type, is that deeply damaging laws can be imposed by a majority or popular government, which continue to damage after they've been voted out and taken the pension.
One pro-forestry, say, state government can invite a major foreign logging corporation to set-up some industry set to last 10, 15, or more years, but later the next government can find, with science, that such a project is deadly.
But because of the contract, they cannot stop the loggers from doing their work, and the land is stuck with damaging cultures for decades or longer.
Each of us are embroiled in our own concerns, and so the really BIG issues cannot be fitted in to most people's lives.
If the last ten years, during the 'Howard' years, and since the saving grace of the eviction of Kennett and his mobsters, Victoria might have found some semblance of social balance, it is nevertheless dangerous to forget the direction the so-called 'Liberals' and their co-conspirator Nationals party were taking Victoria before the ALP dethroned the idiot in 1999.
A new face to an old whore, is a very insulting way to describe Ted Bailleau, but I see clearly that he is the next version of the old, naïve Jeff Kennett. The old whore is not the man, but the old kings' model they represent while trying to look and sound 'Aussie!'
Not that I'm fooled by the ALP. Bracks challenged Kennett's hubris successfully, better than Brumby could have then.
Brumby's a solid bloke I think, in a fluid world, so he's not gonna look or sound the cheery happy leader.
Even in 1999 Brumby probably would have been a far better state premier than Kennett, but we were being sucked into the vortex of egomania, so a less-timid contestor, in the likes of Bracks, had to front.
When he quit Brumby looked more than mature enough to run the state, from afar....?
Issues which deeply divide Victorians simmer under the surface, and violent eruptions can occur when they are stirred.
The Latrobe Valley mining culture. The general culture behind logging, and the accelerating spread of catholic middle-class suburban culture. The general issue, or question, of how insane it all is?
Voting-in a descendent from Victoria's first white land grabbers, who profit from the worst corruptions of the primary laws, and from the ongoing oppression of the vast majority, will not make anyone's life better, more secure or Wiser.
Brumby puts it out that the Vic ALP don't like the Greens.
That the ALP are siding with the Lib/Nats should tell us something important about the new kids, the Greens?
Are they I fact an homosexual takeover of state and federal government?
Perhaps so? Cannot agree with it, if that is what's going on in the fairy-castles.
Granted, gays break the stereotype of dead white culture, perhaps because it is more dangerous, as we witness, but any fanaticism therein will do more harm than good, if the promo guys aren't careful.
Perhaps the bigger planners saw that the whole stereotype of husband, wife, kid, kid, kid as popularised over the last capitalist upsurge, while very profitable for construction companies and employees' unions, was the enemy of Wise and Happy Communities, and so radical measures had to be drawn-up to bring it down?
Whatever, current models are deeply dangerous to the environment, and all forces need to be marshalled to dissolve the culture before it consumes us.
As many 'True Believers' from ALP ranks will know this, and were they certain their actions would have some upward effect, would even join the Communist Party to help Promote the necessary causes for Reform.
Some might start informal visits to Greens' watering holes?
Whatever hard yards are still being walked by Lower Class and middle class Victorians, the future, what there will be of it, has to be Greener than we are letting it be now.
So YO! THE GREENS! But that they can force open the minds of the offshore ILO, and 'HEAVEN BE!' the IMF, to allow Victoria to rehabilitate it's lands and it's People.
Watching Ireland and it's rush downward after it's 'Irish Tiger' fad on ribald land speculation, displays similarities with Victoria, as, 'Australia's economic Tiger'.
Will the very enemy which Victorians ran from in 1999, return in 2011-on, leaping us back into the abyss before the one billion Asians march-in and ALL CHANGE the culture?
When cultures die, they have already been rotten underneath for some time. Like a complex organism, whole cultures are born, nourished and grow, live a time, and decay to dust. Those which blossom quickly usually are flawed somehow, and have a vulnerability to invasion and destruction.
As if an anti-carcinogen, the planet is monitored by an organic consciousness, which flares up when one culture excesses beyond safe limits, and inflicts antibodies upon the disordered style until it declines.
If Australia, and for that matter, the rest of the first world, 'industrialised' nations, usually farthest from the worst-off, refuses to open it's eyes about the extreme damage our culture causes, once we have in confidence and economic and political independence collapsed and imploded, we'll be at our collective weakest.
While WE might be able to keep 98% of us fed and housed, the rest of the neighbouring nations could be struggling, with increasing temptations to amass a flotilla of boats and migrate here.
All our troubles could come at once. But more so if our own institutes and organisations stay sitting on their hands, and do not begin the reforms planning for beyond their own narrowed lives.
From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha
Outlaw, for
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