
Egypt? Tunisia? Israel? USA? The 'Leaderless Revolution'? No Comment!


Egypt? Tunisia? Israel? USA? The 'Leaderless Revolution'?

No Comment!

As the Popular Uprising gathers pace in Egypt, against their modern Pharaoh Hosni Mubarak and his regime's 30 year reign, behind the scenes in the halls and men's toilets of power across Washington, Eurape and Britain, and in the world's mainstream media studios, attention is focused on how to keep control of a world sliding faster and faster into 'crisis'.

'Crisis' of course, depending upon one's own perspective.

To the uptops, loss of any power is 'crisis'.

But, of course, to the rest of Humanity, these critical events from Tunisia-east-through-Egypt-to Jordan and Yemen et al, are encouraging the vast majority of our species to feel that 'all is not yet lost!' ('Is the lamp still alight??'), and that perhaps we yet have a chance to stop the deadly delusions of those who deem it their right to fuck the rest of us under.

Tunisia, where the 'Arab world's' latest eruption against their dictatorial President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, but a puppet of foreign control, took-off only a week ago, is still in the news, but is less so than Egypt.

The intentions of the 'west's' leaders, I suggest, is to do what the main global players have always tried - 'containment' - of information and events being released to the wider public, so-as to hang-on to their prestige, and their misperceived beliefs that they, the 'white Christian' moguls of power, are best equipped and the most Intelligent on Earth, therefore are the only one's who should be in control.

Again, though never addressed across western media, is the reality that these western cohorts remain stuck-fast in the 19th century delusion, possibly initiated by the wealthiest psychos on Earth at the time, the OxBridge boffins and underlings of diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes, and his band of secret society 'knights' and 'knightesses', that white-skinned people are superior in every aspect, and thus are the 'chosen ones' fit to rule and fuck the planet, as they deem it.

These same psychopaths have run the 'space' agenda as well, creating dangerous and essentially frivolous delusional fictions like 'Star Trek' and other outer space tales about Earth-man's assumed ability to reign supreme throughout the universe, and have also been behind the extraordinary ventures of the USA's NASA and it's plans to get men to Mars and beyond.

Fortunately, US President Obama and his advisors closed-down these outer space programs for their cost and for their hair-brained basis, I suspect.

Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning the world that Islam will profit most from the upsets across the Arab world (well? he would!), as the Eurapean Union has frozen the assets of the Tunisian dictator and his wife, while at-once offering Tunisia 'special status' with 'tariff cuts' etc.

From an article this morning from the AFP, via Google news online;

The EU, the ministers added, "pays tribute to the courage and determination of the Tunisian people and their peaceful struggle to assert their rights and democratic aspirations."
The bloc, they said, will resume talks begun under the Ben Ali regime in May 2010 to offer Tunisia a special status in its ties with the EU enabling tariff cuts to boost trade and better cooperation with the union.

Tunisians speak French I think as their first language, having been colonised by France. So their ties with Eurape are old and probably impossible to break.

However, once the global depression hits in the coming years, break with Eurape, north Africa will want and need very much to do, because, already Eurape is a basket-case waiting for the rotten basket-weave threads to disintegrate. So Eurape is the last place the north Africans and Arabs should turn or be enticed by!

Yet, as the excerpt above indicates, the covertly desperate Eurapean Union is offering Tunisian People 'tariff cuts' etc, so as to keep that nice little south-Mediterranean Euro-holiday resort for their upclub loafers.

'All in the name of Democracy' is their cover-spin.

HA! 'Democracy'! Probably the most abused word in the modern world, captured by the propaganda-tyrants inside global powers' HQ's centuries ago, singularly to be turned inside-out and thrown back at the masses, deceiving them that the uptops want egalitarian politics for their peasants.

YEAH! Orwell's 'ministry of truth' at it STILL.

Being Duty-bound to be sceptical, I put it that Tunisia, like most Arab and Middle East nations, is also one of many conduits to Eurape for the farther-eastern 'drugs trades', namely Opium/heroin and Bhang, or Cannabis, from Afghanistan and surrounds.

So Tunisia, Egypt and every other nation in Africa, the Mid-East, and beyond, must be extra-careful of any offers of assistance from Eurape, from the USA, and from the likes of Russia, for they are all fast-tracking their economies down the sewer, and, their psychotic elites have NO intention of changing course. (Sorry Vlad!)

Like myself, they, the elites of Britain and Eurape are trapped in a 'Star-Trek-ian' 'holodeck' and like it so much they don't want to leave. Not for anyone.., nor for anything.

The interests of Arab Peoples slogging it out day-to-day working for foreign industries and corporations is about the last thing the Brit-Euro elites care about, beyond keeping the Arabs, like the rest of Humanity, in the factories and offices producing and processing the seriously unbalanced trade between the 1st and 3rd worlds.

And the REALPolitik interpretation of '1st and 3rd worlds' is 'oligarchic class separation'.

Meanwhile, elsewhere across Africa and over in central and southern America, China has risen to be 'flavor-of-the-new-day' for 3rd world developing-nation governments, because China is roaring up the ladder to be the most healthy economy to deal with.

It is encouraging to hear on the news lately, that China has introduced (re-introduced, methinks?) a 'Property Tax' in two of it's larger cities to try to put a check on inflation, and if that works, will apply it nationally in the coming years.

Offshore, Brit-Eurapean political-economic subversives aside, the Economic Science proves this will be successful, so China stands to be the one to sleaze-up-to by every other nation, if they also want economic stability.

But let me not appear toooo deluded!

The Chinese are as capable as any whiteface of being ruthless when the need demands. So I'm not deluded into thinking that an 'Ideal' Chinese global (economic) expansion will make everyone's life sweet-as-honey.

China has lasted for as long as it has, because it's People know that life on Earth is tough, ruthless and usually unforgiving, so 'loose', frivolous personal misbehaviour has to be kept under control, for the long-term sake of Good Culture and the whole nation.

To my mind, their essential culture is underpinned with the Wisest belief system of, 'Self-Control', as seen in their excellence in the Martial Arts and in the likes of 'Taoist' and/or 'Confucian' Philosophical and Inner Balance beliefs.

It was indeed the height of hubristic ignorance for the British to invade and destroy so much of the old China, albeit that it contained many cultural practices in need of 'updating'.

But basically, China knew the importance of a Wise Way, over a violent and expansionist way, so were culturally and militarily unprepared for the whitefaces' false words and promises when the British East India Company (BEIC), in party with the Catholic 'Jesuits', came and subverted the nation and it's armies with opium in the 19th century invasions and wars.

Now, as the rebranded BEIC, the International Monetary Fund, the Eurocentric IMF, doctors itself and every media release against haemorrhaging, and reaches out to colonies it has fucked-over forever with enticements of aid and assistance toward 'Democracy', the People of those ex-colonies are, yes, because of the magnificence of the west's industrial and technological revolutions, better-informed and thus empowered against the long-propagated myths about the values of material wealth and about the whitefaces' age-old perversion and deceptions about where and what 'good national governance' is, and about what personal 'Happiness' actually is.

So.., things moving as fast as they do nowadays, we won't have to wait long for an active response from the evermore desperate west, including their agency of Israel.

If the People of Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab and African nations cannot make firm decisions in the short term, about how they rule themselves from here forward, then the highly-strung US, Brit-Eurapean and Israeli diplomats will make the decisions for them.

Are we awaiting another 'Tienanmen Square' episode in oppression of a crying people?

Make no mistake! Unless major progress by the Peoples of Tunisia, Egypt and other 'bubbling' nations, away from the old-kings' models of foreign misrule is made asap, and toward their own SOVERIEGN Democratic Governance, situations will present - guaranteed fabrications - which will give the global megalo's justification (yeah! like the 'justice' of The Hague's International Criminal Court?) to launch a ruthless attack on the most threatening nations and even regions.

Most all of the 'tensions' that prevail across the Middle-East and further afield, exist because inside the military bunkers beneath Israel, sit brooding psychopaths with masses of nuclear warheads, eager to play.

'Aggressive compulsive disorder' is my spin on their mental condition.

Others say they are not even Humans, but are the forward officers of the extraterrestrial 'Greys' from the bottom of the 'pot' star-system up there, where fictional Star-Trek character Jean Luke Picard and his band of holodeck outer-space diplomat-dreamers-with-lazars want to go.

Aliens or not, nuclear warheads or not, it's clear that hubris, by pathologically self-deceived hypnotists, serves only to exacerbate tensions and reduces the People's ability to self-govern.

How long the Citizens of Egypt can stay out on the streets armed with sticks, iron bars and golf clubs against looters has to be limited. These acts must be saluted nevertheless!

CNN this morning reported that (my words>) 'Local Community' debates and meetings are happening across the cities in Egypt.

Yo! Egypt! Let's hope these can bring around 'Consensus' which makes firm, unrelenting and Scientifically Accurate economic decisions in regard to how best Egyptians Govern themselves from here forward?

As I repeat, the 'old kings models', of Eurape, Britain and an old, irretrievably corrupt Jewish belief system, the same which underpins the deadly delusion called Christianity, are NOT an option for any of us, from here into the future!

The momentum growing across 'Arabia', it seems, from down-here-down-below, has to grow some more yet, before 'critical mass' is reached, where no amount of threats, sanctions or ssssoooperssspeye subversion can stop the call, need and demands for a Better way to run the world, local and global.

Globally, we do have billions of People watching, and, I reckon more than a few are waiting for 'their time' to join the CHANGE Barack Obama sought to inspire the American People with in 2007-08.

But, as said, be extra-wary of those who would, take 30-pieces-of-silver-and-a-holiday-in-OH!-Morocco, to undermine any Popular Corrections to the mudpool of oligarchic corruption!

As expected, I would say that 'it is time the world Stood-up and Demanded Fundamental Land and Taxation Reforms'.

The softcocks of western diplomacy, especially the old worms of Whitehall in London, would eloquently retort that '….such matters take time, my dear, time!'

'Time for what, Madam?'

Time to send your gizz-brained spies in to subvert-subvert-subvert?

Of course, not only in Egypt does the military hold a few trump cards, called 'FUCKING LOTS OF BIG GUNS!'

But thus far, media reports are that the military heads in Egypt have clearly, publicly stated they will not fire on the Egyptian People in these delicate events.

BRAVO, Warriors!

Again, without some fairly clear and firm decisions by the Peoples of more than just Egypt soon, outside pressures will mount and possibly force the Egyptian military to revoke that promise.

The only way to avert any such situation is for Military Commands of other nations, and not alone from the north African and Middle-Eastern regions, to let it be known that they are onside with Tunisia's and Egypt's Popular 'Correction' to each political mess we call national and global government, by publicly acknowledging the bottomline ECONOMIC Reforms necessary, no matter where we/they live.

Land and Taxation Reforms.

In Asia and the Pacific, Thailand and Fiji Military Commands have done what they could to arrest the economic and over-consumption delusions foisted upon their Peoples by the absolutely-corrupted western powers, alliances and media. (G'Day Rupert! Been to Fiji lately?)

By all accounts, the Egyptian Military are far more onside with the People there, than they are with the hegemony of Mubarak and his, and bigger powers' upclub covens.

And, as said above, China has sought to ReBalance the books in it's own Lands, with the introduction of the 'Property Tax'.

So I might not be tooo optimistic in saying that there is some likelihood that China too, would Stand Alongside the Egyptian People and Military, were they to grasp the Momentum for some REALPolitik and thus REAListic Political Change which had as it's basis, Economic, Land and Taxation Reforms?

But this is, my view on the world, from my forested holodeck?

Nevertheless.., let's play-out this 'Scenario-el-Potentia'...

Other nations, global 'bit-players' though they may be, such as North Korea, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, as well as Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia in South America.., Et Al Et Al, and not forgetting ALL PRAISE! Cuba, Et Al Et Al, are all effected by the pain of 'northern colonialist bullshit economics' as the west has forced upon the planet over the last 536 years since the English introduced their 'Land Enclosure Act' (in 1475), and they all would employ Intelligence and Wisdom over hubris for a better world.

Those quoted, have strong Military components to their governmentation, and no doubt at all they and their governments are fully cognisant of the fundamental importance of getting the Human relationship with the Land right.

But they aren't alone, and the Acknowledgement and Understanding of these issues is growing apace globally, and right through the superpower nations as well.

Those old-kings models of divide-and-conquer YOUR OWN PEOPLE (???) I guess I want to believe, mean less-and-less to the majority today, such that the staid and farcical 'left-v-right' political divide is waning everywhere.

A right-wing Nazi gun-happy fascist-pig redneck knows they need Land just as much as a left-wing Commo Luney Greenie (like ME!) knows we ALL need it, and that it has always been the elitist landgrabbing warlords who've always done the Common Blokes over by blackmailing us and overcharging everyone for the Basic Human Right to LIVE somewhere.

Most of all of us also know that most all wars and local fracas would disappear if we all had Equal Access to an arable patch of dirt where we might securely settle and grow our own food, roofs and families, etc.




A little plug there for the Holy Herb!

And, it has to be said, OH WHAT A FEELING! From smoking it! Ask any Wise Man?

So..., while these words go to the ether and make it to ears and hearts on the other side, quietly echoing in the minds of Clairaudients everywhere, I hope they (my words!), officially on this minuscule weblog, can effect some Wisdom in the Peoples of this global holodeck, and mayhap motivate the world toward the CHANGE we all know we all need.


Finally, such Reforms really cannot be fought against by the hierarchy in Israel either, seeing as they have their seed in their own Holy Torah, Leviticus 25.

And...., to labour the point..... no Sound mind in the United States of America, or Alaska (!), can object either, because their own Champion MASTER Henry George, of San Francisco, California, Deduced the very same Economic Wisdom in the late 19th century.

So..., where enemies are we???

All Strength to YOUR Local Wisdom, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan Et Al, Et Al!

Jerusalem, New York, London, Newbury, Woodstock, Oakland, Calcutta, Bangkok, Rio, Et Al Et Al also!

Of course, there's the delicate issue of the world's hyper-upclub of regal and oligarchic rulers I guess?

As it is, there's NOTHING'S gonna change their minds and hearts and have them join the STREET PROTESTERS.


Just a few of them make the first Noble Move, and announce their acceptance of the Call for Corrections to the systems of government and Land ownership, Land distribution AND banking, and get out of their ivory palaces and join the marchers on the streets, for Democracy.

No doubt, a lot of the uptoppers on the very top will contemplate such an idea, and will be unable to separate such a step from their own interests, hoping that by appearing to be Walking with the People, any antipathy toward them from the masses will abate and after a while they will be able to orchestrate the police, military and events to ensure retention of their excessive lifestyles.

I guess the future and any Progressive shifts in economic/political affairs rest in the Inner and Military Strength of the People of every Nation on Earth?

I guess I would prefer to hope that the ivory-upclubsters can see and accept the Wisdom in CHANGE for ALL, and here-forward think and act with Sincerity?

Especially in Israel.

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha

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