111222 Outlaw Junction Homeless at
Christmas Edition
It must be kinda
sexy, for reporters to throw-off the occasional article on
It seems it
appeals to the better-off housed, and the editorships of the news
media as likely are forced to display their gentle, kind, soft,
caring side when something pops-in about a new survey about
homelessness, and for appearing to be Human, they are forced to let
an article or two be dropped onto page three, four or further away
from the real estate-sponsored pages as possible.
But this miserable
part of the year seems to be that time when media likes to pry our
consciences open, as the mainstream, housed, over-consumptive,
selfish bastards, with kids, spend up stupidly on junk to fascinate
the kids and closer ones, so they wont harry potter them from Boxing
The WesAstrayliarn
online has plonked it's item on today's screen, telling their readers
that tens-of-thousands are threatened this year.
Yesserday I read a
The Guardian UK article, telling that homeless people are
prone to die some 30 years before the average home-dweller, due to
the various hardships, and the drive to self-medicate on grog, and
other harmful drugs to escape the horrors and misery of the cardboard
box on the pavement.
Stories are only
on the increase on this topic, globally, yet no-one anywhere in
mainstream media go near the crux of the issue.
Aside, that is,
from circumventing attention on the Absolutely Fabulous OCCUPY
Movement which has grown out of the generally youthful disquiet of
Greeks, and the “Indignatos” of Spain, with the English
“Hoodies”, who were preceded by the Arab Spring
Revolutions in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria, Et Al.
Nowhere, however,
does any media take-on the government departments who are supposed to
address this issue and assist the homeless.
Whether elsewhere
or here in Astrayliar, where the intermediary between the tyrants of
Local, State and federal government, and the homeless and unemployed
- Centrelink - who's name I abbreviate to “Clink” is
staffed almost exclusively by Catholic church ex-schoolies, so, being
forced to be loyal to that fabulously wealthy witch-cult which
guarantees them “all the wealth of the world” and
a cheap mortgage, they,
the department's employees, never dare go
to the underlying lies, lies which keep the cults of churches afloat
financially and in terms of cold, often paedophiliac allegiance -
land distribution, and the fundamental lie of land speculation, etc.,
THE ISSUE, of BAD LAND LAWS, is never broached.
any of the media's editors, or their greedy bastard moguls anywhere
near Dignified - clearly a waste of words there - sorry - they would
bite the bullet and take on the disgusting government departments and
their upclub heads and upper management, and publish articles
charging the departments supposedly existing to deal with these Human
Issues, with “criminal negligence”,
with “dereliction of duty” etc.
where are we?
Astrayliar!!! The last untrammelled soils of the once pristine
planet, until 1788, of course.
last Pure, Garden of Wisdom, owned and kept Divine by the last of the
Enlightened Races of the Earth - the Australian Aborigines.
the Bleck Fella here, probably coerced into telling it like this,
apparently say they regarded themselves as the “Custodians”
of the Land, and, unsaid, did
not “possess” it
anywhere near to how the whitey sees the material world. I think
Aborigine knows, like the Wise elsewhere, that all things really
belong to the Great Spirit, and that to claim something as our own,
is to diminish it, and ourselves? It also always becomes a curse on
our Soul. A la, the pending global financial crises
down here down the British shithole - post-1788 - the subconscious
conversation most whitefaces have, is about denying that the land
they speculate upon and destroy with every job and joyride, really
still belongs to the Aborigine.
I yell here and there to passing whitefaced witches: “How
many hundreds of Pure, Enlightened Aborigines did your ancestors have
to slaughter for you to have the squishy little bullshit life you now
So..., down here down the British and EuRAPEan shithole, in
Astrayliar, issues still percolate beneath the superficial media
circus's surface, of just whose land it actually is, and,
impossible for the immigrant white, wealthy land-grabbers to admit,
the real estate mega-industry pay-pay-pays media to advertise
ABORIGINE Land for sale, so ensuring the relatively lesser issue of
white, non-church-school lower-class People - some of them ARE in
fact Human Beings, dying 30 years earlier than their
bribery-accepting Clink-employing church-kiddies, et al, gets only
superficial and passing attention, from the media, from the
government departments' churchies, from the real estate agents, from
the outer-suburban speculator-hobby-farmers, who intend fully to
flog their acreages off once the suburbs spread their way, for
MASSIVE profits, and the urban and rural mainstreets are regaled with
fucking plastic reindeer antellas - horns -, and carols are
sung in the park where the homeless have been shunted-off-of (?) so
the trendy church, upclub fucks can delude their sprogs that it's a
beautiful world.
Good on yer
as I was writing, this problem is global, and has been around since
the first OH! Jews, wandered lost in the deserts for forty years,
looking for a safe home.
they have bewitched the vast majority of upper classholes - G'Day
Sinclair, globally to both own
most of the arable real estate, and as well mine or bomb it to
40,000 homeless people just in WHO'S LAND,
er..., Queensland, some 70,000 homeless in Western Astrayliar, and
proportionally similar elsewhere, right around the world, are small
beer for the upemselves upperclassholes who deal in people's sanity,
lives, and security by waging domestic real estate wars against the
it is no coincidence that those same uppeclassholes are most often
somewhere, somehow connected to the global, corporate regimes who
degrade life so much that some idiot-bunch of military generals
deduce they have to go, or send lower class soldiers to war!
Christmas, Catholic Centrelink!
you all be jailed for life, for “criminal dereliction of
Of course, the police are ever-ready to pounce on anyone who
challenges the utterly corrupt hegemony with the FACTS about GOOD
Land Laws.
The homeless
should have every right to occupy unused land, be-it Centrelink and
local council offices and parkland, or state and national parks and
“Dereliction of duty” is also applicable to all government
officers, including those who supposedly “manage” (HA!)
our forests and bushy reserves.
Therefore.... OCCUPY!
But there's an whole 'nother e-ssay in the last of these
It is quite feasible, sensible, logical and Rightminded, for a plan
to be drawn-up which enables homeless peoples to occupy the forests,
along practical, Ethical guidelines of occupation, where the tenants
pay “peppercorn rents” and work on restoring the forests, flora
and fauna, to something near a healthy condition.
Such plans, and reforms, could turn the forests, or parts thereof, to
producing managed “Bush Tucker” foods, which propagate naturally,
and which provide food for both the located and whomever is
interested in correcting their presently errant diets.
But we can be sure any of our parliamentarians would run from such
fundamental reforms, if their church threatened to make them
And, then, there's the IMF?????
Merry Christmas, Christine Laguarde! Strauss-Kahn. Et al.....
Maybe our Queenslander federal politician, Mr Bob Katter MP,
can address these bottomline issues, when he and his Australia Party
take government in Queensland at the next state election?
Praise the Immortals!
Praise the Warriors who have fallen
for a Just World!
the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
bin Eartha
Max Earth
Wise Tribes
- Green - Biker