
Jailed Journalists Numbers Rise Dramatically

111212 Outlaw Junction News-Chop Jailed Journalists Numbers Rise Dramatically Edition

Scanning media todayo, came across what does look to my sceptical reader, as a bit of an Orwellian piece, as if constructed by the oppressors themselves

2011 prison census
179 journalists jailed worldwide

So I flung them this, seeing as my days work on my walls and roof went south trying to sort out a new mobile phone.....

SAMSUNG! “Not impressed!”

On the road to war

While western media, and other institutes, report on and talk-up the oppression as this article reports, increasingly placing the focus on those popular enemies, such as Iran, North Korea, et al, it is well worth looking back into first world nations for evidence of the same persecution of those Journalists who try to take-on the tyranny that we know is in every central authority today.
Over 30 years, I've come across many ex-journo's who live marginalised and poor, because the establishment heirarchy deemed them a threat.

I, just one such example, but admittedly, with "extenuating" and other circumstances, above this topic, suffer the very same, living for the last 16 years homeless, marginalised, bashed and unemployable, for going to the crucial issues of corruption and law.

Indeed, there is good reason and evidence, should we dare look, to show that the vast majority of tyrannical oppression, in the dictator-run nations such as Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, China, and-on, is but their desperate attempt to repel the incursions made by our very own government bureaus, from and within these, our so-called, "Christian", "democratic" "capitalist" nations, and that our secret police and forces and agencies do at least as much "evil" to any who muster the courage to speak or write against the obvious oppressing we, even here in sunny Australia in-reality cower under.

Putting a figure of this "179" journalists being detained worldwide, means little or nothing, if we consider the numbers, uncountable numbers, of reporters and journalists, wherever we look, who just shut-up, say nothing, and do what the editor, boss, mogul demands, if they have been seen to have stepped over that invisible line, and sought to report any of the immense number of major crimes committed daily, hourly, by their own nations' authorities, corporations, media empires, mining, pharmaceuticals, resources companies.

From my own experience here in Astrayliar, I'd assert that the vast majority of our reporters live in a sort of "silent, unchained state of oppression", but are allowed to roam free within strict "editorial, self-censoring boundaries", and sell their Souls by taking the bribes in the form of their weekly or annual wage or salary.

Of a certainty, many of them are alcoholics.....

Sadly, the upclubs of the egomaniacal, crazymind west win with promises of all the sex and all the wealth of the world (apologies for the "biblical" terminology), but make their point with covert subversion and injurious activities, either to the organisation, the company, or the individual, or their families.

Besides, most of our western perspectives are driven and modified to suit politico-media stats, in the "Orwellian" "Ministry of Truth" or whatever sense, in the refined art - made so by the leaders in global tyranny, the British elites and secret services, et al, of turning the facts and the truth and the evidence upside-down to suit their heinous agendas, so we rarely ever see the actual situations, nor the events and corruptions which preceded them, for what they truly have been or are, or portend for the future.

It amazes me that there are not massively more journalists, "grouping-up" and making a serious dent upon the juggernaut of western and elitist tyranny.

For that, is in-the-main, where the troubles and oppressions and incarcerations of your reported numbers of journalists have their initiation.

It is unacceptable from here forward (not that it ever has been, from any Genuinely Ethical perspective), for media to make hay about these types of reportable situations, when they are so often acting and writing and talking in such ways, more to keep the focus off their own nations', cultures' and exclusive-interests' paymasters.

Australia is in an utterly tragic state, politically, culturally and intellectually, and innumerable numbers of people suffer from an ignorant, brutal, murderous hegemony.

Our federal government is but the meat in the sandwich, between vicious, warlike and frantic (quite, quite insane actually) real estate and resource-hungry offshore powers - the Zionist IMF, Europe and Britain mainly - and the terribly fatalistic, multi-generationally (since the 1808 "rum rebellion") dumbed-down voting public.

Yet any who are honorable enough to take on the core issues underlying the endemic corruption here, are sent to the sin-bin, and as oft' die alone, destitute and drunk for their need to "self-medicate" on grog, or available drugs.

But Australia is not exclusive in such oppression, surely.

Why can we journalists, worldwide, not sign-on with the Global Occupy Movement, and encourage the millions, billions who are more than sick of the ignorant and desperate spin machinery of the mainstream, upclub western moguls, yet who have lifted their eyes to watch this wide phenomenon, hoping the Occupyists may actually strike that chord in Humanity, to get out on the streets until the tyranny crumbles?

Why, indeed?

Rather than "capitalism" or any individual tyrant being the enemy, thus rather than have us run around frantically looking for and then "talking-up" some leader, some ONE who is deemed fit to attack and destroy the enemy, better the politically active Journo's, Lawyers and Protesters address the need everywhere for the most honest, laws.

Solve the problems of corruption of the fundamental LAWS (of the land) in the west, with Democratic demands for and the invoking of Good Law, and the forced oppression in other less-prosperous regions will be dissolved.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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