
Tobacco Dead Ahead Signs & Where's Bob Katter?

Outlaw Junction News-Chop Tobacco Dead Ahead Signs & Where's Katter Edition

Hitting the news pages before checking my overflowing email, I see a couple of items worth laughing at.....

Ziss one tells us that the British American Cancer Retail Institute, or British American Tobacco, is deploying a Kangaroo motif on their “Winfield” smokes sold in France. I didn't bother reading the whole article, but threw this to the news.com website anyway....

Ironic that the 'roo appears within a yellow diamond, similar to a road warning sign telling that 'roos are ahead, and you might kill one?
But vould zee Ffffrench oonderstarnd zee irony?

And this one 

struck a timely chord in my aura, having only yesserday read about how the world's scientists have moved the hand on their “Doomsday Clock” a bit closer to the terminal midnight hour.

Can't help but think, Campbell Newman was tuned in also, and as the Liberals are so ready to do, borrowed the imagery of the Doomsday Clock and whacked it into their own little world of WHO'S-LAND? Queensland, as one of their sorry weapons against the Anna Bligh government.

My immediate thoughts were that Newman and unqualified and horribly bent company in the Qld LNP, are urging the public, to agitate Bligh and the right wing, disgustingly biased media, in Queensland and across Astrayliar, to bring on a Qld state election, mainly, I'd reckon a guess, because Newman and his shonky brew can see a serious, and extremely more credible threat rising from far-far-farking north WHO'S LAND Queensland, in federal MP Bob Katter's new party, "the Australia Party".

Therefore, if so, having not watched too hard, but having not seen any mind-blowing media or advertising campaigns from the Katter Mob of late, Newman might be hoping to catch Katter on the hop, by forcing an election in Newman's 70 days, according to his borrowed time “election clock”.

So, Katter being the shrewd cowboy he is, he'd be onto that, and start putting-out, with more membership drives, campaigns, ads, and promises of Shangri La asap, methinks, especially if he can convince Who's Land punters that the seriously over-sized state should be dismantled and made into a couple or more smaller states.

Having watched Queensland politrix for a decade or two, and having promoted the ALP's Peter Beattie to power here whenever it was he climbed in the chair, having watched the various disgusting events and goings-on across the Queensland public services, through both main party's rule, it's bloody obvious that underneath all the “Queensland, Beautiful one day, perfect the next...!” advertising bullshit, aimed directly at the Brit-Eurapean rich tourrorists and prospective land-grabbers, and of course the east Asian wealthy retirees, Queensland, especially after the damaging floods last year which drowned it's filthy offshore-funded coal mining escapade, tourrorism, and much of it's unsustainable farming, not forgetting the many locals who were caught with their cars in the wash, Queensland is ever on the brink of being a total basket-case, economically, culturally, socially and in most other areas of “life” they who dare call themselves “Humans” survive within, within WHO'S LAND'S borders.

Not that “life” is really any different across the big southern land plate of Astrayliar.

Doing a deep, and honest assessment of the condition of our culture, and the progeny of it, after some 203 years of continental corruption thanks to the elites of Britain and Eurape (who sponsored the infamous 1808 Rum Rebellion), it becomes clear that we are in an extremely parlous condition, and it cannot be long before the levy breaks, and we are all washed away in our ignorance of cheap, plastic, materialistic sins.

We all, from WHO'S LAND and elsewhere, can be sure that neither of the two main political parties in WHO'S LAND Queensland are within cooee of being able to remedy any of the plethora of corruption and perversion situations thriving under the skin of their oh-so-fucking shiny media spin machines.

But, from the far-out-side, where I posit my unwashed self, it feels that there is a limited want amongst the bribe-takers, that-is the middle-to-upper classholes of this sunny one day flooded the next WHO'S LAND Queensland, to change anything but their socks and underwear. Oh! And the car for a newie every 2nd tax-cycle!

As a report told a week or two ago, there are some 40,000 homeless people in Who's Land.

How many of them are even aware of Bob Katter, or are able to follow the shenanigans of Who's Land politrix enough to realise that an election with their Dissenting Vote might do something for them, for when they have to go to hospital for their want of knowledge on how important a healthy diet is, or for when they are tired of living on the never-never of either a French death-pledge (bank mortgage), rentals, or in the gutters of utterly corrupt local councils, cannot be here evaluated?

But, as the last media shower of Katter and Clubsters had them lurking innerestingly close to a fleet of Harley Davidson motorcycles, and as Who's Land is not short of Harley Riders, some of whom are VERY REALPoliticly Savvy, possibly especially in the roooralls, and as Bob has voiced some quite challenging (to the main-drain-stream) policies and reformist ideas over his tenure, which go to the most sensible, logical and Wise evern prospects, and as I see him as a very down to Earth Fella (albeit that I'd guess we are leagues apart in some aspects of ideology?), if enough Who's Landers got off their fatcells and thought about it, then joined his band of Challengers to the corruptocracy of the two main drainers, it's not impossible, not totally..., to see the Australia Party win the coming Who's Land election, and at last put to bed the bullshit we've heard from the Newman/Bligh camps?

A big ask, for sure, seeing as a seriously warped attitude seems to instil much of the sunny state's mentality, mainly sponsored, I'd say, by the utterly country-fucking Brit-Eurapean tourrorist industry, which is going full steam ahead at turning this once Pristine Land, pre-1788 of course, into a plastic tourro-centric, real estate bonanza-funded trash-can for the rich Brit-Eurapeans to throw their spoiled children and retirees into.

Go for it Bob! Maybe you can learn the locals a bit of Integrity and Respect also....?

On other matters....,

After many years of enslavement to an unholy cult of deluded witches, I recently became aware of, and added-up my accumulated information about who and why there are so many who are doing everything to prevent me from climbing out of the shithole I've been in, since my conception.

I hesitate in scribing anything to this blogpost yet, for I usually let the information boil in my head for a while, until it does the sorting out itself of the “transitory fat from the Spiritual Spine”, but information has fermented telling me that a major, seriously unholy cult of Freemasons, in cahoots with what does appear to be a major, international paedophile ring are very much behind fucking my life and mind and heart and soul over.

The reasons seems, thus far, to be because they, along with a large number of other mobs, cults, individuals et al, have become aware of the heinous deceit the cult I'm under the most control of - the Theosophical Society - in which they have been planning and effecting a scheme, a conspiracy, over some 130 years, to fabricate a returned Jesus of Nazareth, who by my terrible misfortune, turns out to be - me!

As others will know, I've been aware of this for a few years at least, and have to say that for decades, I've been wary of my own mother, because she has all along shown signs of deceit and covered designs upon my soul.

But more recently I did my maths, as it were, and concluded that this warped scheme has traveled with me from my earliest days.

And the most disheartening thing, is that most all of those who have apparently “befriended” me, have also been deliberate “plants” in my life, such that next to no-one has been a genuine honest upfront friend.


I am not coping with this at all well, albeit that I've not done worse than get drunk as often as I reckon my body can tolerate.

In the Hollywood movie done about this wandering Dissident, starring Mel Gibson as myself - “Conspiracy Theory” - named as Gerry Fletcher, (Gerry - Jeremiah, Fletcher, “maker of arrows”, written arrows I was reknowned for firing at the Melbourne/Australian/British establishment corruptocracy) from about 1996, the dick who now stars as Captain Luke-Picard in Star Trek - the next generation, was cast as an ex-boss of mine, by no coincidence named “Finch”, as my actual ex-boss at one Melbourne motorcycle courier company I worked with in the 1990s, who shit on me big time then and since, was one David Finch.

But the dick actor, role-player Finch says in the movie, to me, me tied-up and bound in a wheel chair at the time as I recall, “only the truth will set you free” with a wry smile on his face.

So it is today. I am disabled by all the trauma covering most of my life, added to by my recent revelations (?) that everyone is a false friend, so am unable to set myself free. Therefore I deduce that I'm doomed.

Shit happens aye?

Unless someone can muster the courage and wide support to be honest with me, and also to have the evil Theosophical Society admit that they have been foolish in the least, and that I am their patsy, and that they have a duty to let me go.

However, along with any such admission by them, it is paramount that they and the rest of the idiot Christian flocks confess that this has been going on, and that, therefore, “Jesus” is NOT coming back, and that much, if not all of their “faith-based” religious claptrap is a fraud and a rort upon the world, and is something they, and all who have been misguided by them and it, have to move forward, into a whole New Day of REALPolitik and REALCultural Progress.

Even, I assert, to the point of facing the fact, and admitting that there is NO GOD!

I'm sure, that without such confessions, nothing will change for the better, and the "Christian" idiots will stubbornly keep hammering the innocent until we're all in the grave.

It seems, from what I've gathered, that those who are rather more intelligent than the terribly dumb Christians, but sadly, who are very damaged individuals, thus have taken an awry path in life, and become paedophiles, have first, deduced correctly that the whole “Jesus” conspiracy, or the whole “Christian faith” thing that a Jesus is coming back to save the world, is bullshit, and is but a scam aimed at keeping the colonialists wealth and global land-owning and resources gathering profits in their greedy and seriously demented dynasties

And second, the “...rather more intelligent...., ...though seriously damaged individuals...”, who dissent from the mainstream Christian belief system, have found out about this, plan, to make someone, me, a false prophet.

Being quite aware of the underlying brutal reality of this warped and most heinous, dangerously wealthy cult, and their conspiracy, as said, concocted by the British elites, who were behind the formation of the Theosophical Society, and other secret societies in Britain and Eurape, and across the globe, of the 19th century, out of which has grown the most brutal warlike spy agencies of British Secret Intelligence Organisations - MI5 for their “domestic” affairs, and MI6, for Britain's overseas operations, secret agencies which began the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the USA, Mossat of Israel, as well as a host of other scumsucking spy networks, all of whom are quite out of order today, until they are mostly well out of control, and can no longer contain or control their operatives and covert operations anywhere, and who resort to apparent “suicide bombings” etc and really encrazed witchcraft to divert attention from their own fuck-ups, nevertheless..., as at top of this paragraph, being aware of this major conspiracy, and of the severe brutality of those behind it's eventuation, the paedophiles and covens sought a way to blackmail the authorities.

With their knowledge of what has gone on before and during the elites attempts to fabricate a false Jesus, the paedophiles have found they can continue to operate and spread their perversions, by threatening, blackmailing the establishment with exposure of the Jesus conspiracy if the establishment stay silent and leave them enough rope to keep fucking your kiddies.


Who is clean, in this utterly corrupt and perverted world?

I know many have tried to help me out of the shithole the two..., and more.., filthy covens have dug for me, and cannot get near because SHHHSHSHSHHSH! It's a secret!

In other words the scum use witchcraft to ward-off any assistance.

Once they have convinced those good souls, to stay away from me, they ply them with all the wealth of the world, as it were, to keep them silent and me isolated.

However, it gets worse, for myself, because not only are those two main players taking advantage of this farcical situation, other major leagues mobsters are cashing-in, by using the same blackmail tactics to be both allowed to keep practising their brands of corruption, and to collect the 30-pieces of silver from the establishment, or from whomever deems they need paying for their silence.

Oh dear, what a lovely war!

Meanwhile, I'm left in the middle of one almighty shit sandwich.

Thanks whitefaces!

I do, after many moons pondering this unwholesome situation, think it will all end really badly, for everyone.  

Unwholesome for myself, of course, the lamb to the slaughter it would seem, but unwholesome for the whole of the species also, I think.

The second, because while all this crap is allowed to carry-on, their antics only really serve to fast-track the global, thus local environment, plus all our finer, more Respectable Aspects and Honorable Cultures down the shithole.

Hence, this is precisely what the Seers of old, of the Bible's New Testament, saw coming, in their prediction that we are eventually to be engulfed by the apocalypse.

Alas! The apocalypse brought on by those of the elite and the dumbed-down flocks, who purport to be Christians!

And who are behind it all??

Oh! The land-grabbing, seriously psychologically and psychic dysfunctional Jews.

But that's what you get when you fuck with magic, while you HAVE NOT done the primary work of Knowing Thy Self, and dispelling the hexes and spells the FALSE priests and witches have cast over your mind, thus preventing you from being anywhere near an Intelligent Human Being.

Indeed, at this late juncture in our white, western false religious evolution, it is time we all sat still, for a long long time, and asked ourselves, what it is to be Human?

For it is clear, that the most recent epoch, of Jewish domination, as in Christianity, Freemasonry, et al, has taken us way off the Path to that highest of Beings, on this tiny Earth.

I, again, after much contemplation on these most serious of matters, have come to the conclusion that there may yet be good reason to terminate the whole of the planet's life systems, so-as to exterminate this most errant branch of the Human species.

Because, the most corrupted Judeo-Christian mindset, has permeated most all of Human life and territories on the planet, and shows absolutely no sign of abating, no matter what anyone tries.

Governments are blithe and aloof to the filth.

Religions and cults are only too ready to jump on the same bullshit bandwagons.

And most all other branches of the beast, higher, lower, young, old, agile or frail, peaceful and brutal, are all subsumed by the out of control temptations offered by the fabulously wealthy, and for that, it has to be said, totally insane elites.

And any nations or cultures, with perhaps just a few exceptions, seem unable to stop the incursions and subversions of their more Pure ways, by the idiots of wealth, of the “north”. Of the Judeo-Christian insanity.

Therefore, it does appear that no-one and no-where on Earth can be secured from turning corrupt. Not a healthy prognosis, which portends a fatal future for all to come.

Clearly, the vast majority of white, western, peoples, are completely, incurably insane.

Roll-on the apocalypse! The only way, most likely, to cleanse the planet of this malignant disease of the mind, soul and heart.

Shame, really, for we have created so much fantastic stuff, and the planet, with, or underneath all it's Human dross, is still a really beautiful little orb.

Good Fortune Bob!

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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