
All About ME For A Change

120227 Outlaw Junction News-Chop All About ME For A Change Edition 

ARGH!  Where do I get my motivation?

Must be from Dad, the Stubborn Nobleman!

Continuing the "me-versus-Telstra" saga, This morning I emailed the Australian Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) replying to a "pro-forma" "pass-the-buck" email they'd sent me.  Then I emailed the same bitching's on to the federal government's OAIC "privacy" department the TIO advised me to contact.

Here 'tis.......;


I email your office on issues of interference of my telephonic & internet services and devices, ongoing and as I write, by Australian and foreign government && private, corporate agencies.

My 1st attempt at making a complaint, was to the TIO, who referred me to this OAIC site.

I am, however, now unable to perform necessary changes to my browser, in updating the ADOBE Reader for Google Chrome, so-as to fill out the online Complaint Form your site makes available.  

This, I know, is because of the very internet interference I wish to notify your department about.  

These, were I able to complete the OAIC complaint form, would speak of subversive personnel who apparently work within Telstra, but for Australian and British government agencies, namely, for ASIO, and for Britain's MI6.

I apologise for being unable to complete the correct form your site provides, for the above reason.

So, if-I-may, I will (below) paste a copy of the to-fro emails I and the TIO have sent each other over recent weeks, which address the issues.

  -----Original Message----- 
From: "TIO Call Centre" <cosmos@TIO.com.au>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2012 10:54 AM
To: "
email@tio.com.au" <email@tio.com.au>
Subject: TIO Online Complaint Confirmation - 12/055328

NOTE: The system has created the dealing record in COSMOS, please find the record in COSMOS.

TIO Reference Number: 12/055328
Title: Mr
First name: Max
Surname: Cook
Address: 2 Du rietz Ct
Suburb: Southside, Gympie
State: QLD
Contact phone number: 0419793636
Contact email address: 

Special needs:
Heard about TIO: Repeat Complaint
Consumer type: Residential
Service ID: 0419793636
Date of complaint: 22/02/2012 11:48:36 AM
Complaint Type: Mobile
Special Needs:
Account holder: Yes
Account holder name:
Account holder contact:
TPA: Yes
Member Name: Telstra
Date of complaint: 2008-01-01
Disputed Amount:

I'm in human justice, and have issues with corrupt authority.Telstra being one. This morning, my mobile is placed on "limited service" though I am always within range, and usually have "five-bar" reception.Telstra shows in my mobile's mailbox that they are monitoring my location, with messages in the inbox showing time and towers whence the monitoring is emitted.This is not a new thing, but these latest cannot be dissociated from my recent weblog articles, one, which goes to "dereliction of duty" by Australian authorities and private industry.Telstra has ASIO operatives active within it, and is open to Britain's MI6, who have been interfering with my life for several years. This latest, but one more example.Sorry it sound bizarre. They like it like that.... 

Contacting any Telstra personnel is a pointless exercise, replete with diverted calls, longwinded questioning, deceits about what they know, and if the call does not strangely fade and drop out, conversations always end in getting no satisfaction, assistance, or recognition of the veracity of my complaints."Is there anything else I can help you with?" "Thank you for calling Telstra!" 
Federal government initiate an inquiry into the public's security and privacy in dealings with Telstra. Exposure of ASIO and MI6 operatives within Telstra corporation.100% resumption by the federal government of Telstra into public ownership.Demand Telstra ceases interfering with my mobile service, and my wireless Broadband connection.Compensation is due, but not a reality.

And here is the TIO's response:

--- On Thu, 23/2/12, TIO Email  wrote:

From: TIO Email
Subject: TIO Online Complaint Confirmation - 12/055328 [#5E4EAI]
To: maxadiff@yahoo.com.au
Received: Thursday, 23 February, 2012, 4:55 PM
Dear Mr Cook
TIO reference: 12/055328
Thank you for contacting the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) on 22 February 2012.
The issues you have raised in your complaint regarding access of your private information by MI6 and ASIO via Telstra are ones that would best be raised with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) rather than the TIO. The OAIC can be contacted either by phone on 1300 363 992 or via their websitehttp://www.privacy.gov.au/
You are welcome to contact us to discuss this matter further and/or give us more information. Please call us on 1800 062 058 or reply to this email.
If you are dissatisfied with my decision, you may ask for a review of your complaint.
Please see www.tio.com.au for information on our role and jurisdiction.
Yours sincerely

Kate Matthies
Enquiry Officer
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

Phone: 1800 062 058
Fax:     1800 630 614

What follows now, is my response to that...,


In response to the last email to myself from the TIO, I merely make comment suggesting that the TIO is "passing the buck" once more in regard to referring myself on to the government body, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) rather than the TIO.

Yes, this allegation I make about Britain's MI6 and Australia security agency ASIO interfering with and monitoring my mobile phone and my personal movements go to issues beyond the TIO's parameters, etc.  

However, they do fit within the parameters of the TIO's reason to exist.  Issues regarding "foreign" government agencies interfering with Australians' telephonic and internet usage, and thus their own telephonic and internet privacy are precisely what the TIO is commissioned to address.

Therefore it cannot be seen as anything other than you, Kate Matthies, and the TIO avoiding extending any assistance to an Australian citizen, aka myself, thus, you are "passing-the-buck", as-it-were.

Not a new "event", to-be-sure.  

Having fought tooth and nail, for over 2 decades, for the security of Australian citizens' rights, against the constant subversion and undermining of such by these exact same agencies, MI6 in particular, at the maximum cost to myself, ie., now homeless for 17 years, forced onto a government pension, exiled from all associates and family, friends and any interaction with Australian society, it is merely further evidence that the TIO and other government "services" are not at all interested nor sincere about the mandates they are commissioned to follow.

Indeed, after more than two decades of the most dedicated and "selfless" campaigning, and journalistic investigations into this nation's political and "authority" structures, it is disgustingly clear that you, and most all employed in such services, seriously lack the dedication and fortitude necessary to do your jobs without fear or favour, for the good of all Australians.

Some years ago now, the Federal High Court made the determination that Britain is a "foreign power", inferring unequivocally that Britain is not interested in the best interests of Australia, as a sovereign nation, nor, thus, of it's People.

I will contact the  Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) on this matter, however, as they, as the TIO, are staffed and run by people who are clearly uninterested in serving the best interests and security concerns of Australians, I expect very similar responses as you have given me.

"Toothless tiger" fits your functions and the TIO et al-type Australian authorities pretty well, by all accounts.  There is more than ample evidence to support such a statement, as you no doubt know.

An abysmal and disgusting failure, also fits.

As I expect some form of reply from you, asking (no doubt "cynically") if I might have suggestions as to how you can help, may I write, as I did in the original "complaint form" to which you have replied, that a federal government "Senate" inquiry be established to expose the illegal interference and activities MI6 (and ASIO) appears relatively free to pursue across our telephonic and other electronic communications media, especially from within Telstra.

Expecting your response to be that I should direct my concerns to  some other government body, I inform you that I shall be doing that.

But from performances to date, ASIO, the federal police, and certainly our "state" policing forces are but miserable and incompetent failures when it comes to ensuring or working toward the safety and security of Australians.

Please feel free to pass this email on to your fellow (well paid and private school educated) cynics.

Thank you for your response, and have a nice day.....

NOTE: These emails' contents will be posted onto the internet for the public to view.

Max Earth
aka Max N Cook
 To the OAIC, I apologise again for this non-formal email notice of complaint.  

But said interfering forces, foreign , domestic government and private industry operatives, namely from within Telstra itself, make the usual means of communicating my complaint impossible.

I note that on your website's printable complaint form, there is a frame in which I can name-names so-to-speak, as follows:

The Respondent - who you are complaining about

I am complaining about
Organisation / Agency:  TELSTRA
Individual(s) involved (if known):  RICHARD SEMP

The named person, "RICHARD SEMP" has been monitoring my life for some 17 years, since our employment at a Melbourne courier company, but I was not aware I was a "target" until just a few years ago.  

Since then, I have satisfied myself that he came to Australia from England to "tag" myself, and has since been keeping a close watch upon my activities, especially involving Australia's political move away from British control.  It must be assumed therefore that the name I knew as his, "Richard Semp", is/was not his real name, and was/is but a pseudonym.

However, let me be clear, I have until very recently, been totally blind as to why, and how many others, from good and less-than-good sides of our political divide, have been taking an interest in myself.  So "Mr Semp" is assuredly not the only one making my life one of extreme hardship.

I leave this with you, and hope (quite unrealistically however) that your department might be able to act to assist in resolving my aforementioned complaint(s) against Telstra, against ASIO, and against MI6, et al, who rightly or not, regard myself as such a person of interest, and it seems such a ("righteous”) threat to Britain's foreign interests, here in Australia.


Max Earth
aka Max N Cook

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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