
"It's only Maxie!"

Further to my personal dramas of being left to die......

I received a response from the OAIC regarding my allegations that ASIO and MI6 are slowly killing me, and was fired-up enough to send them this reply. The remainder of the email (in blue) is their reply to my earlier email......

TO: "Sarah"
Enquiries Officer.

RE: EN12/03685 - Telephonic & internet interference [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks Sarah, for your reply.  

I accept your advice that I should contact ASIO with my complaint.

However, as my case is of such a "strange", out-of-the-ordinary nature, and easily attracts allegations against myself that I am delusional, especially from the likes of ASIO, I am not about to bother going through the process of contacting them.

ASIO, as far as I am able to determine, is but a branch office of Britain's MI6, and acts like most "secret services", as a "law unto themselves" and, will lie at the drop of a hat, if it suits their deceitful agenda.

I've experienced this before from their operatives, and find them an abhorrent, arrogant lot.

It is clear they do not act in the best interests of the Australian public, but rather to the exclusive advantage of the wealthy and usually overseas corporations.

They are, therefore, traitors to this nation, as a rule, so I refuse to have anything to do with them, and bear the isolation they and their fellow foreign spies ensure I remain in.

In regard to my enforced exile from my own nation's society, enforced by these same organisations and their puppet master cults, while having not scanned our federal Constitution, I have no doubt that "Human sacrifices" are not allowed in Australia.

I put it that I am indeed being sacrificed by the mainstream cult religions here, not by being "crucified" or such, on any wooden cross, but by very deliberate, subtle and "low" methods of inflicting pain upon myself.  One of the methods I assert they are employing, is by interfering with my telephonic and internet communications.  Interference/monitoring which persists to this day.

These comments are merely putting it on the record, so-to-speak, and are not soliciting a response from yourself.

I see no way out of my extremely peculiar situation, and regard myself as a "dead man walking" as they say.  "No hope.  No faith.  No confidence."

"Bizarre!?" Certainly!  But having tried several times to put my case to state and federal authorities, unsuccessfully, and having only been shuffled-off for a "psyche eval", always ending with a clean bill as to my mental health, yet no acceptance from them that my case has legitimacy, I am left to believe that they are party to my demise.

That I have ample proof that something untoward is happening behind my back, makes no difference to their blithe attitude, which certainly implicates them, as far as I'm concerned.

But..., we do live in "Astrayliar", say what!  A nation irreparably corrupt from top to bottom.

Poor me, aye?  Poor Australia.

Nevertheless, thank you for your attempts to assist me.


Max Earth
aka Max N Cook
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
Outlaw,  forGLOBALLand


& Environmental

--- On 
Tue, 28/2/12, Enquiries  wrote:

From: Enquiries
Subject: RE: EN12/03685 - Telephonic & internet interference [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
To: "Omaxa bin Eartha"
Received: Tuesday, 28 February, 2012, 11:29 AM
Dear Max
Thank you for your enquiry.
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (the Office) regulates the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act) which sets out the manner in which Australian, ACT and Norfolk Island government agencies, and many private sector organisations, collect, use, disclose and store personal information. 
Please note that the Act does not regulate foreign governments. You would need to contact the relevant foreign privacy regulator overseas in relation to any privacy issues you have against the foreign government.
If you feel an agency or organisation such as ASIO has interfered with your privacy, please see our complaints process below.
Complaint process
·         You first need to make a written privacy complaint to the relevant organisations such as ASIO directly and allow 30 days for a response.
·         If after 30 days you do not receive a response, or if you are not satisfied with the response/s received, you can lodge a complaint with this Office.
Further information on our complaint process and complaints form are available on our website. I have also attached with this email a word version of our complaints form.
In addition, the Act does not deal specifically with the issue of monitoring/surveillance. However, monitoring/surveillance would be covered by state surveillance legislation. You may wish to contact your relevant state agencies, state police or state ombudsman for further information.
I hope this information has been useful. If you require further assistance, please contact the OAIC Enquiries Line on 1300 363 992.
Yours sincerely
Enquiries Officer
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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