
Australia Must Totally Re-Evaluate Her Politics In 21C, Or Else It's Extinction

120505 Truelaw Outlaw Junction News-Politic-Chop, Dice, Broil, Simmer Consume & Regurgitate Edition

Kevin Rudd!

The Australian Labor Party.

All political parties.

Zionist Jews, Freemasons, Catholics & Christians.







What is the common denominator?

Perhaps the biggest failure of western society is that the powers that effectively “run” it, have been fabricated from an age-old, and by now decrepit tradition of frantic guesswork.

Growing out of millennia-old, ex-Hebrew “lost tribes” they've long ago lost the Mean by which Human Beings are Meant to live.

The “Golden Mean” of being True to one's Self (which, the Most Profound Philosophers term “The Absolute”, in place of the “loaded” name, names, such as “god”, “Allah”, “YHVH”, “Brahman”, Et Al), of being True to one's Self, in the deepest sense, of keeping the Soul pure of negative, offensive, and untrue thoughts. (“Them Bleck Fellas, an' those Japanezze Fellas, used t' be like that, aye!”)

But the opposites of these, positive, in-the-least respectful words, and actions, and True “beliefs” which essentially progress beyond mere “belief” to facts-based stores of knowledge, these have to be held-up and founded on the most Pure, most Wise, most undeniable beliefs, or, no matter how “goodie-goodie” a person or a whole Community, cult, nation might (hypothetically, of course) be able to be, if the beliefs are false, the fabric and the core of the believers will eventually rot, and the whole body will become corrupted.

(But of course, if the beliefs are untrue, the whole of the beast will be impure, and unwise, so would be doomed anyway, soon enough. If we view western culture and it's growth on a larger timeline, it really is but a junior culture, still immature and juvenile, so has not really, compared to longer-lived and Truer Cultures, grown, or earned, it's “wings” yet.

But one hellava hubristic ego, western culture, of the severely damaged, homeless psychopathic adolescent, has already run right off the road.

OOOOOOOOWa!?!?!?!?” cry the tech-heads and ponses of Western Whitefaced Arrogancia, in the northern region of “Lostribesville”.

This, once “...the whole body will become corrupted...”, always ends in death, preceded by dementia, delusion, chaos and a pandemic of insanity.

Pretty much how the world is now.

Good on yer, whitey!

But...., perhaps life on this Earth has been in decay for longer than the rise-consume-and-pollute of whitey and their, our whitefaced culture of delusions and lies.

Certainly, life in the delusion-bowl of the “run-away-run-away” Hebrews, has been on the downhill slide since they deployed the dark arts against the Egyptian Pharaoh and secured their release, only to wander lost in the deserts of their Spiritually-barren minds until 1948. If not since Eve and the apple incident?

But by 1948, they were so “set” in their ways of thinking, conniving and entrancing others to get the gold and/or a chunk of real estate, that they are now, since 1948, buried in their own history and like clockwork toys bang-on repeatedly the same-old noises, essentially of treating everyone else as “ENEMY!”, or Satan (Hebrew for “adversary”), and using threats of BIG witchcraft, via their abuse of the occult and of the Cosmic Laws, Sacred Cosmic Laws, with nuclear weapons, further their insatiable avarice, and lust for total control of the planet, or the world gets M.A.D. - “Mutually Assured Destruction”.

Good on yer Moses!

So? What's the common denominator between the first-mentioned entities, of

The Australian Labor Party.

All political parties.

Zionist Jews, Catholics, Freemasons & Christians.








What about Ruddie?


From first seeing and hearing and assessing the lad's character, I felt that he had something not altogether common amongst those of the aforesaid entities, and that was a bright and bold Intellect.

Sure, there've been many, and in today's federal Labor Party plenty came in to the government cabinet with similar bright and open, intelligent minds.

But after two terms, and two prime ministers, the old party rote shows painfully in most all of them, on camera at least.
How they spark-up at their inhouse knees-ups, however..., may be a ve-e-e-e-ery different thaing?

But in Kevin Rudd, what was clear, and then, appealing, was his “fresh mind”, not afraid nor stuck that it/he could not “clearly identify and move with the changes” which really underpin life everywhere on earth, and in everything.

Also, he happened along at the right time for Labor. So, however, did Mark Latham.

Both were lifted into the leadership of the “party-most-likely” after 11, (or 13?) long, and criminal years of the fascistio extreme right wing, and extremely ignorant Liberal National John Howard-led coalition.

So “...a drovers dog...” might well have led the voting pack to put the ALP into government after the nation growing frightened and sick of the Howard regime.

However however, well we might ask what chicanery and conjuring went-on behind the ALP scenes to manifest these two bright party leaders?


As with the Howard regime in the 2000's, the ALP now suffers from stagnation, but both have their stale roots further back in the big time-scale of all “western” Human development.

And that is it's roots in the ancient “lost tribe syndrome”, in which a bright mind appears, and has all the inspirational language and charizzzzmmmaaa to attract or seduce the minds of the frantic wanderers, and as the flock are of the same traditional mindset, which has been Christian since white-arse invaded, they, being born to be led, or, being born to not learn the proper ways to awaken and use their own intellectual faculties, are always in hope that some one will arrive, appear, “return”, to lead them and the rest of the sheep out of the ditch.

But, as the whole Christian thaing, is a falsity, that “arrival” never happens. One champion appears, satisfies a body of voters for a while, then, as Cosmic Law determines, their being NOT any Saviour, their light eventually grows dim, they run out of new ideas, their words and language become hackneyed, worn, stale, less-popular, and voters drop them.


With the bright beacon's seductive tones, almost invariably there comes one hell of an ego, ready and waiting to be championed, almost as the messiah.

“Almost” because such “appearances”, of great minds in any one person, are never “natural”, never something which grows undirected by behind-the-scenes-men/women, is never totally organically evolved. Not in Judeo-Christian western politics and religion.

The facts are that they are usually fabricated by a “cult” of manipulators, seeking a specific result, outcome, success, usually over their own rivals of another belief-system, ideology, cult, real estate corporation, party, nation or race.

Little do the players know the mental play behind their consciousness, and that “ego” is essentially foreign spirits occupying their soul, using them like puppets, unconscious, for one purpose, agenda, aim, intention or another.

This imposed ego most always completely overwhelms the person's awareness and subsumes them into being the false character the foreign spirits desire of them.

This, always tragically, seduces them totally into the game of fame, of feeling super-talented, superior, (the old “Shit I'm good!” syndrome) to the disastrous point of having uncontrollable thoughts, beliefs, that they are a great leader of one kind or another.

But always, underneath this delusion, plays the warped, “Christian” belief of being, or being led, to be or by, THE messiah.

The individual is not to blame or chastise. They are always but seduced puppets, and have never had a chance to get beyond the play of the occultists.

Usually, they do, but not until they have been subjected to severe knocks, which eventually breaks-down their thinking patterns, which are foreign spells.

Always, they are on a tight rope afterwards, and depending upon whatever assistance and events they get and experience, they can either be sent to the hopelessness of suicide, to the rage of genocidal desires, or, up to heights far above the deadly egomania, reaching, though extremely rarely in the western mindset, the Complete Enlightenment of the Soul, until they are but one of very few who have Attained to the Perennial Freedom of the, of their own, Absolute, free from all grips of foreign and lesser entities and agendas.

Of course, the typical western, white, Christian-indoctrinated “beacon” most often has not seen the depths and cunning of their own ego, and in that, is rarely capable of catching it before the ride begins.

Clever tutoring by agenda-laden priests can keep the ego hidden lifelong, and usually any priesthood which selects their puppet candidate, do everything to ensure the beacon cannot penetrate their controlling hexes and spells, so the beacon can never dig further into their own Soul and with Good, I mean REALLY Good, meaning “True”, Tried-and-True, proven, factual, Religious Practice, so the beacon can never Purify themselves, and, thereafter go all the way on their Road.

Meanwhile back on Earth, back in Astrayliar, back in the shithole of Astrayliarn politics.........,

If that, for who-evers', or whatever drive and mission and cause, in this dribble, referring to Ruddie, has been “politics”, which in essence deals specifically with “economics” or, as the Greek meaning of the word “economics” describe, “the efficient management of the household”, the household being the whole nation, then Ruddie done good, for he was fortunate enough to have the acumen (together with his close-ones) to put together the necessaries of a larger, more complete picture for politics-21C. (Aside from the cool few million he's been “blessed” with by his church school-aided business adventures.)

But ALAS! Others, from behind the behind-the-scenes-men-and-women of Ruddie's Catholic indoctrination, were attuned to these deeper, more real life issues, and saw that if “the plan”..., a plan of less factual proportions, was not able to progress to full enactment, the rug had to be pulled from beneath Ruddie.

So Ruddie was all-av-a-sudden, rudderless-and-rugless!

However, whether he or Latham, who also had that bright Intellect, saw and were able to lead the flockers back to the essential and fundamental “LAWS” of the Land, and thus of how Human Beings must relate and harmonise with the Earth, the machinery of party politrix was not going to do the necessary, and move into the new era, so portending.

Stuck, it was, is, and ever after shall be, in it's older, worn-out “lost tribes syndrome” of finding some good, sound tenets to write into a charter or constitution, or tablet, and thinking it can simply adhere to the language, tenets, and rules forever-after, all-the-while casting for THE LEADER to put it succinctly and seductively to the voters.

All parties have found themselves locked in that abyss. Even the Chinese Communist Party....., with “modifications”!

So, as nothing remains the same, below the Absolute, it is foolish to be afraid to move with the times. And with the stagnant western mindset, the most dangerous thing one or a number can do, is seek to go back to earlier, western values, because they were also from the lost tribes mentality, but were even less evolved, more mired in severely unintelligent, extremely dangerous, traditions and cult beliefs.

And one (3 actually!) of the barriers to being able to move with the events and times, is the model-models we adopt and stick with, of party, ideology and leadership.

Once any one leader is cursed with that chair, they are usually obliged to keep-up the same attributes, mannerisms and policies which attracted their support in the first place. Everyone (who voted them in) feels secure knowing the great leader will smile the same way tomorrow, will talk the same way tomorrow, will court the same sycophants, tomorrow, so they can all wander home and sup a nice red, feeling warm and squishy.

All is well! Life is good!” for now.

Tomorrow, all-av-a-sudden... is another day!

And as reports come in of a tsunami or earthquake in the Euro-debt crisis, or the dreaded reality that Brutain is falling faster and deeper into debt “....than previously estimated or predicted...” everybody trembles, and thinks “...what will the great leader do NOW???”

On the phone to the spin-doctors, advisers, admen, church-school priest......, “OK! This is what you must say! This'z how we'll spin it to the media.....,” etc......

Recovery mode.

Any suggestion that we have to move with the events and recognise the fact that things will be very different forever, from here forward, is put to the vote of the stale party machinemen&women, and

NOOOOO!” The best we can do is stick with the known policies....!@#$%^&?

Even while we are being thrust into a total unknown uncertainty of a future?

Power calls for organisation, order and known parameters, so unexpected events and changes can be mown-through on the back of known practised, rehearsed, rules of behaviour.

But of the last 150 years, massive awakenings have been going on in the upclub worlds of power, out of a recognition by the world's elite that the whole affair of human existence was shifting so much that all power and concentration of it has soon to tumble, and for decades, at least, nothing has been guaranteed to stay the same, nor “on-course” as planned by the old orders of hierarchy. Old orders so out of tune with wider, larger events and changes to culture, society, tradition, that their retention of any power spelled unprecedented disaster.

In most of the west, few were anywhere near aware or awake to this, or that we were now on an unstoppable downward slide, globally.

The worst of it is that the power-fingers, still little different from the lost tribes of the syndrome, had grown fanatical, paranoid and more frantic by the day to retain their delusional “prestige”, and it's egomanic position in their, our worlds' increasingly delusional culture and society.

So, being lost fools, they could not progress above their archaic ideals, and fought with all their might, and the might of their military and technological fodder, to stay on top until the end.

Trance-like, they, and with few choices but to follow, we, just kept doing the stupid things we know best how to do.

Work, talk shit, sleep, party, drink, pop, go to hospital, and eventually die.

Almost no one or large body of the People, dares to really change course, and drop totally, the known antics and tactics.

Ruddie, and Latham, tried, and paid for it.

The party.

Politics generally.


Lost tribes.

The ALP has done well, but as usual in Lostribesville, like all of them, it is vulnerable to infection and decay, so is dying a slow death.

It began well in the 1890s, but was typically subverted and led off-course during the 20th century, having brought the most violent reactions from the establishment hierarchies of Lostribesville in Brutain and Eurape, and as east as the old Russian empire, et al.

And the welded-on supporters, victims of the same manipulations by the Zionist Jewish and Christian powers-that-be, imbued with the same stagnation-syndrome, shit themselves thinking about life without the familiar party mechanisms, win or lose the next election.

Most, whether Liberal or National or Labor or Collingwood supporters, will prefer to die seeing the team's colors last thing, than drop the terminal beliefs and ideologies.

Even when the True, Perennial, Eternal Laws and Light are shown to them.


So, more, far more than getting out, temporarily, from the rut of old and staid parties suffering the rot of stoicism, only a bit further along, falling back into the same-same traditional decay, in the 21st century we have to ready ourselves to really move forward, and as the greats have sung, ready for that fabled “Great Leap Forward” (BILLIEEE!!!) out of this old old decrepit and dangerously false beliefs' system of relying on out of date, but familiar, and to those who stand to gain from it, comfortable ideologies and structures.

Whether the astute politicians of the new-ish day can rescue the world from the decay or not, we must challenge the traditions anyway.

But in that we have to get to the very core of the problem. Not, merely as vote-seeking polies would spruke, but in ways which everyone can understand, and allow to seep deep into their marrow.

Politics, especially in this day, cannot be left just for the “adults” to ponder and investigate. Kids know well how much the rotting traditions are spelling disaster for their generations decades-on, and as well kids are very much up to speed on false prophets and false marketing techniques, when only one generation previous, the vast majority of adults were dumb-as-dogshit on key affairs and methods of persuasion.

So any renewal, or revolution has to embrace education, from day one, and before, in that prospective parents have to be taught enormous amounts about their True Responsibilities, one, to the world around them, two to the kids they desire to birth and raise, and three, to their own Higher Self, or, to the Impartial Absolute.

Everyone has to bow down to Reason, and admit that they, not blamed, but their whole culture is in a disgusting condition, and has to be gone over with the proverbial fine-toothed-comb to rid it of especially and primarily the most dangerous flaws, false beliefs, ideologies and desire-centred preferences.

This should be the role of politics, but as that phenomenon is in such a partisan and thus faulty state, a new approach has to be engaged, divined and mostly, allowed by those who stymie all good and necessary corrections.

And they, the most influential and powerful, have to get off their delusional egomania, mainly of excessive wealth, and be really prepared to listen to Reason, putting every aspect of their hubris and it's false authority away, out of mind, even to the extent of leaving behind their mansions and high lifestyles to live for extended periods in shared and humble dwellings and circumstances.

The fortunes of their past does not qualify anyone to have control of other peoples' lives, especially large numbers of us.

In fact, such inheritances demand greater humility from those who get it without earning it, mainly because, if it is just one of our natural traits and flaws, ego, is ever ready to assume superiority for the material fortunes that fall into our lap.

And so the duty of those who are born into wealth, is to make as strong as possible their humility and Reason, thus their ability to not be seduced by their beneficial circumstances, to assume superiority and greater wisdom over other, less wealthy or fortunate peoples.

This applies to mining magnates and to parents, but, also to children. For they, what with the “Harry Potter syndrome” exploding their egomania all over the place, they are still not yet mature, in that there are many things, many responsibilities children have, and one of them is to respect elders.

But this does not mean kids have to stay silent, especially when they can point out flaws in something adults are teaching them. So the humility thing has to be there, and be allowed to flow, both ways. In that, if a kid can expose a flaw in an adults argument, they should be allowed to.

Granted, very often time pressures such engagements and prevents an adult from being able to explain all the sense and reason behind what they might be trying to ask of the youth. Another reason why all things have to be open for re-evaluation, so all of us are not forced into a corner of being unable to sit down and let the gaffs be seen, calmly, without the draconian criticisms of old teaching and learning methods.

Much awaits being said on this, and it's relationship with the whole phenomenon of our really fucked “prisons' systems”. But more to that, demands we re-address most everything behind, upholding and giving the deadly momentum to the law courts and penalties structures, which grew out of OH! The divided, monarchic, class-based “Lostribesville” of the fallen tribes of.....



As a Wise fella said a few centuries ago, one David Hume, methinks, “power rests with the People”.

Centralised “messianic” party structures and ideologies have run their course, and have to be let go, and allowed to cool down, because they excel in dividing the People, and their essentials for secure lives - material wealth. This does not achieve what they, or their megalomanic founders as often told their supporters, of bringing a nation together, etc.

Australia is now one leading example of what party politics can and does do to a nation and her People. We are running on false hope, futility essentially, with nary a thought about what our bad behaviours and delusional beliefs and ideologies are actually going to leave the species in the future.

The structures set-up in the 18th and 19th centuries were by no means the best they could have created or instituted. Again, divisional self-interest, intensified by grandiose delusional aspirations of totally disconnected cults - Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Freemasonry, mainly, but brought under one umbrella of Zionism, have left a legacy of a disgustingly divided and stupid populace. And worse, still they persist in encouraging the same-same deeply damaging “believers” to immigrate, while doing utterly inhumane things to stop those who still possess some Wisdom and Communal Integrity from being heard here, Aborigines, case-in-point, and such as the “Boaties”, “Asylum Seekers” from regions made basket cases by our very own totally insane white, western, supposedly “Christian” (HA!) ideologies and our elites' persistence to over-consume, expand and invade.

So, in terms of remedying the failings and flaws of Australia, there is almost nothing we do not have to go through and in most cases, be rid of.

As time is not on our side, the usual processes of politics have to be the first to be circumvented, and that has to be across the spectrum, from federal to local. But underlying that, are the false religious structures and support mechanisms which seduce or force people to choose sides.

As we learned a few weeks ago, Finland does not have church-based “private schools”, and for that, is leading the world in quality and numbers of well-educated of students.

So all hyperbola from the religious institutions has to be stomped, so government, clearly the ALP-Greens-Independents federal government is the better minded, to address and advance any Progressive moves, in terms of growing beyond the dead religious ideals and structures of the era of politics of the last couple of thousand years, ideals and structures from “Lostribesville” which have brought the world the most destructive and divisive “class system” ever, so that government can level the educational playing field as well therefore, the employment and wealth arenas.

If we dig behind the media releases and politicking, we will find seriously fanatical, seriously stuck, religious entities forcing their ideals and demands upon those we have apparently elected to represent us in our parliaments.

We have also to bring out into the political-open, the rude fact that all our politicians AND media, have been indoctrinated by those same draconian and quite exclusivist private, church schools. Churches and cults not from any of our own or nearby Wisdom cultures, but all are from the criminal, increasingly desperate and increasingly delusional cults of Brutain and Eurape, or, from “Lostribesville”.

The only reason now, that anyone remains loyal to one western religion or cult or another, is because it is for their own personal benefit.

I do it for the kids!” they protest.


How stupid are they, and how stupid do they believe the rest of us are?

They don't give a fuck, as long as they are kept in a house and a job, provided by the divisive and delusional religions of the most brutal, least Wise cults ever seen.

So, can Kevin Rudd, still, I maintain, a man with an excess of politically, but here I mean Intellectual, useful talents which he would prefer to employ for the whole of us, including for Humanity in general, can Kev' be allowed to leave the ALP, while retaining his stature across the political scene, and across his electorate and Australia?

A doubtful proposition, only for the malicious and evil mechanisms such as the main parties start-up against anyone who leaves?

Come-down-to-it, our two or three main political parties are little different to the dark underworld mafioso gangs of the olda countries, who usually kill-off any who leave.

As the ALP-LNP combination has near-as done that to Rudd, yet he still lives to see and perhaps fight the good fight another day, and as he has been sinbinned out of the fray, as he is also of a mind to grow and lift him-itself above these staid and divisive, essentially detrimental party structures and dead ideologies, I would call him to stand at the next election as an Independent.

Sure, perhaps he does have megalo-maniac issues to dispel, but I would assert that they have their foundations in his not-inconsiderable Catholic upbringing, indoctrination and motivators.

So I would follow that piece of advice, with suggestions that he tries to dump his deeper allegiances and less-than-rational ideologies from Catholicism, and takes-up something he must be reasonably familiar with, either of Buddhism or even the Chinese Taoist systems of belief?

Just suggestions Kev, aye?

For, I put it, that the irrational, “faith-based” ideologies of Rome et al, are what brought down on his head, most all of his political troubles in the first place, from 2010-on.

As we are in the 21st century, and not the dark 4th century of Constantine's Rome, there is not one sound, Wise Reason why a person of his Intellect should be ex-communicated, nor exiled from that which he does have unquestionable talents in, which is, need I spell it out, REALPolitik, REALEconomic Reform.

The only reason any of them stay adamantly with their side of the cult-politics spectrum, is that the churches which indoctrinated them, and thus gave them so much “opportunity” for riding high in society, will force them into obscurity, defamation - MISTER Markus Latham, but one case-in-point - and if the fucking churches could, purely because the cults are the most proud and arrogant of all, to penury and suicide.

Fortunately, no-one sees the Kev' falling to that. No doubt, a good family helps muchly!

But tying these thoughts together, what with the ALP falling off the edge of the map of late, they have to, one, be rid of the stuckinmud power-brokers, which they may well have done over the period since the obliteration of the old school “The Firm”, or Rum Club of NSW ALP in March 2011, and the recent retirement of Mark Arbib, et al., and be rid of the bitching church cult grip on how they serve, and remain loyal to delusional and deeply flawed western religious ideology.

This, of course extends to support for the illegal state of Israel. But Israel is coming under less patronising scrutiny from all corners of the world nowadays, and cannot sustain it's brutal regime and economic structures for much longer, methinks. Mehopes!

As well as it's bread-baskets of Brutain, Eurape and the USA, still not out of the woods of defaulting and disaster, pending a, THE, most severe depression on record, Israel cannot sustain it's own existence and war-machinery for too long, without - ARMAGEDDON!

So, if Australians do not want to go there, now or in their precious little vaginal turds' lifetimes, then a refreshing of all our cultural and political, the chassis being the most basic economic structures and church-schooled accountancy ideologies, is essential.

And that has to include releasing those who see these thingsssszzz, the same as mememe, and who would, for the greater good, get out of the divisive and restrictive political cement we call party politics, but be able to stay where they are, in the hotspots, to be freer to put forth the policies they know are desperately needed.

Were the ALP to break with the dying traditions and announce a change to their party oaths, I put it that the Masses would look up to them once more, and vote them in victorious, for longer than any Menzies or Howhard trickery and conguring could.

The future does look really shithouse, generations ahead.

But rather than take the least responsible, egomaniacal selfish and essentially criminal attitude of the political right, by saying “as it's fucked, why bother trying for good policy” (the LibNat's selfish attitude to the ALP-Greens-Independents “Carbon Tax” a most unintelligent, selfish and heinous example, the utterly backward objections to farming, water and land reforms across the Murray-Darling Basin another), it becomes more important that our leadership, our governorship, goes hard to get the best - that is THE FACTUAL, THE EVIDENTIAL, THE SCIENTIFIC - inculcations (?) into the heads of the youth, so that if things do go belly-up, it will be a more automatic thing for them to adopt the right, perennial policies.

Being the King Commo I label myself to be - I ABDICATE - I take this so far as to Advocate the irrefutable lessons on Agrarian Socialism, on Complete Land and Taxation Reforms, such that all of us can, by having all our needs provided by the Group, by the Community, Economically, by the Nation, we can at once let go of our responses to the failed state of modern culture, religion and politics, of selfishness, materialism, greed, and insatiable, thus psychotic desires for MORE MORE MORE, and become True Fellas again, lusting for no material possessions.

Thus, free of the mill, and of delusional and disgustingly ignorant and brutal cults, everyone can fly. But I won't go to the superlatives....

Shut down the cult of false messianism, fuck's sake. It's killing me, and the planet.

Let Ruddie do His thaing, free of the cult crap.

Let Gillard do Her thaing, and Govern, like how she and Ruddie know is best, and let the transformation begin, free of the draconian stupidity of the western shopfronts of Catholicism, Freemasonry, Zionism, etc etc etc.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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