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120518 Truelaw Outlaw Junction News-Blues & Red Red Red Sell Sell Sell Edition

By the hour the world grows increasingly frightened about what's happening in Eurape, with Greece certain to fold.

No sooner than the obvious is reacted to across the world's stock markets, we see that a US envoy increases the tensions by stating that the US are ready to strike at Iran militarily.

Signs of the outright lunacy of the resource-hungry west, whose commands - political and military - are so beggared-short of any REALIntelligence that the 1st and only thing they can think of is to launch Armageddon.

One is at this stage left to assume the direction against Iran, comes from the frantic ultra-orthodox, extreme right wing terrorist Israel.

And it doesn't take much to deduce that the implication goes to shooting everything, slating all the blame for the west's outta-control insane behavior of the last ooooh? 1000, 1500 years, at Islam.

As Iran currently, by western media accounts, which have to be questioned as to any impartiality, thus any veracity, leads the Islamic world in alleged development of nuclear weapons, it follows that the psychotic western militarist forces want to play racket-bomb with them.

Rippa! Or should that be “R.I.P. Aaaaaah!”?

Yesserday I flung my thoughts about the Euromess onto this blog, an' woke this mournin' to that US envoys threats, though I think I'd heard one or two similar knee-jerk reactions from white superiorist fucking psychos bunkered in Washington and Tel Aviv well before this latest “WAD-WE-GUNNA-DOOOO?” statement from the bunkered-under US warmongers.

Probably coincidence, but in my blogpost yesserday, I went briefly into Greece's ancient bloodline roots, and the apparent fact that they are with the Middle Eastern Persians, of - Iran, Iraq, Et Al - Babylon, Mesopotamia, etc., and that as the Eurozone is about to implode over it's own centuries of insane over-consumption, via utterly inconsiderate and crazy colonialization and plunder of other peoples' lands and resources, Greece might well be doing herself the greatest favour by “looking east” back to her Peoples' roots, and to go there to establish better, increased trade and political networks.

Admittedly, while it doesn't matter too much, as whatever happens, as some better-located pundits have said, we're all fucked anyway, but I didn't put much thought into how the brutes of the western powers would react to any such shift by the Euro-exited Greeks.

Shit happens....

Trying to weigh all the factors and influences, is probably impossible, considering the frighteningly reactionary elements still hovering their index fingers above the big red button underneath the US Pentagon, no doubt, like most Catholic women, trained to appear calm and contemplative, yet inside there boils wild uncontrollable desires to “PUSH PUSH PUSH THE FUCKING BUTTT-ONNNN!!!”

(In the example of “Catholic women”, the buttons are men's desires, patience, tolerance, temper, and of course...., GUILT!)

And while Brutish boffins like the UK's foreign secretary Hague go to every effort to sound reasonable, to some of us, it's clearly a facade covering lustrous desires for MORE POWER.

So, once the floor boards are busted through by the global economic massacre pending, the honchos in high places, mainly of course in the brute-laden psychopathic western elites and powerhouses, will eagerly unleash arsenals of nukes and dirty bombs on whomever they can reach.

It's hard to see any more peaceful scenario playing out from here forward.

Major economic depressions always bring out the guns in us, and the more guns anyone has, the more eager and insanely motivated they are to use them.

Perhaps it's like the medical research study released only today, finding that sugar makes children dumber - it is alleged to slow the development of their intellect - it might well be the case that the more firearms and crazy weaponry one has around one's living room, the more likely one is to reach for them when something alarming occurs?

Studies in the USA have established this for decades. So it cannot not follow that the more weaponry a military state has, the USA, Brutain, Israel, Russia, China, cases in point, the greater the chance that they'll wanna grab them when things - commodities and the excess of luxuries boffins and high-commanders expect at their fingertips, and are used to in their daily diet of abuse, suddenly are not in the cupboard or supermarket.

What NO COFFEE??? This means WAR!!!”

So, expecting any of the world powers to settle for a cup of chamomile tea, and a lie down, while Buddhist Monks and Nuns sort out the global supply problems, is a bit toooo much to expect, I guess?

What then, about the world's Philosophers? Including of course, Buddhists.

Could the megalomaniacs in Westminster and Washington, Paris or Berlin, Moscow or Tel Aviv, sit back and wait for a considered, Philosophical, discourse and scientific report?

Hardly, knackers! We've been building our arsenals up for this moment for decades!

What a nice world we'd have if the idiots in high places weren't there?

Megalomaniacs? Psychopaths? Power-junkies?

Or more, seriously insecure, seriously inconfident, seriously bitter-and-twisted?

Funny HAHA that the wealthiest sectors of Humanity have sponsored hugely profitable “industries” in mental health, such as university departments and pharmaceutical corporations, catering to their accepted diagnoses of dysfunction, dysfunction which seem to me to most always have their seeds in the errant cultures the people are dropped into from birth, and seduce oligarchs with consciences to donate massive amounts to setting up studies and departments and clinics and probably whole universities specialising in psychology, psychiatry, psycho-analysis, etc etc., which, for a handsome fee, open their doors to the masses to enter and pour their hearts out about their own maladies, psychopathies, weaknesses, and how they cope and react to the ceaseless unexplained feelings and thoughts and emotions that boil inside their brains?

Funny HAHA! NOT!

Funny HAHA that many studies conclude beyond doubt that the most serious psychopaths make their way up the accepted corporate ladders of power and “success” and become ooooh? CEOs., politicians, military commanders, weapons manufacturers, diplomats......



So...? It's not hard to figure, if these outlandish statements have any credence, that the least powerful, the masses of increasingly oppressed and impoverished Working Class and Underclass peoples, no matter whether they live in Iran, or Palestine, Greece, or Spain, Mexico, or southern USA, or outback Australia, will have to bear the brunt of the upclubsters psychopathies, as the global economic crisis part two, roars to centre-stage.

Meanwhile, the psychopaths increasingly lose themselves and their insanity in “work” - “the mission” - to secure the borders, the food supplies, for the uppermost 1%, then those who drive the limos-soon-to-be-Hummers, the servants, the supplies merchants, and the weapons delivery personnel, but none of them stops for more than a few seconds to weight their own mental state, and none of them stops long enough to burrow deeper than the next nerve-tingle to expose and see for themselves their own dysfunction, dysfunctionssss which unconsciously drive them on to ensure THE ENEMY gets it in the neck.


Then, if anyone is left, one day, one or forty thousand of them, wandering the desolate landscapes their warmongering have wrought, finds they cannot go-on any further.

One, because no edible food or drinkable water runs them out of energy, and two, their psychosis is catching up with them, from far far back across the landscape, and it is smacking them on the back of their head so hard that they lose power and concentration, stumble and drop to the desert sand.

Refusing to admit defeat, or..., THE TRUTH, they prop themselves on all fours, head low, and crawl, crawl, crawl, going nowhere in particular, just GOING - yeah RUNNING - HA! - away - from the shit they mindlessly spat out on others, from the orders they now see as mindlessly given, to others, to stomp THE ENEMY, the enem............

Their knee steps on a sharp rock - OW FUCK!? - and the torso drops to the ground........

From the floor of wasted earth they crane their neck to look to the distance. Looking for something to hope for, for something to distract them from the truth of the moment, of the future they created, that is all around them, NOW.

No coffee. No wine. No scotch. No friends. No bombs. No security.

No words to express their distraction. Their despair. Their disgust. At themselves. Not even a weapon or blade or cliff to take them away from this, this, this “life”.

Suffer bitch!”

If only...., if only, they'd taken that leap and gone to that Buddhist retreat, to hear an Impartial expert on “the Human condition”?

If only the town they grew up in wasn't so bigoted, so close-minded, so cocksure.

If only the nation and the world wasn't so caught up in it's own traditional paranoias, rebranded as “opportunities”, “culture”, “customs”?

If only.............................

If only governments had spine, enough to teach the simple truths to the elite, and appease their fears enough to see the common sense in having banks owned by the People, run and controlled by the People.

Banks which commanded that Ethics is paramount, that usury is not good, that the people should own the Land, and that ancient Customs are of great importance, more so than any speedy technology.

But the elite are sick, deranged, psycho-pathological in their lust for more power, not over the masses, but over their own desires.

And now, no-one can stop them. None of them can rein-back-in their dysfunction. It's a nuclear bomb that's already been armed and dropped from 10 miles up. 50 years ago. 500 years ago. 5000 years ago.

They own the armies, the navies, the airforces, the space programs, and the land and oceans, so they have every right to trash them as it suits their - insanity.......?

And a US envoy says the US fucking psychos are ready to war-on against Iran.......?

Is that man sane?

Are the people who march over Reason, Wisdom, Philosophical Thinking, Meditation, Economic Science..., and order war, sane?

What qualifies them to fuck the world?

And, of the elite, who control world trade, finance, banks, mining, real estate....?

What qualifies them to fuck the world?

Oh? Money!






A Man's greatest enemy is ignorance.......” said the Buddha.

“More sugar..?”

War-on Dudes! Nothing's gonna stop the rich from buying and deploying armies against us.

See ya all in Hell...


On the other hand, if headfuck envoy and coven, held their semen for a while, and let the considered alternatives to get a bit of airtime, Greece going East may not be all a bad idea?

Iran and other non-western Peoples, having been deprived of our surplus of opportunity, are forced to become a bit defensive, thus, to build up something of an arsenal - just in case?

If west, via a clearly westernised, yet not perhaps totally subsumed Greece, gave the nod for Greece to become something of the Intermediary, but with licence to offer, sound, backed, options to the current future prospects, with fair and honest opening of doors between west and east, for more equitable sharing of services, trade, goods, intelligence, etc., it actually stands to reason that the allegedly hostile east, would relax, and be happy to trade, etc.

Cultural differences are not real, if honesty and respect is engaged.

As recent revelations in a US military training facility tell, anti-Islamic doctrine was being taught to troops. Doctrine which is clearly untrue, and based on mindless warmongering, and which fosters racism and religious bigotry across cultures.

It's that kind of stupidity, in the west, which invokes aggressive responses from such as the Taliban, Mujahadeen, Al Qieda, Lord's Resistance Army, and the defendants' need to call-up children to fight against the mindless invaders, etc.

The same mindless warmongering, but oh-so-fucking-cleverly disguised as “business”, “trade”, “mining exploration”, “capitalism”, which gives wealthy elites the excuse to warp the national economic, until things are so unbalanced that soon enough, the tilt is so steep that everything just slides off, into the abyss.

Just as we expect to happen in the coming days, weeks, months, and for who knows how many years from here?

Power, rests and belongs, with the People.”

Perhaps it does take a life of studying Philosophy to arrive at the Common Laws of life on Earth, if not life everywhere?

But that statement, irrefutably expounds, that the whole game of today's opportunist economic culture, is wrong.

And that is evidenced by the frightening reports coming at us like a Mack truck, about the inevitable collapse of the Eurapean union, the Euro, the Euro market and the “contagion” about to swallow the whole world.

I maintain that the whole bucket of sin has to go so far as to collapse, before the powers and the people, awaken themselves enough to swallow the pill of truth, and kill the infection of greed and selfishness and unrestrained desire, etc etc etc.

Because, while any of us, especially any who are fortunate enough to be able to ride through the impending depression, and probable anarchic violence, protected and with ample food and resource supplies, are not brought, driven, forced to turn their attention right in, to see their own psycho-pathologies, and be willing, 'cause it has to be voluntary, to expunge them, they will not grow, and will still be dangerous burdens to the group.

A mass might be willing and able to change course, and to change the global direction our clearly “lost tribes” syndrome(s) are going in, but while any percentage of us have not done the work we need to, they'll still be secretly acting out that they're with the group, all the while fermenting the selfish, bad seeds and thoughts. This always acts without their own consciousness, to subvert anything they can.

Horror movies and stories have forever told of this as the devil jumping from one soul to the next to further it's mission of evil.

Wars and genocide and horrors of hell are caused just by one errant mind.


As this seems to be the case, in this over-populated world, there's nothing we can do to cure all of us, of the illnesses.

So, War-on Dudes!

But, you can be sure, that striking out at perceived enemies, such as different nations, skin, language-groups, or traditions, solves nothing.....

Think about this, if you can..., diplomat. Envoy. Commander. Politician. Pundit. Media mogul. ICC judge......?

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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