
Outlaw Junction Government cuts public housing group funds Edition

120628 Truelaw Outlaw Junction Government cuts public housing group funds Edition

Spotted this above titled article in the Brisbane Times online yesserday, and whilst still stuck in something of an illusory mental state, where everything seems as a dream, so nothing around me, nor in any news services, is real, I fired-up my thinkstankery and spun the following off the spools of mindation.
In the past, I would scribe such stuff and then email them to upto 40 political and social justice groups at once, sometimes many more, and felt like emailing this'n to the several which operate around Queensland. I've connected by phone with some of them here since coming here, when searching for somewhere to live. But finding both able people and suitable, mainly affordable housing is nigh-on impossible in this bullshit state, run by extremely selfish and stupid Catholics, et al. To the few people working in this area whom I found prepared to put-out to try and help, I apologize for these words, and exclude yourselves from my insults.

Government cuts public housing group funds
 June 26, 2012 www.brisbanetimes.com.au
This is expected & follows typical right wing policy in support of the profitable real estate industry, the most immoral business sector.
Kennett in Victoria did the same, as his successor Liberal Bailleau is doing.
Of course, the right wing extremist corporate political "conservatives" in Britain & the USA, being "owned" as much, by the planet's most ruthless "Freemasons", do that "lost" & for centuries psychopathological cult's bidding & manipulating of all real estate markets, so we in Australia, on both sides, are forced to follow suit.
But, on the other side of the global coin of politrix, the very Catholic, allegedly "left wing", ie., Socialist, Labor "left" in Australia, but worldwide, has ignored the immorality of private land speculation since at least the 1970s, & arguably since the "DLP split" in the late 1950s, so both "left & right"  or, perhaps more defined as "the Catholic left, and the Freemason right", are culpable of crimes against the People.

The crises striking Britain, Ireland, Europe & the USA of over-consumption & the eventual, inevitable economic results from unsustainable living - in fact from the unsustainable "culture" of excess, all have their genesis in, put bluntly, plain wrong policies surrounding land ownership, distribution, & the immoral freedom to speculate on what amounts to our fellow humans' fundamental, root-need for housing.

Secure, non-market-vulnerable, thus stable & "affordable" long-term housing.

The land.

That the right-wing corporate "selfish parties" cut funding to public housing groups only shows their readiness to ignore the most basic moral duty all levels of government should have as a 1st Principle.
But lets be clear, the vast majority of so-called "public housing groups" are managed & staffed by the "faithful" & obedient products of the upper-tier church schools, who, you can be sure, are safely & relatively luxuriously housed & most often have the exclusive backing of the wealthiest land speculators - their Catholic & Christian churches - to own their own homes. Homes which they profit from in buying & reselling through the very evil of the land speculation real estate marketplace.

Indeed, the same immoral ex-students of the churches run and control real estate & banking industries, &, of course government & every aspect & sector of the law courts & professions.

But closest to the under-privileged, the private, religious schools manage, & control housing policy etc., in the Centrelink offices.

So all genuine corrections to corrupt laws around every person's legal, that-is moral right to affordable accommodation, is put to the bottom of these so-called "public housing groups'" priorities.

It serves their own staff's desires well to ignore & whenever necessary, to stymie any moves to make the overall housing & land distribution policies and laws correct - that-is "not corrupt", therefore these so-called "public housing groups" are fundamentally, for their own selfish gain, supporting the Liberal-National party anti-social, anti-Community, anti-affordable housing agenda.

One way over this is for the "customers" of these organizations to get off the under-the-table, off-the-back-of-a-truck evasive economic circuit endemic across most societies, get organized away from any subversive church-control agents & agencies, &, by whatever means, fund their own "Collectives", to supplant these diluted and essentially ineffective so-called "public housing groups", & Centrelink etc., & become legally-savvy enough to form "think-tank" lobby groups, to both organise lawful challenges to the corrupt laws, to the point of mounting high court challenges, toward the fundamentals of land distribution & taxation reforms, against the likes, not just of the current Queensland LNP government, but against the general 2-party political cabal.

But especially these days, to connect & coordinate globally.

These public housing groups deliberately form links, more to uphold the corruption, & to thwart True Social & Economic Progress, than to provide better services & accommodation, & so refuse to "group-up" in order to make Straight, the road, thus, the Rights we all should enjoy without having to partake of the fundamentally & wholly corrupt mainstream economy.

Media is, or should be fundamental to enabling the less-educated social groups & classes to bring such reforms - such law & policy "Corrections" - about. 

This was for most of media's existence, what it existed for - to keep the People aware of the usual, eventual tyranny of centralized, upper-class corrupt authority.

But clearly the advertizing dollar thrown at most all larger media services by real estate (& in the most recent case, the mining lobby), buys their silence, ignorance & acceptance of this heinous corruption.
So media who pander to real estate & take the "30-pieces-of-silver" are completely betraying both the readership/listenership/watchers, & worst of all, they betray their own underrated, but often Courageous Trade, journalists, reporters & editorships.

Since early days of white occupation in Australia, the accompanying, & also invading Catholic & Protestant churches have bargained from the colonial & state governments, huge tracts of land.
It's estimated the foreign churches "own" around one-seventh, 1/7th, of Australia's, in reality Aborigines', land, thus can as well, tax-free, buy & sell it. 

Since those churches have seen huge drops in "the faithful" attendances at Sunday services, & so in most other sidelines the religions used to offer & so gather income from, "ethics & morality", or the centuries' lack of these in western religion, has become completely extinct, though they present as the western world's "moral voice", behind closed doors, they engage in the least moral wars of playing the land speculation market, purely to not vanish from society completely.

So rather than being the humble servants, of "god", & man, they have absolutely inordinate & improper power, control & influence over this, these crucial laws, customs, economic & demographic distribution, thus a seriously ignorant, until pathological power over the overall "Common-weal".

Indeed, it's not an exaggeration to say that these western cults have been the most divisive influences in western societies & across the world, & have basically been behind the creation of the different "classes" & the ever-widening gap between rich & poor.

If anyone should challenge these assertions, & my suggestion that they are pathological, I force the issue further, by insisting that Christianity generally, is psycho-pathological, that-is, mentally ill.

This is easily supported simply by the whole basis of their cult beliefs - that they need a messiah to save them!

In the very least, this shows that Christians must be less than "the full quid", or, are mentally retarded.
If they were fully enlightened, in Spiritual, thus in Intellectual, thus in mental terms, they would not either need another bloke to save them, to lead them out of "the ditch", their very own blind, insatiable & evil culture has dropped them in, & 2, would not not know what they do, therefore would relish Reason over faith, know fully "god", which is "Law", & live satisfied in body, mind & Soul, within It's safety & Peace.

We are in delicate times, & the species can no longer be forced to hang on the blind corruptions of religious faith.

Science, for too long kept as the exclusive, thus censored province of the upper, church classes, especially the denied and most important of all, "Economic" Science, must be thrown open and freely available to all levels and classes of all nations.

"Knowledge is Power!"

But most importantly, "Knowledge is Our Right & Duty!"

1st & foremost however, has to be everyone's full Knowledge of "the Law of The Land"!
Without this, we will never cure nor resolve the increasing housing affordability & homelessness crises.

Om O'Hades
Hell's Gate,
for Global Land & Tax Reform

Postscripted thoughts are that these suggestions by my thinktankery, about the “customers” of these services getting off the under-the-table economies so many cannot afford to live without, seem to me to be little more than “pipe-dreaming” these days, as one, it's all a pernicious dream, cungered by the darkest catholic cults, and two, the actors in this dream, apparently of mine, are so welded-on to crime and it's fruits, having been lowered to their sub-human levels by the mentioned churches and their forced false doctrines and polito-economic agendas, that there's no point pushing for any Justice anywhere on earth now, especially as we really are in the last days of this epoch of human endeavor and excess.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


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Truelaw Outlaw Junction Global Revolution Head Office

“There Was A Dreamer”

120617 Dreamlaw Outlaw Junction Poem-Chop “There Was A Dreamer” Edition

Watching payTV on a 1 inch mobile screen, knowing something deep has not been right for about 58 fucking years, the Sci-Fi channel currently has “Charmed” on, about 3 luscious American goils, who protect the world with white witchcrafty type stuff. The present episode tells of one of them captured by a nasty piece of dirt, and is kept in a dream, suffering all the woes of some evil and sadistic germ, in a warped unreality.

Struck a deeeeep chord, it does!

Explained my whory lot, which inspired a poem from my depths...... inescapable depths I am slowly drowning in, thanks to a bevy of imbeciles who can't keep their psychic-dicks out of my aura.

Not one of the best this headwreck has produced, but it says something, if only that


Thanks goils!

There was a dreamer, who stayed asleep, and kept his dream awake.

For once he knew the Catholic's plan, of keeping him in their control, he saw the trap and stayed in bed, to avoid being made their religious fake.

So every witch and every fool, as often one and the same, raced to play with his dream, and used his curse to drown the earth, and then upon him lay the blame.

So, he, trying for the Wise, conceded life is shit, and endured the pain and isolation, knowing their witchcraft always throws the thrower into the bottom of Hell's pit.

Yet still the spells, kept coming in his portals, and cursers all thought “Oh this is FUN!”

And so it is, fascinating stuff, until things turn and they're the hunted and scared are on the run.

58 years he's locked, in a mad cult's dream, but used his chaintime to seek some facts, to find things ain't nothin'-like what they seem!

One big detail he came to see, was that most humans were unreal, scattered, mad, half human and romping free.

He found that ghosts and spooks and invisible eyes, were self-fascinated, without their brains, completely stupid and unwise.

But oh-so confident they were, so sure they were smart and strong, that their faith and hubris and new found powers, only made them zombies, extremely idiotic thus very very wrong.

But like the heads of corporations, the maddest of us all, the psychopath can't see their mad, because psychopathology is the most blinding pall.

And all-said-and-done, the world was almost all now waste, and to leave it die slow the most painful death, was to ensure more pain than a sudden end would taste.

So the dreamer stayed asleep, and brought down the final beat, and on 21, 12, 12, he killed his dream, the game of others play was done, it's match finished, over, complete.

And all the fools who were tricked to play, with magic over the world, fell screaming low to Hell's back door, and entered eternal pain of knowing all their mistakes for ever more.

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


Outlaw Junction


Education &


Drop The EU Bullshit & Greek Election

120616 Truelaw Outlaw Junction News-Drop The EU Bullshit & Greek Election Edition

..... and on the last day.....

The last day before Greeks go back to the polls - that is - to tell the Brute-Eurapeans which way they will go from here.

Back to the polls, to tell the upemselves, upclub, uptop Zionist Brute-Eurapeans who sit on-high in the most disgustingly opulent, unsustainable thrones on Earth, held-up there by the most delusional and evil Christian mythologies about “Jesus” and every-untrue-thing they've relied upon for some 1950 years, since He was crucified for speaking honestly about the endemic corruption of both the Jewish Temple, the Jewish elites, and those of the invading Romans.

Predicting either way from down here down the shithole in Astrayliar, is stupid.

But one can hope.

However, taking the course I dream-of, for Greece, and for the species into the future, but local to Greece, for Egypt, Syria, Libya, other neighbour-nations like those poorer Euro-cousins in the Balkans, and further east into the Caucasus, and of course the fools in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Brutain, etc, is beyond the ruling classes in all of them, to absorb, and humble themselves to accept and adopt.

But the same applies down here down the shitrap.

In Astrayliar, slowly we are fed news of collapsing corporations, Australian and foreign IMF-type corporations who've taken too big a bight of everything for too long.

An “economy” (HA!), engineered, both to fabricate a market for-to flog their unsustainable products to, y'know, ridiculously superfluously fancy autos, tricked-up household equipment, “white-goods”, entertainment gizmos, super-high tech junk, the most of it, designed to last a few months outside the warranty (yeah, an over-statement!), then through the rudest, outright lying via “innocent” exaggeration by the advertising and marketing industry, inordinately tempt the braindead masses, absent of all Wise discrimination, into wasting their cheese-crackers on, then, once amassing the peoples' wealth, begin to blackmail governments to do it their mindless, carcinogenic, totally unsustainable way, all multiplying the drain on the supply of resources, the environment, the biosphere, nature's animals, critters, water supplies, land and marine stability, sending whole nations (and environments) into un-repayable debt, while their bankers and corporate cabals, the OCCUPY Movement's antithesis, the upper-upperclass “1%”, reap the filthy profits, the masses are left with the most barren economic, cultural and environmental landscape the planet has ever seen.

99% of Australians have no say in any of this. They are but victims of the offshore cabals, who “own” the zombie police forces, and merely, like everywhere, to be allowed a home, and friends, and family, “a life”, the 99% are forced to comply, be silent, and get what they can from whichever “market” is open to them. As with most peoples now, the black market is resorted to increasingly. Governments perhaps most of all, if we accept that the mainstream marketplace is in fact quite black, in that it is completely free of all conscience, of all morality, and of all ethical considerations. Run, by NO coincidence, by the western, Christian and Freemason powers.

On one hand, the Labor-Greens-Independents federal government, whom, of the two available options, I “side” with, as opposed to the disgustingly incredible right wing “alternative”, trumpets how good they are as economic managers, and the recent federal budget was, in their spin-doctors' eyes, “a fucking rippa, mayyte!”

And sure, compared to the financial troubles Eurape, and Ireland, and Brutain, the USA, the CIA, and all other acronyms, like the EU, the IMF, have told the world about, Astrayliar hasn't done too badly.

If you believe the figures?

Meanwhile, standing in complete contradiction to the federal government's figures, something doesn't quite “figure”?

Because the two most populated states, New South Wales and Whos'land-er-Queensland, are in serious shit, that-is debt, with the 3rd, Victoria, close behind, all posting deficits in their recent budgets?

So, someone's telling porkies!?!?!?!?

So, Greece, and other continental nations, are all facing disaster while Greece, remains within the EU. For the EU is about to implode, so badly as to take down every other nation who relies and even trades with them.

So badly as to take down every other nation who has anything at all to do with them.

And, while the media and the global elites try to keep us thinking that for one, Syria's civil war, and the changes of guard across north Africa, or the centuries-old troubles in the rest of the world, are separate issues to the over-consumption woes of the 1st world north, including Greece, the species fails to see the big picture, which is that one, they are NOT separate issues, and two, we are all in this together, and therefore we MUST, I say MUST, drop parochial figitings and most all of the headline material the idiot media pumps at us, and collectivise as soon as possible.

This we can only do by dropping totally all our own little personal and usually secreted egotripper delusions of wanting MOREMORE MORE, and a sweet and comfy western, modern lifestyle.

But, as said, few, very few white guys - male, female, upper class, lower class, mainstream, outlaw, gay, young or half-smart, are anywhere near capable of going as far as they/we need to stop the rot.

In other words, “we'se all fucked, dudes!”

So, as the future, perhaps especially in the rotting Eurozone, is all disaster, it's best that the rest of us leave well alone, most everything they have flogged us over the last, say, 2000 years.

Which way does we goes once we's done that then, oh grainy one???”

Well.., the brutal truth is 1st, land redistribution.

But HEY? Is Mick Romney going to admit, or even see the reality of that path?

I don't think so...!

What about HRH Mrs Windsor and her grandkiddies?

I don't think so...!

Many politicians do see the Intellectual, Wise, Mathematics, and of course, the Economic Science of such a True Path. But many billionaires definitely cannot and will not.

Especially the mining magnates. And bankers.

And, never to be forgotten, the real estate bitches.

Now, one major sticking point extant, and muchly so in Greece, is that a lot of today's Greek wealthy, made their piles, off of mum and dad's real estate investments, or the grandparents', way down here down under in Astrayliar, after the depressed Greeks emigrated here post WW2.

Being perhaps a lot more savvy than the average 1950s, 1960s white-guy Christian Anglo-Aussie, they saw the bonanza awaiting them in cheap land, and plenty of it, in the Great Southern Land, and slaved their underclass, immigrant backsides-off to save enough for a ten pound plot of land, which quickly-enough inflated up to making most of them well-situated enough to trip back-and-forth as often as they liked.

So now, the inheritors of their folk's hard and wise work and investments, are rather more than enamoured of the lazy unearned-income lifestyle, and do not want to correct their thinking and never-do-an-honest-days-work patterns for NO-one..., mayyte!

Lots of them live in Astrayliar, but a lot of them either trip to-and-fro, or have emigrated back to the exotic Greek isles, sipping ouzo and black coffee, nibbling on olives, fetta, tzatzikis, souvlakis and lazing in the Mediterranean sun.

ARGH! The good life!

While the Aussie and Greek speculative real estate markets hold-up!

But they have already folded, as-in Spain, Ireland, the US, et al, et al?

So what we see now is the profits of profligate spending, in unproductive, entirely speculative ventures, just, just keeping the planet afloat.

That's why news bullshits us that the markets, the stock markets, which one of the US Democrat elite Kennedy family Fellas said, “...tell us everything we don't need to know...” (paraphrased), that “....things are holding up....”.

No-o, they are NOT!

So, Greece, are you going to go down with the Titanic we know as the EU, once the bubble explodes?

Or are you going to recognise the Perennial Truths that the new Left-Wing Fella, and his so-called “extreme-left” political allies see as necessary, not for his CV or career, nor just for Greece, but for all of us, and get out before the ship of Eurape hits the much bigger iceberg?

I know he, sorry, you Greeks have funny names! Tsipiris (?) prefers to stay in the Eurozone, or says that.

But I bet ya, he also sees the future clearly and that either way is dangerous.

Staying in the EU is sensible. While the world is on the edge of a cliff, it's not necessarily wise to venture off alone, into new and sensitive, unknown, turbulent possibly hostile, uncharted free air, without a parachute.

But, from here, it would seem most practical were Greeks, and neighbours like Serbia, Croatia Et Al, but also Turkey and those of the Caucasus, to bury all and any hatchets of olden days, make amends and come together in a new local economic trade zone.

No-one will survive hard times, by going it alone. “Security in numbers” is what is behind such entities as the Eurapean Common Market, the United States of America, and is in fact what enables private corporations from little fellas up to the megalithic IMF, to grow and profit. Another term for it is “economies of scale”.

Something no corporate monster, CEO or self-interested share-holder will ever admit, is that this “economies of scale” basis of corporate growth, is in fact Pure Communist Principles applied to the selfish market warzone.

So if Greeks vote for a different path to the austerity-laden deals within the Eurozone - (and surely it's clear, that “bailouts” are nothing more than magnified increases in future debts to the lenders, making those bailed-out impossibly endebted. This always ends with such chaos that vicious purging wars are the only option, other than being allowed to cancel the debt, as was done for several 3rd world nations in the passed couple of decades. But that, not until war erupted across most of them) - Greece must find other partners with which to secure their economics, trade and culture.

It is placing the nation on the back foot if it goes with more wealthy nations. Like the north of Eurape does now, a poorer nation will always be looked down upon, and patronised. Always, they will be expected to beg for the supper.

Better to find agreements to cooperate with those of some similar standing, hence the Middle East and the Caucasus. But, don't think I see Greece as a 3rd world nation. All nations have “3rd world” quarters and classes, as they all have an elite. And there, is the rub!

As well, typical of the arrogant, proud white-guy kind, were Greece to opt-out of the Euro, you can be sure that the upclubsters of the EU, and of Brutain, driven as-much by the upper ilk of Israel, would asap begin engineering chaos down Greece's way. I would suggest as far as fabricating more local warzones to make Greeks pay more for their preferring another route to the fast-stagnating Eurozone through the future shitfight everyone is going to have to face soon enough.

Even to the point of the scumsuckers of Brute-Eurape splitting Greeks and bringing them to starting their own civil war.

If Greeks want to avoid this, they best listen hard to Tsipiris, but also to the REALPolitik of REALEkonomic Land Reforms.

This can only succeed if done across the region. So Greeks have to talk with all their neighbours to find that underlying agreement toward fundamental Reforms.

Further afield, in Russia and China, the “Land” issue is well known, even while their own internal and powerful forces subvert and argue against it. Again, the upclub, selfish elites at work.

But, perhaps ironically, the USA Championed the Most Honest Economics and Most Equitable Land Distribution systems possible, born, educed and refined by one of America's Finest Philosophers, Mr Henry George.

Forced out of the spotlight by OH! Brit-Euro monarchist corporate elites, totally subverting America's otherwise Noble Democratic Path, millions of Americans know well of it's Merits, Credibility and indubitable Rectitude.

And, across the world, east and west, many see that our current turmoil is the opportunity for once, for truly healthy economics to be introduced, globally.

And globally, is the only way it can succeed.

But as many powerful elites in those two major nations are onside with fundamental land reforms, coming from a far more Intelligent, Scientific and Wise basis, opposed to the brutal “emotional” hegemonies of the Judeo-Christian west.

The brutal “emotional” hegemonies of the Judeo-Christian west, who are the enemies of the Common People, of Greece.

So Greeks need not feel frightened if they leave the EU, for there are Alternatives out there. Sure, everyone has, to large extents, to ensure their own interests, so deals and bargains have to be struck before a larger power would be willing to provide secure relations.

But most of the non-western heads of government are very conscious of the days we live in, and of the future of uncertainties, and that they are laden with the most urgent global need to review and reappraise most everything we have taken for granted.

So, as the saying goes, “everything is up for grabs”, and new, or, in fact ancient approaches have to be and can be, but must be, considered. But sure, a Balanced combination of all.

It's not unreasonable to say that Greece has been given the short straw for too long, since Rome and it's Jewish counterparts have overrun the planet, and thrown “Philosophy and Reason”, and thus Democracy into the dustbin. Being in the middle, between the Christian west, and the Islamic Mid-East, etc., has made it hard for Greece to develop itself to the extent it is capable, methinks. It may be worth keeping in mind that Islam began with Mohamed seeing that Rome and the decayed Jewish theocracy had taken the lower, dark, corrupt path, essentially by ignoring, abandoning and even banning Intelligence and Wise, Scientific thinking.

Greece, once prospered on the same ways. Perhaps it is now the time and the opportunity for Her to re-awaken those Talents in Her Peoples, with the able assistance from across the divide?

Contrary to the mainstream's propaganda, REALPolitik REALEkonomic Reforms constitute the most “central” as opposed to extreme right or extreme left, policies possible.

Central in that it enables both political, that-is both economic systems to function with the least restrictions. Capitalism is allowed to operate how it should be able to operate, without the extremes of over-marketing, and of over-taxation, and the pressure to cut quality to zero, as well as the ideal Socialism, where government does not need to do any more than govern the fundamentals of honest monetary policies, primarily in terms of utilities, infrastructure and revenue.

Where markets are actually free, are genuinely on the proverbial “level-playing-field”, but the dark sides of capitalism are known and are admitted to by all, so are kept properly governed not by the elites, who tilt things to their benefit, but by the DEMOS.

But, as I've said for years, “Democracy is dangerous if the People are stupid”. And, “If the People are dangerous, Democracy is stupid.”

But, the latter line, can also suggest how the People can get themselves out of the shithole of elite corruption of bad land laws and upsidedown demographic distribution and market biases, if they are ORGANISED enough to deploy their “dangerous” collective power to preferably vote in the Honorable, Rightminded, Intelligence-based REALPolitik, REALEkonomik government.

But back to Eurape and the crisis, casting the REALPolitik eye further into the future, any closing ranks in a rotten bucket of a boat might stave off the vessel sinking, merely because there would be more to bail out the inflooding water, and stick fingers in the leaks. But once it does sink, more, indeed, everyone will drown, methinks.

Like President Obama campaigned on, we all need “CHANGE”, and in a hurry!

So, as Greece holds centre stage under global spotlights for now, don't waste the opportunity to lead at least yourselves, but also your neighbours in YES, semi-hostile Turkey, but further into the Middle-East and Asia, through the coming upheavals on a new course.

Greece has to unnerstand it is regarded as the poor relative of the elite “northern” Eurapeans, and that once the shit hits the fan, Greece, and Portugal and other nations lower on the Euro-economic scale, will be deserted by the elites, and forced into worse, slave-like conditions. With extra austerity.

The old course, funded by the Indigenous Peoples of the planet, and abused by the Brute-Eurapean elites, has brought us all to the edge of the crumbling cliff.

Therefore it may not be unwise to take the step and turn to the Middle Eastern nations for a United Strength against the future uncertainties?

Methinks.....? Methinks methinks?

But I get the feeling that it's all a big bad dream.....

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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@OmOHades Failed Tweet

120611  Hell's Gate @OmOHades Failed Tweet Edition

Signed up to Twitter last week, and still don't know how to use it. This morning, for a laugh, I signed-in and got lost trying to figure stuff out.

Then, I began to draft a piece, a tweet, to throw Kevin Rudd's and Malcolm Turnbull's way(s), but the system swallowed it, never to be found again, outside MI6's and L.A.M.E-incorporated, that-is ASIO's, inboxes.

So I jumped on lappie, and away I waddled, leaving this group, this combination of words on the screen. I didn't want to post it to the blog, 'cause I DEFY being regarded by the mass of idiots, who can't divine these same concepts as I, as “he who can”. Especially while they make capital while they lie to me, deny any respect for my simply being a person, and thus profit from my being homeless and dissociated from all society.


But I do post it, and hope it fucks all the scum on top of the pool, whether of the political classhole, of the CWA - Catholic Witches Arselicks, the Masons or the Illuminati, etal etal.

Expecting nothing but disrespect from the masses, upemselves upclubsters or downclasshole so-called “outlaw gangs” (HA!), and the rest in between, the following is posted with the promise that without the general tenor within this post being adopted asap, 21-12-2012 will not be your happiest day Humanity.

FROM: @OmOHades

TO: Kevin Rudd MP, Malcolm Turnbull MP

Hi, I'm here to raise Hell.

As parliament has fallen so low, and as the party system is a fail, we need a new path.

Kevin Rudd MP is still our Proper elected PM, but cannot progress nor proceed from within the current structure and party system.

So he has to dump the ALP, and join the Indies on the crossbench.

Then, he must run as our 1st Independent Prime Minister.

But, with things the way they are, to do the best, we must go to a broader leadership model, of a 7 Chair Committee.

To this, 7 suitable Chair-Persons must be found, from all “sides”.

Thus, as Malcolm Turnbull only insults himself by staying with the dead Lib-Nat coalition, he too, must dump his party/parties, and join Rudd, with Wilke, Oakeshott, Windsor, Katter, Bante and others (?) on the House of Reps cross bench.

These, Wilke, Oakeshott, Windsor, Katter, Bante, are not regarded by Hell's Gate, as (automatically) making-up the 7 Chair Committee, though some may Qualify upon assessment.

Rudd, and Turnbull, as Equals, would be the 1st two to head the Committee of Seven, selecting 5 more from the 2 Houses.

All party, and cult allegiances must be forgotten.

The Fundamental Principles to Guide the Committee of Seven, thus the Nation, thus all policies of government of the country, will be based upon the Economic Science of Land Rent. Or, the “National Land Tax”.


If economics is false, that-is, if economics runs upon corrupt structures and designs, everything else will fail. Society, culture, psychology, environment.

As the globe waits at the edge of the financial cliff, for the endemic corruption to take the last ground from beneath everyone's feet, sending us all into a bottomless abyss, some “entity”, not of one person, but of the Collective Science, has to make the corrections necessary.

As the corruption thrives most in the current party structure, in the current corporate party structure, essentially of one-versus-all, here, in Eurape, in the UK, the USA, et al et al, and as Democracy, is Humanity's Sovereign Right and Duty, “leadership” models have to be reviewed completely.

It is more than evident that the present unreal-politic exists to uphold the most powerful corporations, parties, clubs and classes, be they overt, as in the IMF, the United Nations, religion, or covert, as in the Illuminati, the Club of Rome, the Theosophical Society, or the OCCUPY Movement's antithesis, the so-called “one-percent” etc.

But also, multifarious secret megalo-maniac, that-is psycho-pathological, that-is, mentally-ill, that-is, socio-pathologically dysfunctional organisations grow and exist within nations, within “clubs”, within industries, within cults, and within academia, as-in within, and across major universities etc.

The erroneous motive they are possessed by, is “knowledge is power”. But knowledge belongs to the People, like power.

An organised hunger for power, exclusive of others, drives all of them, and eventually all of us, insane.

Lao Tzu, of ancient China, explains a simple perennial truth that when things of great worth are paraded, are put on show, as testament to one's success, or superiority, it's, their, value increases on false estimations, merely on shallow desire, not on necessity, making the people hunger unrealistically for those things, and, soon enough, resort to any methods to acquire them.

Therefore, to avoid the degradation, devaluation of the intrinsic worth of anything, principally things of the greatest value to all the people, and to avoid the degradation of the People, where loss of respect for those things, and eventually loss of respect for everything, life and person, such things of the greatest value to all the people should be removed from the marketplace, removed from the theatre, as-it-were.

So it is, and must be, of the thing we all need in Common.

The Land.

The National Land Tax is how we most Equitably, can do this.

This at once, also puts underneath all economics, the most honest foundation, and prevents everything above it from becoming corrupt.

This, is The Law.

Not an issued edict. Not a command.

Purely Evidence-Based, Scientifically-Deduced, possibly Divinely-Inspired, Fact.


Government is not at all about “leadership”.

Government is completely about Law, True Law, and about taking measures to ensure that True Law is commonly known, enabled, enshrined and most Honorably, most Peacefully followed.

This will be the Fundamental Guiding Principle of the Committee of Seven.

As well, this will be the Fundamental Guiding Principle of the Law Courts, of the Judiciary, of all participants within.

In parliament, parties, as we know them, will be allowed to remain, but will find they will survive or fall by the will of the people, for the people will know the facts, and therefore need no longer run to, that-is “vote for”, one form or side or method or preference of corruption, over another.

But the present corporate parties will wither and/or modify, as members find their knowledge and consciences challenge too much their personal ambitions, beliefs, ideologies and agenda.


Also, Government by the True Laws of Economic Science will expose the failings and flaws in the current three-tier Australian governmental structure, and will show the best design - Local Government under a Federal umbrella.

Local Government will tax the Land, according to Economic Scientific Principles within the “Land Value Taxation” System of Government Revenue, and issue revenue UP, to federal departments and to the Committee of Seven and it's sub-Committees, according to their calculated needs, Merit, and Efficiency, that-is Economic successes.


The 2nd Priority of the Committee of Seven, thus of all beneath those Chairs, will be eradication of all unsustainable, and un-environmentally sound industry, investment, and culture, and the financing and promotion of 100% “Green” Industry, Investment and Culture.

This includes the complete review and restructure of agriculture, to eradicate unhealthy product, techniques, distribution and delivery, replacing all with Sustainable, Green, Healthy, Product, Techniques, Distribution and Delivery.

With “The Common Agenda” established and set, proper distribution of industries and employment, thus of the Demos, will begin, away from the city-centrism of the old, decrepit power-structures.


The Committee of Seven will pass this advice on to all national governments on Earth forthwith, for immediate enactment.



Hell's Gate

When Women Take Over The World

120610 Truelaw Outlaw Junction When Women Take Over The World Edition

For a few years now, I've had reason to think that women are behind the drive by the Catholic church, even up as far as in the Vatican, to rest control of the planet from the male-gender-power-centre of the more-or-less Anglican, Freemason cult, who currently appear to have majority control of the planet's resources, and worse, of it's real estate.

For several reasons.

But something that came to mind last week, after being “rejected” from finding a house or similar to rent for some 18 years.

“Rejected” even while having some of the best character traits, and of course, references, which show that I am something of an excellent prospective tenant, who has never trashed a rental, who has always willingly kept the places in neat condition, in mowing the lawns, painting where necessary and even doing building structural repairs, where necessary.

Well.., “always” with some exceptions, like a house I rented in Eltham Victoria in the early 1980s. Located in a “rustic zone”, leaving the grass to grow upto a metre tall in the front yard suited the locale. And Bob-The-Dog (Best Damned Dog In The World!), and Cheetah, my small and neuro-dysfunctional puddy-cat enjoyed it too.

But, outside my less than mainstream manner, having owned, repaired and built motorcycles in the property's sheds or garages, and lived the generally “Outlaw” style of life, of smoking the Mary-do-ya-wanna, drinking a lot of alcohol to “self-medicate” my way through the residual childhood trauma hangover, and yes, having a loud voice, using it to excess when fellow tenants acted quite unacceptably, I always, with one exception, paid the rent on time, and received back the prepaid bond.

But, since leaving Victoria, moving in 1998 to Nimbin/Lismore area in northern NSW, then to Gympie Queensland in March 2011, while most of the time accepting that I was being pursued by Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs for the (unexplained, and ever-denied) things mummy happened to forget to tell me about myself - that I am allegedly of royal blood, with attachments like being the fated child to be king, of the fucking Jews, and thus have lived as a Nomad, on-the-road, in vehicles.

In this, all-the-while, I was being forced, by quite covert and quite deluded cults, as said, up as far as the Vatican, to believe I was merely being a “Human Justice Warrior”, fighting the good fight.

Doing so, left me with no option but to abandon all hopes of renting a house or such, from the quite evil “real estate industry”, for that industry is the very antithesis of all underlying Human Justice Issues.

But, as said, just last week it struck me how many women now work in real estate, and, on the occasions I've applied for a rental, only to be rejected by the agent, I so often noted an upemselves air of “bad luck sucker! Hehehe!” from the invariably female real estate on the other end of the phone.

Without doubt, they have exuded immense pleasure in being the ones to tell me, that “sorry Maaaax..., no, your application (for somewhere to live in relative peace and security), has not been accepted!”

So, now, when I'm motivated by severe austerity, to once more scan the 'net for accommodation, memories and the thought of dealing with the most arrogant females on Earth, in real estate, has me just “window shop”.

But my latest pondering on the subject in general, of housing and land purchase and or rental prices, being as they are in Astrayliar, the most inflated on Earth, brought down from the ether the question of whether there is any correlation between the skyrocketing of land prices, which, from research I did for a fellow in the 1990s, really began to increase from about 1972-on, and the rise in the number of females working in the real estate industry?

Being overtly, a sworn misogynist, I take the stance of reckoning that there is a direct relationship between the 2.

And, weighing all factors possible, this is by no means an extraordinary postulation.

It is quite correct to put it that females, “women” have as much psychological dysfunction as the males of the species.

It is also not at all unreasonable to put it that females, young and old, but accepting that youth get their biases from what the adults inculcate in them, the young are essentially blameless, bear long-ingrained grudges against males, for the age-old male domination situation, as still exists, east, west, north and south.

“Revenge” is greatest in dysfunctional minds, embittered and avaricious, insatiable minds, and the desire increases multifold when opportunity shows itself.

Since the Whitlam government of the 1970s made it possible for single mothers to get government financial assistance, thus be more independent of males, of male partners, and of the mainly male-orientated workforce, and since the “women's liberation” movement gained traction from the 1960s or so, many women have taken advantage of the changes, and with this has grown an equally disproportionate fascination with power for females.

One of the underlying aspects within this, well concealed from the male gender, is simply for dominance of men, both out of a long-restrained grudge, and lust for revenge, but also, rightly or not - naturally I say NOT - for females delusions that the natural order of Human society is for women to rule over men.

We all know the common refrain by bitching females that they are superior to men. That they chant that they are the only ones of the two genders, who can make another human life, so automatically makes them superior, to me, just shows how much they base their alleged superiority on their genitals and ability to drop a ruggie, over any inherent, Natural Human Intelligence, Intelligence which is or should be natural in both genders.

Arguments are aplenty showing women to be more than foolish while they rely in-the-main on their ability to have children over any of the aspects, traits, faculties which make Humans Human, principally the ability to divine Wise concepts, thoughts, and behaviours.

This, the Human Intellect, is by orders of magnitude, superior to any merely biological abilities to reproduce.

But, as, in this deeply awry day-and-age, with females winning more equal rights, to the point of having an excess of rights - “divorce settlements” but one case in point - and thus the legal opportunity to be as stupidly avaricious and corrupt as the males of the species, therefore with women, extremely few having expunged from their psyches the ingrained bitternesses and wants for revenge against the males, and the over-compensatory prejudices of their assuming a superiority, mainly only serves to make women dangerously more egocentric, and, in their pumped-up self-aggrandising beliefs, more willing, able and less-reasoned in abusing whatever powers they have especially over any males whom the women know are better persons.

Better, in that such males may be more Honest, for one. For we all know that women learn young, again, fostered by their matriarchs, that they have to know well how to lie, to deceive and to keep secrets over men.

It should not be put on one or the other gender that they cause the other to become liars, or to cheating, etc.

Both excel in “breaking hearts” etc. This, however, is based in an awry culture, a culture which has long been lost off the path of Honesty, of Righteousness, of Integrity Et Al.

So we cannot assert that women are better than men, or vice-versa.

In the “modern world”, while we prescribe to that “modern lifestyle”, we're all seriously dysfunctional scumbags, come down to it.

However, things as they are, generally in utter chaos, with, in the modern, western, Judeo-Christian trend, the majority being quite insane, and like all psycho-pathological people, it is impossible for them to “see”, to recognise and to cure themselves of their psycho-pathology, purely because of their psycho-pathology, giving egomaniacs any power other than the power to cure themselves, only takes us all down.

Being on the outside, having been forced to confront my own psycho-pathologies since my youngest years, I cannot see non-psychotic behaviour in mainstream Astrayliarn society.

It is part-and-parcel of the times, of the culture, and, spreading exponentially, is taking the whole world under.

While those who have by fortune alone, never, never, by their own will and motivation, found themselves in positions of wealth, influence, power and authority, assume superiority over others, without expunging from their own mind the typically large number of dysfunctional beliefs, and it cannot be emphasised enough just how many dysfunctional beliefs there are inherent in the messianic Zionist, Judeo-Christian doctrines and delusions, they should definitely not have any control over any person's fundamental right and need for secure accommodation, and what should be integral in that, of enough land upon which to “grow” a natural and Green life.

While women are too often known to assert that they are not egotistical, the opposite in this liberated age, is true.

But try discussing that with a female real estate agent?

But a few, have been seen clearly to not get the greatest thrill when they can determine whether a male is able to find a place to live.

Especially, if that male, is superior in Honesty, in Integrity, in Intellect, in Ethics, than them.

But, getting back to the original premise, that women want to take over the world, it figures that were land and housing prices to rise as much as they have, worldwide, and as the western courts are leaving men nearly destitute, by awarding the women the house and land package in divorce cases, with the huge increases in land/housing values, the victorious women are being lifted up enough, for the first time in history, to having economic power over men.

And all power is in the land.

Own the land, and you own the people.

So, it goes that there is, by what I regard as a covertly female cult - Catholicism - the demand that marriages be monogamous, and essentially divide the Community into the smallest possible reproductive and economic parcels - the nuclear family unit.

While I do not argue that women got a generally bad deal in the past, in the typical western, Christian marriage situation, and thus were often due for a better time of it, I do maintain that this western single-couple marriage design has far more negatives to it, and to the aftermath of such, than a few other “models” for Community, I've dreamed of over time.

One being not my own, but that of the Australian Aborigines, where such isolating relationships were not the central focus of anyone's life.

The Men, grew-up the male youth, and the Women, grew-up the female youth, had their own Pathes, in psychology and on the land, knew their duties, and their ways of recreation, and how to display their reverence for each other, and for the world.

In the west, in this “modern world” we are so off-the-track that sexuality dominates most everything we think and do.

This, is completely insane, and is the lowest aspect of this once Noble Being, which is precisely why the world is heading for it's own end.

Indeed, Man, and Woman, are their own worst enemy.

“But I want to have a BAAAYBEEE!!!???#$%^&*!?

Drove me to drink they did! Best thing they ever did for me!”

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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