
REALEkonomia and Green Vehicle Delusions

120602 Truelaw Outlaw Junction News-REALEkonomia and Green Vehicles Edition

Since I joined Greenpeace Melbourne in about 1988 to “put-in” as it were, in the fight to save the environment, since I'd lost my motorcycle licence for 18 months, that-is well-after being made by family and “friends”, in about 1972-3, in my 'teens, to join one of Melbourne's 1st “conservation societies”, and in or around 1988 at Greenpeace's Lonsdale Street offices, after I had a longish chat with one of the “seniors”, about tackling the issue of “polluting road vehicles”, it's been a thorn in my side.

“Greening-up” the whole motor car industry and culture?

So, it was a reminder this morning, scanning The Guardian UK news-email about how much of a problem, of an incurable problem the whole notion of private over-weight, over-consumptive, over spacial personal, totally-egomaniacal private transport modalities is/are.

Here's the link to the article in The Guardian UK.....

One thought which dropped into mind was, “Are 'Green cars' a delusion?”



So, again, for want of a home and space to do anything else, I sit in a rain-soaked reforest, in my ute, and go for it.

Yes!” Comes the answer from the Gods of Green Eartha, to affirm the 1st “YEP!” I heard.

Green, private, over-consumptive, over-spacial, over-ecologicidal, over-personal, memememe memeMEMEme, memeMEMEmeme, motor vehicles are an unforgivable and totally unsustainable delusion! And totally insane, as it happens, also!

'Cept - motorbikes!!!!

So, any moves by government, vehicle manufacturers, or Greenpieces to change the industry and what it pumps out at alarming over-production rates, short of ridding the world of all car-oriented roadways, highways, fuel-outlets, mechanics, panel shops, motor-accessories outlets, and the advertising industry, are but hyperbola, and, as likely, the most deadly fraud on the human mind, and dangerous self-delusions by politics-in-generic!

But REALITY CHECK! Politics” is but the face of corporate corruption and wealth-division, therefore, moves by such as the British Tories to attempt to make the auto-world, the auto culture “Greener” are but MORE deceitful tactics to fool the masses that we are not being eaten slowly or fastly, by our very own incessant invention and “WE CAN DO ANYTHING!” beliefs-systems.

Yes-We-Can! Do anything! Even destroy whole planets, whole magnificent biospheres which have lasted and evolved into a most refined and balanced and absolutely beautiful habitat over billions of our little-little solar-orbiting years!



But mummies got to have a car to drive the vagiturds to school, and daddies got to have a car to go shooting native animals with? And family's got to have a car to drive to the video store in, to rent another vid of a seriously dysfunctional Hollywood plot with thousands of - CARS - in it, to further cement in our zero-intelligence-heads that - WE NEED A CAR TO WALK IN, TO BICYCLE 1000 METRES TO THE LOCAL SHOPS IN, TO TAKE OUR INSANE CHURCHIE BUM-CHUM EGOMANIACS SKIING IN, TO LURE LITTLE EGOTRIPPING CLIT-FACES WITH, TO SEX THEM IN, TO GO TO THE CLINIC IN, TO DRIVE TOO FAST AND DIE IN, AND TO WASTE THE ATMOSPHERE WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nevermind about anything outside of our very own personal delusion of MEMEMEMEME-first, and fuck everything else world!


By extension, therefore, this same ideology has us saying “FUCK THE KIDS, AND FUCK THE FUTURE OF THIS MAGNIFICENT PLANET!!!”

Zo? Are attempts to make the auto industry Greener, but deceitful wastes of politic-speak and media airtime?


But alassssss..., there's NOTHING anyone can do to stop greedy egomaniac mummy and daddy from going the mymymy personal egotripper car route!

So the planet is being ruined beyond repair by mummy and daddy!

Little wonder Jesus ben Joseph, (which he was not, because mummy Mary was a philanderer, who made-out with some unknown other bloke to conceive little baby Jesus, and thereafter grew the most heinous lie [but she was a woman, undoubtedly in-coven with a secret tribe of Rabbi-witches!] that “Jesus was born to a virgin”) nevertheless..., little wonder Jesus ben Some-Backdoorer-Blokenstien, said near his end, that his real family were those he was with, and that he knew not the woman at the door asking for him to come out to her!

 As it happens, I myself came up with a pretty-damned-GREEN personal multi-passenger transport vehicle years ago, but only got to drawing a crude version of it last month, which reader can see on this blogsite back a few.... 

I call it the “2SHP”, short for a 2-horse, Small-Horse, that-is, as in those little fellas some trendoid folks seem to like grazing around their 10-acre hobby farms, “2-Small-Horse-Powered car”. In Brutain one strain of them are called “Shetland Ponies”.

The extended version of the name I gave it, is the “2-HorseShip”. My joke on myself and my invention for it being very close to a load of mechanical horse SHIT.

Doubt if it will save the egotripping motor vehicle world of cockheads, and their spoiled rotten kids, but after the fall, some bush mechanic will gather the wreckage enough to build one, and thereafter travel the flat country in one, sorta like a weird Green “Mad Max” movie character, I'm sure.

So..., seriously dude, the writer from The Guardian UK, all this flatulence around making egomaniacs feel enviro-friendly in a totally over-consuming “hybrid” or “lekie” car is political rotten egg gas, and only adds to the extent of the collapse of everything known to the Judeo-Christian world of excessively-selfish-whitefaced, and insanely-self-deluded imbeciles.

D'y'think...? that one day, there won't be any “Tories”???

By the look of the “Leveson Inquiry”, and other sticky things being exposed across Brutain in terms of political crimes and policy fuckups, it can't be toooo long before the “Hoodies!!!” and other Righteous, and no longer dumbed-down-by-religious witches, Brits, RISE-UP over Westminster, and put Big Ben where it belongs -

Being a Democrat, I leave it to the masses to decide which arsehole, or party/parties of lordly arseholes it should be up-jammed!

But, back to the issue - Greening motor vehicles....

The article in The Guardian I refer to, actually tries to address vehicle registration fee issues, as per whether "Green" cars should be taxed less, etc.  But, reported by Most Reputable The Guardian or not, the underlying questions and the rude realities of the very existence of and freedom to proliferate such a mechanical beast are never genuinely addressed, at least not in any but the most "out there" "Alternative Living" type papers or magazines.  I guess the Rustics in the Amish, or The Camdenites from "My Name Is Earl" or other Luddite cults publish reminder articles in their church mags occasionally, but we're never gonna see a REALPolitik assessment in yer monthly Royal Auto mag, or anything from any mainstream publisher, f'sure....

What dark influence is draped over the minds of the masses that the spokespeople for an alleged half of voters cannot see the plain truths about how much of an unsustainable load of crude-oil-shit motor-vehicles are?

Recently some Clever-Fella put together a global map of our effects on the planet, picturing in one example, the blanketing cover across the USA of air traffic.

With it come the stats on how many commercial passenger aircraft are in the air at any given time.


So, again, I ask, What dark influence is draped over the minds of the masses that the spokespeople for an alleged half of voters cannot see the plain truths about how much of an unsustainable load of crude-oil-shit most all of western, Judeo-Christian culture is?

When you get the chance, take a hike or a bike down to any major cities' outer suburban industrial zone, and have a look at the hectares filled with unsold NEW motor vehicles.

Then go Go Ogling to find the statistics of how many motor vehicles are produced each day, let alone each year!


Then, go home, and get in yer realtrendy, realfast, realwank of a motorcar and take a drive - off a fucking cliff, dicksuck!

Preferably though, a cliff overlooking a waste recycle centre, with a crematorium next door!

And you want Jesus to come back and SAVE YOU!?!?!%^&*>!!?

Oh SHIT Catholics, and Christians-in-generic, are stupid!

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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