
Hamas DOES have a Point, you know?

Hamas DOES have a Point, you know?
By Omaxa bin Eartha
2-00am, Thurs 2nd April '09

It seems to be destined to go-on forever, this Israeli, Palestinian shammozzle?

Globally, the last thirty years has seen an explosion of bad political decisions, much dictated by the “ELDERS” of Judaism, be-they based in Miami, London, Tel Aviv, New York, Hollywood, etc.

Most of the higher-ups of the world know about the “stage-show” that Israel was, in the years prior to the British invasion of Palestine. Sympathies were turned to enormous advantage for Jews, who, tragically, had suffered too long, the landlessness.

The best of the world media's talking heads don't dare go to the questions of facts-versus-fabrication in terms of how the leadership, of most nations, want the people to remember history.

Israel, case-in-point. So too, the last eight-to-sixty years of the US Administration. Sure, both had their good points..... and good moments.

The superiorist confidence which grew with the fanaticisms in the US Republican politic, said they could rewrite history to suit their future agenda. That way, serious errors and flaws in their policies were turned away from, “MOVING FORWARD!!!” style, simply because to admit error, failure bad choice, bad intelligence, etc, would burst the bubble of magic spells which had them and the punters tell themselves, “We are RIGHT!” “We can do ANYTHING!” The Law is ours to turn to our advantage. It's a free market, etc etc. Saddam is evil..... etc?

Israel has been riding on the global lamb's back for eons, at least for decades. But not without a struggle. Ce la vie.... It feels like a strange macabre irony that what I suspect is the global landless of old, the Jews, working their Wise and wiry way into having an enormously inordinate “interest” in the banking, taxation, real estate, civil service, government and property speculation industries, such that now, or until the recent GEM, the Jews had a larger controlling interest in the planet's real estate!

Real estate – LAND – and how humans relate to It, being the, THE crux of our present econocrisiseses. Land and resource MONOPOLISM.

As put in my last blog, it feels like the support for the state of Israel may wane due to the possible deconstruction of the Brit-Euro banking/tax-haven scams. There's no doubt that the diffusion of Brit-Euro banks, a la Credit Swisse, UBS, et al, are chockablock with Jewish customers, be-they from the massively lucrative global jewelry industry and it's allies, the mining industries, drug cartels (for we know that BIG-BIG-VERY-BIG drug cartels have money coming in for those who are so high up on the elite scales that no-one can touch them), pharmaceuticals, oil, etc. Then there's weaponzzz....

Sad as it is to say, the waning of Israel's influence in Hollywood, er, oh, I mean Washingmachinetown, Miami, and the banks of the Cayman islands, the Bahamas, Lichtenstein, Zurich, London et al, is likely to occur, not so-much for Israel's transgressions of the Law, in as much in their rather tiresome attempts to rewrite their illegal colony's 60-plus year history, but by their own greed in farming the planet's real estate and other industries into their own theo-monopolistic or monotheistic “stable” of racehorse and longterm moneymaking schemes. The Chosen Tribe complex.

However, again, the wise, wiry and wily Jew, as a cult, cultural force on Earth, have been quite awake, funnily enough, for towsands-and-towsands of years..., of the rude injustices of the system of life in a not-so-Economic population and thus Balanced Earth, and, while ensuring by all “OH VEY!”-means they got themselves right-in-there, in the lever-rooms of the world's powerplay, and often steered the policies of Kings and Queens for centuries, and cannot avoid taking their fair share of responsibility-nay-culpability for the current global economic and environmental meltdowns, there's no doubt also, that the scheming bullnoses have been planting themselves in as many BIGBIG corporations, civil services, banks and whatever else weighs-much in big bucks organizations to “BRING IT DOWN!!!”

Bring down..., the “Babylon” of Mammonic cult -tures and it's error-laden, indeed perilously threatening cult of monopolistic, one person-type systems of leadership, the root of “individualism” and consequent social and cultural breakdowns.

I divine that monopolocracies, one person-type systems of leadership, will always have the mono, the monarch, lean to their own advantage in the long run. This will be due always (I say I say!!) to sycophancy, lust for power by others through successful appeals to the boss, and the trappings gained while in the Lord's favor. Most Lords I suspect learn that to stay Lord, albeit too soon enough figureheadish, they must accede to the demands of the naughty knights, who would blackmail the king, undermine him/her, betray the throne, sleep with the missus... etc, were the king to be a Real King and resist corruption, injustice, ignorance, self-interest and actually help the poor, etc.

But that's an aside in relation to this article's aim.

Babylon, as the elite monster of wealth has always been known, is the threat to the species, and our fellow earthlings. The Jews realize this, regrettably for many in Miami and Hollywood, I'm sure, and many would bring it down, were it possible.

ALAS! Look what we have? A global socio-economic and environmental write-down with more to come in the nearing dEEPression.

Babylon is falling. Babylon which the Jews have done so much to build “HIGHER HIGHER! To the Heavens YHVH!!!

And what have they used, or made to destroy Babylon? But Babylon!

We cannot be so sure that “confidence” is such an important influence on how the markets and shopping centres stay in positive territory, or not.

Clearly, the current meltdowns-plural, are being “arranged” by Messrs Jew and Kabal Inc, with of course, serious admixtures from the “fondi” or the elites of seriously BIG MONEY Eurape and Britain.

This has to be seen as good. No doubt the Wise Eye in all our Cultures has seen clearly the flaws and threats inherent in the post-industrial-revolution “western” culture.

So too, they MUST have seen, perhaps from before the 1947-48 invasion of Palestine, what a mistake such a Zionist war would be. But what hope of stopping a fanatic Prophet culture?

It, and the others growing near-as independently around the world, once set-off, once having the matriarch bite that apple, must be let to exhaust themselves. Like the criminal “war on drugs” of the last decade-and-century, soon enough the call for a review, or for some more simple Justice, will be loud enough, the evidence clear enough, that the powers-that-pull-the-levers will listen, and move to Properly Correct the errors in Law, or wherever the faults are found.

As Barack Obama struggles with the deadly legacies of the last one, two, three hundred years of originally Brit-Euro over-confidence in government and private privilege, and as the whole world at last turns to face itself in terms of “WHAT THA FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE? NOW! ON EARTH! OUR ONLY PLANET!?!??!?!?!?!?!? - with growing support allover for a serious review of world economics, the whittling-away of the “spin”, leaves us with bones of the involved agenda, and we are able, with less confused heads, to picture again, perhaps for the first time, that Israel as a state, is illegal.

Because of that, it is Proper that it, the state of Israel, should not exist.

However, while many of us would curse the Jew, no matter his/her language, color, or koshanesses, it is not the Jewish People who should not exist.

Hamas, I feel deeply, agree with this. They are intelligent People. They are Practical People. They are People of Abraham's Tribe. Brothers with the Jews.

So “WHY?” must the Jew oppress the Islamic Palestinians, if they are from the same Origins, Lands, Creeds, Cults and Cultures???

Media regurgitate “Plans” for Palestine/Israel put by each passing diplomat.

“Two State Solutions”. Walls. Settlements. Skuds. Katooshkas. Tanks. MORE! Shitfighting......


Nyetenyahoo! Livny! Fatah! Hamas! Perhaps it's NOT the PEOPLE, but the mechanism?


If I were Palestinian, I feel sure I also would call for the destruction of the state of Israel.


The STATE. That is...., that which forms out of unsustainable terms and conditions, and is sustained by in-the-end, delusional, illegal and improper laws. Laws which seem to have grown out of an hubristic delusion which said that as we are the wealthiest and most advanced warring cult on Earth, (a la Cecil Rhodes and the Zionist Oxford sette, conspiring with the white, British Freemason ruling elites) however WE see the Law, MUST BE RIGHT!

And what has this “state” thing been based upon forever? Territory. “MY TERRITORY!” “MY VINE YARD!” MY VIEW OF THE MEDITTERANEAN!”

These paranoias about territory grow from a lack of it. Or from a lack of fair and equitable rights to access a piece of land to grow the kids and the vegies, and the olives, and the grappa, and the Herb Superb........

Separating ourselves into differing, then opposing groups, with each claiming the moral or legal high ground, and the legal bills to keep their thugs out of jail, has been the emotional past of Humanity's Sojourn. It always evolves, or descends into the streetfight for “Turf”, the Patch. A Homeland.


As the GEM of global finance is showing the world, the system, of banking, taxing and regulation as we've had dropped on us since the IMF bought the English parliament in 1783, or thereabouts, (but perhaps has been planned by Rome for 1700 years?) can only survive if the producers have an endless supply of resources. Running out of resources means a search for more, or for alternatives.

So too with the staid, anachronistic and very unbalanced concepts of Nations, states, borders, walls, farm and garden fences.

As if we've run out of ways to make the world exclusive to those who are up the king enough, we have to rearrange the priorities, and go hard at exposing the most dangerous strictures that “states”, nations, or “economic exclusion zones”, have on the PEOPLE.

No matter whether they are Jewish, Islamic, African, or from New South Wales!


But LEAVE THE PEOPLE, to get on with Living with each other, Jew, Yid, Islamist, Arab, Leb, Syrian, Iranian, Afghan, as Sister and Brother.

As you know, this goes back to my assertions about a year or more ago, that the whole of the Middle East must bight the bullet, and with the Wisdom of all their Elders, bring the region together as a People of United Interests, by bringing down all your borders, resuming ALL the Land into a Common Authority (decentralized and Localized), according to the Prophets, Wise People and Levites of the early Testaments.

Remember where You all come from.

And remember where the three Creed's Peoples lived in Harmony until the beginnings of the twentieth century.

Jeru Shalom!

Omaxa bin Eartha.
Outlaw, for Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform.
Forests of Godolonia,

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