
Telstra - A failure and a theft!

Telstra - A failure and a theft!
by Max Earth
Monday 6th April 2009.

With tenders called for by the federal government, on the "roll-out" of Australia's promised broadband internet communications network, and with Telstra (Australia's shining public-gone-private failure of the last decade, thanks to the last bad-planners we idiots called the Liberal-National federal government), being excluded from tendering, excluded from bidding for the construction contract for the infrastructure etc., surely we must call for an inquiry which asks about WHAT Australians have a right to expect from, what still basicly applies - "our national telephonic communications carrier"?

What can be stopping the current Labor government in Canberra from "resuming" Telstra back into government ownership?

Surely the present share price says "RE-NATIONALIZE"?

Surely the litigation pending against the American and Eurapean high-flying bankers, corporate CEOs and other fraudulent "winners" of this current global economic crisis, with the EVIDENCE that such economic and commercial and business systems are ALWAYS doomed to failure, with the evidence stealing our homes and farms from around us telling us that the generic attitude which came to dominate Australian and global government and corporate finance these last ten-to-eighty years IS THEFT! & "DOESN'T WORK!", can the government and their global advisers not deduce beyond "confidence" and "hope" , that most of the bigtime corporate manouvres, takeovers, write-downs, restructuring, collapses, bankruptcies and rebrandings of the last ten-to-eighty years are in no small terms - CORRUPTED attempts to unbalance and seriously pervert the market.

the global marketplace we have come to pin-our-faith-to these last sixty to eighty years, is nothing but a wicked method by which the corrupt can most profitably protect and increase the corrupt.

Little wonder the NSW police leave it (the corporate marketplace) to do it's evil thing!

As most REALThinkers will concur, it behoves government everywhere to drag-in the anchor-chain a little, on these rancid supertanker freemarketeers, and in the fashion of President Obama's thus-far mere promises of bringing Justice to the banking and economic systems, simply DO YOUR MATH!

Even a forty year old taxi-driver can deduce without too many economics lessons, that divying-up the fundamentals of our telecommunications network and infrastructure to a swarm of effectively ineffective "middlemen" (Optus, Vodaphone, etc) profit-taking corporations is BAD economics, SHORT-TERM thinking, a THEFT upon the People, and is in the near-end - doomed to failure?

A few thousand unscrupled industry managers and hi-tech hi-flyers walk away with early retirement bonuses, fistfuls of dollars, debenchers, derivatives and dudd portfolios to their next corp-of-call, to try to begin the thieving process all-over-again!

With government guarantees!!!

Telstra today is an abomination, selling trivia to make-up for it's pathetic performance in the serious provision of networks, hardware infrastructure and simple Service to the customers.

Because a majority of telstra customers are giggle-brained teenage idiots who "hang-out" for the LATEST RINGTONEES!!!! and other useless, poor quality, short-lifespan electronic junk does not mean that the service should be tailored-down to suit only their levels of expectations and understanding of WHAT SERVICE ACTUALLY IS.

Because Telstra has the monopoly on "coverage" across Australia, does not mean they can disregard the requirements of the granny in the outback, or of the political activist in Cuba, or Uluruba.

The hubris and deceitful attitudes as come with the wave of black economics and magic these last twenty years from superEurapean banks and accountancy consultants (Arthur Andersen, KPMG Peat Marwick, HSBC, UBS, Macquarie), etc, etc., is being tried as we write in Eurape and the US, and if the Globe-ful of Judicial courts do NOT come down on the side of Justice-BIG-J, that-is with serious prison sentences for the "Maddoff" type of rortster, and with some serious-that-is-DEE-EEP Reforms to the "freemarket" and speculation economics system, as well as to the security systems of ALL nations, monopolies such as Telstra will only perform worse than they now do, cost the public and user more, abuse their rights of monitoring even more than they do now, and value for money will be a myth as false and evil a returned messiah!

The future will echo with accusations that the major-players in national economies and interests (multinational corporations, banks, automakers, etc) were quite deliberate in their hubris and bullshit, deliberately working and thievng to destroy the "public" side of Human social life. AND THE ECHOES MAY BE RIGHT!?!?!?

Telstra promotions and "phone plans" etc are utter rorts on the users, with many advertized products turning to dust once the money has been handed over. Either plans atomize or the quality of what is paid for is so low, so cheap and 3rd rate, one is almost insulted each time we open our phone or scan the Bigpond and Foxtel mobile websites and services.

The complaints service for Telstra is non-existent, passed waiting for many many minutes on an autovoice line, being transferred again and again, ending on dead-end lines with no resolution to any problems, and no return of stolen credit.

Theft of subscriptions is regular, and account history services tell the customer nothing, while unaccounted-for deductions occur beyond explanation, with no avenue for recourse, complaint or remuneration available.

There can be no doubt, however, that the high-class of telephony technicians the likes of Telstra has trained over the last 10 to twenty years, are quite enamoured of their semi-independent employment status, and the control they have in their hands under the privatized telco.

Privatization it must be remembered, is THE classic way of ensuring all profit is skimmed to those who parlay the same (wink-wink, nod-nod!) selfish, myopic way.

Telstra technicians enjoy some great benefits, and those of them who are under contract have a very "cush" life, with little or no obligation to high quality work. Claiming work expenses and other tax-deductions is also a guaranteed way of exacting a few more bucks and bonuses from the beomith corporation.

To the "post-Union era" employee (who entered the workforce after say, Bob Hawke's Prime Ministership), of self-confidence, a catholic education thus guarantee of "brotherly" brotherhood-type (in truth, "mafia-type") support, mememe--first, right-wing politics and a company vehicle, it matters zilch if the beomith is owned by a private group of corporate thieves, or by their own government. (of public thie....?)

It completely escapes them, as far as I've found in 20 years of cab-driving, that it was the safety of "The Collective" or "Union" which brought them the opportunities they now abuse against the Good Will of the Society they live in.

Instead of, until "privatization", a level-headed, sincere, mature, innovative, HONEST, adaptable and usually highly Intelligent, pragmatic workforce at the old Australian Telecom, Australians now have to deal with zero-rate services, zero-rate customer support and products decided upon by juvenile, inexperienced, overconsumptive, profitprofitprofit-first giggle-brained psychoes, who will say anything to win the debate, the boss's favor, or your hard-earned cheese-crackers.

NO! Privatization of telecommunications, in these days where we see exponential expansion into IT comms etc., by every sector and class of the nation and globe, has outlived it's purpose, such that the furtherance of privatization of our telco and of ANY utilities, becomes a crime against the People and against the State.

As for telephonic security! FORGET IT!

It has been known widely for decades that Telstra (nee-Telecom) is the electronic arm (or hearing-aid) of Australia's Secret Services. As these private school macho morons have been the henchmen of the British (and Roman) Colonial Office(s) for 221 years or so, it should be obvious that - in Australia - the British Overseas Secret Intelligence Organization - MI-6 - is listening to YOU! and YOU! and YOU! ON YOUR TELEPHONE LINE, whenever they get an itch that you are a HUMAN BEING, or don't like rugby, or threaten to become vegetarian, or...., are politically engaged in the argument for an INDEPENDENT AUSTRALIAN REPUBLIC!

"Permission"? from a J.P.!??? A court order to tap someone's phone?
Don't be silly, Billy! More "say anything" from the masters of destruction! These requirements are ignored daily by our sssooperssspies, so too by our police forces, no matter what they say in court and in refutation.

The federal government should be REALISTICPolitik in these affairs and face the facts: privatization is a rort and scam upon the public, upon the voter, and upon the secure future.

Censorship and monitoring is a waste, pernicious and delusional of the advocates, be they security services, private or public business or group of "concerned citizens".

Typical of the brainwashed clones (of soooperspies and coppers), they are giggle-brained idiots in truth, and when they are under-employed, they fill their timesheets with subversive activities of the highly immature kind.

Slightly more sophisticated, they nevertheless relish sneaking out to metaphoricly "bash" homeless persons, if they are heard to challenge the current dominant corruptocracy - usually Catholic or Freemason - and especially if they happen to be CORRECT in their allegations.

Excessive billing is one of their favorite methods of "screwing a leftie".

Numerous other methods have been devised by idle hands, in the idle hours of their shifts.

If Australians are to be lured into buying stock in such as our national telco, it is the responsibility of the government to secure those investments beyond all danger.

This can only be through resuming Telstra back into public ownership.

Uptil this millennial epoch, private corporations have held the reins of power, and for the most part, still do.

However, it's clear that in the planet's most-upper-echelons, a "Will for the Greater Good to be done" has been sparked into life, yet against huge "inhouse" odds.

Most Humans don't want to see the end of the world through Human excess and corruption, and even some, way up there in the towers of Babylong Kong et al have been "turned" so-to-speak, and would help the solutions now rather than insanely impede Genuine Human Progress (Usually NOT of the concrete tower type) , as they have done for a psychotic half-century or so.

The largest monopolies, in no matter which field or industry, by their dominance of the market, naturally accrue to public ownership by the People.

So again it should be with our telecommunications monopoly - Telstra.

Finally, as this has turned into a letter to Senator Steven Conroy Australia's Federal Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, I put it that, as in a recent blog-posting of mine, in times of crisis and war, "communications" is ESSENTIAL.

Today, in 2009 with the several calamities forecast as coming humanity's way over the next decades, good, affordable, efficient and SECURE communications, now at least telephonic-and-internet-communications, will determine whether Australians and the whole planet make it through whatever YHVH and Lucifer decide to throw at us.

In the past, where the centralization of power has been the norm, "good communications" only mattered to the elites, to those with an active hand in events of national defense, business, corruption, war etc.

Today, with "The Knowledge" spread further than any "word" of the last 5,000 years, Knowledge about what each and every Human Being CAN DO personally and for the Community to both save themselves, their kiddies and the larger, global environment, and with threats that large amounts of what we already know will soon be useless, communications becomes vital not only for the war-office, but for every Man Woman and Child to survive.

All of the Human Race must learn quickly, an whole new deal of information and such about how we can survive the economic depression, the environmental changes, the inevitable social breakdowns and loss of law and order. Schools can not hope to transmit the knowledge effectively to whole families, whole communities etc.

Therefore it will be essential that as much of the communications infrastructure, networks, hardware and software be accessible AND affordable to EVERYONE. If the government were to own the body of necessary structures, costs can be kept to a minimum, for removal of the "profit" factor, to the degree that, with other government policy corrections, internet broadband and telephonic services could and should be free to all.

As it is, the only reason we must pay for the relevent services and wires-and-posts for our electronic comms, is because the selfish, "private" multinational profiteers have been running the show for so long they think it's theirs and theirs alone to profit from and manipulate evermore bucks from the public users' pocket.

There is no science in today's free market, aside from the science of machiavellianism. Lying to the public costs big corp a lot. There's the cost of promoting and advertizing monster lies, then there's the cost of retaining a pathological liar at the helm as Chief Exaggeration Officer.

Then there's the costs of keeping a battallion of lawyers to defend any lies which some heathen scum challenges in court.

Then there's the cost of retaining and keeping entranced an whole army of moronic middle-management zombies, all who expect moremoreMORE for-and-from every lie told.

Then there's the cost of telling bigger lies than the competition, and so it goes, until one day everyone is standing on an huge pile of utter bullshit, when it collapses into toxic dust and slush.

THEN, the government has to pay the private corp executives for destroying potentially profitable people, businesses, industries and nations in "BAIL-OUTS" and rescue packages. Then there's the allied industries" debarkles when they have no more work, so must be susso-ed onto the dole from the public's purse.

NO! Private ownership and managemant of the fundamental telecommunications and broadband internet products and services anywhere on Earth is a rort and must be ended as soon as possible.

Indeed, as I said above, in times of emergency, crisis and war, sound, secure communications is fundamental to victory. Today this is necessary for everyone. Only by again making our telco a publicly-owned corporation can this be achieved, and it should AND CAN BE achieved to the degree that the bottomline facilties, services and core-products are FREE to every Australian.

And the hardware should be provided by Intelligent providers with ZERO planned obsolescence built-in, and from Local Council supported retail outlets.

Ziggy Szwitzkowsky and Sol Trejillo were choices of the OLD era of theoretical management of telecomms systems and global crises. As Trejillo flies out (at the end of yet another failure of a Telstra financial year?), back to corporate chaos in the USA or Mehico, quietly we breathe relief for this being a sign that the old, ruthless, hubristic crap capitalism of the last Brit-Eurapean corporate-colonialist era has been expurgated from our gullible Australian mindset(s).

Like returning the businesses of drainage, sewerage, light-and-power, roads, rail and bicycle pathes, energy and education back into the most Wise control of a more Intelligent DEMOCRATIC government than any since the Fall of the Continental Indigenous Government of Uluruba in 1788, the science, the ECONOMIC SCIENCE, and a long look out your cabinet window, repeatedly affirms that our telecomms corporation belong to US!

To all Australians.

Senator Steven Conroy!

Resume Australia's Telstra back into public ownership, Sir, if you have the Will for the Good Government of our nation, Her people, and of our Collective Future.


Omaxa bin Eartha
The Highwayman Outlaw, for
Global Land, Tax, Cult and Drug Law Reform.

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