
Australia's mental illness epidemic?


Wherever people live, city or bush, under the economic corruption the whole nation operates upon, and most of the world's people suffer, psychosis, or, a psychotic reaction, is inevitable.

Listening to ABC Radio discuss the issue, or the issues underlying mental health problems in general, we are basically told to believe the “egg-sperts”, usually psychiatrists and psychologists trained in a seriously awry private, church school and university belief system.

Since the invasion of white-skins in 1788 and-on, mental ill-health has been loose to spread across the continent. City or bush-dwellers have been vulnerable, and the results from research of the last 10, 20, 100 years show the prevalence.

It's important to understand that mental illness was in large proportion amongst our first white invaders, from the hierarchy, through the military, right down of course, to the lowest, or most degraded convicts.

It's seeds lay over in Britain, having been germinated and nurtured for centuries prior to the discovery of Australia, and, were our psychiatrists anywhere near accurate in their diagnosis, they would see and admit that the vast majority of mental illnesses have their basis in the stresses placed upon the general populace, in their attempts to go-about-their-daily-business.

Economics, in a nutshell.

The “free market, capitalist” economic system, is of a terribly corrupt design, because it deserts the less talented members of the family, of a, the tribe, leaving them to fight for their own survival.

Collective, or extended family living can only survive if the whole of the family has unfettered and “Sovereign” access to a permanent and secure piece of land. And a piece of land which is large enough to cater for all their basic needs.

Food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.

The quarter acre block of land concept, actually quite deliberately denies us these basic necessities, mainly because of the corrupt economic system which demands that we go to war-er-work (Australians work the longest hours of all in the developed world) to fight hour-by-hour to make enough money to pay the biggest criminals - the banks.

And the supermarkets. And the auto manufacturers, dealers, service technicians and mechanics, and other parasites who capitalise on people's economic weaknesses.

Economic weakness, in this culture which abandons it's progeny as soon as possible, means constant struggle to keep up with the upper classes in education and general knowledge of how the society works, how the economic system works, and how our own body and minds work.

In short, the lack of education, prevents the lower classes from breaking the shackles of the dominant economic dogma, and oppresses them to suffer in a clearly and terminally entropic society.

These weekly battles we are enlisted involuntarily to fight in, serve mainly to deprive yer av'rage Joe of the necessary time and space to focus on growing their own tucker, from harvesting the resources within their own land area to build their dwelling, to produce materials like clothing, and wine, or beer, or the Holy Herb, et al.

But one quarter acre allotment, especially the way we are expected to acquire it, does absolutely nothing to ensure the occupants are ensured of the necessary, basic needs to ward-off psychosis, and other maladies of the Soul.

Indeed, mounting evidence I'm sure, will attest to my assertion that such material, economic goals, acquisitions and restraints serve more to cause mental dysfunction than prevent or cure them.

But the quarter acre concept, flawed as it is, is not the root cause of our modern endemic mental illnesses.

More, it is the way the dominant culture, the dominant economic culture, firstly abandons everyone else in the same community, same society, same nation and race, to fend for themselves, by any means necessary, thus making us lower our personal ethical values “line-in-the-sand” merely so we can earn enough, one way or another, to feed, cloth and house ourselves.

This is the underlying reason why crime is in plague proportions globally.

Also, it is the root cause of wrong-headedness, where people are not thinking aright, forced into putting their own welfare before others, and because of the basic physical demands, primarily of hunger or the need to protect the body from extreme weather, rash responses occur.

But above and beyond the root material or economic needs, there is an higher level of our being which needs most of all some Integrity, if it, and it's person, is to avoid psychosis.

A person with the even Highest Integrity will fall to crime, debauchery and mental illness if they cannot find Honest, that-is, Honorable, trustworthy and secure associates, and/or society.

And the society depends totally upon the people who administer it's economic function.

This should, ideally, be the government.

But relatively, the modern concept of our governments is but a babe when compared to what might be regarded as the same structures in non-western, non-Judeo-Christian, pre-colonialist Peoples.

Of the last 500 or so years, democracy has been fought for, over the inevitably corrupt monarchy models. But it has been reduced, by the monarchists, to being further than ever from Good Government, and is now nothing but corruption of an never-before-seen dimension.

General social and administrative corruption cannot help but seep out and down into the whole of the people, and, as most people have inside them some measure of fairness, a battle ensues inside them, inside their family, tribe, society and nation, between accepting corruption to secure food, clothing, housing etc., and rejecting corruption merely so they can live with an Honorable Conscience, as-it-were.

When just one person stands-up and rejects the accepted trends, when things are desperate, the majority, of Christian westerners, will accept that they are too weak to resist the tyranny, and for the sake of another meal, will turn against the Champion.

He/she can acquiesce and accept the majority view, and forget their own high levels of integrity, of morals and ethics, and partake of the spoils from crime and corruption with the rest of the tribe.

Nature, on the other hand, does not work in corrupt ways, and neither does the Spirit.

Both are Pure in their relationships with the world and with the other Spirits which coalesce to form Human Beings. And animals. And all the other forms we recognise as living beings.

The corruption manifests in the mental realm, where we are deceived to believe we can lie without having to suffer repercussions down the track.

This realm is the intermediary between the material realm of the body we inhabit, and the higher “psychic” realms, which are behind all.

While there is a “disconnect” between the bodily realm and the higher intangible Spiritual realms, as often forced upon us by the dominant cults, of upper class power and influence, mental illnesses arise.

Our well-off, fanciful and loose-minded culture makes billions talking about the general phenomena of insanities. Almost always are these experts trained to see these matters from the deeply stupid perspective of the main, corrupt cultural influences.

It is totally in their own interests to see things this way, and they rarely if-ever break with these flawed “traditions” and look honestly and completely at what influences the patient.

Mostly, psychiatric and psychological doctors are trained in the dark arts of hypnotising patients to accept the unspoken corruptions - economic corruptions - and abandon any deeper demands, desires, or just plain common sense approaches to living a life of Integrity.

So if a person seeks help from them or not, diagnosed or self-diagnosed as suffering from mental, intellectual dysfunction, they will be re-formed mentally to accept the dominant paradigm of social thinking, and forget the more subtle, yet far more important, Spiritual aspects of living a healthy life.

This may “cure” them in the short term, but only really serves to add to the already deeply and dangerously corrupt culture. This is “cumulative” and pushes them further into an errant way of living and of seeing the world around them.

One person might be very well able to manage such a situation for most of their life, but their accepted dogma will be relayed out to others, some of whom are not so sturdy in mind to handle the deceits and common flaws in a societies economic structure.

These victims of another's dogged beliefs, are not necessarily of a low intellect, nor in fact weak.

As often, they are brought into personal, moral, inner conflict in having to deal with the common perceptions of accepting the deadly corruptions, corruptions which are behind the ruination of the natural world and of the planet generally, and because of both some Honorable beliefs which they refuse to abandon, and what they witness, desires to accept and be accepted in their society become of lesser or no significance.

Silently, many of them hold fast to some remnant of Integrity.

But the culture outside of their own values is dark, filthy, rotten corrupt, and cares not in the least for another's mental or physical welfare, and, as often, when a rogue sees someone trying to stick to their own values of Honorable living, they will make it their glee-filled business to undermine them.

And not only through economic deprivation, or physical terror and violence or such.

The subtle realms of the Spirit are accessible to anyone, and can be abused to the rogue's own advantage.

So when we hear of someone “going-off” and acting out through criminal or abusive behaviour, we can be certain that somewhere in their past, they have fallen victim to the dark artists of witchcraft.

This, once more, is never discussed in the confines of mental health professionals, because if it were, the professionals would be required to leave out their own dogma and beliefs, and to entertain the very unstable realms of the occult.

Their resistance to addressing these sides of the mind, is so stubborn because behind most all of our mental health issues, are a plethora of witch-priests manipulating most of us to do their bidding.

This is primarily how the dominant cult of Judeo-Christianity has climbed to it's powerful place on earth, and the last thing the powers-that-be want to admit or have exposed. It is also the prime reason why “witchcraft” is outwardly so frowned upon by the dominant culture. They believe they should have total control over all realms.

But their biggest failing is that they believe they can do so with falsity and corruption of the Primary, Universal Laws.

These Laws are immutable, changeless, and of power so far above and more powerful than corrupt laws and beliefs, that they can and will obliterate any who ignore them.

This, is the prime reason why Humanity now stands on the cliff-edge waiting to be pushed, by the natural reaction to corruption, over the precipice.

It's expressed as global warming, climate change, etc.

It is also the primary reason why some people appear to suffer from psychosis, mental illness, dysfunctional thinking and behaviour, even crime.

It is the attitude held to by those on top of the socio-economic pyramid which sends the rest of us off our rockers and into this wrongly perceived and treated state of mental ill health.

Corruption. Not only of the economic level, but of the “beliefs” level of mind, where we are forced to believe that which is untrue, whether it's the economics of life, or the “information” we are told to believe about the larger, universal realms of Spirit.

It is well worth noting, and is not nearly enough discussed, that mental illnesses on the scale we now endure across the world, began in the so-called “first world”, and, with utterly ignorant, lawless and “godless” colonialism and western expansionism, have travelled out from the centre of cultural corruption and government in the northern hemisphere of Britain and Eurape, were first manifest, and have grown to epidemic proportions most, in the first world, where selfish materialism is god, and all notions of fair-play and egalitarianism, moral and ethical living are farthest from the mind of the members of those cultures.

Also, adding to the failings and to the incidence of mental maladies, is the fact that the so-called “experts” on these affairs of the mind, are trained in the same mould of false and minimalist beliefs in psychology and psychiatry.

These are the people the media and politicians turn to for their analysis?

Little wonder NOTHING worthwhile is achieved in and by these “professional” fields!

And little wonder no governments cemented in the “western” mould of corrupt everything, can be effective in making their own society a more sane one!

So, if anyone is serious about correcting these deadly cultural errings and resultant personal psychoses, they would force the government to abandon the people they refer to for advice on how to deal with and cure, but better PREVENT, mental illnesses, and as well abandon their deeply WRONG Christian dogma about waiting for Jesus to cure us all.

Or, as the black book forecasts, 144,000 of us.

Australia's public national radio network of the ABC does it's best to address and resolve these and other maladies of our nation, but itself is almost doomed to NOT go to the source and thus to the cure for our mental instabilities, because the ABC needs the expertise of their employees merely to present quality media.

This, a worthy course no doubt, serves also though to severely limit the breadth of knowledge available to their media, because all it does is go round in circles, ever-decreasing circles, and never gets to the ink that draws the circle in the first place.

It also serves the upper-crust, by keeping them up where they are, and by keeping the essential facts - economic and Spiritual - from being heard and adopted in the family, society, culture and government.

Therefore mental illnesses will prosper, just like the insanity which is our terminally fallen belief system of BAD economic laws.

On the other hand, were the government and the education curricula to deal directly with the nation's economic corruption, moving forward from lies-lies-lies-and-MORE-damned-lies, to introducing the fundamental tenets of Good Culture - Teaching on the make-up of the Soul, and Teaching on the make-up of Honest, Secure and perennially stable government and culture, I guarantee Australia would see a gradual decline in mental illnesses, and an almost immediate and significant reduction in economic crimes and crimes of malice and violence.

In the end, our only real enemies against instituting this, are the upper classes and their addictions, psychological and psychiatric addictions to the material and economic wealth of the world.

This is exactly why, for years, possibly for decades, I have been working on exposing the British and Eurapean cults and their religious schooling culture of indoctrinating our better-off youth to accept utterly false and in the end deadly dogma. Economic and religious dogma.

This is why it is essential for Australia to, as Bob Marley sings, “break-off with Britain!”
and Eurape, and Catholicism and Protestantism, and all religions which deny the Supremacy of our own personal, Holy Spirit, and which deny the Economic Truths about how Humans are made to Properly, Honorably relate with their One True Mother, the Planet Earth.

While the best of Australia's media refuse to go there, they reduce us all to future shitfights of monumental proportions, and are exposed as being self-serving and treasonously insincere.

And..., they do nothing to resolve the rising incidence of mental illness.

Indeed, as with most “good intentions” they only make it worse!

Forcing people to go to war every day, and thus force them to think almost ceaselessly about their next wage packet, income or “win” during their own time, out of work hours, to provide themselves and a family with food and a roof, laughter and love, is the root of all evil, and of mental illness.

As ex-President Bill Clinton of the USA said, “It's the ECONOMY, stupid!”

O Yaye! The road to Hell (a place of insanity) is paved with CATHOLIC intentions!

All Praise the Perennially Sustainable Indigenous Cultures of Earth!

Cultures which Recognise, Honor and Respect the Laws of Nature, as Primary Laws, and which should never be broken.

In their Wisdom, the Indigenous Cultures fully understand that all others Laws rest on the right adherence to and application of “Environmental Laws”.

Therefore, for the curing of our epidemics of mental illness, and of our epidemics of gross economic corruption and it's consequent environmental turmoil, all governments, cults, schools and peoples have first to Learn and Respect Environmental Laws.

As long as we refuse in our arrogance, to accept and adopt that Natural Law regime, we face global annihilation.

And, to the curing of our personal, Spiritual starvations.....:



(being as She is, head of the blasphemous Anglican church! G'Day, Duckie!)

Either that, or SHUT-DOWN all Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Zionist churches in Australia!

If our ECONOMIC CULTURE was Proper (as-in “Property”), we would have NO need for these false religions.

And neither would we have need for the false doctors of the Soul, our so-called “psychologists” and “psychiatrists”.

Christian-school-indoctrinated false doctors!

From the Travelling 4x4 Tent of
Countryzen bin Eartha

Outlaw, for
Education and
