
Independent MPs must Get REALFarming in rural policy demands

Greens and rural independents could be new 'odd couple'
2 September 2010
from the ABC online “The Drum UNLEASHED” site
by Dermot O'Gorman.

My response, sent to ABC's The Drum's “COMMENTS”

Positive spin? Maybe....,

Getting REAL in rural Australia has many hurdles, large among them the hex on talking Land Reform, and about issues such as Aboriginal Sovereignty and what should be their inherent free rights to land, and the sustainability of cattle, etc.

Words on feeding the world are delusion, if we accept today's report that the planet faces the highest extinction rate for millions and millions of years.

Getting REALPolitik about sustaining food supplies has to be local agrarianism. Managed correctly, surplus enough for export would be more than adequately provided from widespread reforms to farming (HAHAHAHAHAHA!) and all it's allied industries, were we to deport the cattle industry, and with land reform, populate the farmland with small to medium sized REALFarming collectives, manual labour intensive, for land, food, education, entertainment and accommodation security, relieves the untenable stress our errant cultures impose on the land, biodiversity and the planet.

ABC has a mandate and imperative, to Get REALFarming with the Primary REALPolitik of (rural & farming) Land Reform.