
Separating the 'Sinny rum club' from the federal ALP!


Separating the 'Sinny rum club' from the federal ALP!

From here forever forward, the Australian Labor Party must as a priority, separate the federal branch and ALP State parties from the evicted NSW ALP 'rum club'.

Otherwise to what is being shouted by the drOpposition idiots, that the NSW ALP was drowned last Saturday because of federal issues like the fucking 'carbon tax', etc, it is roaringly clear to most all voters in NSW that they have been either 'tied' to the oppressive nature of the NSW ALP's 'The Firm' and resigned to their power over the People, or have been, for over twenty decades, bribed to play the game their crooked way, and at last, the punters were sick of it!

Whatever, this election result shows clearly that the majority of ex-Labor voters in NSW are sick-and-tired of the massive depths of corruption which has been the mainstay of politrixs in NSW since 26th January 1808, and, having been inspired to ORGANISE themselves, based upon something alien to the upclubsters of NSW for over 2 centuries - HONOR - and have used the vote to drive the stake into the heart of that pernicious and backward -indeed Spiritually, thus Intellectually thus mentally retarded body.

As said by many, the new Liberal/National NSW government is but the flip-side of the same coin-of-corruption.

However, with the different understanding of our own selves and of what life-on-earth is actually about, a mature Liberal/National NSW state coalition may yet be able to lift the state out of the bog that the NSW ALP had managed the state into, over some 200 years.

But, a NSW government with some actual Integrity or no..., the federal ALP has to clearly delineate it's performance, policy-making and national plans and hopes from the clearly morally-bankrupt and long-time terminally down-spiralling NSW ALP.

With what went-on prior to the 2010 federal election, with the ousting of PM Kevin Rudd, and with the several other farces, obviously coming out of the ALP's Sinny branch, all of Australian ALP supporters had become totally fed-up with the low-level of ethos, of morality and of mediated 'spin' and that it was all stage-managed from Sinny. With quiet instruction from Rupert Murdoch's media brothels.

Now, that the rum club arseholes in Sinny have been routed, and shamed to perdition, I expect we might well see a much fresher look and feel in the federal ALP.

Clearly, Rudd being a Queenslander, and Gillard being a Victorian, have been for the good, as, in my opinion, the whole bucket of NSW politics has been polluted for a couple of centuries by that cities own rum rebellion effluent.

Indeed, too many of the nation's politicians have been from Sinny, and, I believe that this has had much to do with the current abject state of our other political arena, and their performers.

But there are other issues within the ALP which have to be confronted, and they have much of their seeds in the now-exposed deeply awry Catholic dogma, and, in the 'passivity' the feminine Catholic faith imposes.

Perhaps our PM Julia Gillard, a professed Atheist, and the others not-fooled by the nuns' dogma and smooooszheee witch-Wisdoms, within the ALP's Canberra cloisters, are our best chance of cleaning-up the errant beliefs systems which have, yes, to the benefit of many workers and lower classes, helped, but now, in these somewhat more tumultuous and less faith-based times (?), have to be seen for what they are - a book-full of false ideologies and hidden agenda, of centralising the planet and the land and the minds, Hearts, Souls and Might, of the Masses, to an anachronistic and now pernicious whitefaced Rome.

If we were to start afresh, as-it-were, policies which were advocated by passed ALP leaders, including those of the denigrated Mark Latham, but more recently of Kevin Rudd, which go directly to ending the underlying rorts - offshore rorts - and offer clear, unambiguous policies to take the ALP and the nation forward and out of the shadow of a dying cult of death - Catholicism - should have a renewed chance of being accepted by Australian voters, and implemented.

Clearly, the NSW ALP was constantly 'hexing' the ALP generally. So with the main body of it's corruption clubsters gone, all ALP branches, nationwide, should feel lighter, with that weight taken off their backs.

But to my mind, they all have to do some really deep work, and using Science, Philosophy and Ethics, dispel the curse of Catholicism and of Christianity-in-general from their own belief-systems, but most importantly, from the underlying influences of the party.

Not to say we must send all Catholic ALP MPs 'TO THE STAKE!' because there are no doubt, more than some Fine, Tough, Intelligent and Honorable minds therein.

But from where I watch, too many of them have been belaboured (?) by the conditions and demands of such as the nuns of perdition, ex-the church.

Just like any cult, they demand loyalty, even today, to-the-death, whether-or-not Wisdom, Intelligence and Rightmindedness is present in their dogma, demands, or 'intentions'.

From my rather in-depth perspective, there have long been some deeply awry ideals and thus policies and agenda running ALP and allied Unionist minds.

And, of the last few years, much of the hidden agenda of the church within the ALP, has been outed and deconstructed to show itself as just-plain-WRONG, and that it has tried to steer the ALP to deeply insulting ends. Insulting, that-is, to every individual's Sovereignty of Soul, of their own Holy Spirit, as JC is said to have said.

So, post-NSW election 2011, I suspect that if the federal ALP, and the others in state parliaments not of NSW, and, as important, the Unions, can purge the toxins of a terminally-intellectually-and-Spiritually-retarded and thus corrupt Catholic Sinny offshore upclub from their Collective Soul(s), they will be regarded afresh by the electorates, and in Canberra, we will not see the dreamed-for delusions of Tiny Habit, Hockey Jo, and the pining Christ-o-fphheer etc., but the federal ALP will far more likely, gain increased approval by their flagging Australia-wide Supporters.

Indeed, perhaps the Resuscitation of those 'True Believers' of days gone by?

But, I'm still a Green!

Oh! And, with the foreign-controlled NSW rum club made to walk the plank, a new push for an Australian Republic, from within the ALP and Union ranks stands an hugely-greater chance of getting-up!

As with all hollow men, Tiny Habit and his cohorts on the other side of the drinks cabinet in Canberra, will soon enough blow themselves out, or run-out-of-puff, and the ALP/Greens/Independents' government, with Wisdom, Intelligence and Honor, should be able to steer the nation to a brighter future, uninhibited by the constant ignorance-hexes from the Sinny-centric drOpposition and the Sinny ALP.

Added to this, I firmly believe that all of Australia's politicians and parties should be able to happily raise their glasses to the decimation of the NSW ALP, because at last, the nation might well be rid, cleansed, purged, of the mafia-style cult control the Sinny rum club has effected upon all of us for that bicenturious-horribilus, as HRH QE2 might call the last 203 years for Astrayliar -ER -Uluruba!

I cannot be convinced otherwise than to believe that the Sinny ALP rum club has been the most destructive and dangerous influence upon all of the nation's political arenas essentially from the start of the white invasion and settlement.

But clearly also, which it is important to stress, the Liberal party of Sinny has been tarred with the same brush-of-foreign-corruption for as long as it has existed.

It cannot be denied, that, 'there's something about Sinny!?'

(SORRY Mark! Sorry Gough! There have to be Exceptions, of course!)

It's easy to believe that most of the politicians of both 'sides' from Sinny, have grown to be extremely Sinny-centric, such that the likes of Johnette Howard, for example, saw Australia as Sydstralia.

Therefore...., if I still have any ears listening inside Uncle Alpie, Master K Rudd for example, I'd advocate building a Team specifically to monitor and scrutinise everything the drOpposition gets onto the media, with the FACTS to support the 'Polie-Watch', and then to dedicate time and media to exposing the hocus-pocus, exaggeration and outright bullshit which they egomaniacally deem as their right to make public.

With just a few successful exposures of the unconscionable BULLSHIT the likes of Abbot, Hockey, Pyne etc., get away with on the national media, with the possibility of legal, criminal charges made against them for 'deceit of the People', or such, all our parliaments would be very different houses, and the mouthy lawyers and spinmeisters of the oligarch right wing politricksters, muted, shit-scared of opening their blabbermouths for fear of being seen for what they are.

Idiot-puppets of fearsome offshore cult tyrants, ever-ready to take the 30-pieces-of-silver to say anything to keep the Australian People deceived and politically stupid.

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!