Murdoch contemplates his sins afore he has to face St Peter, perhaps?
And what about wee Jamie?
'News of the World', was a few years ago (2005?) sprung doing what most-all upclub, information-hungry-nay-addicted media and megalomaniacal beasts have been set upon doing since the telephone was invented - tapping into other peoples' calls, and of more modern-tech-times, voicemails, and emails.
Now, a bit over a month after Rupert passed his 80th birthday, his base corporation of which News of the World is one, News International, 'has issued a public apology to eight victims of phone hacking..., ….and admitted for the first time that the practice was rife at the News of the World.' (Guardian UK)
Hmmmm...? Methinks methinks..., that Rupert is at last contemplating what sort of a reception he will get up there at the Pearly Gates, when he has to admit his sins to St Peter, when he passes over from this mortal coil's existence, surely not too far away?
'The unprecedented statement of contrition is a remarkable volte face for the country's most powerful news organisation, which was claiming until the start of this year, in the face of growing evidence to the contrary, that hacking was the work of a single reporter.' (from the same article)
Well..., I think most of us know that even The Guardian is being 'restrained' here , by leaving the issue of phone-tapping as a crime only committed by the Murdoch tabloid?
The Guardian article states that... 'Evidence seized from Mulcaire (the private investigator who worked for the NoW) by the Met (London Metropolitan police) suggests that he targeted more than 3,000 people on the instructions of executives at the paper.'
Now we're getting somewhere!
I reckon the issue here is much deeper, and that the NoW, even with the admission that tapping was widespread within the NoW, is being put forward by News International as their 'scape-goat', in the hope that investigations don't go further, and look into the records of Murdoch's other media organs, and not only those within the British stable?
As I say above 'phone tapping' has been part of the game of government and wealthy self-interested private corporations since the telephone was invented.
Most over-40s, remember the boom across corporations in information-gathering in the 1990s, as the internet 'went-viral' and as business took it on as part of their communications armoury.
We all know, that most large corps gather as much as they can about as many of us as they can, for their own consumer-profile data and thus their ability to analyse their market-share, etc.
And we also know that governments are onto the same game, for almost the same purposes. (Well..., governments are but private corporations, in a public guise! Think.., the IMF!)
I, being the idiot-King I didn't know I was until too recently, now have NO doubt, such that I reckon I can write 'for a fact' that Australia's Security Intelligence Organisation, ASIO, or Astrayliar's Sick Ignorance Organisation have been right-in-there monitoring every call and conversation I've had, perhaps for 4 decades.
When I was driving taxis in Melbourne, either in the 1980s or '90s, I picked-up a Telecom employee from their new HQ on the corner of Lonsdale and Exhibition Streets Melbourne one evening, who told me that ASIO had an office in the same building. The inference, with other parts of the convo, was that ASIO was in the hole, and was scanning the calls through the Telecom network (then, there were no competitors in the telecoms' game) of anyone they deemed to be 'of interest', no doubt to their church-cult, private-school corruption concerns of keeping the nation as corrupt as it has to be for the FOREIGN churches to maintain their evil grip on the populace, and the land, and the booty.
Sure, on the surface, ASIO and the coppers need a 'court order' or such to be 'allowed' to tap a private person's calls.
But it seems to me, damn-it I know..., that they are so full of themselves, full of their church's assumed authority and power over government, the judiciary and legal system, and over both their own students-ex-students and the rest of us alike, that they really just laugh at those 'requirements' when they want to listen-in to some poor beggar's conversations.
And when we leap into the ring of private corporations and their hubris and arrogance in regard to 'ethics' HAHAHAHAHA!, and Respect of people's privacy, well..., the HAHAHAHAHA! says it all, really, doesn't it?
So, when we go over to those private organisations - media - which depend enormously upon getting the secret stuff about what one person of interest, private or public, is saying/thinking/planning, or about what a competitor is trying to do, which may be against the ruthless interests of the media company or it's advertisers, News of the World is guaranteed to have gone over the line of legality. And of HAHAHAHAHA Ethics!
But there's no doubt that the rest of media's cabals are playing the same game!
Sure, there may be a few media networks whose bosses insist their info-gatherers stay within the Ethical reach, but I bet they are in the small minority!
It's simply a case of... 'if the opposition are doing it and of course, are getting away with it, then we have to do it too, or we'll be put out of business!'
And, it follows, that this completely understandable view, ethical or not, applies right across the competitive marketplace.
Argh! The brutal bliss of CRAPitalism!
Years ago now, I was caught to remember British ex-PM Tony Blair's public statement that 'Ethics, cannot now be included in Britain's foreign policies' (paraphrased).
Ironically, that admission by the Brit PM was a most Ethical one, really, wasn't it? HAHAHAHAHA!
(And clearly, that Ethics-free zone, has reached way down-here-down-on-the-bottom to Australia, into my life, as one persistant pommie prick, namely one Dick Semp knows, if he still has a mind not lost totally to the demands of the Freemason, MI6 'greys' aliens, for he appeared on the scene at Data Express Motorcycle Couriers in Melbourne in the 1990s, and lured me into his witching web, and rented house, (an ever-so-friendly piece-of-shit, he is...) only to pursue a path of terrorising me, haunting me, and generally fucking my life, which he is still doing today!
It became clear to me, even then, that the lad had some quite devious ulterior motives, and that his mind was in the least, deeply troubled, and rather vacuous in terms of Intellect and Integrity. I suspect he works either for MI6, or now, for our slimy-sly-spy network of ASIO, for he assumes the right to haunt me ceaselessly, and may well be one more of the dogs who is preventing me from 'moving-on' in life, and thus being able to re-enter some part of Australian social life.)
But back to Rupert and covensssz.....
I, being forced out in the social cold for decades, know not how the Common Man and Woeman (TYPO!) regard these issues which strike into everyone's private life, nor therefore about how the Common Joe and Jo-ette view the cause of all this smut-gathering skulduggery - psycho-competitive CRAPitalism - but, from what one witnesses each time this Hermit King wanders into the 'burbs, to gather a bit of tucker, the Common Slobs are quite at ease about it all and even seem, from the outside, to embrace the peeping-tom approach to other people's privacy.
But, methinks that the admissions by the bosses of News International, Rupert Murdoch having to have been behind the corporate call to come-out and talk true for once in their heinous lives, are because Rupie-the-Ruthless, has been weighing his Soul, and might just want, and even believe, that he has some answering to do to himself, and thus, to whomever will be standing at the 'Y'-intersection, with one road up, and one road DOWN, when he finally drops off the twig?
And, as Murdoch, and his offshore hyper-elite western powerbrokers within the IMF and their global accomplices, has had the Australian parliament and People under their ruthless control for around 203 years, so, amongst others such as the dropped-off Kerry-the-Goanna-Packer and all media moguls synonymous, the issue of phone tapping in Australia, one, will never be brought out to anywhere near it's fullest extent, and two, will simply continue-on as-before, with every government staying well-clear of the issue, because they have had to fall into the same shithole and play the same filthy-rotten, smelly-sneaky game.
But it is a start, and something of a welcome one, for Rupert to publicly admit that he and his consorts are, and have always been FUCKING LIARS, even if it is just on how much they peep into other peoples' lives.
When I'm off in my Dream world, I fantasise about those same mega-tyrants coming-clean and Talking True about the whole shitcan of CRAPitalism, and of how absolutely untenable, unsustainable and O I SAY! Unethical it is.
But, as the vast majority of western, 1st world, white, Christian, psycho-ambitious materialistic arseholes below them on the scale of econogreed, are so deeply inculcated in the arts of BULLSHITTING their way through life for a wealthy existence of crap products and NO Integrity, any 'survey' done by the opinion-pollsters would not result in the moguls' favour, to-be-sure, to-be-sure, no matter how the questions were formed and made full of trick wordingsssz and predictable answers.
But you can be sure that only a silent-few would be calling for their heads-on-a-platter.
Wonder what GOD, if there was One, would think of our wonderful world of CRAPitalism, and of those who tap into our Souls???
Rupert has been asking the same qvestions lately, methinks.
Whatever? Well done, Rupert!
What you do about wee Jimmy's Soul, and his mates, seems not to be a serious concern of yours, and I guess, fair enough?
On a similar field, we might be inclined to regard even higher, the Soul and the Integrity of one Julian Assange, for his Integrity, and not forgetting the Private First Class (All Praise You, Brother!) of the US Military, who Sacrificed his Freedom by exposing the fraudulence of US military actions in Iraq and in Afghanistan to WikiLeaks.
Is there a connection between WikiLeaks-and-coy's Honorable actions, and Murdoch's admissions?
Who would be so naïve to think that we may be making some headway against the tyrannical actions of the powers-that-should-not-be, such as the global media cabals and the psychotic CRAPitalist machinemen driving the train of Humanity down the fast-track to the Apocalypse, and that some of their most influential 'leaders' have been struck with the Ironbar of Integrity.
Perhaps a powerful sign that we, Humanity-avec-Consciences, have, would be admissions from such as France's President Sarkozi, and the other leaders of NATO's forces, who are at this moment invading Africa to ensure the Libyan oil and the Ivory Coast chocolate keeps flowing to their insatiable pumps and palates, that they have lied occasionally to Africa, and to the rest of their colonies, and that perhaps we as a planet-full of crazies have to rein-in our insatiability, and abandon this chimera called CRAPitalism, if as a planet, we are to survive the coming catastrophes-plural?
The impending Eurapean economic and public-debt implosions, but one of the many.
What think you... Rupert?
Does your Intellect delve that far, and thus, does your aging Conscience, bring out the Integrity from beneath your power-lust and agendazzzzz?
Even I, King DEFIANCE, would hope so, if I had a Soul!
Now, on the matter of invading MY privacy................?
No? No admissions from Canary Wharf?
O Well! See you all in Hell then!
All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!
From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth
Outlaw, for
Education &
apologies for strange text size or formatting..., Murdochian & Telstra, MI6 & CIA, ASIO & NSW coppers', & Nimbin's spooks in the machine!