
Of "Other Parliaments" I Dream!

The Other Parliament

first dreamed-up, 110609Th

What if a significant number of Australians from different classes and different cultural preferences found they agreed with a view that 'politics' as we've been indoctrinated to know it, isn't working, and, by the natural movement of and between groups, came to realise that they all, had many things in common, and that many of their fundamental beliefs and desires about 'a good life' also were essentially the same?

What if, the chatter on these opinions and feelings within such 'groups' came to the forefront of conversations, until it crossed that unseen barrier, that unseen psychological barrier that's always existed between different classes and cultures?

What if, three distinctly different, but underneath, markedly similar groups found that they were empowered to take a different approach to their lives, and to the wider 'culture' under and within which they found themselves?

In a parallel universe, on a parallel planet to Earth, exactly this was what did happen.

Three tribes, previously antipathetic to each other, like the slow process of a waking bear from hibernating, through gradual awareness and re-education of their own place, time, and mental condition, grew slowly awake to the possibilities opportune to them, and to the dangers of remaining asleep, and came together.

And, with some fundamental priorities each recognised as common - food and a roof, laughter and Respect foremost - they decided that they were now conscious enough of each other, of their similarities, and of the failing system that surrounded all of them, which they very well saw was absorbing and prematurely burying them, to discuss their differences, and their similarities, their needs and their wants.

Not merely because there were more ears to listen to their gossip and bitchings, but as all of them were so fed-up with the appalling state of society, they were all learning that they too, could be - a new word to most of them - pro-active - rather than being lame victims of big government and big corporation and big law, etc., and of being just re-active.

One Tribe, was of a Culture which had just survived hundreds of years of foreign attempts to exterminate them, after the longest period of some one hundred thousand years living in Balance.

An other Tribe had grown out of the invading, rampaging, now dominant and out-of-control culture, from it's lower, slave and soldier classes, always regarded by the dominant oligarchs as mere fodder for the warzones the elites created in their worldwide searches for resources.

The third Tribe grew from the wealthy class and dominant sector of the world's peoples, people who were lucky enough to have relatively free choice as to what they learned at school, and what they did with their excess of idle hours once adults.

These were a minority of that sector of the upper classes of that planet.

Most of this upper-class minority's economic, that-is 'class', and generational equals simply absorbed the information and dogma they were fed in the specialist high-class schools, and went along with 'the game', guaranteed of earning an excess of wealth, consuming and abusing everything purely for their own 'spoiled' pleasure.

This upper class minority however, for whatever reasons, found that the 'managers' behind and above their upper class bubbles, were forcing the wealthy upper class 'players' to live false, superficial, 'plastic' lives, and to constantly ignore and deny that they had the economic advantage because the authorities who protected the upper classes, were forcing the majority of the people, to be slaves.

This upper class minority also, in their questioning of the mainstream culture, learned that the wider world, economically, culturally and environmentally, was firstly, a quite magnificent world, full of natural wonder, and two, was in dire straights, and was, as a result of their own upper classes disrespectful, blind and ignorant behaviour, in urgent need of a more intelligent approach and treatment.

Also, perhaps inducing them to look outside their world of wealth, the people of the third Tribe, for whatever reasons, saw the content of the lives they were asked, by their wealthy parents and schools and social networks to accept, as 'hollow', bereft of consideration, shallow, rudely unethical and, illogically selfish.

In their hearts they saw that some things not of any material nature were important, such as personal Integrity.

But perhaps upper-most for many of them, was that they regarded the thing they enjoyed and so valued most, their and others' 'intelligence', was heavily repressed in the upper class world, and that therefore, for all the magnificence, intelligent thinking-and-living brought them, and those around them, living in the enforced, upper class, repressive and false world was not tenable, so they chose to leave that plastic culture.

So they, of the third 'Tribe', having found they could choose their paths, and that whatever the 'trends', theirs was a more simple one, one which found extreme joy in natural places, things, and other living beings, but mostly in other people who felt the same, and for that, were Honorable-that-is-Honest, as opposed to the shallow, superficial bling and self-deceits of the dominant, wealth-orientated materialistic 'mainstream'. An horrendously unsustainable mainstream lifestyle.

Eventually, through a couple of generations, schools, and the third level of education, the universities, by now tenanted by similarly thoughtful and older generation tutors, lecturers and teaching staff, had courses to teach the students about those increasingly recognised, important areas and ways of living 'a genuinely good life' on the planet.

So specialist courses and graduates were being produced.

As said, a small section, a small percentage of the graduates, while from wealthy stock, found that they could no longer abide the sad, unintelligent over-consuming mainstream.

But, worse, they found that if they pursued their chosen, intelligent and highly moral paths, while living within the environs of the urban mainstream, the mainstream shunned them, treated them with disdain, sometimes assaulted them, and as often, went to extraordinary lengths to criticise, marginalise and exile them.

Over a short period, they began to form their own sub-culture, and, in line with the natural environment they had come to love, and want so much to preserve and respect, they began leaving the city suburbs, and the rural cities and towns, and the large, 'broadacre', monocrop commercial farms many of their parents owned and managed, and established themselves in rustic bush 'retreats' in forests away from all Human populations.

Soon enough, they came to be known as 'Greens'.

And 'tree-huggers'. And 'fories'. And 'weird bastards'. Etc.

Fortunately for most of them, they had understanding parents, wealthy parents who agreed that their children, these new 'Greens', should still be protected against the terrors of the world, and so the wealthy parents ensured they were able to live securely on bush acreages their parents bought them.

This gave the Greens the space, community and time to explore and perfect the arts and sciences which they developed to define the natural environment's and Humanity's needs and ways.

But, the 'outside world' was hostile, and looked upon these thoughtful mobs as threats to the plundering, insatiably hungry, devouring consume-consume-consume habits and cultures of the majority, who were still, in their enforced ignorance, struggling with their own ways, and the hidden influences which both made them continue and question what and how they lived.

The first tribe, called the Originals, for being the first peoples of the lands the invader cult was stealing from them, prior to being invaded and almost exterminated, had lived in Harmony with all the natural environment and with all the other creatures. But also they had lived in Harmony with all their local and regional neighbours for so long, that they had transcended time.

But more accurately, the Originals had never fallen from transcendence of the three dimensional realm, to what the developed and divided world of the foreigners were fighting each other in, in three distinct divisions of time, and all the lesser, complex, superficial and extraneous beliefs and products, and paranoias, as grow from a culture lost, a culture far and long astray from Knowing The Path, and of some thousands of years with too much delusion and idle wealth of so-called 'development'.

They had always been at one with the world around them, understanding it deeply, were able to read the land, the seas, the air and the ethers, and even communicate with the 'elements' and with the spirits of the higher and of the lower worlds.

Not only the select few 'shaman' had mastered the higher Knowledge - all of the People were Masters, Adepts, Enlightened, and all lived with Honor, Respect and Understanding of the Sacred world and worlds around them, above them and elsewhere.

They knew all about deceits, corruption, malice, greed, mental illness and other maladies so common in the invader culture.

But since the beginning, they had also known The Law, and of how important it is to live within The Law, and had forever ensured that Honor and the Culture of Respect was sustained and thus, maladies had no reason to arise and debauch them.

Physical ailments like cancer, common influenza's and sexually transmitted diseases were not present amongst them.

Indeed, by our earthly standards, and ideals, they were still, Perfect Beings.

They were not divided. They did not have social 'classes', of wealthy and poor. No-one went without. No-one starved.

Their ways were amazing. Their language was different to any other on that planet, with structures no-one else, elsewhere, in all their 'advanced' universities and language departments, had seen, or defined as of one generic kind or another.

Yet the language, like all original languages, was Sacred, which meant it's words all had Spiritual bases to them, and so, dealt magnificently, completely, with all that they had to deal. Even the unknowns.

And the 'sciences' they had mastered, astounded the early invaders, and embarrassed them, for their purity and for the fact that the invader cult, which regarded themselves as far superior to all others, was being shown to be far behind and stupid, by these simple, noble, 'primitive' People.

Yet, with all their depth and Wisdom, they did not even have, what the so-called 'modern' advanced world called 'a written language' to record all they knew of history and in science and culture and teaching!

Yet, they were a blissfully Healthy, Noble, Wise, Respectable and Happy People!


As with all self-elevated people, arrogance is part-and-parcel of the way they look at others, and at others they do not understand. And arrogance is partner to violence, which is really but a result of their fear of the unknown.

And, for several thousand years, the invaders to this newly discovered continent, had been running in very fear from the 'stranger' ever within their midst, whom they seemed never able to come to know.

Of course, when the first explorers from the invader cult landed on the shores of the lands of the Originals, the Elders of the Originals, and many youngers also, looked and laughed outrageously at them, for they could at once see, that the invaders were running from their own True Spirit.

And funnier still to the Originals, was of course, that the invaders had no clue of this fact, and were in constant panic mode both running from, and looking forever for, themselves!

Being, however, the Wise, Honorable, sensitive and Respectful People the Originals were, indeed, as said, the Originals had never strayed from the Path of Enlightenment, as described by the Wisdom cultures elsewhere on this parallel planet to Earth, so they muted their laughter while in front of the newcomers, for they knew that such silly people were easily offended, and the first thing that type of people do, when shown their own stupidity, is lash-out violently.

So many a laugh was shared away from the newcomers, and stories spread across the lands and across their nations of a very stupid, but complicated, violent and heavily-armed invader to their precious and ancient country.

Sadly, not every encounter had them look and laugh.

These ruthless, violent people had enormous desire, and so of course, with that they had little regard for other peoples and for other Sacred Beings and objects.

So whenever an Original Warrior or Tribe voiced an objection to the rude ways and demands of the invaders, the invaders saw this as insulting and worthy of raising their powerful weapons, which they did at the slightest upset.

Consequently, huge numbers, the majority of Originals fell as the invaders marched and warred their way to dominate the lands of the Originals.

So the invaders onto the lands of those Original Peoples added to their warped reasoning and increased their determination to exterminate the Originals.

And the armies they used, were the lower, slave classes, whom they imported with their first fleets.

These lower, slave class people were not blessed with the requirements to make them intelligent.

Indeed, this was not the preferred thing for the ruling elites.

They wanted the slaves to be as stupid as possible, both so they would mindlessly obey orders, slaughter the Originals, mine and plunder the resources, and themselves be killed in defence and expansion of the elite's land-grab.

As it happened, the invading people were not able to totally exterminate the Originals, due to the Originals ability to win some Respect from the invaders, and because some of the invaders saw that it was wrong to be so down on the Originals, who by the way, were dark skinned, against the invaders, who were white-skinned. Very white-skinned.

In the first years and decades of the white-skinned invasion, their brutal foot-soldiers, brutal from being brutalised by the vicious maltreatment of the ruling despots, henchmen, and their astray traditions, were induced to believe the propaganda spread amongst them by the invader's elite class, that the Originals were not Human Beings, but a primate from an ancient pre-Human era, and that they were essentially un-intelligent, even evil beings who ate their own children, and each other, and had no laws or culture, but survived purely by brutal 'uncivilised' 'law of the jungle' behaviour, etc.

Also, the foot soldiers were rewarded for believing this propaganda, and for killing these 'apes', and were promoted in their armies and constabularies for doing so, and many of them rose to become cultural priests and government officials, leaders, military generals and policing commanders.

This served well the foreign elites, for it cemented within all levels of the society, and thus across the mainstream mindset, the attitude and belief that the Originals were vermin and were there to be hunted and slaughtered, at the pleasure of those with such inclinations.

It also served well the intentions of the invaders' colonialist masters back in their homelands, whose main objective was to get their greedy hands on the lands of the Originals, for these lands were still untouched, unravaged by any similar, rapacious, fallen culture, still pristine and still abounding in valuable materials and precious metals - gold nuggets, for example, often as big as a man's hand, still lay on the land surfaces and in stream-beds!

And the land - a massive area - was covered with magnificent forests, of trees which were hundreds and hundreds of years old, hundreds of feet tall, of a quality perfect for burning and for building and for ship-making, etc.

Forests which the Originals Praised and allowed to grow, for they knew the part the trees and all the smaller plants and creatures played in - The Balance.

So it was fundamental to the invader elites to be rid of the Originals.


Back in the invader's motherlands, in the homes of the invaders to this pristine, unspoiled continent on the other side of the planet, the rulers had for some thousands of years been 'off-the-rails' of good government, and had long lost all-and-any Honor, Intelligence and Wisdom in how to rule and in how the people should live.

Greed, pride, arrogance and fickle disputes were the order of the day, right across whole continents, occupied by several cultural groups. Groups who had lived violently as warring neighbours for so long, and had lost how to co-exist, mainly because the ruling warlords, who thought themselves as gods over the masses, and called themselves kings and queens, insisted that it was vital to keep their prestige, wealth and self-importance within their bloodlines and families.

They believed that as these differing language-groups and cultures were ever-growing and drawing closer to each other, in trade mainly, and that land was becoming a premium, they should do everything possible to keep their prestige and power within their upper-bracket dynasties.

So, they inter-married with other similarly aloof warlord families.

However, in their fanatical lust to keep it all within the monarchic elite class, they thought, in an aloof ignorance, that being gods, they could damn-well marry and reproduce with whomever they liked, or with whomever could both provide them with more riches, and more prestige and power against contending rulers from outside their little clique of super-wealthy monarchs.

In their arrogance, they believed they were masters of their own destinies, and in that, became evermore stupid, evermore self-centred and evermore myopic, short-sighted and, arrogant.

Also, below all these foolish charades of a class far above the majority, where the elites lived totally 'other' lives to the rest, below, amongst the rest of each nations' populations, it was mandated by the elites to keep the masses as deceived and as stupid as possible, as a defence against any 'popular uprising' or such.

Before long, long before they were forced by their own unruly beliefs and insane cultural behaviours to explode across the as-yet untarnished planet in search of escape from their own home-grown cultural shitholes, and in search of evermore resources to bolster their own over-consuming lust, greed and wealth-based prestige over their equally stupid upper-class nearby international neighbours, they had become seriously inbred, both genetically and mentally.

Mentally inbred, in that they had so long ago lost any Wisdom of how to read and Respect the world in which they lived, and of how to Commune with the 'Light of Wisdom' essential for sound living, and had in that loss, become spiritually retarded, a result of becoming intellectually, therefore mentally retarded, and fell to rely on ancient written records, and on each inaccurate translation and consequentially more inaccurate interpretation, such that they lost totally how to think and be Intelligent therefore Wise, NOW.

Writing was at first used well, and was an huge aid to their cultures. But as time passed and population and trade expansion increased, writing became more of a means by which the elites (who were the only ones with free time enough to be taught by the society's scholars how to read and write) kept records of the mass of lies they were telling others, so-as to keep track of their deceptions.

As they had long lost purity of mind, so too they had lost the ability to remember everything, so they used writing completely to keep track of their lies, and stopped using it to record worthy truths, etc.

And in their deceit-filled lives, they had led themselves into an endless recycling loop of thinking and acting, until the whole culture, encouraged by their priests, who were firstly but entranced puppets, but blind parrots of useless-but-hypnotic words, forced by the brutal elites to be nothing but compliant sycophants, the whole culture became but one massive mire of endless circling mental and physical activity, useless unproductive thinking and acting. And, it was all lies!

So deep had they spiralled themselves and their whole culture into a bottomless hole of over-consuming, consumption-dependent stupidity, that all the classes could not see things any other way, but to keep serving this elusive, unknowable god of tomorrow, of consuming and working and thinking and inventing essentially 'pure shit', in what became the utterly ridiculous belief that tomorrow, if they invented another machine, tweeted the economic mechanisms just a bit more, spread a bit more propaganda, they'd 'get there', find once more, the truth, and peace would again be with them.

So deep had they burrowed, that none of them could see that, it was all a lie!

And..., worse..., added to this inbred, myopic thinking, long ago the elites of the most powerful principality within that inbred continent, came to believe that their culture was the best that anyone could ever 'divine' and therefore it was imperative that it should be instituted right around the planet.

'At any cost' became the driving mantra.

Many adages became in favour, such as 'the end justifies the means' etc., for they added to the hubris necessary to unthinkingly wipe out anything which stood in the way of asserting their deluded 'superior' culture.

So by the time these wildly errant forces rampaged away from their own mire of stupidity, their forward explorers and armies and colonial governors were deeply, deeply insane, such that when they came across untarnished, Pure Peoples, all they could see were both, opportunities to profit from those other People's military weakness, yet frightening people. Frightening because, they were happy in their simplicity.


After centuries of this sad, and tragic belief system being forcibly spread across this parallel planet to Earth's, as advances had been made in parallel with the need to know what the enemy was doing, in methods of communication, the elites had learned that the way to afford and improve their advantage was to market products to the insatiable masses.

So, in step with the colonisation of the planet by these utterly insane technology-hungry global plunderers, went the spread amongst the masses of the technology, and, with that, information and teaching of facts and knowledge about optional methods of government, of culture and of what options there were available.

Also, within sections of the middle-to-upper classes, there hummed small numbers of savvy dissidents, who saw the horror of the culture they were born into, and, away from the throng, away from the prying eyes of the authorities, they went about undermining and exposing the terrors of 'big government' big corporation, big law, big military, big secret services, big idiots, etc.

Soon enough their efforts would be recognised by the masses as of immense value.

While these noble efforts were challenging the dominant powers, so too were the growing forces of organised lower and marginalised classes.

The organisation was most focused in certain groups, clubs and gangs, made-up mostly of returned war servicemen, who had come home to see with very different eyes, the culture, people, and lifestyles they had mostly volunteered to defend in warzones.

After facing the horrors of the frontlines, death ever-present, bloodied, limbless bodies part-and-parcel of their minutes, hours, days, months and often years fighting unwinnable wars, against soldiers, Warriors, exactly the same in Courage, Merit, Tenacity and Patriotism as themselves, returning to their old suburbs, counties, farms, friends and societies was too hard to handle for most of them.

Nothing of these was worth saving, at the price they and their mates paid, when they saw with war-weary eyes the small, trivial occupations, pastimes and ambitions of their home worlds.

When they weren't driven to drown their turmoil in intoxicants, they were going crazy, violent, uncontrollably angry and as often causing chaos.

After one major war, which was secretly orchestrated by the elites of the home continent of the invaders of whom this story speaks, a war which involved the most number of different nations ever, and which caused the highest number of casualties ever, both mainly because of the advances made in technology by weapons manufacturers, worldwide there was the largest number of really pissed-off war veterans ever.

And, added to their numbers, there were huge numbers of them extremely highly-trained Warriors. Warriors who knew perhaps better than any, the value of discipline and of organisation.

While many were ignored by the authorities and governments who'd sent them off to be cannon-fodder, and felt deserted, so were left no option but to become dependent upon intoxicants to quell their inner disturbances, others were not so easily defeated.

They now knew that the enemy of their own survival and of the people from whom they'd come, was not away over the oceans in foreign lands and warzones, but were right in there in their home countries, cities and towns!

They saw clearly that something was terribly wrong and indeed evil with everything they had previously taken as precious.

So, no longer afraid of death or injury since their times in warzones, and left outside the societies they came home to, really pissed-off, they saw no reason to respect hometown coppers or governors or priests or soft, fancy rich people.

But mostly, they saw no reason to respect the lifestyles and material products their society held so high and regarded as sacred.

'Laws', were seen, were known, as pernicious falsities made to protect evil possessions and idiots.

And even morals and ethics were seen as, indeed, were known to be weapons used by the elites to have the masses behave, while the same elites completely ignored any moral or ethical codes to carry-out their atrocities elsewhere.

And so, it was more honorable to ignore them and to break them, if they stood in the way of getting what they needed.

And all these so-called 'laws' and 'morals', and 'ethics' were exactly what the elites were using against the masses, to prevent the masses from getting even just the essentials of a secure community and some land upon which to grow food and shelter and to nurture, raise and teach the children, etc.

Of course, ignoring and breaking these corrupt 'laws' was only done when no-one would catch them at it, because they knew the coppers were fools and puppets, and had powerful weapons. A dangerous combination.

Nevertheless, as things happen, like any human group who organises themselves, one basic need is to increase numbers, especially if they have opposition. And as the opposition was the establishment, they had also to be savvy, and well informed.

So added to their disdain at the establishment for sending them to false industry-and-commerce wars, instigated purely so large elite-owned corporations could make immense profits, they also found that the corporations were in fact killing their own people, AND their own beloved countries.

All of them cherished escaping the urban insanity to the country. But there was, because of the large corporations' endless demand for resources, less of the country to get away to. Everywhere there were factories and industrial estates churning-out useless products and pollution, and massive corporation-owned farms which decimated the natural environment, all to feed the stupid desires for useless products, and, and.., unhealthy foods, of idiots back in the cities.

Nah!” the ex-servicemen found themselves saying.

Gotto do something about that shit!”


After a few decades of fighting hidden home-front wars against what became known as 'the man', these types of Warriors, Outlaw Warriors, who were soon enough known generally as 'Breakers', came to see and hear the same objections being voiced by other tribes.

Tribes they had 'traditionally' been antipathetic to.

Originals, one of them.

Greens, an Other.

Amongst Breakers, one or two voices were heard to ask, “why not join forces with 'em?”

So, before long, 'surprising activities' were making it into the mainstream news bulletins.

Then, one day, in this land of the Originals, the news broadcast an announcement.

Today three Uluruban cultural Tribes officially came together at a formal gathering to talk about the formation of what they have called, 'An Other Parliament'.

In this meeting of three very different cultural groups, Greens, Originals and Breakers, leaders from each group showed unity in their wish and plans to begin discussions around forming an Other Parliament to the official parliament of the nation.

An Other Parliament which shall initially discuss how to go about designing new, True laws, and a True society and culture, which are scientific, economic and Wise.

It is intended to hold it's inception at Ausrocklia, perhaps the most Sacred obelisk to the Originals, in the nation's centre, where all senior members of the three tribes, seven thousand seven hundred in all, will conference for three months, designing The Law, for the Other Parliament and the Other Nation.

The Other Parliament will thereafter meet via teletalk for two days of each week, from the offices of their Other Local Councils.

The Other Parliament will run in concurrence with the current national parliament, invite voluntary groups and counties to join, be not in conflict with the current national parliament, or it's laws, unless the two parliament's laws are found to be in conflict with each other, whereby the Other Parliament shall call a Council of the two, to discuss the dispute according to the Original's Laws and Traditions.

The Other Parliament will be primarily merely an experiment in exploring options to what the three tribes have agreed is an irretrievably corrupt system of so-called 'peoples' government, as operates in the official national parliament, and has already set down plans to become an actual and real system of Other Government to the present one by new year's day.

As yet there has been no comment from any of the mainstream political organisations.”

By new year's day, the mainstream political houses were in turmoil. In all the parties, the majority of politicians had resigned from their positions as representatives.

Droves of people were joining the Other Parliament's Co-operatives right across Uluruba.

Mainstream retail stores were closing down by the hour.

Stock markets were plummeting.

Internationally, similar changes were occurring, and the masses in all nations were deserting the cities with basic camping equipment to take up residence on farming land, and the farms were awash with people tilling the soils, planting vegetable crops, digging earth for mud-brick manufacture, and for water reservoirs, etc.

In mainstream parliaments, the remaining politicians mostly sat silent, stunned in disbelief.

City streets were deserted of people and traffic. Only looters were seen. No-one stopped them.

The military everywhere found quick they had no option but merely to help manage the transition, by aiding traffic movements away from the urban centres, helping people with their movement from the 'burbs, and constructing half-way campsites and kitchens on the roads and highways outside of the cities and towns.

Crime fell to all time lows, hospitals fell into disuse.

Professionals, corporate executives and clergy found themselves dying of starvation and insanity.

Motor cars became temporary storage and housing while the masses built their muddies on the co-operative lands.

The Originals, the Greens and the Breakers managed the change, and taught the masses the few details of 'The Law'.

'Pay the Land Rent', being the first.

...to be........

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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Three Wise Tribes


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