Outlaw Junction News-Chop
NOTE: What follows here may be interpreted as affirming the mass murders which occurred in Norway last week end. They do not affirm any such thing.
The Norwegian mass murderer is being labelled by his lawyer, as insane.
Meanwhile over in Britain, interviewed on the BBC no less, an analyst says that with all the evidence so far, the fellow who murdered some 80 Norwegians 'tother day, is NOT insane!
Is the shooter's lawyer merely covering his reputation and back by saying his client is nuts?
Fair enough if he is, of course.
But, from here, and from Britain, it seems that the culprit may actually have a case, by saying that he believes 'we', a general term of course, 'are at war'!
That he says this, and went out and partook of that 'war', by killing the many he did, is clearly a more Righteous act (whether or not you think his actions at all excusable) than the likes of the USA's GW Bush/Dick Cheney (also extreme right-wing) national government declaring war on Iraq, then sending some hundreds-of-thousands of other people - US, NATO and allied troops - overseas to their death and permanent post-war damage, to commit in fact worse war crimes than this 'loner' in Norway has done.
As well..., Anders line is backed-up with each news bulletin.
The 'allied forces' right now are at war in Libya, Afghanistan, and other less clearly defined wars are active on most every large tract of land.
Clearly each and every government is doing battle daily with objectionist groups, whether mere softcock opposition political parties in national parliaments, or underworld cabals, mafia, outlaws, rebels, or organised gangs of youth, from both sides of social, cultural divides, such as in Northern Ireland.
Then there are ongoing wars between rival corporations - one petroil corp versus another. One mining consortia versus another. These are as often from the same nations!
One fashion or junk product retailer against another! One alcohol manufacturer against another. One Pizza shop against another! One haberdasher against another!!!?
Oil and other seriously out-of-control corporations which do horrendous damage to THE ONLY PLANET WE HAVE, with their waste and pollution, are engaged in a very serious war against the likes of the world's Environmentalists!
So, for anyone to say that the Norwegian mass murderer was incorrect, inferring he is insane, when he states in his defence, he is engaged in 'a war', places them in the basket of being mentally ill cowards, too uninformed to qualify and venture an analysis of his condition! Or, at least they are guilty of lying, when all the evidence shows clearly that we are at war.
Then, there's the recent headliner of the People, and in the no-man's land between - the politicians, from both sides of the houses, depending which nation we speak of - going-gangbusters against the evil Murdoch News International media cabal!
The so-called 'war-on-drugs' cost billions of dollars and millions of lives, right around the globe, with government resources and police and military forces engaged in ceaseless street battles against druglords and their underground warriors. Et Al.
Surely the last century saw so many wars going-on, many of which still rage either in isolated jungle-islands and sparse deserted regions, NOT, funnily-enough, on the streets of Lovely London (OK! Not quite so...! But bobbies don't shoulder automatic rifles, driving APVs on their beats), or prissy-Paris, or Rome or Zurich, and until last weekend in Scandinavia, but off down the way in Africa, Asia, South America et al et al, and who's so fuckheaded and selectively-blind to not admit, as most every copper in the USA will, that 'it's WAR out there' on the streets they patrol?
As the world is possibly right now, breaking the neck at last, of the most heinous and corrupt WARMONGERING media consortia, News International, which has made false news out of people's wants and needs for any salve while caught in this massively insane world at war, and which has made billions inciting their less-than-intelligent readers/viewers to fight either in the pubs and nightclubs, on the streets, or in 'declared' warzones, is the planet not at a moment of such opportunity as never yet seen, where we can all at last 'Talk True' about such warped phenomena, and say “YES' Anders is correct! The world is at war, and therefore something PRO-active has to be done, to remedy the otherwise terminal situation!”
While I actually still do have an element of sympathy for those grieving the sudden loss of their young ones in Norway, I have to be REAL about this, and say that the Norwegians, like most mainstreamers of the western, white, Jewish-and-Christian worlds, have long-passed the point where we/they are numb to the far larger mass murders which are effected daily elsewhere on Earth.
Can someone do a 'head-count' and establish how many people, no matter where from, die each day from gunshot or warlike injuries?
Surely it can't be less than at least several hundreds?
Then.., let's go round the planet and count how many micro-wars occur daily, hourly...!
Micro-wars being so-called 'domestic disputes' which end with one or more being killed, by petrol bomb or gun or kitchen-knife or baseball bat or ironbar!
Ahum...! White MEDIA AND POLITICAL guy, to be more definitive.
Therefore, while I can see this leading to my being condemned even further for appearing to be siding with a mass murderer, and therefore as having 'questionable' ideals, thoughts and thus possibly motives, I do feel, throwing cowardly caution to the ether, that until the socially, domestically secure pricks, especially those who rant-on about those 'other guys' who are driven to act-out violently, who rant-on usually for 30 pieces of silver to say any-fucking-thing against the government or progressive forces in politics et al, stay with their gutless and selfish objections against the likes of that Norwegian, with the double-whammy of the Murdoch media consortium being exposed and hopefully brought to justice, and the tragedies in Norway, we all should brace our tender little hearts and Act, Righteously, especially in the west, and speak out about the horrendous global situation we are in, which the Oslo bomber/shooter expresses in 'we are at war' and with the killings.
NO-O! I don't advocate mass murder! Quite the opposite!
Besides, are not the world's police forces all guilty of mass murder? That they kill huge numbers of civilians just one-or-twenty-a-day in no way makes the deaths any less 'massive', all added up.
Again, that media is being offered an opportunity to Speak Straight at last, from the Valiant Whistle-blowing against the most pernicious device of Murdoch's mass media, and thus governments are also, surely should spark in them some Collective Courage, to put in words the REALPolitik stories, that - YES! We ARE at war! And therefore, with this break in the tired-old shitstorm of mediated news and political CRAP, we should all get out and start shovelling it away?
Back down the shithole whence it came, perhaps?
And.., to 'draw-down' this fury of fractious fighting words, firstly, may the close-ones of the victims in Norway find solace, perhaps in the knowledge that those who died were war casualties, and were most - the youth at that island camp - doing something to address the 'war' which rages globally, albeit that they sought the 'Fabianist' path of non-violence, within the 'safe' bounds of a Labor Party conference.
But as the shooter clearly knew and understood, the war is large and pervades all corners of our world and Souls, and it is clear that much much more than gentle persuasion and political, diplomatic debate and parliamentary solutions need to be effected, especially while these perceived noble means remain within the cowardly confines of media and authoritarian censorship.
From here, while I seem to stand on the other side of the political divide to the Norwegian murderer, there are things we would no doubt agree on.
One being that yes, the world is sinking further and faster into real-and-present dangers of endless war, and that all the softcockery upclub, uptop, upemselves eloquence which goes on in every parliament and congress and Knesset and Duma, are useless at stopping this devil I call CRAPitalism, and 'Babylon' and other things, like a rampaging Roman cult full of dark-age hexes, which clearly makes otherwise intelligent and passive people do aggressive and evil things.
Also, the Babylonian BBC has to be given much Credit for this morning's interview with a British whatever, psychoanalyst, psychologist... who gave what does appear, surprisingly, an honest and accurate assessment of the Norwegian right-winger.
That the BBC was able to put that brief interview to air, may indeed say something very positive about recent events surrounding demonicly corrupt big media being brought down.
Let's see more and more and MORE of it!
Without doubt, were big media encouraged to be more Honest, more Honorable, thus filing reports and news bulletins with Accuracy and Integrity, firstly, politicians would start to Speak True and become effective legislators with True Laws Institutionalised, and thus, the world would see less and less such tragedies.
From this, then, we might well and rightly be able to deduce that the wars - macro-and-micro - which rage around the world, are in fact initiated, incited and fostered - BY MEDIA AND POLITICIANS!!!
Obviously - it ain't over yet!
Putting all this in perspective, really does put the hoopla and fanaticism surrounding one Honorable Warrior - Julian Assange, his WikiLeaks Teams and the 'Babylon feminist-Swedish-lawyer-with-misanthropism-issues', and not forgetting Private First Class Bradley Manning, or even Aussie Dissident David Hicks, in a very different Light, say-what... upclub Eurape?
As I've said for years, we are at war, and the common enemy of the majority of Balanced, Human Beings sit in high-powered chairs of British, Eurapean, US and other corporate and media entities.
Rarely, in third world nations trying to get out of the hole of under-development. Nor even in 'drugs cartels'!
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