
ABC RN Life Matters - My Comments On Tuesday 4th February 2014 Program

140204 ABC RN Life Matters - My Comments On Tuesday 4th February 2014 Program


Child abuse: Physical and sexual have taken the spotlight of media and royal commissions lately, with no-one touching the intimately related aspect of child 'psychological' abuse.

It's never discussed, that sexual and physical abuses, especially of children, are the overt forms of psychological discipline/abuse.

The result is usually the same, where the mind of the child-to-be-adult, is effected such that they are mentally debilitated for life, making all aspects of performance often complete failures, or seriously less than they otherwise might be capable of.

Sure, being a victim, of psychological abuse of an utterly heinous order - cult manipulation, intending to 'build' a religious 'hero' - and with only one quite minor sexual abuse event, at about 10 or 12 years of age, by my 5 year older brother, I still acknowledge child sexual abuse is terrible and unconscionable.

But again apart from the damage done to either the bodies or sexual organs etc, of effected kids, there is the deliberate intention of effecting their mind. Either to enforce a silence on them against the perpetrators, or to 'condition' them to remain 'loyal' to the perpetrator or cult.

And, there's the worst case scenario of sexual abuse, where the perpetrators abuse purely and most disgustingly, for their own sexual and warped mental pleasure.

I suggest much child sexual abuse begins with that 'hex' of 'self-pleasure' in the immature, adolescent or naïve perpetrators' minds, but, as their guilt or promotion amongst similarly perverse associates spreads, it becomes something of a cult nature, where they are working to build a cult of psychicly advanced people, 'beings'.

However, the psychological effects, and, more importantly and pertinently, the intentions of the abusers, the life long want to have the victim captured in an occult sense, has to be brought to the public's attention, by yourselves.

This is also needing conscious and public recognition in the current and future inquiries about the psychological and occult effects and causes for child sexual, physical and psychological abuses.

More than a victim of child sexual or physical abuse, the psychological abuse is mostly organized by cult misbehavior and intentions.

In fact, 'religion' of the judeo-christian kind, is all about exactly that - psychological and occult abuse, on a massive scale.

Life Matters, Item 2!

Writing this while you discussed the 'perils' of sitting on our bums for too long during our day!

This, after having a recurrence of a burst pile [hemorrhoid] just yesterday, because of my own last 20 years of homelessness, caused by the above-gone-to issue of child psychological cult abuse, my late realization of being such a puppet, thence my JUST DEFIANCE, and the last seven years living out of a ute, with the only seat other than the driver's, being but 180mm at most off the floor [in back].
The cause I 'posit', for my couple of years of a 'leaky bum'. [And, my propensity toward a lack of exercise, out of the general hopelessnees of my 'case of cult child abuse'.]
This, for my doing all I am now able, of using my laptop computer [sitting in back of ute] to design an impossible to complete mobile hut for the ute, and writing REALPolitik items and comments to the internet media websites.

All, because I will not play 'Jesus'.

Also, as I have to run the diesel engine for sometimes an hour, to recharge the ute and the laptop batteries, I expect I'll contract cancer eventually.

Thanks mum!” [Mum, who denies her own and thus my Aboriginality, denies my illegitimate conception/birth, and denies her culpability in a massive plot to fool the world about 'Jesus' returning. What fools the Brit-Euro elites' witches and monarchies were, and still are! To expose this plot alone, would also inform humanity of the enormous dangers and stupidity of abusing the occult, either like the western jewish and christian, and freemasonic cult 'religions' have, and as have been promoted quite irresponsibly by JK Rowling (?) and her 'Harry Potter' novels.]

And thanks ABC Radio National for taking the [30-pieces of] silver from a totally unintelligent, unjust and outright evil cabal of cults, to keep this, my miserable demise, and my Absolutely JUST DEFIANCE, a secret.

Ironic, perhaps, your following 'Life Matters' item being about 9/11?

My Motto, of late, is

Never Forget! Never Forgive! Never Surrender!

See you all [Geraldine! Philip! (MISta 10 thousand acres, indeed!) Fran! Mark! Natasha! et al!] on 'the other side'......

NB: Natasha? I wondered since a few years ago camping in the “Mitchell River National Park” in Gippsland, if you, or your spouse, are descended from the park's namesake? Was he/they, like the Sutherlands, and the Willis', both my mum's alleged ancestors, a 'pioneer' of the late 19th century, who massacred my Ancestor Tribe to extinction?

And to you, Natasha, with my going for the first time to the 'Life Matter's' webpage, I see you sport black hair! And, your eyes? Are they brown, or black?


One in my shoes, or bare feet, has to ask, at least of himself, “Is Natasha also descended from those True Fella Immortals, the Gunai Indigenous Nations of Gippsland?

['True Fella Immortals', coming from the name of the gold mining town, “Walhalla” in central Gippsland, renamed from “Stringers Creek” by the first white settlers/invaders/pioneers/genocidal maniacs, on realizing that my, at least, and possibly your Ancestors, were indeed, Truly, Fully Enlightened Peoples.

Hence “Immortals”, whom they slaughtered for the “gold nuggets as big as a man's fist, lying in the streams” as told to me personally by my Gunai Grand Father 'Donald Sutherland Willis'.

He, and my Aunties and Uncles, who witnessed their Nation being shot to extinction by the whites 26kms up the Tamboritha Road, from Licola, in 1900.

Know anything about that, Natasha?

We are NOT Dung Beetles. 'Life' does NOT survive on bullshit!” quote, Just Defiance, February 2014.

Nor, upon fabrications about “9/11” 2001.

Brayakooloong Gunai Indigenous Outlaw

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Travelling 4x4 Tent of

General Blue Meanee
Commander Notorious
General War Pig


Bleck - Green - Red
Wisdom - Intelligence - Honor
