
My Comment to The Guardian on "Australian Farmers Should Not....."

140206 My Comment to The Guardian on "Australian Farmers Should Not....."

The fact that Australian farms are almost entirely family owned and operated should not make them a special case more worthy of government assistance than other professions
Paula Matthewson
theguardian.com, Wednesday 5 February 2014 19.33 EST

Good, plain-talking article.

Our 'farmers' used to be regarded as 'the salt of the earth', until citiphiles in lab coats, and others with a generally broader view of the world, established that our 'farmers' are doing the most horrendous damage to the larger, underlying ecology, upon which ALL 'life on earth' is totally dependent, with their terribly destructive farming processes, from the chemicals, through the broad-acre, monocropping, killing the crucial biodiversity, to the 'family-owned' so small occupancy-and-employment, community-destroying structures. ET cetera!

Then, things like cattle, sheep, and trendy smaller herds, are not compatible with the nature of our soils. Soils evolved over billions of years into the once-magnificent ecological and biological balance the planet once was.

Then, all, or most all being less-than-Einsteins, either being able to exist on 'government hand-outs' and/or the interest they accrue from 'owning' huge swathes of [stolen Aboriginal] land, whether or not the 'farm' is 'pumping' out dollars from invasive herds and/or crops, there's the 'preferences' most choose, of one lazy-ass'ed form of making a rural living - cattle, being pretty bloody easy to 'grow', or another, which do little for the overall food supply, other than for those who can afford a nice piece of meat, each night.

Add, the deforestation running amok, so same-same dumb-as- 'farmers' can spread MORE bullshit over the delicate biodiversity-soils? Nevermind the crucial dependence upon all the wunnerful critters, large-and-small, natural, and old-growth forests nurture, protect, and birth, to keep the overall ecological balance!

'Farmers' might be the word applicable to People who divine, and employ the Science to discern what overall better crops and stocks they can have, better for the 'All Things Considered' perspective, and way to make a living.

'Farming' cannot continue, based on each different occupant's preferences in what and how they abuse the land.

Dreamy heads, having idealized images put into their minds as kids, about being a 'cattle farmer' or a broad-acre wheat farmer, etc, without any REALPolitik assessments and evidence as to their broader, longer-term biological viability?

The land is our Mother, Cockheads, so YOU have the largest responsibility to know that everything you put in, on the land, and everything you reap off it, only adds to the overall health and perpetual sustainability of MUM EARTHA!

And, though far your eyes are from perceiving this, YOU 'Farmer', have the PRIMARY Responsibility to ensure everything you think, dream, say and do to MUM EARTHA, only adds to the overall health and perpetual sustainability of Her little babies - the human race!

[Agricultural manual labor, is the healthiest occupation on earth! "BAN TRACTORS!!!" (A little joke there!)]

As treasurer ho J- Jo Hockey made a noise with the other day, "...the 'age of entitlement' is over".

Especially..., in the primary and thus first and most crucial 'business', industry and spin-off trades of food supply.

Most 'farmers', I'd guess, do in fact know the serious and deadly anomalies extant across our wide and "Bleck" country, in our 'farming traditions' [HA!], and most also see it as one damned HUGE hurdle for anyone to tackle, in terms of making the whole structure and all related systems Right, Sustainable and Proper.

That the corrections that will be instituted, or, everyone and everything be damned, is so big an issue, is I suggest, why so many don't bother.

But this was what the national 'peak agricultural bodies' and federations are supposed to exist to ensure? HA!

Getting a common consensus across a massively diverse, 'private, selfish' agenda-ridden ideological and cultural range, as we have alone in the bush, not including the craziminds over-populating in the cities, and the 'schools' of thought pumping politicians out at a rate of 'NOT!s', not addressed, and forced into popular debate, consensus and correction, is our downfall.

But HEY! We can always buy CHINESE apricots, or South American oranges, aye, SPC-Ardmona?


Wake-up meatheads!

My Comment to another commentor

"PM Tony Abbrogate"! It fits!

Nope! the car industry is NOT sustainable, ATC.

Not without a complete 'revolution' in resourcing materials, types of materials ["Hemp"], designs [electric, as per 'Tesla', USA], and the eradication of planned obsolescence. And the A&M industries!

As well, perhaps primary, is educing the intellect out from hiding deep within the consumers' minds. Such that they know and want VALUE, and other crucial things, in their purchases.

This, might - might, bring them into a REAListic age, of having vehicles which do the job of transporting, over the current farce, primary in leading us into the pit/ditch/abyss, of trendoid looking cheap-as-sawdust short-lived [until the paint wears dull] crap.

'Farming' as it is, does the same, but with our taste buds,, more than focusing on rather more important health and nutrition, etc.

Brayakooloong Gunai Indigenous Outlaw

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Travelling 4x4 Tent of

General Blue Meanee
Commander Notorious
General War Pig


Bleck - Green - Red
Wisdom - Intelligence - Honor
