American Health?
There's a huge bundle of things can be said about America -”Only in America” being perhaps the pre-eminent line.
But there may well be a bit of a problem in this bundle, and that may be that we, that-is, the rest of the world, only hear what certain influences within America want us to hear, see, believe?
Most who have an ear to “conspiracies” - fictional and True - accept that much of America's media has been controlled for decades, if not for at least a couple of hundred years, and that things requiring media, such as, for example, the American music industry, have been quite controlled for at least five or six decades.
It may stand to reason therefore, that if apparently “harmless” branches of media such as music have been strictly censored and directed for so long, then who could possibly deny that other branches of media, other MORE IMPORTANT branches of media have been controlled as well?
Anyone care to ask Rupert Murdoch in his next media interview?
Whether it's controls on explicit sexual content, or on even mild-yet-factual sexual content, or whether it's on politics in a tiny and relatively insignificant nation across the globe, “media” has been effectively “interfering” with the information we have been receiving for a long, long time.
As I asked in a recent blog-post “Who DID pay the 'town-crier' of old England?” et al, before Gutenberg developed the printing press, and before newspapers hit the streets?
So, much of what we, the rest of the world, AND, YOU, inside the United States of America, receive via any information “media”, is accurate, honest and unbiased?
AND, HOW LONG has it, where profit-motive has got-into the mix, been inaccurate, dishonest and biased?
Sure, not ALL US media is contorted to suit one powerful agenda-setter or another, and All Strength To Your Armies, Comrades, and to your internet connections, if you are able to get the FACTS out there, into the public arena.
Of course, getting facts out there is one thing, but having a sizable listener/reader/viewer-ship, enough to maintain effective influence on the errors all nations face and struggle with, is another question.
Or, is it?
Last night I blasted-out a Dissenter Missive about an article online going to Australia's coming crisis of a dying Great Barrier Reef, titled “Millions pledged to help save reef” on ABC online.
My blog-post said, amongst other heinous things; “...THEIR ABC is avoiding the HARD FACTS of this type of REALPolitik Necessity, like the plague, because Babylon ex-Templar Zurich et al threaten us with mutually assured nuclear war-type destruction if we employ WISDOM and bring all our economic houses to account - Full and Proper.
Repco's rally through northern NSW this week is their taunt and slap-in-the-face to ALL our environmental defense efforts of the last forty-plus years...” Etc.
In an e-ssay I scribed a day or so before that one, I wrote, on similar subjects, “....As is typical of corporate tyranny, whenever the Righteous have a “win”, the machinery of Babylon automatically “kicks-in” and begins the subversion campaigns, and before long, the Righteous have had to take a step back in the vote, influence, power or publicity polls.
I am quite certain, that were Justice, or whatever, to silence the subversive machinery of the idiots-of-ruthlessness and capitalism, Righteousness would BLOSSOM across the nation and across the globe.”
It's obvious that in America, a significant percentage of the citizenry are cynical-to-the-point-of-futility when it comes to expecting to be told THE FACTS, JUST THE FACTS AND ALL THE FACTS, MA'AM!
So cynical have that percentage of Americans become, that they have lost all hope or faith in their media, and it-seems-to-me, to have been reduced to prefering bullshit, as “ least you know it's bullshit...”, and are therefore saved the trouble of having to search for accreditation or verification, etc., thus avoiding the consequent misery-making concerns about which results to believe.
Yes, I have been swayed into accepting that the United States of America is indeed A, or THE Greatest Nation on Earth, for al it has achieved. The possibly crucial fact that it's success may well be wholly dependent on Immigrants, firstly detracts Due Credit to the Aborigine of the American Continents - the American “Indians”, and perhaps unduly slates those who are from 300 or 400 year-long “Native”, that-is “Native-born American” familial lineages.
No matter. As the USA has grown and grown and groan over it's hundreds of years, enabling millions to become excellent Human Beings, etc., behind the scenes there's always been the “hidden wars” between several power-hungry groups.
Sadly, the hunt for power, seems invariably to corrupt the Soul. Some groups who initially recognize Integrity and Honor and Ethics and such as of Primary Importance in Life, also recognize, as did Niccolo Machiavelli in the 15th century or so, that to “stay in the game” that-is, to be able to avoid being wiped-out by the truly evil aces-in-the-hole, one has to be able to set aside certain ethics and levels, if-I-can, of Integrity.
Therefore on deciding to set the once primary tenets aside, so as to be able to compete in the most effective powerplay on Earth, in-the-end finance, the Good-Guys are reduced to being equally BAD, with the real BADBADREALLYBAD guy.
So, once any notions of Integrity or Rule of Law are lost in a Community, or state, it's a self-snowballing and self-degrading effect which soon-enough takes over, and it becomes one Hell of a job to put the group back on the Straight-and-True.
As I said above, a significant percentage of Americans have accepted that bullshit is all there is, and if we are not to become self-isolated chanting monks, we have to accept it, and learn to enjoy it.
Just what Rupert and the boys like to hear you say.
This isn't a recent phenomenon.
Since the beginnings of trade and barter, we have had to learn to discern between fact and unfact. As “trade-and-barter” is so old, certain cleverdicks must, along “laws-of-averages” theories and lines, rise to the top.
Thus we have the dynasties of the world, capable of influencing every aspect of our daily lives, and, most importantly in these days and weeks and quarterlies, capable of influencing most-everything we have little choice but to believe.
Hence the Commoners' “ least you know it's bullshit...” theory. To stay alive, such a “philosophy” has it's place.
So, when attempts SUCCEED in effecting Genuine and All-Improving CHANGES to the important arenas or cultures such as American politrix, the leaders and shakers of Genuine Corrective Politics are hamstrung enormously just by the “cynicism vote of no confidence”.
That vote may have been honed over generations, into being the Wisest policy an individual can have, however it can quick-as-a-wink become or be turned into the deadliest belief system going, when, and if, Genuine reparations to such as, an ailing economy or energy supply system, or as this e-ssay ios going-to, an ailing medical health system.
While America may well be the Greatest Nation on Earth, it has much which is not so Great for far too many Good, Honorable Americans.
As that old line goes, “the Greatness of a nation can be tested and verified by the way it treats it's least-well-off members”.
America has that “other side” where millions live homeless, uneducated, unemployable, unwell, untreated, and treated unjustly.
This exists, yes, everywhere, but in the main because the powers controlling what we believe would have us turn our backs on our own kind, on our own nation's people, and even on our own family members, have won-the-day in the war of making the most, because we have been repeatedly inculcated with the belief that it is THE INDIVIDUAL'S business to save themselves, and that the larger non-personal Community, made-up solely and wholly of individual persons, has no responsibility to stop, turn around, pick-up the fallen guy, and be with them in the Honorable Stand to end such socially corrosive policies.
I sit “afenced” on large policy issues in the USA like “guns control”, because there is good reason to allow individuals to carry guns and to have the right to defend themselves, in a society where it “de riguere” for bad guys to be packing heat.
But I have to side with the well-being of the larger Community when it comes to ensuring the Masses are properly informed, and are Properly Educated about issues which go to making a better or a worse nation.
Nothing to do with making a richer, more profitable corporation.
And this is where the tire-touches-the-tar in America's, or in President Obama's “Health Care Reform”, and the obstacles he and the Pro-Reformists are hitting.
Because a policy has been acceptable for decades or for centuries, in the realm of manmade laws, to the point where it has become called “a Tradition”, does not make it perennially suitable.
Populations have grown enormously world-over, since most all of our political “givens” or traditions became part of the way of life, and populations world-over have expanded exponentially in their knowledge of the “big game” as Obama called it in Russia a while ago.
As to whether the Masses have become less cynical - perhaps so? Perhaps Optimism is their last frayed lifeline, when they think about the possible end-of-the-supply-of-spoils, and their “guilt” about being useless, helpless and even evil if they can't ensure a reasonably healthy and secure future for their children?
But America has a lot to think about regarding the, regarding ANY “future” for their progeny, and if they are still able to force themselves to shun the bullshit of the partial, biased, dishonest and totally distorting mega-corporatization of government, then they will, if their Devotion to Right-mindedness is Strong and unswerving, they will come to the Righteous and Proper Conclusion that major reforms are urgently necessary in American politics.
I'm writing about “Health Care Reform” here, and, without delving into the Ethical issues of going about our own business with nary-a-care for the unfortunate underclasses of America, only Socialization of the “support networks” of American health care will reduce the burden on every individual. That will also reduce the “guilt complexes” which often underlie our aloof maltreatment of our own kind.
For America, and for the whole planet, we have reached a time when we have to “THINK!' (oooh shii-it?!) about the Collective Well-Being. And that means we have to let go of those staid and expired “traditions” which have helped such as the nation and top 30% of Americans “succeed” (whatever that means?). Traditions which all-too-often, have their roots in one dynastic corporate agenda or another.
In one dynastic religious agenda or another.
When it becomes clear that one nation's lower 30%, 40%, 50% of people suffer and endure penury because of a power war between two sides (or more) FROM ANOTHER NATION, from another continent or global, cultural, socio-political quarter, then it is time the nation trashed those propaganda “traditions” and listened to those who, by-all-accounts, are doing their very Best to make the Nation Survive LONG-TERM, not just until the apocalypse or the end of their term of office.
So, to all those stoic “traditionalists” in the US Congress and Senate, heed these words.
You will exceed all expectations if you can let go, and move with the times. All conclusions from a Genuinely Impartial Political-Science Inquiry, will espouse that capitalism, if held to for too long, is pernicious in-the-extreme, to the point of it being genocidal, and that, the Most Advanced Society, nation, planet has long overcome any and all addictions to me-first living, to where “property” is no longer any issue, but to where Group Security, Group Happiness and Group Fulfillment, from a comfy, warm and safe bed, to the Ascension to Heaven, are more than adequately catered for.
THEN, O you “Conservatives”, will otherwise Good and Loveable Women NOT have to sell themselves to less-than-Holy occupations to be safe at night.
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