The Organization Organization.
Economic Environmental Solutions To Humanity's Political Failures.
By Max Earth
Apologies for this post being so long.........
Having little else to do but raise my Kundalini and embrace the role of a false messiah, where I assume authority over the whole planet, and as likely bring havoc and further destruction to the increasing numbers of idiots, idiots for whom I have little to no sympathy, I spend most of my waking hours observing, contemplating, meditating-on and it seems, Diving solutions to which ever BIG dilemma confronts the broad, BIGGER Issues Humanity faces.
Thus it is, this fine and sunny morning in the reforest.
The world's political leaders have been gathering here and there, from Pittsburg to Bangkok and soon to Copenhagen, to try to resolve the biggest issues the species faces - environmental chaos.
As precursers to these conferences, events which have brought those wealthy egomaniacs to decide to make-out they are doing something effective, we've recently witnessed the 2008 “GFC” or the “global financial crisis”, as well as tremendous “weather events” almost everywhere in the planet, in very unusual patterns of storms, droughts, earthquakes (not weather events) and melting glaciers and polar icecaps, etc.
These have been observed and assessed by the world's top scientists to have been brought about by our own human misbehavior, mainly in the abuse of resources.
Up until this last couple of years, the planet has been under the hex of seriously mental ill psychopaths, mainly in those bodies we call “governments”, but as most know, bodies which are not really governments at all.
Rather, we have been under the apparently unstoppable directional forces of the wealthiest moguls of private industry technology.
Even to now, after apparently more Intelligent individuals and Collectives have wrested the ropes of power from the psychopaths, the planet still seems hexed and thus prevented from engaging our Collective Intelligence, to put to bed, once and for all, the deadly paucity of Wisdom in the halls of power, or, more accurately, we have failed still to put to bed those who cannot restrain their own desirous minds and who deem it as “their right” to uncontrollably interfere with the Proper Role of what we call “government”.
Some years ago it came to mind that “If the People are stupid, Democracy is dangerous. And, if the People are dangerous, Democracy is stupid”.
Watching media out of the United States of America, it is clear that the above statement applies and is running out of control there, for each hour yet another “free speech” advocate manages to get airtime, principally in a commercial media outlets like FOX, to can any Intelligent policy initiatives by our latest batch of “leaders”. President Barack Obama and his Right-minded Health-care reforms being a prime example.
Having been on the extreme outer of “western” and mainstream Australian society for most of my life, certainly for most of my adult years, where I have come through much personal, inner struggle, to be comfortable with my own company, to the point of finding no solace nor sensibility in the company of most all other People, I can but grumble in despair when I hear the likes of Glenn Beck, or Hannity or “O'Reilly” or any of the other mouths who have no engaged Intelligence, but rather who are so broken mentally as to accept material reward for speaking really un-thought-out things to a mass audience. A mass audience who are to me, obviously mentally broken also, for they happily listen to and adopt these cranks' lines which issue-forth all-and-any manner of objections to Sound Political Policy and indeed, to Sound Political Philosophy.
As the global environment appears to be heating-up to the degree of melting the polar icecaps, that alone portending huge calamity to the evolved ways of living of the last 2 or 300 hundred years, there are STILL, paid voices who trumpet that there is no threatening “climate change” and therefore that it cannot be a “manmade” phenomenon.
Last night I plugged-in a television software device to my laptop, and for the first time in over ten years I spent the evening watching TV. Digital TV, no less! The channels I tuned into were all “commercial” network stations, so I laid-back and endured adverts and the mind-numbing sitcoms and news broadcasts, just for a break from something of a fanatical concern of scanning the global news on internet websites.
I was amazed at the quality of digital television, and watched the laptop TV or “box” just for that alone. The shows were more-or-less, merely “fill” to while-away the few hours.
My, my, and haven't they all gone full-tilt at making the most of this new genre of the “virtual”?
Adverts were almost worryingly made-up of what might once have been called “cartoon characters”, but I guess today have a more modern name or term to describe them. I can't condemn this move away from video or filming of actual people in advertisements, to electronically fabricated people and scenery. It surely must be because our advertising agencies save squillions by not having to employ real people for the ads.
But in what we are expected to believe are real-life dramas, the actual (fictional) programs often left what I call “reality” behind and leaped into the virtual worlds of fantasy. I would say that this is OK, but for the deceptions and ensuing delusions which such projected concepts implant into the viewers' minds.
My only real concern about the somewhat less than real shows on TV, is that they are constantly made so as to keep the viewers attention, and thus, to have the viewers watch the advertisements of the channels' sponsors. I rather enjoyed the “cartoons” of kids becoming superheroes, of flying with aliens and stomping the bad guys, and really enjoyed the “real-life” serial called “The Mentalist”.
Years ago, I became aware that commercial television is a dangerous medium, where rather than the advertisements being “breaks” in the programmed shows of sitcoms, dramas, news and current affairs broadcasts etc., it is in fact the other way around, where the sitcoms and news programs are in fact the breaks between the advertisements, made and broadcast to fool the masses to stay watching between the scheduled and high-priced ads!
As in a recent blog, I wrote that were the current psychosis of advertising of material products banned, capitalism would collapse overnight.
But.., what about “jobs-jobs-jobs” and “development” and “improving the quality of life of the people of poorer nations”, etc., etc., etc?
As a famous Britisher once said “BOLLOCKS!”
Not “BOLLOCKS!” to the improving of the lot of the poor People.
But BOLLOCKS! to the deceits our world “leaders” vomit about the need for the world to keep on producing superfluous junk, all on the lane excuse of “so the (stupified) masses are allowed to earn enough money to live in a house, and to eat!”
These senseless ideologies about manufacturing unnecessary product ad-infinitum is, in fact, at the root of the troubles the whole planet faces.
Yet, getting onto the subject I'm herein addressing, about “Economic Environmental Solutions To Humanity's Political Failures”, the so-called “leaders” of all our nations are scrambling to hold conferences, talk-fests and “discussions” on how to stave-off the disaster which their politics of deception is bringing us?
Pittsburg, Bangkok and the upcoming Copenhagen conferences cases in point!
Going back to my being brought up-to-speed last night on where the world of entertainment and advertising is at, it is clear that the forces which addict the “white” first or western world to the new world lifestyles in the fast-lane to doom, have triumphed over Reason, Intelligence and Wisdom on Earth.
How on Earth could anyone slow it all down, so-as to give People, the whole Human population, a solid reason to “pause” and genuinely, seriously, and reasonably re-evaluate their lifestyles, and turn from the mainstreet fast-lane in a global cul-de-sac, to living in a Balanced and “sane” world?
All Things Considered (ATC) there seems only one way?
“Destruction”. Decimation of the species!
As things are, in 2009, it seems we have only to leave the Becks and Hannitys and O'ReALLYs?, all nicely paid their thirty pieces of silver by the Murdoch family of psychoes, to do their well-financed thing, of causing further chaos in the minds and hearts of the already seriously confused American masses, and destruction of the environment and thus of it's inhabitants - HUMANITY - is ensured!
With such an enormous steamroller of ignorance squashing Wise Human Culture to extinction, it is a foregone conclusion that we are all damned, especially when our so-called national “leaders” are such soft-cocks as to be petrified of getting-up on the world-stages of Pittsburg and Copenhagenenenen et al, and doing what they SHOULD be doing, and actually GOVERNING the species?
Oh!? But what about “jobsjobsjobs????” and “developmentdevelopmentdevelopment???” and “voter popularity???”
As in my last blog, I scanned a website yesterday which trumpeted the “option” of stopping global warming and climatic disaster for only 9 billion US dollars!
“A Smarter Approach to Climate Change” was the BARREN'S article title, which can be found at The Wall Street Journal's Digital Network:
Well, as in that e-ssay of mineminemine! I cann the concepts and the so-called economists who give the $9 billion solution, as being right out of touch with reality. Maybe they've been watching too much television from their dust-free laboratories?
If the representatives who are to attend the Copenhagen conference in December this year are not quite as deluded as the 9 billion dollar club, nor as the swiss bankers who proffer options for saving the shareholders spoils, then they should think of the REALPolitik Solutions to the mounting troubles Humanity faces.
From where I'm posited, by the Catholic church and the elites of Britain and Eurape no-less, to figure-out how to save the Christian mindless masses from self-consumption, it appears that the first thing EVERYONE on Earth MUST DO, is ORGANIZE OURSELVES.
Not, as Beck-Hannity-O'Really-Murdoch-and “WHO-O..., is Mista Brown” seem psychoticly intent on doing, which is organizing everyone elses life to suit their own minuscule ego-centred agenda.
But we all must first-and foremost, ORGANIZE our own minds, so that we can operate autonomically in sorting where our priorities should be.
For if we are not organized in ourselves, where we know what has always to come first, then we are not just useless at helping others, we are actually dangerous to others.
However, harder it is, to achieve such a state of mind and life, for we are constantly bombarded back-into-confusion by the very likes of our commercial advertising televisual networks, and those whence their executives, talking heads and lesser employees almost invariably come from - the western, that-is Christian church schools.
The very same institutions which pump-out the so-called professors of economics and finance, who are so up themselves as to call themselves “scientists”, and who put forward the most bizarre “options” for stopping their own kind, from furthering the destruction of the planet's environment.
Watching the programs last night, re-confirmed to myself that no “popular vote” is going to stop the fast-lane society from hitting the wall at the end of the global cul-de-sac, and therefore, conferences like the one in December at Copenhagen, are puerile “noise” by our uptop upclub of global elites, to fool the world into thinking they are doing some serious thing to slow or prevent the collapse of the environment and thus further extinction of huge numbers of age-old Earthly life-forms.
So, who DO we turn to for REALPolitik Solutions to the stupidity of errant Human behavior???
Nimbin? Hollywood? Findhorn? North Korea? Orion? Aborigine? MORE PILLS! MORE PILLS!? Tibet?
Bah! 'Ave anutha BEER, mayte!
Well, sorry for being so prolix, wordy, and derogatory toward the deriders of Intelligent Political Philosophy. As I wrote above, the Catholics and the Brit-Eurapean elites let me do little else.
ENERGY, is a word which helps us begin the adventure up to saving what's left of the environment and thus our own lives.
WASTE, is it's accompanying antithesis.
If Humanity, that is, YOU AND THE OTHER BLOKE, er, me, can minimize our rampant waste of energy in everything we do, we begin to reduce the damage our excessive lifestyles do to the planet.
But we can hardly do that, when those who force their ideas upon us are extreme in their loose-use of energy.
The chief loose-use proponents are our multinational corporations, which is an irony, because they are usually the best at employing “economy-of-scale” management plans. Plans which enable their kind to be so profitable, aside from their brutal destruction of poor, usually third-world Communities, so-as to access and steal the resources there-under.
Today we are brought to live under social management concepts called “corporate governance”, which, if it makes for more efficient governments, is a very good thing.
However, it is also a suitable tag to say that in fact, our public services of National and Community government are controlled by private corporations.
However-however...., the reality is that it has pretty-much always been the latter. It's just that the elites of all large societies, which have come to be called nations - kings, monarchies, et al, have had to take-on the role of “governing” their societies. For without the uptop elites and classes so-doing, their “nation” would fall into disarray, and thence the monarchies would be toppled.... by another warlordal monarch.
The Kings and Queens of the past have always been the CEOs of private companies called nations.
So, for any resolution to our slow-advance to global annihilation, the whole of us as One Species must quick, work to arrest government of our Communities from the tight-fists, of the inbred and psychotic elites of our private nations.
For the models for government which have ruled for eons on Earth, have reached the end of their tenable cycle, and it is time all of us recognized this, and adopted the Most Practical Options of Organized Personal and Communal living.
It is as if the Fundamental Tenets upon which the most dominant culture has been based, must be either discarded, or re-written.
But Culture, is not based on the lowest aspects of “Life”. It comes down to our Human level from the Higher Realms.
Attaining to those Higher Realms is everyone's Right, and Duty, and, with the Right Education is within everyone's Ability. For if someone has to live under a regime which does not make sense to them, or is of rules which they as individuals cannot understand, then it is not possible for that culture to be sustained, because, soon enough those who don't understand it, will not be able to make the correct decisions, thus mistakes and errors will be made, mistakes which today we call crimes, will be committed and the society will fail.
A la today's global slum-er-village!
Rules which are corrupt, will not make sense to some number of the population. While many, perhaps the majority may accept corrupt rules, they may as likely not understand them. So, when a time comes that they have to comprehend the rules, or teach the rules to, say, their children, further errors will be made-manifest, which will at some stage make for errors in thinking, so the next one to follow those errant thoughts and beliefs will make bigger mistakes because the root formula upon which they are taught to think, will be themselves flawed, and will increase the errors in the thinking processes of later-on.
This is where and why I slam the white, western and Christian cultures as not knowing how to “think”, because “thinking” is an important and delicate process, and is not really thinking if it is being used to figure out or Divine ideas and solutions from untrue, false, errant information bases.
In analogy, it might be related to the flaws which plagued the “Microsoft” computer software programming, as compared to the more simple computer languages of such as “Linux” and Macintosh, et al.
If the original base upon which the following software operates is faulty, then the later operations will fail. Then, the only way to fix any later problems, is to put “band-aids” on top of the earlier programming faults. In Microsoft computers, this was by adding a bucket-load of other extra programmings to take the processing around the glitch, which only makes the route longer and susceptible to more faults and failings. (Sorry Bill! That's the best I can explain it. Obviously, I'm NOT a computer programmer, but I do suspect, many lovers of Linux and Macintosh will accept my hypothesis as an adequate analogy.)
So, in regard to our global economic and environmental woes, trying to fix them by resorting to corrupt ideas, and ideologies, as in our current systems of government of the pubic, by private organizations, we are not thinking aright, because the original data is corrupted, so all results from it will be faulty, and will fail.
It is the pre-occupation of today's political technocrats to presume, because of this faulty mental processing, that we can merely apply technological fixes to the problems of post-industrial-revolution political ideology, and like “A MIRACLE!” all will be cured.
Flawed mentations, all of it.
It's saying, in it's boffin-speak, that all we have to do is burn more polluting energy to reduce the pollution and the use of energy.
As the saying goes “WHAAH@#$%^&*?!”
I could go on about WHAT this type of insanity in public, governmental ideology and policy does to the minds of the individuals who are expected to understand and accept it. I wont, other than to say, were Humanity to throw out all the errant mentations and beliefs and ideologies in our governmental laws and policies upon which we are expected to live, and replace them with EVIDENCE-BASED, FACTUAL, SCIENTIFIC ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE and, therefore EVIDENCE-BASED, FACTUAL, SCIENTIFIC ECONOMIC Political Policies, there would be the most dramatic decline in social and personal madness. To such an extent that the destruction of the environment and of the societies in which we survive would begin to decline rapidly.
It is not to be “sneezed at” that Australia's Aborigine DID NOT suffer mass insanity, nor endemic crime, nor malodorous thinking, nor, NOR the effects extant in places like Eurape, from inbreeding.
This, I say, I say, is because they also, for ever-and-a-day, until 1788 and the white northern invasion, were strict and Wise in making sure they taught their progeny to speak the Truth, and, to live within True Laws, not laws which were biased toward the advantage of one group within their own Tribe or Nation.
However, as a disclaimer, from what I've read about the Aborigine Nations who were the first to come into contact with the white peoples in and around Port Jackson in 1788, the coastal Peoples, whence came the Fella Benelong and the other Fella (?) who got to mix with the First Fleet whites, lived in some dread of the Aboriginal Mob who lived up the mountains to the west. I seem to recall there was a perpetual state of war between them, and that the message translated to the whites was that the mountains mob were evil, though they were generally able to exist and live Happily on their own territories most of the time. What one draws from this is unclear, but it suggests that there were at least differing laws, which diminishes the likelihood that ALL Australia's Aborigine had ONE Law to live under. But I've not tried to say there is only one law, or one True Law for everyone to live under. Just that there are precepts, which go to not lying, especially in the management of the wider Community that we know as “government”.
The inequities of the world seem to me to have their roots in corruptions of the passed, where someone was, for whatever reason, forced to lie about the laws.
Actually a little known fact is that the first lie was spoken by a bloke in Scotland, when he drank the juice of a pot of rotten grains, got pissed, felt good, and told his missus it was medicine. He figured out the recipe and called it whiskey!
Not many people know that!
As its obvious we can't reject technology, we have to live with it, and use it to cure the problems.
In terms of our unquellable use of motor vehicles, I put it that it is upto our governments to institute the best technological knowledge to how vehicles and other fueled machinery operate.
I think it was Mercedes Benz who produced vehicles which were able to shut-down fuel supply to a number of the engines cylinders once the vehicle was in motion. It is obvious that most power, or fuel is necessary to get the vehicle up to speed, and to travel at practical speeds up hills etc., but that once at a practical speed, much less power is necessary to stay at that rate. So why don't the authorities make it law for all engine makers to design the same ideas into all engines?
I feel sure the main reasons engine makers do not design in such changes is because one, the petroleum corporations survive and profit from overuse of fuel, and two, because they are unable, through retooling costs, etc., to alter their traditional designs.
There's one idea to start with.
I believe that were we to use the resources, principally the Land more efficiently, most of our consumption problems would diminish enormously. But as the society is so cemented in the private ownership of land models, that is not going to be possible to institute into the planet's governing policies in any short period of time. So we have to do everything else to make our lives more efficient, that is more economical.
Whatever policies come from the conferences being planned, it is clear to me that the world has to wrest control of our use of energy from the self-interested “private” profit-centred corporations, so that Impartial laws are put in place.
But to do this, it will reach the stage where we will have to come-down on the ungoverned private industries who have so much influence on whoever needs their products, and we cannot do this if we are operating on unscientific laws, because Scientific laws cannot be divined from laws which are not True. Which are not Scientific.
In the end, the most fundamental laws will have to be arrived at and introduced. Otherwise, running on unscientific laws will only perpetuate inefficiencies in our use of energy and resources, creating dangerous amounts of waste and deadly pollution.
As it is primarily only Humanity's out-of-control egos which insist on being stupidly wasteful, because we like it like that, I say again that it is therefore up to each of us to win-back control of our own minds, so that we KNOW what are our Priorities in life.
Clearly the craziest beliefs and most dysfunctional behaviors prevail in the western psychology, and that has it's foundation in our pathetically stupid “beliefs” forced down our throats by our western religions. Religions which have told us for at least 1500 years, to put our “faith” in some mysterious “other bloke” the mythological and fraudulent “messiah”.
So, while we remain living our unsustainable lives because the church says it's OK, and that all will be solved when the messiah returns, Humanity is doomed.
Just, I suspect, what the ponses in the Vatican and other cultural headquarters planned, perhaps thousands of years ago?
While softcocks of our political clubs genuflect to the errant ideologies of Rome and Lambeth et al, Humanity is doomed.
But how do the Intelligent members of the Global Tribe break with such spellbinding traditions?
The Good Life, is the One in which we PROTEST! every time a bad law or belief tries to dominate.
To the Barricades, Comrades!
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